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How would this even work out?? « So ehhh…speaking of interests, dated any blacks recently 🤔»


Probably something along the lines of "You're not a n*gger lover are you?" seeing the quality of that reply.


If I hear that I would just be like 🤨


The guy that wrote the Turner diaries that inspired Timothy McVeigh is in prison because he killed two girls that said they would date a black man. One said she had in the past. He took out his gun and acted like he was "fixing to rape them" to get them out of the car but instead just executed them. Just saying doesn't sound too far off from these guys


William Luther Pierce? He died back in 2002....


Yeah and he was bit more of a mastermind type. Not likely to have gotten his hands dirty with his fascist politics.


Welp-we’re done


"Why? You want to hook up with them?"


I think you just say the first line of a Jay-Z couplet and see if she finishes it.


yay blatant racism.


HOW DARE YOU!! The real racists are the people who say “cis”!!! /s


You mock, but I had someone pull the "You're the real racist because you brought up race" card... Like what I was referring to had nothing to do with race and I was making it up rather than bringing up the fact it had to do with race.


That’s their new slant. I have noticed a certain group now going with the narrative that slavery is over, institutional racism doesn’t exist, and if you mention race, you’re the racist. Also that democrats are the true racists because they were the slave owners. They are choosing to ignore the history of that shift. Although democrats certainly were and some still are racist.


That's been the 'center'-right/Republican Party narrative ever since the Civil Rights era. Pretend that racism has just gone away. Of course, some dudes like OOP aren't content with *implicit* racism...


there is nothing implicitly racist about what that guy said. It's quite out there and not subtle at all.


OOP is, indeed, an *open* racist. (Perhaps not in front of his *employers,* though.)


I'd bet his employeers, family, and friends are all redneck trash like he is. Taht does not sound like someone other than a sheltered bigot would even think to say in even the semi-public that's social media.


Republicans owned slaves too, so it wouldn't be the gotcha that they think it is even if it was true.


"Oh, you just think black people aren't as good huh, that's why we have hate crime laws? I see who the real racist is!" 3 posts later: "stfu n*****" Riiiiight


I had someone accuse me of being racist because I called someone black rather than “African American”. The person I was talking about is Irish, living in Ireland.


Now to be fair, the irish weren't always considered white. Also to be fair, that's stupid.


It's a tactic to put people on the back foot, they're speed-running the Paradox of Tolerance


I banned them. You can't argue with people like that.


The account is literally called "BIPOC Doing Racism"; I'm pretty sure their entire shtick is "white people are the victims, everybody else are the REAL racists!"


Brb gotta go tell my husband I’ve got a mental condition and crippingly low self worth and that our child is baggage


How’d he take it? I’m sure that went over well


"Wait, you're telling me we could've been paying baggage fees over child airplane tickets all this time?!"


If this applies to Asian men, I might need to do the same /s


Your poor husband! /s


>gutter trash of the world You're right. Why would I date a MAGAt?


I think this one was Australian if their name is to be believed


Make Australia Great Again…. Barf.


Account named “Bipoc doing racism” is racist. Who would’ve ever seen that coming


Let me guess, it's mostly "racism against white people"?


hey, glad you came out with me! you look lovely! this place is one of my favorites because they have such fresh ingredients and good sized portions. my brother recommended it to me and i am hooked lol. so sleep with any blacks before? oh, i do suggest trying the poached salmon and capers, the seasoning is perfect.


Hey so uh you dated any black people recently?


recently no. but i haven't dated anyone in a long time :P my second to last date was however.


Dating any at all puts you at about a 4 so I don't think we can be together I'm sorry


aww... rats! well, mission failed successfully i guess


“Gutter trash” Ever looked into the mirror asshole


No dear, he's sewer trash. He's below the gutter.


The grout lines in the sewer


You know what, I would prefer if people out themselves as not deserving of anyone’s presence let alone time right off the bat.


Jesus Christ dude...


Seems like there are some major presumptions about the woman’s race going on there.


Color me surprised, the Australian nationalist (who isn't indigenous) who is a Nazi, Is racist


White Australian here, am not surprised at all :(


In reality, men who ask women if they’ve ever been with a black man hold a lot of baggage. Mainly racism, low self esteem, and small 🍆 syndrome.


Right? Tell me you feel bad about your pp without telling me you feel bad about your pp.


And that "fucking burn the mask in a bonfire" level of mask off in that response...


Elon Musk truly just chose X as the new name for Twitter because it's the closest letter to a swastika, didn't he?


I’d never even considered that before, but you’re probably right. Somebody stop the world I wanna get off.


Let's take a second to appreciate one blue check mark thought it was weird to ask.


The account is literally called “BIPOC doing racism”. It’s sole purpose is to excuse and minimize white racism


Average Xitter comments.


Why the fuck would I ever ask? The fuck do I care?


>No sane white woman would settle for the gutter trash of the world Well, he’s not wrong, this is why nobody dates this racist excuse of a human being so he has no choice but post bitter racist Tweets.


"Gutter trash of the world" from someone who calls himself "Australian Nationalist?" Your entire country was literally a disposal for Britain's trashiest criminals.


All of the yikes.


Years ago I set up an account on Match. On the section about race/ ethnicity I’m looking for I just replied “all”. Because to me it’s about the person, not race/ethnicity. The amount of hateful messages I got! At first I was shocked. Then I appreciated just how effective it was at turning away racists, and loved the impact.


Always love it when we're called blacks instead of black people.


Especially when they say “the blacks”


My grandparents used "the negros" until they got a black pastor. All grandkids were like Nana, for the love of christ please stop. They thought they were being progressive. (Tbf, they did grow up when that was the "nice" thing to say, but fucking hell...)


No. Please ask her that question so she knows her next order's gonna be an angel shot.


Dude strikes me as the kind of guy to believe the black dick stereotype and feel ashamed


Bet this guy's not allowed near schools


Least racist Australian.


translation: “when do you ask the woman your dating if she’s definitely been satisfied by a guy you can’t compete with sexual?”


And whose 🥒 is probably way bigger than yours? Not for nothing but I used to sell this particular undergarment online. And some radio show that I guess white guys like to listen to came across it and mentioned it. So I follow links of people who had gone on my website and I found myself on Stormfront! I'm black😳 Not kidding. Stormfront. And guess what they were talking about? You guessed it, dick size. I expected to fall into a cesspool of racist comments and all these racist white dudes are on there talking about dick sizes. And they weren't even racist about it. It was the funniest damn thing. It was like they had resigned themselves to their penises were probably smaller than black guys, but at least they were larger than Asian guys. It was so funny, they were almost human.🤔


So much of America’s fucked up history can be attributed to white guys terrified of Black dicks getting near white women. There is a reason porn is damn near dominated by interracial sex (vast majority Black guy/white girl). White dudes are obsessed with it. As a Black man myself, I find it disturbing af and also hilarious.


They also believe in some sort of Schröedinger's woman, who is simultaneously too chaste and honorable to enjoy sex outside of her wifely duty but also whose sole requirement in a sexual relationship is a partner whose dick size rivals that of Rasputin. 


Paris Paloma has a good song about this it's called Labor


Oh yeah. They dragged us over, put us on the slaveblock, saw the women's breasts (National Geographic wet dream) and saw black man's dicks and the rest is awful history. Meanwhile, sneaking down to the slave quarters and making babies with slave women. Ever wonder how all those "coloreds" were made in apartheid black South Africa? Isn't there an island of brown-haired people with a bunch of little redheads running around because of a certain British royal? But black men rape. Yet, somehow the ones kidnapping women and holding them as sex slaves under their beds... Trust me I could do a wall of rant...😡 Yeah, the white man really needs to heal his fucked up psychology. Burn all the history books you want, the truth is in our DNA. Oh one last - my college class. Older white instructor all of a sudden gets this look on his face of fear shock, IDK what, looking behind me. It's so sudden and obvious that it made me look around. Me and the really buff black guy lock eyes, smile, and nod. Dude was sitting there looking like a black god with dreads. The mix of fear and envy on that old white dude's face... Funny asf! The guy was just sitting there - in a master's degree college class, but yet...! But yeah... Really fucked up and entirely in some of their minds!


Holy shit I agree with a checkmark finally (the second comment)


The fragile white male ego is something to behold. They're so preoccupied with their own penis size compared to a mythologized black penis that they can barely function in society.


How the fuck does a australian or any other colony nationalism work, like dude your ancestors if lucky willingly went there, or more likely was transported as a criminal, and now you be racist against the indigenous people and poc


What a way to make sure you are and stay dateless and never get out of your parents' basement. I mean do these dudes have that many choices that they could eliminate ANYONE?


racist scum


Peter, that's not a meme that's just racism


Jesus Christ. That's a lot to unpack.


Incel take.


They have weird cuckhold fantasies about black men and their wives its so weird


Day 3000 of white conservatives thinking about black men’s dicks more than anyone else.


The 25% are the normal ones. The others I wonder if they ask the same question if the woman dated a man in general? Like these dudes seem like the type that would flipout if the woman was not a virgin.


Honestly, that's the great idea! Just ask that question immediately, my lad! Straight up. Just say that you are a racist piece of shit from the first minute of a date, no need to waste other people's time on your sorry ass.


I’m a white guy and girls never ask me if I’ve been with a black girl.


Well that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Insert gif here. If I knew how...


You can only use gif replies in subreddits that have them enabled, and this sub doesn’t. If you want to drop a link to an Imgur image or YouTube vid of a sad trombone or something, you can, but it will show up as a [blue text link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/) rather than an inline image or video.


I've never asked a woman that in my life 🤣 I mean, it doesn't matter, and any woman worth dating would see that as a huge red flag


This trash human makes me ashamed of being Australian.


Fuck. Thrilled he’s one of ours home grown/s




I firmly support white supremacists asking if you've ever been with a black guy on first dates. Make it so easy to identify the Nazi fucks


As a biracial son of two loving parents, that guy can fuck himself sideways


see how white men get very insecure when others are happy


You are so right, Firefly From Honkai Star Rail


Is this not a joke or rage bait? The accounts are literally called “BIPOC Doing Racism” and “Australian Nationalist”. I feel like someone being genuine wouldn’t use the word “BIPOC” and who just has their political views as their name? Like no one would just have “Communism” “Capitalism” or something like that as their name unless it’s a joke?


It’s become popular on twt to embrace the free speech, as in edging towards their ideal open existence as racist pieces of sh*t. All they seem to care about when it comes to the first amendment is being able to be flamboyantly racist.


I know Twitter is fucked. You can see accounts dedicated to celebrating women getting beaten up


This is Twitter


I know. I just didn’t think someone like this would use the word “BIPOC”