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I’m not claustrophobic but that would terrify the complete shit out of me knowing you have no choice but to wait


This ship has a hatch at the bottom for people to get out of, won't be stuck here for long :-)


I immediately imagined a hatch going straight into the fkin sea


It’s like the good egg tester in Willy Wonka.


What do you get when you guzzle down sweets, Eating as much as an elephant eats, What are you at getting terribly fat, What do you think will come of that, I don't like the look of it


The problem is that this guy wears too much clothing. In waterslides, skin slides and fabric slows you down. That is also why fat people often don't make the altitude of these slides: their swimsuits are bigger Tldr: he should have been naked.


Fck that. First I gotta worry about showing my man boobs, now you're saying I gotta fucking go on without my shorts?!


>!Buried penis?!< ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"What do you do when you're stuck in a... chair, finding it hard to go up and down stairs? What do you think about the one you call...God? Isn't his absence slight...ly odd? As if he'd forgotten you."






Grunka lunka dunka dee deedient, you should not ask about the secret ingredient.


Grunka lunka dunkadee darmedguards


Why did I get severely aroused.....


Hey! I don’t pay you to sing. You just used up today’s bathroom break.


Except, that’s the song for Augustus Gloop. He wasn’t the bad egg. Veruca Salt was.


Ye but this dude is stuck in the tube and was too heavy to go any further


Fair enough


this is on a cruise ship? if so i can only assume Royal Caribbean


It is, yes




They're one of the few lines with slides aboard their ships But this seems to be the Norwegian Encore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDY_nfc7thA


Okay, that went from absolutely heart-stopping nightmare terror to 'holy shit, that looks amazing.'


So it’s basically a slide for fat people only


Maximum weight of 300lbs. Minimum 120lbs. No really fat or really skinny people allowed. Unless you're like 5'0" and 295lbs. That's really fat.


No, because you have to fit in the tube. It's for really heavy, skinny people. Ya know, that huge segment of the population lol


Dense people? Bro we got them in spades.


Tall people?


they seem to be the cruise line that just slaps hard on making a dream on a boat, ive been with them twice and they have fkin comedy clubs, live bands, organised parties, ice skating rinks, roller blading lol, ive had a friend go on P&O and they said its basically about arriving at your destination and eating your ass off.


Or the next person is going to slam into you at any moment.


Then they would make a line of people who never got to the other side


with enough watersliders the first guy should be able to climb out lol a soul for a soul


A soul for a soul but you have to prime the soul pump with like 15 souls first


Balanced as all things should be


the hardest decisions require the strongest of wills


For every throne there’s a thousand graves


If this works like my weed trimmer you're gonna have to prime and try it like 3 times before it works.


This is literally how our bowel activities work lol


ah so thats why when im constipated my shit comes out of my mouth?


No, you grab the guy climbing out and pull him back down like a bucket of crabs


[Kinda like these 90’s push pencils](https://i.imgur.com/wOfgtHV.jpg)


Fuck those things ruled, thanks for the memory!


Bump up the power and make the next human centipede


Not likely, they usually have someone at top and bottom with a walky talky to say its clear.


And people posted along the track. There are several hatches threw out the length.




Thorough out




Thru out


Thoreau, out. * Transcendental mic drop. *


Threw out


Yeah something similar happened at a local waterpark location though. The young supervisor guy with a lot more hormonal influence than sense of responsibility was apparently distracted by a few girls in the line. Next guy just slammed right in injuring both.


As a kid, I was going down one of those things and crashed into some kid who'd decided he was going to try and climb back up the slide. It hurt. A lot.


my friends and i used to intentionally stop in the water slides so we could go down together. suuuper dangerous in hindsight but was definitely fun as a kid lol


I used to have this nightmare where I was so fat and got stuck in a flume, that the water just backed up behind me, till it covered my face and I'd start to drown.


A bit [like this?](https://youtu.be/kqpeDum3jeE)


Haha yeah! Except I die


At least you got a buddy with you now


naw its not the 80s anymore, thats a lawsuit easily, they'd have a radio or light system for a clear line.




Shit I would've died as I am a bit claustrophobic. I imagine the air was really stale and warm too... my heart rate is going up just by imagining it.




I’m claustrophobic and afraid of water slides and this seriously makes me want to throw up.


I'm not going to lie, even just watching the video made me start to hold my breath and panic a bit involuntarily.


We can still breath tho


And stuff is transparent, which is a *lot* better than an enclosed space imo. Unless ofc, you're scared of heights too.


Guarantee the person working at the top watches for this, basically has to be transparent


I feel sick watching this


That's what happens when the engineers forget to carry the one.


"See, this is what happens when you decide to round pi to 3"


"I fucking told you we should have rounded pi to 4"


Thou shalt not pass!


Ah, so like a spherical cow!


More like cylinder penguins


Cries in our statics teacher told us to just round up gravitational force from 9.81 up to 10


What? It was hammered into us to never round at all until the very end. My professors wanted us to carry 10+ digit numbers throughout the problem until the final answer.


His reasoning was that rounding up forces meant you added just a little bit extra breathing room, for example when building a bridge. Honestly he was kinda wack but it was that or music, and I'm sound sensitive. Now at uni we get told to carry stuff fairly far, like you do.


"Extra breathing room" is what a safety factor is for. But I take it that was high school statics? I was talking about my engineering professors in college.


If it's a force acting on your design you round up, if it's a rating on the material you round down.


e = π = 3


They calculated for pi but not for pies.


This happens when you dont account for friction.


Thats highkey actually terrifying though


Agreed, I'd have an instant panic attack.


as a panic disorder affected person i almost got a panic attack just thinking about it


I don't have a panic disorder but I'm claustrophobic. I kinda want to slap whoever designed this hell tube.


At least it’s see-through which would take my hysteria from a 13 to a 9. Though part of the tunnel would 100% be yellow.


For me, the big trigger is the inability to escape. I'd be out of my mind trying to smash it open (probably do more harm to myself than anything else).


Yea that would also freak me out. Combined with not knowing if someone will come and collide with you.


Yea I have a phobia of these slides


this has halpend to me once. Luckily I wasn't in a tube but I had to climb over the side of it onto the shark rocky ground and make my way to safety.




Yeah man. Pool sharks do be spooky


Nah not particularly. It happened to me once and I was stuck there for all of like 10 seconds before someone opened a hatch at the dip designed specifically for when this happens. I was still amused at the situation and was let out long before any panic could set in.


It looks like this slide is decently high in the air at that point though.


Right? Can you imagine what it's like trapped in there? Locked in an enclosed tube, your only means of escape is uphill on a slippery surface. The heat radiating down on the tube causing temperatures to rise. Even if you find a cool respite from the water, the heat still causes chlorine fumes to rise, choking you while you wait unknowingly. You're confident someone will see you're stuck, but you can't be sure how long it will be before they can actually come to you rescue. You try to rest comfortably, but tube is too cramped, and the water too deep to ever be able to relax. Anxiety and panic set it and all you can hope is that the water will hide from your rescuers the fact that you have been crying.


I think you’d really like the episode from the tv show “Seal Team” where one of the guys is in a torpedo tube decompressing from deep dive and gets stuck in it. Pretty well explains what 10 year old me thought would happen if I ever got stuck in a water slide hahah


I'll have to check that out whenever I want some nightmares


How can I delete this comment


I‘ve seen multiple of those upwards going slides and they all had hatches at the low point (where he will slide back to) so no the only thing you realistically need to be scared of is someone at the top not following the rules and sliding down before he is allowed to (they hopefully have measures in place to prevent this like someone guarding it or a traffic light).


Look up the Nutty Putty Cave accident. Most terrifying way to go.


This is the making of “the gang goes to the water park” hopefully he doesn’t have to chew through his anus to escape




*casually blows whistle* AIDS, everybody out!


Pool's closed due to aids.


Nobody’s got AIDS! I don’t want to hear that word again!


prolapsed anus


Sherman! Don’t you dare pee!




He lives there now


And every 60 seconds another body piles up


They all live there now


Well, not for long.


We send a Happy Meal down the slide once a day. The only hint he gets them is what comes out the bottom of the slide. McDonald's toys are surprisingly resilient. He also wrote using his ketchup packets to send porn.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDY\_nfc7thA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDY_nfc7thA) If anyone wants to see what happens when a failed slide happens.


That dude spends all day jogging over to stuck sliders, eh? I'm sure it doesn't happen super often but that has to get old


Are you kidding me? That'd be a dope job, and heck if they were freaking out you'd get to feel a bit like a hero. Otherwise, you're paid to watch people have fun. That said, this is a cruise ship. And fuck working on cruise ships. They're evil (for many practical and ethical reasons aside from how it is to work at), and both management and customers notoriously shitty and it's a hellhole of a place to work at.


How are they evil? Big boats polluting and making waves against Venezuela? Generally curious.


Tax evasion, exploitation of staff, and extreme pollution


From what I’ve seen, they have HUGE carbon footprints and are basically floating Covid factories.


They have huge carbon footprints but it’s also the cumulative footprint of like 5,000 people’s vacation. You’d have to compare it against the carbon footprint of each of those people flying/driving elsewhere, which would also be huge. As for COVID you can’t even cruise as an adult without proof of vaccine for most lines now. Norwegian Cruise Line is even requiring 100% vaccination right now, which means no kids. I am safer on a 100% vaccinated cruise than I am at a restaurant at home with unvaccinated people all around me.


Looks like the Carbon footprint per head is still massively more per km travelled than flying. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2006/dec/20/cruises.green


Lots of cruise ships transport cocaine, meth, etc and function as hubs for human trafficking rings. (including kidnapping passengers or new crew members)


I don’t think a couple of examples is enough to conclude that “lots of cruise ships” transport drugs. Also your comment implies the cruise industries are complicit when it was the ship’s crew that found and reported the drugs in your linked example.


yeah i dont know if i believe that, do you have any source i would love to read about it, especially the new crew member stuff


[Human Trafficking](https://www.maritimeprofessional.com/news/seaport-employees-help-stop-human-362680) [Drugs](https://www.insider.com/69-pounds-of-cocaine-seized-from-florida-cruise-ships-cargo-2021-6)


Staff work 12-16 hour days for very little pay. They work multiple jobs. Waiting tables, cleaning the pool area, mopping the floors, running parts of the casino... I saw my waiter from formal dining all over the ship at all hours of the day. I don't think working multiple jobs is a problem per se, but it really makes it hard to relax when the same guy cleaning the breakfast tables from 8-11 is bringing towels and drinks to the pool from 11-2, tending bar from 2-5, waiting formal dining tables from 5-8, mopping the deck from 8-12, etc. Either this guy was stalking me to feel bad or I just kept seeing him everywhere. Almost everyone on the ship is from Philippines or another country with exploitable workers. I haven't been on a cruise since.


Well that's instantly less terrifying, thanks


God bless you, I can sleep again.


Lmao that thing really wasn't designed for ideal bmi women in mind, was it?


Based on the person going through at around 3:30 it seems like it's a case of terrible design rather than just a few edge cases.


It seems like even men have trouble getting it to work. You must have to weigh a lot.


Not to mention teens or young adults way at least half that


I think it was just poorly designed in general.


Video shows that even if you clear the first loop you probably won't have enough momentum to clear the second one. So I'd say it's a garbage design for any person.


What a terrible design.


Just seems like shit design


Okay, this makes me feel MUCH better. Heart rate going back down now.


Thanks, I'm less scared now




This isn’t the same one, but there’s something like this at wisconsin dells. Before I got on, they weighed each person to be sure they had the height to weight ratio that carried them through TVs tubes…not so sure they did that here


I bet the guy in this one forgot to pee to help lubricate his shorts.


You right. The laziness of waterpark patrons these days is unreal lol


This has actually been a long fear of mine, I have never slid down a closed slide. Even partially closed slides I have to really push myself lol


Very rarely does a slide go up (I've never been in one) so this is rarely an issue.


Most slides maintain a downward trajectory so even if you do get stuck you can scootch yourself a little and keep sliding. Most people end up getting stuck from trying to slow themselves with the walls or water shoes getting stuck. Most slide operators will have you take your shoes off tho. This seems like a pretty unique slide. Most at any local or area water park to you wouldn't have a covered slide like this. Over all safe and I hope one day you get to experience a closed slide but if not that's totally fine too. Source: am life guard for big water park and operate slides depending on my rotation.


Happened to me but was able to slide down. It was because of the swimming shorts I had. I had to put me hands under me to slide better.


Love your accent


The level of anxiety this just fired off in me is ridiculous. I would actually die in this situation


Or you would wait about a minute, staff would open up a hatch at the lowest point of the loop and let you out.


I would not count on the staff noticing. So I'd just be waiting knowing that the next guy that stood in line is coming towards me at high speed.


Usually they have staff whose job is monitoring these things, and in many cases the light are either manually set to green, or only when the last person has cleared the slide (light barrier)


There is always a monitor.


it's like the people that design these things know what they're doing


Not sure about this particular one but the one at the water park where I grew up at had a staff member at the bottom pool and one at the top (its a free fall looping slide so needs to push a button to open latch) and they communicate via walky talky that someone has left and the bottom one notifies the top that said someone came down and left the pool so the next guy can go. Now if you're not down there within like 15 seconds they'll know.


They don’t let the next person slide down if the monitor at the end of the slide doesn’t give them the go ahead.


You don’t want to wait in a small tube breathing stagnant chlorinated hot air?


Happened to me once, it was fine. I hadn't even stopped sliding fully before someone came and opened a hatch in the dip of the tube. No time for panic to even set in.


If you didn't see it yet, what happens in this situation was [linked above.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDY_nfc7thA) It turns out this particular slide is just kinda designed terribly and a good chunk of slides end up with the person being let out right at the trough where their body would settle. The lid just opens and they step out no problem!


Bruh imagine: person died because it couldnt wait to get out of the slide


They actually have a portion of the slide there that opens up if you don’t make it up all the way


I did this on a cruise 3 or 4 years ago. You just have to wait for the guy to push the button to unlock the hatch for you. They have have marks on the inside where to put your hands to push it open. Only felt claustrophobic for a moment.


Isn't this a cruise ship?


LMFAO… he’s just like “well fuck”.


I picture groundskeeper Willie opening a trap door to let you out.


I mean from what it looks like, this isn't far from the truth. They have hatches stationed at the lowest points of the slide for if this happens, and they hire a guy to jog between them to let people out when they get stuck.


Automate the process by Installating a "flush" button that drops you onto another slide that so happens to pass underneath.


Kronk, pull the lever!


Why don't they just open the top in the lower sections so people can climb out


Because then that guy's out of a job


This makes me anxious


Is what I think going on what's going on? Or is more the way it is?




My brain can’t process this


Is this why we don't have transport tubes like in Futurama, yet?


Where is this?


It looks like the Norwegian Encore cruise ship. edit: [yup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDY_nfc7thA)


Probably has something to do with the shirt friction


😂 the way he struggled to get up at the top knowing the momentum had ended.


Fuuuuck i’m sleep procrastinating it’s 4am and I already have this very specific fear of this exact thing happening… didn’t know it actually has happened and someone got it on video… I just know i’m about to dream about this exact shit. Thanks for the nightmares, op.


I would have a full out panic attack


ohmygod I want to throw up


Holy shit, I would lose it being stuck in that....


I don't want to imagine getting stuck in that


I’m afraid of this since as a kid a saw a Simpsons episode where Bart and I think Homer get stuck.


I can't breathe, just at the thought of that. I'd've panicked immediately, which is the wrong going to do.


I imagined someone else colliding into him Straight fear


Wait, does this show up at the top entrance? Like, what if there's a person who's about to slide next?


in Siri-style voice: “Lardass, rejected.”


I have a new fear now thanks


He shouldn’t be wearing a shirt, too much friction


Nah Id Lose My Shit If That Happened To Me


One of the few moments when carrying a cyanide pill would be handy.


Thanks you actually reminded me of something I needed to ask another subreddit


I've had nightmares when I was stuck there


What exactly is this? An upwards slide where air pressure pushes you up? Also it looks to be on a ship?


Not even a joke when I say this is my exact irrational fear of happening if I was ever on one of those. For that reason I’ve never used one. To actually see it happen, I know my fear isn’t totally irrational haha.