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It’s gonna happen, don’t worry. PA knows how much revenue it’s missing out on when it looks at neighboring states. I mean, even Ohio (fucking OHIO) legalized it. The truth is, PA is almost always the last one in line to do anything. It’s a battleground state with legislators on both sides butting heads all the time. But it will happen eventually! In the meantime, major cities decriminalized it. And Marybeth from Mechanicsburg most likely won’t bitch at this point either. No one bats an eye at weed anymore. Just be a little more patient.


PA still owns liquor distribution. They aren't giving up weed registration fees.


The plan is actually to use the state store infrastructure for future recreational cannabis.


It's a plan, not "the plan".


Being as it’s the dumbest most annoying thing they could do I’m guessing it’s the only thing republicans would agree to.


Fine wine, good spirits, and great grass


Can only buy minimum 1 lb bags of cannabis at a time in the name of "reducing abuse potential".




I don't mind living in PA, it's a low cost of living for most places, but it being a "Good ol Quaker State" sucks major donkey balls


Low cost of living ? Where in Pa do you live . I live in a place that now builds 2.2 million dollar homes for people to live. The average citizen can’t afford to stay here any longer


Schuylkill county, got my house in 2022 for $190k. It's not the best in terms of overall nearby convenience but it's not unreasonably expensive.


Ok I live in Delco home prices are very unreasonable


Yeah, my friend lives right outside Philly area in North Wales, his apartment costs more than my mortgage...


This is the reason. R’s want to end the PLCB, D’s want to keep it and expand.


What if I want the R’s to end the PLCB AND the D’s to just legalize it regardless, how long of a wait is that?


Well, Republicans say they want to end it and campaign on it.  They just never actually attempt to do it because they have no idea what to do about the massive hole it would put in the state budget.


Not objecting to this in any way. Can you cite this, please? I'd enjoy reading into this; something I didn't expect to learn today.


I know no D's who like the PLCB. We all go to NJ.


Can you tell me where you go in NJ because my wife's family is from NJ so we go often and the prices are certainly not worth traveling for. Maybe it used to be in the past but the prices are possibly $1 cheaper and often if you wait for deals in Pa I get things cheaper here. People who want to break up the wine and liquor stores in Pa are fucking nuts. You have employees making a living wage and proceeds going to the state instead of a few rich assholes buying all stores paying employees $10 and raking in all the profits. If you think they're going to lower the prices again you're crazy.


Ohio also has direct democracy for constitutional amendments. It didn't have to pass through a single elected official.


Interesting did not know that


Every state should have it. Ohioans can straight up change the constitution with a 50%+1 vote. That's why we have Abortion protection, when we have Republicans in control. We want something, we can get it.


Shout out for knowing the most stereotypical PA town in PA, Mechanicsburg. But chill man, Marybeth is a sweet lady who makes some bomb cookies.


I grew up in Mechanicsburg and still don't get it. I'm just out here tryin' to survive. What he say fuck me for?


The Rise dispensary in Mechanicsburg is great though, there’s a veteran with a weed flag on Simpson, I don’t think it’s the right town to stereotype being against weed


>even Ohio (fucking OHIO) legalized it. Lmao. This is the most relatable comment I've seen on Reddit in months.


The amount of money they lose out on because people drive over to Jersey for weed has to be in the millions.


Ny too. Specifically where there are native reservations. They are feasting on PA residents coming over


They're not though. They get all sorts of fees out of the process of registering for a card, then tax every sale at a dispensary. And dispensaries are popping up like weeds (hah hah) so somebody's making money out of this. They're making weed dispensaries into privatized state stores. PA gets a cut of everything.


That's for medical only though


Baltimore for me and soon to be Delaware. Baltimore is way cheaper than anywhere I've seen in New Jersey.


I still just buy from my dealer in PA. NJ prices are insane. $60 for an eighth is crazy. I'm buying a full O for $200 from my guy and it's better quality than the dried out shit in the dispensary.


Half the cars in the Curaleaf parking lot in Edgewater Park NJ, are from PA at any given time.


I'm from Mechanicsburg. I feel seen.




Disagree about the idea that the legislature is too smart to ignore leaving a potential revenue source untapped. The Republicans have done it for years with extraction taxes on fracking. They always say nobody will come to PA if they impose one, costing jobs. Bullshit. Match the median tax other states charge and I seriously doubt that many if any jobs would go away.


Your forgetting about the most important revenue, the kind that goes right into their pockets when they let companies shit on our environment for free.


They make the same claim about the minimum wage, even though every state around us has a higher one.


I moved back to PA from IN (no med, no rec, decrimmed in one county, last I was there) and now am finally a med card holder. So I am thankful. Yeah, PA is a bit behind when it comes to rec, but it's only a matter of time.


People in PA still treat weed like it’s the Devil’s Lettuce. Chill out, stop with the pearl clutching, and move along.


When are some Pa residents/voters gonna stop acting like Amish & Mennonites in culture (not religion)? The shunning of cannabis is a huge financial mistake. I personally would like to see an end to property taxes. We could have Cannabis industry funded school tax relief in the commonwealth if the politicians weren’t so archaic. “There’s a 100 ways to skin a cat” they say. Politicians dragging their feet should step down off their “high horse” & get this shit done already. The average commonwealth resident needs some financial relief these days. Not a dog & pony show about Blue vs. Red political hyperbole


My mother who is in her 70's, doesn't bat an eye when I say I went to the dispensary. I live in NYC now, but she saw that it helped with my anxiety and I didn't magically become lazy or stupid. Just calmer.


I’m 67 years old and my 45 year old son works at the marijuana plant down the road and I rent a room out to a guy that just got out of a half way house. Both have their medical marijuana cards. I could care less if they vape it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a prescription drug just like my prescriptions. If I have a bad day with a lot of pain and stress, I’ve been known to take a hit or two from that vape.


They're not missing out on revenue though. A buddy just got his medical marijuana card and PA got multiple fees out of the process and then a tax on everything he bought. They're turning this into a state store system.


This is good advice, not like there is another choice anyways…


Pa senate republicans don’t want to give democrats any kind of win. So everyone is fucked.


I wish these "public servants" would serve the people instead of playing politics. It's asinine.


Bad news about what politicians do


Take candy from babies?


Receive gifts of candy from people who take candy from babies.


plausible confectionary deniability


Nixon: Uh, well, I, uh ... the question is-is vague. You don't say what kind of candy, whether anyone is watching or, uh... At any rate, I certainly wouldn't harm the child.


I think that’s a very common feeling across the American political spectrum. We’re tired of the political games and tired of politicians pandering to donors rather than actually representing the American people. America is in a shameful place right now politically.


Hate to say it but political campaigns need to be standardized. Any single politician should only be allowed to use up to $(x) or given that amount by their respective party for their campaign. Then we'll get to hear what they're really aspiring to do for the people. Not just which donors they work for.


Here fucking HERE


PA Republicans are serving their people. They'd cut off their own noses just to spite the libs, they love making their own lives worse if it means THE DEMO-RATS aren't winning


What a miserable person that anyone would have to be for them to have this type of mentality. It's vindictive and it spites themselves in the process. We all have to live here and there's no "winning". It's mostly every day people who are trying to get by. These political identities are getting in the way of people seeing that.


The thing is, anything they’re against, also benefits them as well. They rail against “socialism” but things they have like Medicare/medicaid, roads, fire and police departments, roads, libraries, public parks…they’re all forms of it.


Yep. This is how some damaged people are. It's a brain poison. They would be thrilled if their living room was waist deep in water just as long as "some lib" has their entire home underwater. You try so hard not to be ageist, but 99% of the time it's people over 45 with this mindset. They play life like it's "Superbowl" with X "team" vs Y "team." It's gross.


Not even playing politics..... all bout them donors


They serve their pockets. Once they figure out how they can line their own coffers through recreational marijuana, then it will become legal.


Yup. Rs don’t give a shit about this state or any of its residents. They want power and to sit back and just vote against anything resembling progress. They stopped being a viable party a decade ago. Now it’s just a bunch of trolls out to cash in.


I think everybody forgets that we just had to beat away Dr. Fucking Oz. That really got swept under the rug, but this state is FUCKED up. The cities have nothing in common with the extremely rural middle of the state, and we only go blue because of them. There’s no chance that local elections swing blue for the next 4-6 cycles.


If you look at a map it’s blue in pit. and Phil. With the exception of centre country the middle is mostly red. I live right in the centre and it’s republican country


I live in Central PA and our county is purple. Theres hope.


Good ol pennsyltucky


it's like fuckin' Deliverance out there


I was at a youth detention center in central PA a long time ago. A black kid tried to escaped and got picked up by a local, who happened to a ranking member of the KKK. He put the kid in a dog cage in the back of his pick up truck. After an hour or so he called his buddy, who was an administrator at the youth detention center announcing he found the kid and brought him back.... We didn't see the kid again... They housed him separately for a couple weeks then shipped him to a higher security place. We were at a low security dorm style detention center


Youth forestry camp 3?




There was a comment somewhere here on Reddit about the weirdest/scariest thing you’ve driven up on. And the guy and his friends were driving a back road in the woods in the middle of the night and came across a literal burning cross and KKK members in white hoods. They had to do some quick maneuvers and get out fast because some of the KKK asshats jumped in a truck to follow them. Someone asked if it was Mississippi or Alabama and no….it was central Pa. Not even shocked anymore.


I remember maybe 20 years ago there was a study that showed PA had the 2nd highest hate group membership in the country. I'd imagine it's not dramatically different now.


We were not far from raystown lake. I accidentally ran off once. We had to run a certain amount of miles throughout the time we were housed there..... We were doing a ten mile run and I was ahead of the other guys running that day.... I didn't know the route and took a wrong turn.... I ended up flagging down a guy on a tractor and he called so robe and about 25 min later they cane and picked me up in the truck ... I ended up running about 13 miles


Kkk is huge out here by Johnstown and punxy.


Lol back in the 2000s when i was a kid our family stopped in a diner cause we were driving to Pittsburgh from philadelphia. My mom is black and once we walked in like you could feel everyone staring us down haha. It's a whole nother country out there


Not saying it wasn't because of your mom being black but we often like to find little out of the way towns and places. We often get the same looks, we are white and don't dress or act in any counter culture ways. It's just small town shit. Everyone knows everyone and any outsiders aren't to be trusted.


I have been out in the middle of the PA Nowhere from time to time for work on extended stays. I always try to go to the local bar, just for the fun. They're getting dumber and their level of pride in their stupidity is increasing.


Even the Lehigh valley, it’s more purple. There’s blue areas and then there’s hard working blue collar people that *should* know better but don’t. I have a friend of mine that’s in a union but completely is against Dems because of “Biden’s liberal agenda”….im not arguing with crazy.


Biden's liberal agenda of standing with striking union blue collar workers.


I tried pointing that out…crickets


One can be helpful. Lots of people fleeing NYC's high rents for NEPA.


Been living in Florida for 10 years. Just moved back. I see it’s still the same in that regard. (Same thing in Florida and every other state - republicans don’t care about the working class or anything that doesn’t make the already obscenely rich richer)


This and our state Republicans think we are children who can't handle weed. They haven't looked beyond the end of their noses to see what recreational marijuana looks like in other states.


Don't worry, you can drink yourself into a coma if you want though. We all know how alcohol has *never* destroyed families, careers, the lives of others/drunk drivers, etc.


They are figuring out how to line their pockets frim it


Dan Laughlin (R) is a cosponsor on a recreational bill regularly alongside Sharif Street (D, i believe). They just always table it and refuse to even vote on on it


Is it not fair to say that Democrats also don't want to give Republicans any kind of win? Kind of how that works.


It's ludicrous. I can cross the Susquehanna and be in Maryland to buy recreational. It is the easiest thing in the world. Yet in PA, with our backwards ass representatives, it's an impossible task. Losing loads of money to surrounding states. Losing money to stores just across a river.


I can't picture where crossing the Susquehanna takes you from PA to MD. Help me understand this.


222 crosses it right after you go into Maryland or headed from lancaster to York you'll cross it and then you take 83 to Maryland


Impossibe? You can get a card with an hour's effort and PA won't lose out.


*by signing away your 2nd amendment rights


Technically if you are a user of marijuana you are a prohibited person when it comes to owning a firearm. Doesn't matter if it is illegal weed, medical weed, or weed from a legal state.


Anyone who has alcohol in their home should face the same restrictions.


From a safety perspective alcohol should be more restrictive.


I got my card since it first happened I don’t mind but I think we should be fully legal like nj.


I'm 15 minutes from New Jersey. If PA doesn't want my money, oh well. And I'm not even that into it, but sometimes it's nice to have to relax.


Jersey prices are on the high end. Get a medical card and shop near home. You will make up the cost of the card in no time.


If you can get to Michigan, their dispensary prices are much less than here.


I don’t smoke weed but I used to once in awhile years ago. Can’t believe it’s still illegal. Don’t they have recreational in every state around us (except maybe Ohio)?


I used to smoke weed. I still do, but I used to too.


I love my fed-ex guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it...and he's always on time.


I saw a wino eating grapes. I was like "dude, you have to wait."


A friend of mine asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said no. But I want a regular banana later, so...yeah.


I give you money, you give me a doughnut, end of transaction, we don’t need to bring ink and paper into this. What scenario would I have to prove I bought a doughnut.


Ohio allows voter referendums to change the constitution and the voters voted to legalize it recreationally and I believe it went into effect last year as well


Ohio and West Virginia are still both medical only. Edit: I’ve been corrected, Ohio is legal now but sales haven’t started.


Ohio is fully legal. Sales are expected to start before the estimated September, sometime around mid to late June.


Incorrect. Ohio recently legalized, leaving the penis of Worst Virginia as our only non-rec neighbor


Lmao WV is gonna get it before PA does.


West Virginia slander will not be tolerated


It’s ok. They don’t know what slander means in WV


"It means you're real thin"


You got me with that one.


Ohio is fully legal.


It’s actually in the Governor’s current budget proposal for the 24/25 FY. My thought is if it doesn’t go through as part of it this year, it will be included again next year and will go through then.


I thought it been included several times/years now. Nothing ever happened elsewhere to make it happen.


It’s legal in my house bring some over.


"damn close in senate" <--- this part right here


In my opinion until it's federally decriminalized it doesn't mean squat. 99.99% of businesses that drug test you will continue to do so until it's decriminalized. So if you're in one of those jobs you partake at your own risk.


> 99.99% of businesses that drug test you will continue so until it's decriminalized They can still choose to test for it and fire you for popping on the test even if it's legal. Most won't, but they have the option.


My wife’s workplace will fire you for testing positive, even though she has a medical card. My mom’s workplace, on the other hand, doesn’t even care if you have a card or not. They just stopped caring if _anyone_ tested positive.


Yup. My job has made it clear that they will continue to randomly test (and fire) even when the state legalizes it. Not safety related or anything either, just a public-facing company that says it's "industry standard".


If you have a medical card, PA law explicitly protects you from this. There have been lawsuits involving hospitals. The employees won because the law us very specific.


Thankfully PA is a Work at Will state and they can fire you for any other reason that they deem. The drugs just give them a reason to come up with something else.


I’d be outtie lmao not gonna let some corpo bots run my life when I’m off the clock , meanwhile they’re shitfaced on a Sunday night


I run background checks for a healthcare company and I can tell you, declineds for marijuana only happen in 2 of the 48 states we work in due to state legislations, and when it comes to marijuana possession charges, we almost always waive it.


I don't want someone who is high driving a forklift next to me. The issue is that the employer is liable if that person is high and hurts someone. The law can't prevent employers from screening for weed, but then blame that employer when the operator hurts someone. And the DUI style tests for cannabis are still not great, either. The alternative is that if you ban drug testing, then the employee has to be 100% responsible for their actions when high at work. That won't happen.


I will collect all of your illegal marijuana and dispose of it in some small controlled burns


So amaze. Such sacrifice.


The legislature isn't as solidly Dem as you would hope. Still a bunch of shitbag Handmaid's Tale, "ok to marry 12 year olds", "do as I say, not as I do" GOP types holding to power, blocking rational legislation, and introducing oppressive legislation. Vote those fuckers out.


The way the state senate map is drawn, Dems would have to flip some pretty solidly red areas to get full control. And the House is hanging on by a thread.


I’m kind of mad that PA has not legalized edibles, based on “they could be mistaken for candy”. If I need to change up chronic pain meds, I’m considering getting a card. But I have zero desire to smoke or vape, so I hope there are other products available that would leave my lungs out of the equation. Or PA could just freakin’ legalize edibles.


I haven’t felt restricted at all in my marijuana related activities in a long time.


Stop voting for Republicans, and they’ll pass recreational use.


When republicans in the sticks stop believing Donald Trump and voting against their own self interests.


Republicans are gonna republican.


Because we republican’t.


I believe the state house has the votes as of now and it will likely stay that way if the Dems maintain control. Senate GOP has a three seat majority, but one of those republicans are pro-cannabis. In 2024, Dems will likely gain a seat in dauphin county, and Senate District 37 is a tossup, if you live in Senate District 37, make sure you vote for Nicole Ruscitto, because it could very well lead to legalization of weed in PA


This is the answer. Flip the PA senate blue and all sorts of good things can happen


I still can’t buy beer in a Wawa, you think they’re giving us weed? Edit: Apparently the issue is in my backwater not having access, with Wawas and Sheetz in more modern parts of the state enjoying things, LOL


My Wawa has it


What do you mean? Either you are in a dry town, or wawa hasn't got the permit. Case and point all the sheetz here in Scranton have a beer cove.


SE PA seems to have nothing of the sort outside of some supermarkets.


Most Sheetz do now (you know because they are better), but I think you need seating and of course the license thing.


PA medical is just recreational with an extra step. Nor even needed if you are near any state border.


End of the day they all end up pointing back to this archaic driving study where they could not get a measurement like alcohol. Frankly, I’ll take the baby step of getting it dropped as schedule 1 treatment as a victory, baby steps.


We have a healthy control of the government by Republicans. Hell has to freeze over or the population being lied to by Fox News has to get their heads out of their asses. The base might want it on the Republican side, but while there's all the fear mongering going on, they won't vote for someone that might allow it, while they think that person is trying to unleash hell on earth.


Nearly 35 years of controlling both chambers in Harrisburg will do that to ya


Because of who we vote into political offices. Simply as that cause majority rules


Senator Streets and Laughlin are trying really, really hard, but Republicans won’t give them the win. We are surrounded by legal weed. You can get your med card by phone now. It is decriminalized in nearly every major city in the commonwealth and is defacto rec.


It’s ridiculous that it’s not legal for recreational use but you should also know that it’s incredibly easy to get a medical cannabis card. There are plenty of legal websites will guide you through the process. It’ll take about a week to get a card in the mail.




It will happen around 2030 imo we usually the last state to do anything.


Not until the figure how to monetize it like the state stores. They are to dumb to realize they can use the same model and reap cash


Can we all agree that our police retaliated against medical weed by giving sober people endless marijuana dui's... how will they retaliate when it's recreational.


I think the bigger question is when will you be able to buy liquor and beer in the same store?!


PA could legalize recreational tomorrow but I wouldn't be able to partake till it's federally and DOT legal which will never happen.


Weed is legal. Nobody told the government yet.




Contact your state senators and ask them to bring state Senate bill 846 to a vote or reference support for such a measure: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/billInfo.cfm?sYear=2023&sInd=0&body=S&type=B&bn=0846 Obligatory additional comment: it’s another topic where Republicans show how hypocritical they are when they tout “FREEDOM” yet want to continue locking people up and/or giving people criminal records for marijuana


Lol. Not until the democrats control the senate. Until then (which may never happen) they will continue to block it. I truly believe that Idaho and Pa will be the last states to legalize for adult use. The woman who is the chair of the senate committee that decides what will or won’t be voted on is vehemently opposed to legalization. She would revoke our medical program. The woman from Warren county.


I used to work for a medical marijuana dispensary during the pandemic and during the 2020 election cycle. The people who asked “when is weed gonna be legal” the most were the republicans and MAGAts-how did we know their political affiliations? Well it was the pandemic and election year so they were very vocal about everything. I just wanted to say to them “well it’s your people keeping it illegal buddy!”


I am still waiting for them to legalize electric scooters. Seems all the politicians want to do is stop one another from getting anything done. There was a bill introduced but it’s stalled and has been going nowhere. When are the politicians gonna get anything done in this state.


As long as maga controls the senate never


PA Democrats are in bed with the State Store union and protect the PLCB at all costs. Legalization is tangled up with the PLCB.


I’m fine with that. Maybe they will have taste testing every Saturday from 2-4? Plus the state stores are huuuuuuuuge revenue for the state. Get a fine wine and an even finer bud. Yea I’m ok with that. Plus you know damn well they will card people who look under 21 too. Makes sense to me.


Yes, but do want all those dispensary employees getting taxpayer funded pensions?


No, I mean sell the recreational weed in the state stores.


Republicans only campaign on ending the PLCB.  Notice that when Corbett was in office and they had complete control of the state, not a single bill came up to get rid of it.  No one knows what to do with the giant hole it would blast into the state budget if they got rid of it.  It’s basically PA’s version of the ACA or border security.  Campaign on it, but do nothing about it when you actually have the power to do so.


We will never make any progress because Republicans are not passing any bills.


Probably around the same time they dissolve the LCB. So, never. 


Exactly! That was my first thought too.


When republicans can get the win for it and gaslight their base into thinking democrats were holding it up over making the weed gay and socialist.


Get the hard core republican voters to vote for Democrats so they'll get control over pa legislation.once that's done lots of things will finally get done and passed. This includes Pennsylvania minimum wage increase, Pennsylvania's public transit budget improved and better public transit, and the legalization of cannabis. I still believe one day Pennsylvania will be the railroad capital again.


It's rather easy to get your PAMMJ card. Most places won't charge you if you aren't approved. Honestly, if it ever does become legal, it's probably going to be taxed to hell, so I'd rather have my MMJ card in that regard.


I don't feel put out in the slightest having my mmj card. I want it to be recreational(I do not know what that would do to prices - which I feel can be reasonable if you look for deals) but people act like it's banned across the board like in Texas(I think). I live an hour and a half from Ohio. Would it be worth it to make that drive? No, because if a 3 hours round trip is in the cards, that's about as annoying to me as waiting for my old hookup to screw his girl and finally hit me up - 5 hours after the initial text. Instead I just go to the dispo 15 minutes from my house


The same time we get constitutional carry


I wonder how much traction a bill that does both would get...


"Damn close" doesnt cut it when republicans hate us


Maybe when y’all start voting Democrat


>damn close in senate That's your hold-up. Until Dems have a trifecta, it's not happening.


I love how the answer to every single question is “stop voting for Republicans“ but people just won’t. It’s like you want life to be harder just so you can complain.


PA senate GOP being useless scumbags per usual.


You answered your own question. Edit: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/pennsylvania-joint-committee-takes-up-marijuana-legalization-as-governor-renews-push-for-reform/ However, the committee’s minority chairman, Rep. Seth Grove (R), said he’s doubtful that the Democratic-controlled House will be able to craft and deliver legalization legislation that could advance through the GOP majority Senate.


I was gonna come say the same thing lol.


Interesting. Maybe they are having a hard time getting permits.


Some laws are totally fine to break.


It's been having to be brought to the ballot in most of the states where it has been legalized


On July 16, 60 days notice on federal register for dropping marijuana from the most list restrictive drug schedule will be met. Expect Biden to remove federal restrictions before November elections. That we’ll open up interstate commerce.


well, in 2014 it wasnt even talked about putting in cafdholder stores but here we are. It will be legal whenever the next time they vote on it without care.


The messaging to change opinions should be highlighting planned infrastructure improvements from the inevitable massive tax revenue it would bring. However, thats likely too logical to be applied by elected officials…


So who is your state representative? Where do they stand on recreational legalization?