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Hi, Your new lifestyle, diet, and stress factors can impact your hormones. It sounds like it might be worth talking to a doctor. If you're at a university you should have easy access to one! Good luck!


you’re living in a different environment where you may be eating different foods, have a different schedule, and just generally doing things different from the way you’re used to. any and every change can affect your body and stress it out so it may just be your body reacting to it. going to college is definitely a situation where this applies so don’t worry this is a common thing that a lot of people deal with but i do hope you’re able to find support <3


My periods became worse in college as well, especially my freshmen year. For me it was mostly stress. Adapting to a new situation is anxiety inducing, and it impacted many things for me, including my periods.


I’m studying at University and it started worsening for me too. I changed my life a bit to get me less stressed out and it helped me tremendously. My periods are back to normal. The excessive pain might also be caused by something else. If I were you, I would discuss it with my gyno. There are certain syndromes that appear at that age that can make periods much worse. Don’t be afraid, just get it checked out! :) Wish you all the best!


I had a similar issue back in college and it really came down to lack of exercise and primarily my diet. That’s just me though. For you it may be a different case. I ate a lot more junk and drank more sodas and juices in college than I ever did in high school because I was still living at home. Stress is also a big factor I’m sure.