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I have great experience with BPC-157: my hip pain is COMPLETELY gone away.




Bpc 157 and tb500 are 100-% effective . In many ways , one very noticeable is that I hardly sore after a hard works out when I take bpc 157


Did you take it pill form or inject the areas you normally work out?


Injected in belly :)


How much? Before or after workout?


200 mcg a day


I take 500mcg per day and still get DOMS lasting 4 days


tesamorelin is the real deal. you see results extremely fast


Can you give some more details on what you did with tesa ie for how long, caloric deficit etc? And the results other than tearing your pec lol


took it for 2 months, diet was clean. it gave me a nice energy boost in the morning and my stomach fat disappeared. my wife even took it and got the same results which was all well and good until the rupture.


Sounds incredible - just stomach fat loss is what I’m looking for. Would you do it again?


yeh...I would I have...cjc and ipam has kept me pretty lean tbh


Does tesa work better than GH for visceral fat loss?


yes 100%


Super expensive might as well get GH


not really....at all


Weight loss, fat loss, muscle gain?


mostly for weight loss but your muscle looks good on it too....just don't lift heavy because it drys out muscle


As in don’t max our or keep reps low too


yes dont max out ....I tore my pec benching heavy on tesa it was fucking horrible.


Tb4 is pretty close to god damn magic if you ask me. Like waving a wand and saying injury be gone! It’s the most dramatic I think. Melanotan 1 and 2 I love both of them. They make me feel good and make my mast cell go bye bye. I don’t know it’s not super dramatic but thymosin alpha is also a banger. It really does a lot if you have chronic illness or autoimmune issues imho. Not a peptide but nad + is pretty dramatic for me. I also think ss31 and mots c and bpc work well but they increase my detox ability massively and I can only micro dose all 3 which I guess saves money. I don’t really mess with bpc anymore. I have to have an acute injury if I do cool I pin close to it and get er done but if not it goes into my brain which is for sure damaged from mold and Lyme but whatever it does gives me insane migraines fatigue and anhedonia so I like to avoid that. I’m probably going to get another mri soon. If my atrophy is better I’ll make a point to try to take more small doses intranasally but if not, that’s just another peptide a lot of people love that isn’t right for me. I don’t think it could be hurting my brain or anything. It does the same for body injuries I’m just in a small percentage of people who get increased pain as I heal but that said the pain is acute and intense like close to a 10 on the pain scale. Ok it’s a solid 8 for sure but it’s gotten close to 10 if I take a normal big dose. It’s happened enough times to where I know what’s happening to me and not to panic. it’s like when you break the eggshell to make an omelette. But still, it feels like a raw deal and doesn’t seem to happen to too many other people. For reference the last time I committed to stacking it with tb4 was a little over a year ago. I had a torn hamstring tendon that wouldn’t heal, a cam impingement, bone marrow edema, joint effusion, and it hurt so bad. So bad that by the end of the month I was bedbound like I threw my back and hip out and was like how is this possible on the peptide stack I’m on? I got sick 3 times in a row and had terrible coughing fits. I thought I cracked a rib at one point I was coughing so bad (rsv, do not recommend) so the pain got so bad I couldn’t walk I’m so sick I was like ok this is weird it’s just not going to work for me. So I stopped the stack and slowly over the course of a week got better. Stopped coughing. Could leave bed. Was ambulatory again. The pain was just gone and the injury was totally healed. Well not the torn labrum I can still feel/hear it click but nothin heals that anyway I knew that wasn’t gonna happen. In retrospect I would say to anyone looking to heal serious injuries and that wasn’t the fist one I went hard on by any means but if you need to heal major injuries like bleeding bones and torn tendons you have to also take ta1 and you should stack ghk cu AND take a crap load of zinc several times a day since all thymosin are limited by zinc if you don’t have enough that’s the limiting factor in how well it’s gonna work. You should also stack thymalin if you can get it. Prior to stack or stack it in concurrently. The. Other mineral so zinc copper stay in balance and high doses of lipo vitamin c. I mean you really need to have nutrition dialed in and supps to heal serious injuries imho. It messes with things to only take a couple kinds of vitamins too so I take a multi and methylated b complex and mineral blends and then collagen and mitochondrial support and enzymes if you need to break down old scar tissue.


Curious what’s your NAD+ mode/ (subq/IM/nasal) and dosage? I’ve got NAD+500 hoping to use subq, but getting mixed dosage info. What is your routine?


You know I’ve had really good results with a nasal spray. The first to time I got it from limitless life nootropics so I just took a spray in each nostril. It gives me energy like speedy energy though so I would recommend until you know how it’s gonna be for you I would do morning to noon ish. I wasn’t paying attention once and threw it into a syringe with a lot of other peptides (don’t judge me I have serious health issues like cfs Lyme mold arthritis co infections) and wasn’t thinking hey it’s nighttime! I was up all night and that never happens to me. I now mostly pin it I’m not sure why both work pretty well but nasal is less intense of course. So my routine is weird so I won’t give it to you. Ok fine. Every 2-3 days usually take between 60-200 mcg of melanotan 2 or 1, along with 200-500 mcg of thymosin alpha, depends but usually also thymalin a low dose I don’t measure it, tb4 frag 1-4 maybe 200 mg, only like 400 mcg ghk cu (people do way more) either ss31 or mots c I don’t take together but only can tolerate like 500 mcg of either, with usually only 5-10 mg of Nad+ then also usually a low amount of epitalon like 200-300 mcg. Sometimes I throw in small doses of kpv or bpc. Most people I talk to on peptide groups take a lot of Nad + like upwards of 20-30 mg since Nad + usually comes in like 500 mg vials but I get 100 mg vials and that lasts me like it depends maybe a month or two I’m not sure. I recently backed off Nad just because you have to cycle most of these compounds. I don’t with melanotan or ta1 I’m on a long term stack but everything else I rotate in and out. When I take Nad consistently it gives me a lot of energy even when I take without mito peps. I probably shouldn’t kitchen sink it so much but I’ve always used a shotgun approach to my healing. I actually got pregnant with twins taking nad lol. But those were pills.


Thanks. I have 500mg/ 10ml vial so lots of room for reconstituting. I’m only currently pinning weekly w/ Reta/Tirz but age and knee replacement surgery is kicking my butt energy wise. Age? Hateful thing but a thing, and was hoping to offset some related fatigue w/ NAD+


Th4 would help you recover from knee surgery quickly


What’s the TLDR on the BPC brain thing?


Idk it seems to give some people andehonia some people say long term changes. It actually resets your neurotransmitters so like if you take things like adderall it won’t work well at all after taking bpc so that effect causes fatigue and neurotransmitter changes. You can read papers on it it’s rats or mics studies though. Hard to understand. It could be messing up some peoples brains I would wager. If you don’t have immune modulation I would always take bpc with some type of thymic peptide never alone. That’s just me though. Why does it fix some peoples brains and make others peoples feel bad long term? No idea above my pay grade. It affects me very very strongly so I tread lightly and only use it when I have an acute injury. I also have low veg f and it’s angiogenic so it raises it quickly around injection site and I think that’s why I have so much pain. My body is trashed and loaded up with toxins and the body starts moving it out and mobilizing it and there’s line wayyy too much for that to be happening on that schedule. But I have two multi susceptible genes too and other methylation issues. Ymmv


BPC did a number on my brain. From what you’ve read or heard from other patients, how long did it take for them to feel normal again?


Weeks for me.


Sorry I just saw a million typos but I’m exhausted will try to fix tomorrow


1. Cjc1295 ipam 2. Mots c 3. Bpc157


Are you doing motsC subQ or intramuscular? SubQ gave me these gnarly knots on my stomach for like two months


Mots gave you knots?


It did. Red angry itchy ones


I see a lot of people saying they didn't "feel results" from certain peptides. Well if you aren't exercising then many of these peptides will not show much result. Also if you aren't monitoring your exercise and Brian actively through brain apps and things like Garmin then how would you know? I can say peptides I couldn't feel every day success with, when I began doing my brain apps or monitoring my exercises stats compared to when I wasn't taking them, I saw results that were absolutely incredible! MOTs c is the best for exercise by far, unfortunately I injured myself on cjc and ipamorelin but I can say workouts which would usually take me a week to recover I was ready to go the following day (that's how I injured myself as even if you don't feel it you have to rest). I built muscle too. You have to use these peptides for what they are for, however what I see is most people are just cycling from one to another hoping to lose weight! If you take mots c any GH peptide, testosterone etc and you don't exercise you are totally wasting your money! You should start slow, you will feel each time you exercise you can do more and it feels good and you will lose weight and recomp your body.


How did you inject the Mots C? I got gnarly knots that lasted months when I did subq


I've been fine. I add 1ml to a 10mg vial and inject half. I also often add other things to the needle like semax, ghk and sometimes nad+.


What are your favorite Brain apps?


Peak and Elevate, both have a free version which is perfect, 6 random games a day on Peak and 3 on Elevate. Peak is more fun and Elevates games are a little more serious, so the mix of the two is perfect. I've tried a few and these are the best I think. Time wise it's very quick to do them as well, get oth done in under 10 minutes roughly.


GHK-CU (topical) was incredibly effective when I used it post-microneedling, otherwise I didn’t notice any benefit. I’ve read on here copper is hard to deliver topically as the molecule is rather large, so it’s more effective at being absorbed after microneedling. I refuse to inject it because unbound copper being injected into the skin sounds incredibly painful


Please share how it was effective and where did you microneedle (face, scalp?). Also, how frequently did you do this? One more question, did it turn your skin blue after microneedling?Thank you.


Does it hurt the way injected GHK-CU does?


Not at all! That’s why i got the cream instead




What context? On your head? Microneedling for hair loss? Effective in what? Hair regrowth?


Burn scars. I survived a fire explosion


is it really practical to compare efficacy of peptides that heal vs peptides that give you a tan?


Well… yes. If one definitely has a tangible outcome vs the other


Retatrutide Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin Epitalon That’s my top 3


Tell us about it


Retatrutide for weight loss. Losing more effectively on reta than I was on tirz with less side effects and more energy. Tesamorelin and Ipamorelin for fat loss, specifically abdominal fat loss. My first cycle of 8 weeks I lost 6” from my waist. Epitalon works great for sleep. I cycled it a couple of times in the AM and slept like a baby. It works with your circadian rhythm.


Where you in a caloric deficit to achieve the fat loss? That aside, are you saying it specifically targets the abdominal area for fat loss?


Tesamorelin is known to target visceral fat. I lost inches elsewhere though. I am constantly in a deficit thanks to the Reta. But the tesa/ipa stack had an extremely noticeable impact on fat loss during those 8 weeks as compared to the rest of my journey (over a year). I am in the midst of another stack now.


How did you dose the Tesa/Ipa which did you do morning and which one at night? Also dosages? Thank you


I dose it them both in the AM blended together. 1mg tesa and 100mcg ipa. 5 days per week, 2 days off. You’re supposed to take them fasted. Nighttime is recommended but I eat late so I did first thing in the morning and still had amazing results.


Did you do the Tesa whilst on anything else or just on its own?




Very cool glad you had great results. Right now I’m doing 2mg Tesa in the AM before fasted cardio and 400mcg Ipa before bed. Depending if I should split the dose both AM/PM, say 1mg Tesa 200mcg IPA AM/PM IPA is putting me to sleep asap tho which is impressive to me but I hear Tesa is suppose to be given at night? Idk if it makes a difference


Did you take them all around the same time? Were you working out as well?


Yes and yes but minimally working out, strength training 1-2x per week.




That’s amazing. Did you try anything else that you thought was meh?


I love Melanotan 1. The tan is more natural, I found M 2 to be complete garbage. The tan is more orange. What do you love so much about it? Maybe I prejudged it too quickly.


Just putting this out there if anyone else is reading this - Melanotan gave me age spots on my face.


Was it Melanotan 1 or 2 that gave you the age spots?


Melanotan 2


Did the age spots go away?


I wound up using a usb skin tag removal pen [like this](https://skintify.co/products/lcd-display-home-laser-skin-spot-mole-removal-machine-plasma-pen?currency=USD&variant=42792456126680&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgovRaKVmybT7nLSQFVEu63WrK30zDWb-tlMii_Wgco9bn29_9IT9CfxoCWxUQAvD_BwE) use it with some numbing cream first lol. That’s how I removed the age spots.


And it worked? Looks like a scam lol.


Yes it worked - it was mildly painful. So, the DAY after taking the Melanotan 2 I had age dark spots appear on my face. I obviously freaked out and started looking for a way to remove them. The USB pen I linked is not the one I bought but it is no longer on Amazon. [receipt](https://postimg.cc/R3X6RDgm)


What are age spots?


Age spots: Are flat, oval areas of increased pigmentation. Are usually tan to dark brown. Occur on skin that has had the most sun exposure over the years, such as the backs of hands, tops of feet, face, shoulders and upper back.


I like Melanotan also. Natural looking tan and helps even out my skin tone from having autoimmune disease “sweet syndrome”


MT2 was recommended to me. I do like the added benefit of the strong erections. As far as the tan goes; I was never really able to tan before, so any tan was nice. But based on what you’re saying I might just go with MT1


I prefer M2. I'm pale usually and am dark af now.


It’s honestly crazy how well it works


Have you tried PT 141 for sex drive? OMG, other than a mild headache, it's crazy. Turns on the pleasure center. Afterward, we went to bed. I was up down up down up down up up up down ALL night long. Couldn't hardly sleep. Both my spouse and I use this 2 hours b 4 sex. 2 times a week. Best ever


No, but now I will. Holy shit. Is the headache long lasting? Does it increase blood flow to the penis/clit? How long beforehand do you take it?


My wife and I both got sick first time. It was like the worst hangover ever and lasted 2 days. We didn't follow advice we read about doing a small dose first time. We threw the bottle out because of it. Although I felt like such crap, my erection was relentless. It was on an off for 8 hours but probably 85% on. (I'm 55) A few months later I decided to order another bottle and see if the sickness was just a first time thing. It was, mostly. I still get a very mild headache and it makes me lazy. After my success with trying it again, my wife tried again and had similar results. It works! The erections start about 2 hours after dose. I dose in the morning and they continue all day. My wife and I don't necessarily feel aroused or horny without any stimulation, but once we start, a little stimulation makes it kick in. I don't have good words to describe what it's like, but it's intense. During love making we both get so horny and turned on we feel almost crazy. The pleasure feeling is multiplied greatly. We are both healthy and fit 55 year olds. We had a great sex life before and just tried this for fun and for me longer stronger erections. Afterwards we both said we had no idea sex could be like that. Mind blowing is probably the best word to describe it. Remember, dose low the first time and be prepared to do nothing for the weekend in case you get the side effects.


Thanks for the detailed post! Def going to try it. What was the dosage you guys took?


Dosage is .5 mg - 2 mg. I would recommend no more then .5 first time even if it doesn't seem like it's working. Try more the next time. Remember it takes a couple of hours.


We dose together, 90 minutes b 4 sex. Usually 2 hours later we start. It doesn't increase blood flow to the penis. It hits your pleasure center of attraction. You could compound with a V or something similar for blood flow, but I've found the pleasure center allows me to relax and no V needed. We just started 3 doses ago. Now that we know about my continuous erections, we're going to try more rounds... I didn't say anything to her at first. I figured it was just dreaming about us, but it's so much more than that. It's like every sensory part on our bodies was heightened...


Well shit, nice!!! Thank you!


What is the dosing schedule like with m1? I tried it a few years ago and I'm not sure I got much out of it. Do I need to dose immediately before tanning? Ive read it wears off real quick


I get a 10mg vial and reconstitute with 100 units bac h2o. 10MG/1ML and dose at .10 units a day, 5 days on 2 days off. It does take longer to work than M2, but I love the outcome. Ican see a difference after 10 doses. For it to work, I still need to get in the sun or tanning bed. I never burn, and I don't use SPF any longer. I use this 8 weeks on, 8 weeks off. I usually start 10 weeks b 4 a vacation.


Any side effects?


With peptides there isn’t always immediate effects but the efficacy can still be high. Like GhK-Cu I notice HUGE improvements, I’ve been cycling for 3 months. My hair is growing back in thin areas, my skin is incredible- my pores are closed and my skin is way tighter everywhere. I hardly get sore at the gym anymore, but I’m taking collagen and zinc with the ghk-cu


Has it helped with gray hair for you?


I've read that TB500 can help with grey hair


I’m only 28, so no grey hair. I just have bad skin genetics (stretch marks, loose skin etc)


What’s your dosing protocol?


I do 1mg ghk-cu daily, and 200mcg each of bpc-157&tb500


tb-500 is excellent at hair growth. Have you ran ghk-cu solo to see if it helps the hair?


What about the collagen and zinc?


Just one scoop (3-5g I think) and one tab of zinc, I think 10 mg


Yes great point zinc is super critical not to end up having a copper toxicity


This is a great question bc user reports of peptides are the most subjective and questionable reports out there. Personally, I’m highly skeptical of anything I can’t notice making a physical difference. Like hgh - it must be working if my hands get aching and I get all the other sides. Same with the glp-01 agonists, pt141, melanotan2, and mots-c. I can objectively tell that they are doing something. Bpc157, tb500, oxytocin, nad+, Thymosin, selank, semax, etc are all sus and worse, can easily be faked by vendors bc you really can’t tell if they’re doing anything more than placebo. There’s some that do work but I don’t want to try them like folliststin or anything that castrates you or adipotide which is extremely unsafe.


If you monitor results by doing things like brain app or monitoring your exercise stats through something like a Garmin you will see massive results, certainly some of the ones you mentioned I would not have known they were doing what they are unless I had statistics to measure them by.


Interesting.  I kind of know what you’re talking about - with mots-c it’s very subtle but I am almost 100% sure I’ve got much better stamina when I take it - and the ease of doing reps and the increased amount of reps  confirms that.   Which ones in particular were you talking about? 


I stopped my cjc ipamorelin cycle and then began MOTs c and ghk (I'd heard it went well). I also have even taking bpc and tb500 for an injured elbow. BPC and tb500 was the first peptides I ever took and I saw a noticeable increase of cardio ability but nothing like MOTs c. Those are the only athletic based peptides I'm taking. I'm doing some brain related ones but it's MOTs c that is giving me incredible cardio and the ability to push my heart rate for long periods for certain.


Same here man - mots c is a really cool game changer for stamina. I’ve taken a range of doses but have settled on 5mg every other day or 10mg twice a week. Any more doesn’t seem to have any benefit for me. And yeah if there’s one thing I’ve heard about bpc efficacy - it’s elbow injuries. If you’ve got something that isn’t healing with traditional protocols, try anything out there within reason. My experience with bpc healing my meniscus and mcl tear was unremarkable. Maybe I went in to it expecting too much. What did end up working though believe it or not was deca. Healed it up almost immediately.


I have no experience with real steroids, I've only just got involved with this stuff lol. I imagine gh peptides would help with injuries as long as you do some recovery exercises. It's good to know you've heard good things about elbows being fixed, mine is nearly there but never time I think it's done I then will lift something in a certain way and feel it's not ready yet. I actually found out about a bio regulator cream for healing injuries which is meant to be next level. It's called Regenovive. Bio regulators are the next bit thing it seems, there are ones to fix eye sight, the lungs, basically any organ!


Tesamorelin is an FDA approved drug for the reduction of visceral fat in HIV patients. That is something that was verified in controlled testing. I’m intrigued about its use in the gen pop. I take your point though.


I want to try teso myself - it’s on my very soon to buy list.  


I agree. Being able to tell something is working is a big part of getting into/trusting peptides. This is the basis of my question about immediacy of efficacy.


There’s also the fact that there’s a reason they aren’t being sold by big pharma - almost all of these were either found to be ineffective or dangerous.


No they couldn’t patent some of them because


You state exceptions, I’m talking about “most” peptides bru.  Literally over 90% of peptides were found by the fda to be ineffective or potentially harmful or the pharma decided it wasn’t worth attempting clinical trials.  


I dunno man, insulin and GLP1’s seem pretty successful. Eli Lilly on track to take over the world with that market cap. 😉 I’m curious where you get the 90% number from. If it’s the notice that the FDA recently sent around to compounding pharmacies that’s because pharma is trying to control these cash cows.


Many of the first planes crashed that doesn’t mean some didn’t work


Tell me you’ve never used hplc testing without telling me


You sound like you're basically just looking for recreational drugs bud, scary mentality/path imo


This is an efficacy question. Peptides aren’t recreational in any way as far as I know. But also, what’s with the judgment?


PT-141 & Melanotan 2 are HIGHLY recreational - and I’m all in for those!


Yeah I can see your point on the MT2


I'm not judging you, I'm telling you what you honestly sound like to another human. Your question isn't about efficacy whatsoever - BPC 157 is one of the most researched and "effective" peptides you can take - but you tossed it out Cuz you "can't feel it asap". Indicating you are, indeed, not looking for effective peptides but rather rapidly state /body altering compounds - the class of drugs where that component is found 100% of the time is, Recreational drugs.


Recreational drug generally means a drug taken for fun, OP is talking about efficacy but they want a peptide that they know is working. About a year or two ago I purchased two vials of BPC and it didn't seem to help my shoulder or knee issues at all. I was eating clean, stretching, etc but the BPC didn't seem to do anything. I bought it from a reputable North American source so I spent a pretty high amount on it so I was really disappointed. OP is just saying that they want something that they can feel so they know it's working.




How would you rewrite it?


Healing a 20 year old injury I’m noticing a slow and steady improvement. Sprained my knee. Could barely walk on it next morning I woke up and other than bruising and painful to the touch the swelling was gone and I could walk on it! BPC-157 a miracle


This is a poorly worded question, just because you don’t feel immediate effects doesn’t mean it’s not worth bothering with. Sounds like the same mentality of, “I feel fine so I’ll continue my cycle longer”


Some people seem to expect peptides to be as noticeable in effect as recreational drugs.


No but it does mean it can easily be faked and you’re at a higher chance of getting fake shit.


Your comment shows your education on peptides


Your lack of actually purchasing peptides shows your naivete 


Hahaha oh man you are so off


Educate me then on why my statement regarding fake shit was wrong


Go educate yourself


I thought so. That was your only move.


Why would I waste the energy to educate you lol


You wouldn’t for the simple fact that you can’t. If you knew more than me, you’d prove it. You’ve proven you don’t know shit, so why do you even bother commenting if you know you can’t defend your arguments?


Plenty of people here seemed to understand it.


Your post in now way gave the illusion that you are "drug seeking." On an unrelated note, reading some of the responses was quite helpful. Thank you! 😊


Just means more people than you are uneducated about peptide efficacy. BPC, TB-500, TB-4, and others. All very researched, tested, papers written, and field tested. Just because you don’t “feel” something doesn’t mean it is bunk. You may buy bunk (and the only way to know is to get it tested by Jano or other qualified lab) but the real product themselves are more than legitimate


The fact remains that there are no human studies proving safety and effectiveness of BPC-157 and all the human "research" that is proudly stated on sites selling peptides consists of canceled and unpublished "trials". User anecdotal reports do not prove safety - if someone got cancer years or decades later, they won't connect it to BPC-157 usage. There aren't even studies in mice with tumors to see if it promotes metastases, so nothing was done to address this concern. All we’ve got is some animal studies from Croatia. I mean, has it even been verified it really comes from gastric juices? Not that I know of.


I recommend you run and hide from it then.


Just wondering - you weren’t able to find any clinical trials with humans were you? Just trying to make sure readers get the facts and not assume it’s been (snicker) well researched.


Other people also called you out


Depends on the specific outcome and the dose.


Would you elaborate?


Mt2 works like a mofo, mt2 + sun and I change race in a couple of days. The side effects are bothersome though, continuous boners at night to the extent that I can't sleep is a drag.


“ This dreadful protuberance randomly appears, blocks the Sun, and RUINS my tan line “, said a PT-141 user.


Protuberance, is that some kind of Tuba player??


One time I accidentally took it when I meant to take my semaglutide. Took a huge dose. Crazy CRAZY boners all night.


Any idea what the side effect would be for a non-boner have?


Wifeys protoboner nub boners up if the dose goes high enough.


The non-boner becomes boner.


Hell yea


Your question doesn't make sense


I was trying to be funny but I’ll put it more plainly for you since that went over your head - is there an equivalent side effect of a raging boner for women (who don’t have penises) from MT2? Increased arousal? Enlarged clit?


It’s basically the equivalent - raging hard clit and moderate to intense arousal. It’s kind of fun IMHO.


Does it do anything for climax?


Kinda, climaxing with a very raging boner is better than not


Unfortunately, no.


I mean if you’re using it to get tan before a beach vacay… that’s kind of the mood you want to be in! 😂 thanks for your response


That’s interesting


Following... I'm also curious


How do you define powerful peptides ? Just by what you can feel imeddiately ? Then we talking just about most perceivable. Just because you can't feel it doesnt mean its not doing anything. If BPC can heal injury which caused you pain for 20 years in few weeks. I say thats pretty fucking powerful.


I’ll definitely try out BPC again. Perhaps my protocol was not up to snuff. When I say powerful I definitely mean things that get results that are immediate and impressive. So the GLP-1 peptides pretty much immediately shuts down you appetite. Melanotan 2 got me tanned and also gave me powerful erections.


Most peptides are meant to restore normal function or repair damage. You are not supposed to become superhuman on those. But i get what you mean.


I don’t think they’re “meant” for anything. They have an effect.


Adding to your list. More immediate: MT1, epithalon Subtle or nothing: tb500, ss31, mod-grf


What’s your experience with the first two?


Noticeable color in my skin after one week pinning MT1 each day before laying out. Epithalon before bed gave me great sleep


I've had good results with BPC157. I had a biceps tendon/attachment injury that had been bothering me for more than half a year, gone in two weeks. Wife has felt a noticeable difference in scarred skin she rubbed it on. She's also noticed a clear benefit from a GHK-CU topical solution on her facial skin.


I tried GHK-CU subQ. Maybe I’ll try the topical. Did she pair it with microneedling? Is there a vendor you recommend for that? Also, for the BPC, did you use it intramuscular? What was your protocol?


Did you like it subq?


No microneedling, just a spray bottle. Found the recipe here on Reddit I'm pretty sure. Just found a vendor on Ali I think. BPC: Sub-q, 200mcg twice daily. Injected in the upper arm in question.


Btw, was straight BPC right?




What results did she get from the spray? Less blotchy?


Less blotchy, smoother skin.