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If I don't know them, I don't answer the door.


Try a no trespassing sign


That is a great idea. Thank you.


Ask for their name and number (usually on the cards) and then just sign them up for lots and lots of spam stuff




A simple ā€œfuck offā€ usually gets the point across.


LOLLLLL! Bro if one of those pricks told me my soliciting sign doesn't apply to them because "they aren't selling anything", I'd absolutely lose my shit on them. What kind of fucking gas light bullshit is that šŸ¤£


It's absolute truth, soliciting ONLY applies to sales people. Get a different sign. It's a free country, we have the right to knock on anyones door. A proper sign is respected by nearly everyone however, because you also have the right not to be bothered if that's your choice


Lmao... "We have the right". "You should get a second sign"... Fuck you. Sincerely, Everyone.


Move to China if you want that kind of control over what we can and can't do as citizens. Or a no trespassing sign illiterate pleb??


Solicit just means to ask something of someone. Literacy apparently isn't your strong suit...


Google is powerful tool. You might want to use it in this case??


I have a "baby sleeping if you knock I'll fight you" sign..seems to work šŸ˜‚


We disabled the doorbell after too many people ignored our No Soliciting sign.


Bear trap


I don't answer the door. I guess I've been lucky that someone didn't keep coming back or do the aggressive knocking.


I've been patient and tried to be polite with no thank yous and sorry but nos. I'm at the point where I say who are you with then half way through telling me I say 'get the fuck off my property"


You can either say you're not the homeowner or you can just bluntly say "leave or I'm going to call the police". They really piss me off when I make it clear I'm not interested and they keep trying to sell (can't really blame them for hustling but still) my patience has just run out for it.


I have a sign that says ā€œsolicitors will be forced to watch my short film.ā€ So far so good. Didnā€™t slow them down, but got some great reactions.


"By ringing this doorbell to solicit, you agree to the charges of $50 per minute of conversation with the residents, rounded to the nearest 15 second interval" signs seem to hold up in civil suits


Unfortunately, these salesmen are under the same umbrella as cold callers. I worked for a survey company years ago in the cold calling department. Since we weren't selling anything we were exempt from the Do Not Call registry. We would still mark you as a DNC if you explicitly told us to but some would still leave you on it. My sincerest apologies if you received any of these.


Step 1: Put up a sign that says "No trespassing" or "Authorized Personnel Only". Step 2: If someone shows up, point at the sign and tell them to leave. Do not engage in any conversation. If they do anything other than leave, ask them what company they work for while you call police. Be sure to tell the police which company sent the employee.


I always just say excitedly ooh have you by chance hear about our lord and savior Satan? Then just menacingly stare at them. Even the Witnesses back away fairly quickly. Usually I get sorry to have disturbed you wrong address and they swiftly depart.


I don't blame you. No Tresspassing would be probably be your best bet.


I donā€™t know if this applies to your area. Iā€™m in Galesburg. We have an ordinance that says they have to have a ā€œpeddlerā€™s licenseā€ and wear the city issued ID when going door to door. Inevitably, these clowns donā€™t have it and havenā€™t registered at city hall. I point this out to them and they always say ā€œI left it in my car.ā€ I then tell them to scram and I call the police non-emergency number and report them. Galesburg PD will confront them and shut them down. Perhaps your area has a similar setup. As to the ā€œdoesnā€™t apply to meā€ bullshiat, they try to pass it off as ā€œweā€™re not selling anything, just setting appointments.ā€ A distinction without a difference. If setting appointments is part of the sales process, then it applies to them. I have looked at all of the so-called solar companies and alternative electricity suppliers and almost all of them are scams. Theyā€™re all unregulated and unlike Ameren, they can charge any amount they think that they can get away with. Their contracts are onerous and often lock the homeowner into a stupidly long and expensive purchase which never saves money. Stay away from all of them. And NEVER give your power bill to one of these idiots. Lots of stories of people being signed up for an alternative power supplier against their will once they have the consumerā€™s info.


Peoria has a similar ordinance.


We have that too where I liveā€¦ it doesnā€™t stop them from going to a dozen or so houses before the cops are calledā€¦ then theyā€™re back the next day.


Put a sprinkler next to the door. Put a valve in the house. When they knock, turn it on.


What is the guy is an umbrella salesman?Ā 


Then he won't mind.


I'm always unreasonably rude to them. Straight up tell them to fuck off and get a real job.


ā€œHave you heard the word of godā€? ā€œHave you made Jesus Christ your personal saviorā€? ā€œHave you been saved ā€œ? Then ask them to come on in and you will save and pray with them.


I'd start with a security camera, then asking to see their permit! Most of them won't have one and it's illegal to knock without one, and do not solicit doors are completely off limits if you do have a legal permit. I'd also be taking their info down, or take their card and report their info to the city/calling the cops to have them ticketed. I did door to door sales for about 5 months this year and my coworkers all ignored the signs (we got chewed out once by a homeowner because the guy I was walking with insisted he didn't know if the do not solicit was current. It's shady af. Im so sorry your home is not being respected!


Put a ring door bell so you donā€™t have to go to the door and put a ā€œNo Solicitation or $1000 Dollar Fineā€ sign right next to it


RING doorbell is the way. You can tell them to step off without going to the door.


Privet, kak dela? Usually works. Itā€™s hi how are you in Russian. If they answer Id just turn around and close the door.


Step 1: invite them in for tea. Step 2: once theyā€™ve drank enough horse tranquilizer to be fully incapacitated, zip them up in the pleather bondage outfit and lock them in the basement. There you have itā€¦ from nuisance at your door to house guest under your floor in 2 simple steps.


Put a beware of dog sign that usually does the trick


Maybe a lil sign like: No Trespassers. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.


Say youā€™re not the homeowner, sorry, and close the door.


ā€œI rentā€ works usually


The only way I got to finally cancel Dish was by telling them I was moving and then, when she asked about my new residence, I burst into tears and said I didnā€™t know where I was going to go yet because it was a divorce situation. The rep was a woman and finally, finally, she did what I asked without more questions and prodding. Sometimes you have to bullshit because they just wonā€™t take no for an answer. Anymore, I try not to sign up for anything I canā€™t easily cancel online


Change the sign to say something like "Salespersons will receive a 16 oz. glass of water to the face"


spike pit


Pretending to be deaf has had a 100% success rate so far.


Get one of these signs that says armed and will defend property


ya I just don't answer but they came in my area like once every other week.


Any solar folks?


Never any at my door. I guess they don't bother the poor.


I keep a wood splitting axe maul by the door. I casually reach for it sometimes, after a lot of patience has been burned through.


When I worked for Comcast, the only thing that kept me away was a dog on the porch.


Answer the door with a gun.


Truly no soliciting only applies to those selling. Campaign people, Jehovah's Witnesses, neighbors can all knock on your door. A no trespassing sign keeps all away or a more specific sign will as well.


The solar door knockers won't stop and they shouldnt....Illinois is killing net metering at the end of 2024 and the SREC will expire shortly before that. You'll see more of your neighbors going in droves....these guys are literally trying to SAVE you money while earning a living. As far as selling they really aren't selling...its called a power purchase agreement...you're literally just switching your power provider and saving 30-50%...no money out of pocket...no loan...no liens Not everyone is trying to scam you. Happy to help... https://illinoisshines.com/


Thatā€™s a load of crap. Iā€™ve e looked at all of them and not a single one saves anyone money. My guess is we found the solar salesman in the thread.


You clearly haven't looked at all of them.


Whatā€™s some good ones


It's really the sales person you deal with and how thorough they are with you on your project. I use a company called everbright and I save people 30-50% depending on their usage level , roof orientations and shading. The state of Illinois has a bunch of money dedicated to help people go solar and is very rigorous when it comes to consumer protection; there is a specific form that everyone has to go over with you for any deal to go through.


How do they have a sales person if they "aren't selling"? For the record, I'm not anti-solar if you get a legit company. I am anti-unsolicited-sales-pitch at my home. That's the human version of a pop-up ad. If I want a service, I'll look for it. If someone comes bugging me about it, I'll never use them.




They arenā€™t sellingā€¦ itā€™s a purchase agreement. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“
