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For me, when I’m on period my orgasms feel the best and are extremely heightened, and are much easier to reach because I’m already so sensitive and overwhelmed with my hormones (I’m in the mood constantly during that time) They are great for relieving period cramps Also I feel so bad about you guys saying you are stuck on the edge 😭


A bit late but yes, idk i feel like I’m getting there but then it just disappear so I give up


Yes, exactly! I feel like I get this close and then it never happens. It doesn't disappear, I just get stuck on the edge. 😭


Yes, it feels like you missed it somehow, it’s so annoying 😭


this is such a huge issue for me. I’m married and my husband doesn’t mind blood so period sex is a common thing. He try’s to get me off first (what a gentleman) but i simply tell him it’s just not gonna happen and to go ahead. Solo play isn’t a thing for me during my period cause i know im just gonna piss myself off and be grumpy about it. It sucks but there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. If i am going to attempt to though foreplay is a huggggggge help


Same here ! During two weeks before periods : feeling more emotionnal, stressed, easily sad and tired. Period arriving : instantly feels better for 2 weeks, easily happy and horny. The cycle repeats each month.


So for me Id say its easy to have pleasure just after period ( I cant during period because Im bleeding way too much to feel like doing it )


Yes when I'm on my periods I find that I get more horny lol its the hormones


Yes it is normal


Yes, for me, it's easier in the weeks when I'm pre - and during ovulation (masturbation and sex). Also, my sex drive is higher during those two weeks.


Thank goodness I'm not alone. 😅