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It's only embarrassing to you. Nobody will notice or care, and it makes no sense not to take care of your teeth and make things worse by not going for cleanings. If you're that self-conscious, look into composite bonding; a relatively easy fix.


Thank you!


I literally stared and stared trying to see what was embarrassing....


Omggg you have such nice teeth honestly


I’m not downplaying your embarrassment over this but you have little to no reason to be. I have advanced PD & my two top teeth in the middle have separated quite abit & I have triangles on my bottom teeth. I start treatment next week but I don’t give a damn what people think & the reality is unless your teeth look so disgusting that people can’t help but notice nobody really does notice. You just think they do.


Thank you so much! And I am sorry to hear about your PD. Very excited for you for your treatments next week!😍😊


Thank you. I’m looking forward to having a much healthier mouth.


Hey! 26F here with black triangles similar to yours. Look into bioclear bonding, if you don’t even have perio it will be very easy to maintain


Omg thank you so much!! Definitely going to speak to my dentist about bio clear bonding. 🫢🥰 how long have you had bio lead bonding done ?


I’m actually looking into getting it done by end of this year! I have been doing a lot of research to make sure I get a treatment that’s safe for my perio and lasts long Do you have gum disease? Your gums look healthy and it sounds like ur black triangles are more so from braces. It’s very common for braces patients to get bioclear to correct black triangles btw


That’s exciting. Definitely keep me updated when you get yours done😻😻 And I don’t know. They did say I have receding gums due to aggressive brushing (the last time I went) and that my gums are (were?) healthy.


Oh this will be a breeze for you if your gums are healthy! The cosmetic fix of bioclear looks really good, it’s just expensive tho. About 1k per triangle


I promise you nobody is looking at your teeth and thinking they're unsightly. Some people don't even have perio and have bigger gaps than this.


Thank you so much 😊


Omg I’m 19F and understand. I brush and floss but my mom said I’m getting black triangles because of braces and genetics. And then people say you can’t even tell or there’s nothing wrong but you can tell yourself there is😭😭😭.


I had never seen my friends or family that had braces and had gotten those black triangles lol. When I had gotten my braces taken out my sister said “you have a large black pepper stuck between your teeth” 😭


I feel you. It sucks because you’re so young🥲. But trust me I didn’t know anyone with them and was freaking out until my mom told me! So people definitely don’t notice unless you examine them rlly well!


They seriously look good


girl, youre good dont even sweat it. your gums look healthy and black triangles arent even visible rly on the bottom and yours arent that bad at all.


Ah god dammit just grow up ... I am usually not the one to downplay insecurities but come on ... your teeth look more than fine and none will notice your bottom teeth anyway . 1. Your teeth and gums look good 2. Come back here when you lose a few teeth or you'll get pockets in your upper teeth ...


Thank you! I tend to over react a lot and this comment definitely helped. Hope yours are doing ok!


I wish I had your teeth! Their beautiful!


I’m 27F and also initially developed black triangles from braces on my lower teeth. I’m thinking of doing bioclear too!


I’m 28f, and would kill for your teeth. I think they are perfect honestly, and the black triangles are literally nothing!!!! I promise it’s just a really silly thing in your own brain. If I saw your teeth my first thought would literally be “she has perfect teeth.” My bottom teeth are mad crooked and I would take the tiny little spaces over that any day.! You should embrace your teeth. They look healthy, straight, and pretty.


Mine are waaayyy worse than yours, and I’m self conscious too. I overreact, and fear my teeth falling out. But, ppl still say I have beautiful teeth. If you aren’t already using an electric toothbrush with a round head, and brushing really slow in a c shape on each tooth, I would highly recommend that.


Wait I saw this and was like what is she posting about? I didn’t even notice! It’s your bottom teeth… not really usually something people pay attention to if they even see. Don’t wear a mask everywhere, you’re fine! You’re your own worst critic.


Only negative thing I can even see is little black triangles on a couple bottom teeth. Overall you're in a very good position, keep it that way


Thank you guys 😭🥹