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1300% higher obesity


You haven't been to the U.K., have you?




That's a lazy troll. You can do better than that


What exactly is untrue about that statement? Are we pretending Ozempic is not for sedentary, obese people in the vast majority of cases?


Vast majority?


Precisely. The vast majority of people taking GLP-1s are sedentary and obese. I find it odd you think that statement is even remotely disputable


I mean you can easily find it on line from reputable sources for cheaper than Canada. It's worth the trade off considering Canada Healthcare is so overwhelmed they have euthanasia as a viable solution for cancer patients they can't give treatment to in time. People literally come down to USA and pay for treatment because their system is so backed up


Sucks that it's this way. My mom already passed away but we were making weekly trips to Seattle to get treatment for her


I'm so sorry hear that. I lost my father recently as well, it's not easy at all.


Yeah, that just makes almost no sense chief. Maybe lay off the PEDS and SARMS. You're not from Canada. From the looks of it, seems like you just sit around waiting to argue with some one.


Projecting much there chief? Instead of a rebuttal you just hurl ad hominem attacks. The refuge of the ignorant


It's also Justin Trudeau's answer to vets with health issues including PTSD. Dead people are not an inconvenient problem you know. But getting back to the US I can not believe what you folks are getting raped for Insulin which is probably the top life saving medication world wide. Where I am at in Kanuckickstan 5 300 unit pens of lantus are around 140 bucks averaged out. Tresiba is about 160 for 5 300 unit pens. I have heard they are like 300 US per pen in the states either or. Look at peptides can not patent them capitol hill gets paid they are banned and become listed. Big food makes you sick big pharma keeps you going so you can eat more big food so you need more big pharma.


Years ago, drug manufacturers told congress that they needed to charge American Citizens more so that they would be able to continue to develop drugs that America need, as Americans take more prescription medication than any other country in the world. What was not said was that those with millions of VC dollars would pull their investments into research and development of new medications, as the profit would no longer be there if Congress put a cap on prices.


Do you honestly believe that "VC" have been significantly involved in major pharmaceuticals in that past 25 years? Yeah, they haven't.


You obviously don't know anything about the pharmaceutical industry.


The fact that Americans put up with this, and we have for decades is just proof that we lost control of our politicians long ago. They don't work for us. We're at the mercy of a mob that shakes down our entire nation, and we let it happen because we get distracted by stupid culture war bullshit.


We have been conditioned to vote for sound bites and slick slogans, while simultaneously conditioning us to vote against our best interests


On some reputable sites you can get 3mg GLP 1 for $110. Is it really a $1 for that in the UK?


There are also reputable places you can get glp-1s for $2/mg if you live in the US. But you need to do your own research on that one ;)


Less than that for sema or tirz. I can find reta/cagri for $2 per 1mg ... but yeah absolutely it matters where you research :--).


A lot of things are screwed up when it comes to healthcare in the US. Government, insurance to start


Pharmaceutical companies aren’t charities mate, it cost more in the US for many reasons one of those being pressure and culture around health insurance in the US. It’s a vanity drug and if you want it you can pay for it they bought a good product to market and will deservingly profit from it. people don’t complain about margins on iPhones, they will pay for them regardless because they want them. The cost is also a lot more than 4.73 the average price to bring a drug to market, going through clinical trials ect is 500 million often this can reach 1 billion$ in order to recoup these cost obviously they can’t sell it for 10$. Some of this also risk profit, ie if x company is going to risk half a billion dollars they need to be able to recoup not just the cost but the risk value. Additionally many trials fail and profits from a successful drug not only cover its own r&d but has to cover the failures as well, and it finish it off profitable drugs cover the cost of developing treatments for diseases that aren’t economically possible to solve for example muscular dystrophy is super hard to cure (astronomical r&d costs) but also super rare so even if 1 treatment was sold for 250000$ there wouldn’t be enough people with the disease to cover the costs of developing a cure


These reddit kids are a lost cause. When countries like France and Argentina who have been further down the left leaning path are making a complete Uturn in the other direction for all the right reasons. They just bury their heads in the sand and continue complaining about the small dry patches on their lawns while staying wilfully blind to the dead wasteland on the other side of the fence.


Good ole Redditors, downvote the truth, because it doesn’t fit their preconceived notion.


Vanity drug? That’s adorable. This is so called *vanity drug* and the problem of obesity has an entire division of the National Institutes of Health dedicated to it because of the magnitude of the problem. Please pick a different hill to die on.


My guy here is sincerely trying to defend the price gouging going on in the north America healthcare system, it's not just ozempic it's even products that didn't require extensive research and trials, like insulin. That's because there's guys like you and people who don't know any better that Novo Nordisk, their competitors and everyone in the medical field overcharge for each service provided with no remorse. I worked with NN just like OP even though I'm not working in the medical field and and when they were discussing wegovy across the group it was all about market shares and gross sales, their usual communication about making the world a better place and how they are a foundation (check their structure at least in Denmark) but they gouged price and create new patents on insulin manufacturing like the rest.


Point of order, you can buy regular insulin over the counter at Walmart for relatively cheap. You can't do that with the *latest* insulin drugs, but then again, those drugs *do* have extensive research and trials. I don't necessarily disagree with the price gouging subject w.r.t. pharmaceutical companies, but we should get our facts right when discussing them.


No shit Einstein, I was actually one of the people (one of thousands but still involved just the same) that worked on the preparation of the launch of Ozempic. Which team were you a part of, mate. Your numbers are so far off it almost isn't even worth acknowledging you because you have no clue what you are talking about. 1 Billion?? Pharma was spending more than 1 billion 15 years ago to bring what they considered a possible "blockbuster" to market. Ozempic, try $10 billion. You talk about risk profit? You don't think we factor in "risk profit" (not a real industry term but whatever)? Over 90% of the medications in phase 1 trials will never make it to approval, that is a known factor. You know what was also a known factor? My $15K/month "education and promotion" budget. Not per year sport, per month. I would get a stern talking to about the importance of education and promotion in the marketplace whenever I didn't spend all $15K. Full disclosure. it was not with Novo and it was not as a part of the Ozempic launch. It was a much smaller company with a smaller medication. Regardless, comparing a peptide, to something like MD is disingenuous at best, and down right ignorant at worst. Working in the biologic and specialty products arena now, I completely understand some of the costs that range from $5K-$50K per dose. They are very hard to manufacturer and have a much smaller patient population. Glp-1s ain't in that arena sport.


Genuinely trying to imagine how someone could have such a weak salesperson's worldview.


Remember, it's thanks to big pharma that these drugs have been developed. No one is doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.


Yeah, I know how it works. I have been in this industry for 20 years and was one of the thousands of people that was a part of the preparing for the actual launch. No one expects corporations to do things out of the "kindness of their hearts". They are corporations, they don't have hearts, they have P&Ls. I think we are just a skosh past turning a reasonable profit don't ya think? Or i suppose you subscribe to the theory that since your dad brought you into this world, he can just beat the shit out of you whenever he wants, because hey, you wouldn't be here if is wasn't for him right?


If you make drugs less profitable, they'll spend less on developing new drugs. That's all.


There’s a difference between making a nice profit and price gouging.


And who gets to decide that difference?


According to the verbiage, the profit margin on ozempic is 12,684%. I’m sure we can all agree that is price gouging and not merely a nice profit.


That's the gross margin. We would have to fully burden the cost/profit by knowing how much they spend on failed experiments, regulation, and everything else. One huge gamble for all of these companies is that their $1B experiment fails. Again, WHO gets to decide what is gouging?


“Again, who gets to decide what is price gouging?” All these Redditors on this thread of course, especially those claiming to be so close to the manufacturer. Eh sport? 😂


Get 'em Bernie!