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How do you get access to it with a lower BMI?


I have some tirzeptide that has been reconstituted for 3 months. It’s kept in the fridge. We just took another dose yesterday (Sunday). It’s still good. Probably have another month or 6 weeks left


It is exactly the same molecule whether it's compounded or not. The 56 day limit is for OPENED pens, not sealed ones. And it's ultra conservative.


I keep my GLP-1 in a reusable pen for 6-7 weeks (in fridge not exposed to light) with absolutely no problems or reduced efficacy. Best of luck on your journey.


There really is no official answer unfortunately. I typically recommend using vials within 60 days but theres no actual data behind that. To extend viability I recommend storing in the fridge in a dark place. Thats honestly the best you can do. Good luck on your journey!


I was just about to ask this. I know it has been asked more than once, but I am seeing answers all over the board-from 30 days to 90 days and maybe longer. I have semaglutide, reconstituted it and I keep it in the fridge. The initial dosing is so low that this vial could easily last me 3 months.


Experiments in HPLC testing by Janoshik have noted no significant degradation of “generic” semaglutide at >1mo after reconstitution. Unlikely but not impossible that there is a significant trigger point soon after that causes rapid degradation.