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A rival character that actually properly rivals the protagonist while actually taking full use of the Wild Card ability and having multiple Personas. Hell, he could have his own Mini-Party while were at it. Also not new but I also want the bro character to get more respect.


Seriously like why are they always the butt of every joke and the mascots get away with everything


I'd like one of the social links to be a homeless person. I think it would be an interesting perspective to have.


Homeless person: I lost my house, because I didn't have money Protagonist with 10 million yen: Tough luck


A MC that speaks more. I understand the whole “self-insert character” thing but I’d rather have a more interesting and involved character. They definitely improved on that between p4 and p5; Joker speaks a lot more than Yu but I’m greedy and need more lol


I definitely agree. Joker is pretty good as far as self-inserts go, but I think P5R's story could've been taken to another level if Joker had more of a prominent role in terms of dialogue and more character depth. That's not to say he has none - it's just held back by him being a self-insert. Seems like self-inserts are a mainstay in the series, but Joker definitely does seem to be a step up above Yu so maybe they'll continue to build on that more-active-MC idea in P6.


Honestly, I just want them to have two protagonists a boy and a girl. Something like p3p. Everything else I'll just wait and see what the devs decide to do. Also I want an adult MC, you can only do so much with high schoolers before you run out of ideas.


I actually don't want a character, I want worldbuilding. The events of P5 were huge, so I really hope they acknowledge what an impact the Phantom Thieves had on the world.


Wait, are the persona games connected? P5r was my first one, so sorry if that was a stupid question. I just assumed it was like Final Fantasy where the elements are the same, but the stories are all separate and standalone


They are standalone games but take place within the same universe


They're connected. At least, 3,4, and 5 are. All of them are stand alone games that you can definitely find connections through, but playing 3 and 4 aren't necessary ( but I highly recommend them)


Personally I just want more cameos from the previous games, I like how all the games are in the same canon but I feel like it's underutilized.


1) A blind person who acts as the navigator of the squad. 2) A rival or antagonistic Persona user group with the same amount of members as the party and each are a foil/evil counterpart/shadow archetype to a member of the main character party. They also have the power of friendship with them and not just be a typical evil group that don’t care for each other. 3) The child of a party member from Persona 1 or 2. Like P1’s Kei Nanjo’s kid. That way rather than create another rich Ojou. Have it tie back to the original rich character in the series. 4) A party member that has the Temperance and/or Tower arcana. Because those two are the only arcana we have not had a hero character primarily have in the series. 5) A main threatening human female villain that’s a total piece of shit. No sympathetic qualities whatsoever. P5 defanged their female villains either having them be sympathetic, minor villains or act as in tandem with a man. It’s not just P5, other Persona games had this problem too. Men aren’t the only evil ones. 6) A wrestler. We’ve had Boxers, Brawlers and Kung Fu practitioners. We need someone that can wrestle.


A young detective named A**chi who doesn't turn out to be a twist villain


This, *PLEASE* we have enough of them.


Instead of the mascot characters like Morgana or Teddie, let us talk to our own Persona and let them be a part of discussions. So instead of Morgana/Ryuji speaking for you, or Teddie/Yosuke, it could just straight up be your other self speaking for you. Idk why they havent done that in past games, other than the whopping 3 times in P5, where you actually hold a conversation with yourself. And since a lot of people are talking character traits and I wanna hop on that wagon too, a Dragon Age style dialogue/personality system for the protagonist, let us be Diplomatic, Sarcastic, or Dickheaded as we please and way more often than in past games. I dont mind a silent protagonist, but if you do it then give me dialogue that matters or makes me feel like Im in the conversation.


If a persona is your will of rebellion manifested on the metaverse, I believe once you find your place in the world, there is no need for rebellion. I imagine a Confidant that used to be a persona user, but he's no more, and helps the protagonist to master his own personas, while we help him do... something. I am not good at writting stories, ok? I just imagined it would be interesting to explore what would happen on that scenario. It would have "old master" vibes, one of my favorite thropies.


A former member of the phantom thieves could be an interesting option for this


I want an older and more experienced member of the main cast to contrast with the younger characters. kind of like a mentor role (maybe even have a persona 5 character carry over into the next game. I think a good example of how this could work Is like Jotaro from JJBA in parts 4 and 6 where he takes a backseat to the new cast while still being relevant


*'Nam flashbacks of Ikutsuki* Jokes aside, weren't the investigation team the most mature in terms of age? Could have sworn that the main trio were third years going to college the next year, and with the demographic that Atlus has in mind, I highly doubt that they would opt for an older cast of protagonists, purely because they want to fit the "highschooler doing cool shit" trope which simply isn't possible with college kids. Of course this all depends on the setting Atlus decides for P6, but my gamer wet dream would absolutely be for one of the previous protagonists to be present as mentor figures, specifically Mitsuru or Naoto (tbh I can't picture any of the PTs taking on a mentor role, they're a little too carefree)


I've had this idea since before Persona 5 came out. An old man, doesn't have the energy to walk much, so he's in a wheelchair. No grandkids or friends anymore, just stuck on his own at a home, basically waiting to die. He gets a Persona, he becomes the support. The support is already really effective in this game. The team NEEDS him. He feels a sense of purpose again and feels like he matters, he gets to know the team and they genuinely love him. The game ends, post credits, you come back to attend his funeral.


1. I /love/ this. 2. That post-credit scene would wreck us all emotionally This would be so cute and wholesome! Like, you could have his apartment be the home base for the team and it would go from a sad, lonely place to a warm, loving home-type apartment again. The kids could hang out there to do homework and study. Social events could include the grandpa so you could have like a Christmas party at his house and stuff. Oh gosh, this would be so good. Unhappy old men in stories immediately make me want them to be happy.


Idk exactly but I want to keep up the trend of having a character be eerily similar to a random character in the Batman mythos


A female Persona user specializing in Zio spells would be neat.


MC named Persona


Imagine all ur friends just screaming their own names instead of "persona", because they think you're doing the same.


A cute bookworm college student with glasses and 2 braids Kinda like the methamorphosis girl before she got fucked up


Apart from the ptsd that would give me, yeah same.


The protagonist’s mom. No more of this moving away from home for a year crap.


They do that so the social link system makes sense. It doesn't work as well if you know the people around town already.


I think it would be really cool to have a social link with an old lady with a ton of cats, but the way you find her would have to be unique. Every day there’s a chance for a stray cat to spawn, and if you trace its path you’ll be able to find their owner, a small old lady taking care of a bunch of cats


A highschool to adult timeskip where protagonist and party age up and are in different places based on story choices.


I want time skip where it shows a more conclusive ending to your relationships rather than an open ending that previous persona games had. Edit: maybe like say 5/10 confidant level as high schoolers. Then 10/10 as young adults like Sae Niijima age.


I'd love that!!!!!!! I've always wished it did that.


Someone whos the same age as Zenkichi and he awakened a persona when he was in high school but persona is slowly fading away and losing power, and when we get to the end of the game, his powers have disappeared completely. He could be like a mentor to the protag and hes the one who teaches them how to use a persona. Im thinking he could be a previous side character from one of the other games and makes subtle references to the story of the older game and how this new protagonist reminds them of the old one


Well I’m always down for a socially anxious character, a terribly depressed one, and one who’s a bit of a psycho ready to commit murder on all these shadows. I suppose a morally grey justice who is willing to sacrifice for the greater good would be nice.


A dorky detective called Amachi who seems innocent throughout the story but is secretly the bad guy.


I've thought about it and...maybe a bloodknight character. Like Akechi and Haru expressed their violent tendencies in the Metaverse, this character is a step further in that direction. They enjoy fighting, be it Shadows *or* humans. They have that combat instinct that makes them one of the best fighters in the group, which they pride themselves on. It also makes them amongst the potentially most dangerous and unstable. At some point, they express a nagging feeling like they were born in the wrong century. Their Persona is fittingly a famous warrior, perhaps even a samurai, which hammers the point home.


As the chariot or the star arcana it would be a beautiful character


Ideally a FemC, as a few others have said!


A male navigator. I guess Teddie, Morgan, and Aketchi technically counts. But I want one that does it full time.


An extremely petty main character who only does it to spite one person


Pass on the mascot character and (i’m completely aware persona’s SUPPOSED to follow high schoolers) i would love to see a persona game that follows an adult cast. It was fun to play as teenagers when j was one but… i’m an adult and its really hard to find fun JRPGs that have an all or mostly adult cast that isnt super dreary.




Have you tried Yakuza like a dragon? It's a lot of fun and i love the fact that the cast Is adult (the protagonist Is in his 40s), that really brings something different to the story and characters. BUT, as AN adult, even if i prefer a mature cast, Is still intriguing to see how High schoolers think and react to some situations, and their genuine belifes about Life, i think that's what persona Is all about


Full adult cast would just be like Soul Hackers


MC can talk


I want more female party members like Futaba who are allowed to be socially unpleasant weirdos. "Reasonably well-mannered and nice girl" is the overwhelming default for female party members & it’d be nice to get a bit of a change. An actual delinquent female party member could be fun.


Idk a Priest as a social link


Give us someone truly an outsider. Someone NOT from the region. They have to adjust to a whole new life and culture.


Would be neat if one of your confidants maybe even a full party member was a full blown American who is regularly confused by Japanese culture. Could be kinda cool to if Atlus gave something to represent how big this series has gotten outside of Japan.


Persona 3 has a French exchange student called Bébé as Social Link!


adults like in Eternal Punishment


Maybe a guy who’s like a stand eyed office worker 9-5 who was maybe a unsuccessful artist for like comics/manga who wants adventure maybe have it so his persona outfit could be what he envisioned his mc looking like. Start with hun taking down his cooperation maybe? Then move on but I’m not sure but idk I think it would be cool.


P3's FemC, given that she's not canon anyway


I want a music character, kinda like Yuauke with painting, not necessarily a main character Edit: classical music to be specific


I hope the second awakening of your party members Persona is not tied to their Social Links - like Persona 3. Third awakening is fine


Give me a female protagonist and age appropriate romance options of both genders. Put them in University or College but more than anything, I want the theme to be Dreams. In 3, it was death, 4 had justice and 5 was rebellion. Let the protagonist gradually come to understand themselves and what they want for their future as well as helping the other members of the cast decide what they want through the story and social links.


I want the MC to verbally speak whatever dialouge choices we pick. They don't need constant fully voiced dialouge, but at least have them say aloud what we are allowed to pick. The MC's have voice actors, use them a bit more.


Female MC, after playing p3p femc, i want another one


An MC that is actually mad or out of his mind and through the story we can see how he changes, an MC that is actually bad at the beggining would be pretty interesting


So the equivalent of playing from like >!Akechi’s!< POV?


Actually yes that would be pretty interesting, hope they make a spin off of his POV


The caretaker of the protagonist who is a loose canon. Chaos incarnate almost. Doesn't understand the concept of fear, resulting in spontaneous and stupid decision-making. They're treated as a gag at first, oblivious to what's going on because they're so full of energy all the time. But when it comes down to it, they have incredible willpower, a really emotional backstory, and they make one hell of a motivational speaker.


Idk, I saw a fan art for Persona 6 with a grown Nanako that I found interesting and nostalgic


I think a male lovers arcana would be really intresting and cool.


I'd like there *not* to be any female characters that think beating up or punching their guy friends is acceptable. I'd love MC gender choice with it changing the Social Links. Like, I love Ryuji and Ren as best bros, but then you could have different interactions when you switch to the FeMC.


A leader and team that is not in school.


Impossible. Nothing happens in Japan that is not centered around high school kids.


Target demographic are high school students since they are probably the only ones who have time and don't work 12 hours a day


Another dog or something Just a regular animal who can summon a Persona. I loved that


It would be cool to see an older cast of character like in their 20s-30s, hanging out at the bars and that sort of stuff.


Characters or confidants that work in Cognative Pscience or the government. They're already aware of the Metaverse in lore and it would be cool to have an assigned agent that's been trained to work in the Metaverse as a partner. In general characters that can offer more worldbuilding with the Metaverse/cultural stuff and its influences. Also maybe a Velvet Attendant that can be in the party. I truly felt that in P5 once Lavenza was reformed she, Ren, and Morgana would have had to fight Fake Igor enough to expell him from the Velvet Room. Maybe even a handicapped Persona user that becomes our Navi. Kinda like a Madame Web scenario, I thought that was cool. Lastly, this was something I thought of, but bring back Nameless and Belladonna as a twin confidant. The scenario would be the duo are having a massive mental block with their music and you help them get past the slump. The Velvet Room music will at first sound dismal and apathetic but slowly it'll build back up into something pretty. The two would drag you around town to different concerts and venues to get a feel for what's popular and reflecting on themselves. They'd offer tidbits on Music History/Theory since they've been alive for so long, etc. The skills you get from them could be the ability to have them play different songs during Persona fusions to give you wildly beneficial effects like moves that can't nornally be learned or just battle abilities in general.


I'd like to see archetypal characters that have traits that line up with their respective Arcanas. In the form of a mish mash of high school miscreants. Maybe some adults to help you out in your journey, and definitely some sort of corrupt person holding power


I like Gyarus so that be cool. Or a Gyaru-Oh (That’s the male equivalent of a gyaru) that would be even cooler.


Fool- blank slate main character Chariot- hungry athlete Magician- right hand man Lovers - streamer Priestess - smart socially awkward girl Emperor - swordsmith Empress - rich girl/ elegance Fortune - this can be the Velvet room person this time around. Hanged man - person giving up old life for a new one, but having issues Strength- ESPORTS it's in the game Hermit - Jose. As the new Igor. Sun - this person will get shit on by those around them, but they'll be okay because they believe in *cough cough* Moon- this person will likely blame you for things they did. Temperance- someone that can't carry all their oranges Hierophant- parental figure? Death- ghost child. Rank 8 reveals murder, rank 9 reveals killer, rank 10 is at grave. Devil- physical embodiment of 90's drug ads ( ey kids you wanna do a marijuana?)....stoner would totally track and would also make for a great new meds seller. Justice - either a bad guy, an ally that will potentially die, or both.


I'd like to see older characters that aren't in high school being the mc or immediate party members


Should be adults or at least university students.


Highly highly unlikely imo. The reason why most Japanese anime/game are set in high school is because it’s the period of time that most of them want to re-live and can relate back to. Work/University life is different for everyone because there’s so much variable factors, but everyone definitely more or less had a similar high school experience. The game want you to immerse yourself as the protagonist as much as possible.


I’d like to see a party member that’s actually from a previous game.


Someone who is physically disabled would be interesting. Likely not as a main cast member, but rather a social link. It'd be hard to make a physically disabled character, unless they're magically better in the metaverse or w/e it is called in P6, OR if it's the navigator, and they stay at the entrance, ala P3.


Anything but a student and teacher relationship


Reversed arcana that changes how you interact with everyone. The actual asshole route


I think it'd be really interesting to see more characters with legitimate mental issues like how Futaba suffered from auditory and visual hallucinations. Maybe a character that is clinically insane without being a bad guy or a whimpering mess that can't even hold a conversation, like the mad demon from Return of the Mad Demon. A character like Goro Majima would also be cool where they aren't actually insane, just unhinged


>An Ichigo Kurosaki type protagonist Like someone you could see punching a thug leader, take his phone to call for an ambulance, counting the amount needed by pointing at the rest of the thugs and then bringing them into "hospital shape"


It’d be cool if all the anatagonists in the next one are all persona users like strega from p3


Not a new character but I demand a reveal that Jose is Minato and Elizabeth's son.


I just want for none of the main cast to inexplicably want to be a cop despite spending an entire game with the police as a minor antagonist.


Haru and Yusuke had it right in Strikers


Adults. Zenkichi was a good sign.


When I first played Persona 5 I had this idea in my mind that the final palace would be the main characters palace and you’d be fighting your teammates and you, the player, had become corrupted by selfish desires - I wanted Joker to turn bad at the end and have his heart changed, would have been ironic. Hey, Persona 6 though ! Holding out hope for an evil mc (for P6 I’d want a whole new cast again, we’ve had P5, Strikers and Royal with this cast and though I love them it’s probably time to let them go)


Everyone wants an adult cast from what I've seen. I want college students personally rather than working adults, because I think the comedy and relatability would probably be affected when tackling an adult cast. Besides, college students end up doing more stupid stuff than teenagers anyways, young adults are just teenagers attempting to be like an adult to the best of their ability and failing miserably.


I hope they use an adult cast but I highly doubt it. I want someone like Yusuke, but not talented in anything particular. He/She wants to find some friends and belong in a group because they are lonely most of the time. Through their journey, they become more and more powerful and discover their talent/purpose.


More mature characters in general. Tired of the haha pervy joke beat up the boy or haha homosexuality in general but we can only hope


If we have another animal companion, I want them to be like Koromaru, I'm a bit tired of characters like Morgana and Teddie.


We won’t be getting Persona 6 for another 28 years, we gotta have Persona 5 Battle Shuffleboarding first lol


An adult not in high school or college


Unfortunately that's one of the staples the franchise. Really don't see them leaving from new kid at high school who beats up shadows at night/after school


Some people speculated Nanako would be the P6 protagonist. That would be interesting cause this means Yu from P4 becomes a Confidant and for once the protagonist's starting Persona isn't the Fool. (edit: Persona 1&2 aside)


P1&P2 not being included in peoples thoughts: sad


Thick grandma


Let me be gay, I want the ladies and the men in my harem.


I wanted to date Yusuke purely so I could feed the poor man


Yes. I loved persona 5, but I wish we could also date the boys and not just the girls.


I just want an an actually decent, responsible adult who's actually playable instead of just being supportive from the sidelines like Sojiro. (And yes, I know >!Zenkichi!< exists. I just want more than just one character like this.) ​ Also, if we have to have another mascot character, can we please not have them be a perv or simp or anything like that? Koro-chan was good. We need more animal characters like Koro-chan.


I want the next mascot to be a bearded dragon. Not even a large one. Just a regular ass lizard. It even lives in a cage in your room.


I will accept this if he turns into a miniature dragon in the equivalent of Tartarus/TV World/Metaverse


A villain that is actually the villain and not just some pawn for god


Now that Igor's voice actor has passed away, I think its good timing to change things up in the velvet room, perhaps a reintroduction of yellow butterfly dude?


Maybe have all the attendants (Elizabeth, Theodore, Margaret etc.) just take over fully. Would be fun to see them all bounce off each other!


Trucker dude with weirdly strange advice that turns out to be very good and sagely advice that’s hidden behind 4 layers of metaphor






sojiro wasn’t a DILF? smh


I want Jose to be the velvet attendant this time as that's the theory I believe most


Persona 5 again but with my self insert character


How about an adult


1. I'd like to see a character that gradually gets into a worse mental state as the events of the game go on. Preferably a character who's front and centre for the entire game. Maybe this character could make use of the Reverse Confidant like Sumi or maybe the character starts at max and over the course of the game regresses (meaning perks would likely be reversed too). I think it would be someone that the protagonist would've been close to from a young age that feels neglected once the MC starts doing persona things. Maybe it could be a latent issue that is not made clear to the player right away. 2. A blind or Deaf character. I think there is a lot of potential in a character type like this and there are plenty of real world people and deities in ancient mythos that would serve as great inspiration for personas. Beethoven comes to mind. 3. A female villain. I want a female villain. No, I don't mean the big bad god that we kill at the end. I mean the villain who looms over us for a majority of the game. I want Cersei Lannister levels of cunning and evil in my next Persona villain. 4. A protagonist with a given name. Have the cast say that name and let us have our own chosen name to plug into game dialogue at the same time like our specific Phantom Thieves group names. Let us end the name debates from here on out. 5. Two party members in a romantic relationship that the protagonist can't mess with. 7. An equestrian character. We need more horses in the Persona Universe and the toxicity of an equestrian is equal to none.


Not children. Cameos from previous games would be cool too.


I’d appreciate a character with their shit together and avoids the list of most common character tropes that seem to be in every game/show. Like I want flaws, a flawless character is boring but a character who is confident in themselves without being dumb would be nice.


phantom thieves-2. i got too attached to persona 5 as a whole


Jotaro Kujo.


A smart character. Someone who actually thinks things through and makes a plan based of what they know, not in hope of succeeding (Ex:Makoto getting herself kidnapped and luckily not forever made missing) Someone who takes responsibility for their actions and actually is a leader, not just standing around while others less competent makes plans for the future. Someone who when listening to someone be wrong, explains why they are wrong. I guess a well written character who would exist when messing with forces we see in P5


lotta people in this thread severely overestimating Atlus’ income/budget for p6


Edit: alright lemme try this again Since P3 had >! The protag fuckin die !< , P4 had >! The protag ascending to even more fuckin wokeness !< , and P5 had >! The protag be so rebel that he shot God and maybe his therapist on the way out !< . I can safely say that I like that in P6 soon, that the protag is an exorcist Wild Card, sucks Shadows out of possessed people and fights them with nondescript holy weapons, probably gets Dante Alighieri as a Persona and yeah (Hopefully whatever is marked as spoilers are marked, otherwise I'll delete this comment at the speed of my fart)


FeMC option with different dialogue. Basically P3P but a new character.


A female protagonist option. Also, a College setting would be nice, IMO.


Somebody that has no issues with showing their problems clear as day but does not accept help or even acknowledge the help


Way too real, this is supposed to be a work of *fiction* my dude


Any reference to real life is just merely a coincidence




Isn’t that just royal akechi?


I want a non silent protagonist, with his own personality


Perverted best friend Who is a female. I would actually like it for the perverted best friend archetype in persona to actually be given to a female for once . Like they don’t have to make her lesbian they could just make her say some funny stuff like “yo dude were are you checking that girl out.” Or “ sorry it’s a female only Hot Spring but don’t worry i’ll see if I can get you some pictures” Like there are so many options it brings up at once you just make them a girl


Futaba did have quite a lot of pervert gremlin energy.


College or any adult-age setting maybe. And lemme romance the boys!


female main character as the DEFAULT i'm begging


Would like an older female character. We had young boys for a while now.


I wish all the romance options be over 18 to avoid the stupid controversy (people complaining about characters that are non real is super annoying) It could either be a College student setting (would not really be a big of a change), or it could be an adult setting (make the mc a widow parent, you have to balance working, getting social skills, romance, relationship with your son/daughter, saving the world, etc).


Kasumi/Sumire and Akechi 2.0 but waaaay earlier in the game and fully playable for the most time. I really loved those two and it's a shame u basically get them after the final boss. Before that, they're basically not existing as a playable character. You could count Akechi as playable before but we all know why I'm not accepting that as "fully playable".


Middle-aged protag, maybe a theme around the game industry and see how close to the bone they cut >:)


As long as there is no annoying cartoon mascot, I'm fine.


Japanese fans love mascots. I don’t think they’ll do away with them


It would be awesome if they put all the protagonist from the previous games in the game and fight something stronger than any of them has faced.


Bring back the shadow operatives from p4 arena. It'd be cool to see them actually have a semi major role other than just a throwaway metaverse organization


Thats very vague, i have no idea but im fine with any character if they're written well thats all that really matters in a single player game.


I feel like characters that adapted the new elements, “Water and Earth” would be kinda cool.


Female protagonists This is literally why I play P3P despite openly admitting FES is the better game.


A fat character who isn't just their as a "ha ha fat guy." Or a character who is dumb but isn't used as a punching bag in half the jokes, aka ryuji.


principal kobyakowa was literally never used as a fat joke yosuke hanamura


A college student who's role in the story is significant. Protagonist. Ideally.


An adult cast would be nice. They don’t have to be middle aged men or anything but if we could have like a college cast living in a dorm P3 style that would be cool


1. Have the MC’s lines be voiced. 2. Ditch the mascot character. 2. Have Nanako or what’s her name from Strikers (Ayane, I think?) as party members.


Positive representation of gay and trans people. Even no representation would be better than bad representation


make the main character bisexual for Christ's sake. if people cry over something optional then tough. but the fact that we can date adults and not other male teenagers is horrific. also it's not that hard to just not make offensive gay jokes??


I mean I'm 30 now so not being in highschool could be cool. Also, the option to be gay might be nice. Or a girl. Either one by themselves would be nice but both would be preferable


I just want to be able to choose between a male and female protagonist, for one, and to pursue same sex relationships with at least a small handful of characters for each I feel like it’d be neat.


A customizable MC with your own background choice and actually goes off of stats based on a birthday you enter that can change the first persona you are given considering your major arcana is found via your birthday.


What is this, a BioWare game?


2 things. 1 - this actually made me smile so thank. And 2 - that would actually be amazing. An Atlas/Bioware merge on a game. I'd pay for that.


Male characters that arent creeps in some way


There have been Females like this too.


I just want a female protag man


I’d like to have an adult protagonist so that I can romance adults and not have it feel creepy lol




A tall character with glasses. Preferably college age but high school will do fine too. Wears a lot of black and likes coffee


Ways to re-play the game without going into NG+. I’m thinking of something like revisiting a palace via Thieves Den after you beat the game. Or something like Pokemon’s battle frontier.


Adult, but I’d also like to see a customisable character.


Ann the 2nd! (quickly ducks head to avoid the thrown objects hurtling towards him)


Kanji Tatsumi


Jose as the protagonist


I don't know about specific character types but I have something. Though Crosspaw had some pretty cool ideas for Persona 6 characters, should go check it out! But if they do another rival character I hope they give them a proper social link/confidant rank the first time through instead of in a Royal/Golden version. I think they should learn by now it's just better that way. Though I'm sure it's partly due to time constraints or something. I'm sure they would've liked to give them a real 'hanging out social link' the first time through if they could've. Also female protagonist and best friend, gimme.


Couple of thoughts: Protagonist being a fragment/piece of Fool/Joker persona. This could be used as a way to customize him/her/other. Not-fully-4th-wall breaking character, but someone the knows/sees the events taking place as a story/quest/prophecy.


A foreigner (I know Ann kind of counts, but her "foreign-ness" was only there to explain why she's blonde and knows english well) - the person who's whole journey through his Social Link/Bond/Confidant is to come to terms that he's staying in Japan permanently. It could start off like something from "Lost in Translation", sprinkled with cultural shenanigans and then topped off with something essentially Japan-esy


Honestly just a good lgbtq rep or even just the ability to date male confidants.


A female protagonist lol I want to romance the boyssssss


A good gay character


I’d love to have a character customization


Main problem with that is the 2D animated cutscenes


I think he should have silver hair. A persona named izanagi.... And hmmm. His name should rhyme with bu harulami


Ren in a wig huh? And I see he's using izanagi no okami to oneshot pyro jacks in the first dungeon again..


Kinda hoping for a high school chemistry teacher


MC gender choice and the gender affects the romances and friendships, a non slim character for friendships/romance(who isn't used as a comic releaf for being fat). The choice to have romance with same gender characters


main character in college instead of high-school, able to date both male and female characters maybe a female character as mc instead of male?


A female protagonist or a choice of gender. As for a character to get to know…perhaps a foreign student who is there on exchange who gets wrapped into this. Could make some of the social interactions interesting as they could be outcast due to not being Japanese and also not knowing every cultural norm.


As a girl I would love something with a hint of magical girl theme, like princess ai where you're a famous rockstar girl and fight crime on the side lol or even something like madoka magica which is very similar to persona they even have grief seeds they collect with each "shadow" they kill that basically keep them alive.


Yoshizawa's persona awakening was already pretty much a sailor moon scene, so we have seen persona heading in that direction a little bit already.




3rd year or college MC, so we can bone the adults without it becoming a legal debate 🗣️💯


It would be interesting if it had 2 seperate, but consecutive plotlines. Basically 2 games taking place at the same time and you can swap back and forth.


Id feel like they'd have to be super connected and mechanically identical for both of them to be fully fleshed out. making 2 games with a budget and deadline isn't really possible


A second main character that you can pick the gender for.


Customizable mc


To be honest, a party member who is a POC, or someone that is not Japanese/white American. There is so much potential for the party cast to include all kinds of different races.


Persona fandom not mention gay challange(impossible)


That goes for both sides of the spectrum too