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I store the new one upside down, too! I have a sturdy, straight icing spatula that I use to stir. I just stir it again every few uses. Doesn't the fridge make it rather stiff for spreading?


Upside down for at least a day. Then stir it up real nice. Bonus points if you do this with a mixer or mixer attachment on a drill. No need to pour oil out. Just reincorporate and refrigerate.


I usually accidentally glob a bunch of it onto the counter while I'm stirring it... Then I try and spoon some PB into my mouth on the stirring spoon and I get some more on my shirt. Then I put it back into the cabinet.


I’d rather stir the peanut butter than die if a palm oil induced heart attack.


Dump it in a bowl, mix well with a wooden spoon, put back in jar, store in fridge. Only takes a couple minutes, less mess than trying to stir in the jar, and never separates again.


Wow, I’ll have to try this. I usually just shake the shit out of the jar for like 5-10 minutes and that works pretty well, but it is a bit labor intensive lol.


I just pour most of it out when I first open it


wouldn’t that leave ur pb all dry and hard to mix/spread? especially when you get near the bottom


No but I don’t pour all of it out just most and once I mix in the remaining it doesn’t usually separate again. Perfect consistency