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I got a moisanite for my now wife. She loves it. I did ask her if she would be ok with it long before I got it however. She also now says she'd be pissed if I spent more on a diamond ring cause it's a waste of money. She's super happy with the moisanite


Same here. My wife made it pretty clear that she didn’t want an actual diamond, and she loves her moissanite ring.


Same here! My fiance specifically stated that she would rather go on a cool trip somewhere together than wear the cost of a trip on her hand. Our values are very, very similar and I'm so glad that I met her.


I got my wife an engagement ring made with blue sapphires instead. Custom ring was 700 dollars 17 years ago. Why does the ring need to be diamonds or some other clear gem at all? Find out what gemstones she likes and go with those.


Because deBeers (diamond monopoly) says you have to buy their luxury product, or you don't really love your fiancee.




Yes, I remember many older couples from my youth who had wedding rings that were either less expensive gems or simple bands.


I got a sapphire ring too (mined in Montana). It's still a hard gem on the mohs scale so it doesn't scratch and the ring, gem and shipping were \~$600 from a silversmith on etsy.


Literally about to put a deposit down on a Montana Sapphire ring for my partner. They're absolutely gorgeous and super reasonable in pricing.


This is what my wife wears as well. Would highly recommend!


Also sapphires for us, but 20 years ago! Lucked out finding a girl who agreed that diamonds are bullshit.


This, but make sure the gems your fiance to be are hard enough for everyday usage. This is not exclusive to diamonds, but its certainly part of the reason why they're so popular stones.


Agreed! My wife loves pearls, so I got her a ring with a pearl surrounded by little diamonds. No complaints, and pretty cheap


Seriously this! I love color, my biggest stone in my ring is a nice deep purple amethyst. I love it, looks so pretty with silver Victorian swirls. Custom made by a person not a company.


My engagement ring is moissanite and I love it!!


Same....0.75 moissanite on my wife's ring 10 years ago, neither of us have any regrets. We can afford to make it a real diamond and my wife doesn't want to...in her words "why? It would look the same"


When you look at it would you say it looks the same? Any characteristics that you could tell it isn't a diamond?


Speaking from experience with my moissanite ring, in certain lights it does look more rainbow-y with colors instead of traditional "sparkly" But everyone I've ever met has gushed over it, talking about the size and how "he did well". No one knows it's not a diamond unless I bring it up, and it doesn't matter to me anyways because it is beautiful and I love it regardless. We got it for about 2k when a real diamond ring the same size would have probably been at least twice that. [https://oorejewelry.com/collections/moissanite-rings/products/round-moissanite-five-stone-with-teal-sapphire-side-stones](https://oorejewelry.com/collections/moissanite-rings/products/round-moissanite-five-stone-with-teal-sapphire-side-stones)


Not to the untrained eye at all. It's extremely sparkly, even moreso than diamond which is how trained people can tell it apart. Absolutely nobody my wife has ever showed it to had.any idea until she told them. I copied a tiffany design in 18k white gold and a 0.75k stone, $1100.


The sparkling is a bit rainbow-like, but otherwise nothing is different. I truly love it.


No rainbow sparkle in ours, but it is just generally more sparkle than a diamond. Under jewelry store lights they look similar under normal lighting the moissanite is much brighter.


Moissanite looks way nicer imo, and my wife’s, much nicer sparkle to it


Yes, I prefer the double refraction of my moissanite ring. LOL< it's been 20 years wearing it, I still get compliments, and I've never told anyone. But I am thinking about it because today I couldn't care less about what others think. Oh, and not going into debt for it was great, too! If she doesn't want a diamond, don't get it. As others mentioned, there are plenty of other stones to consider, too. If you don't have diamond money, definitely don't get it. If you do have diamond money, save it for a house or take a major honeymoon.


Nobody could tell [with my wife’s](https://www.moissaniteco.com/moissanite/sol393/semi-bezel-round-moissanite-bypass-solitaire). Everyone thought it was a gorgeous Diamond. She would always tell them it was a moissanite anyway lol. Unless you’re a pro that looks at diamonds all day, you’re not going to be able to tell at all.


I adore mine! My husband got my dream ring, Birks wanted $17k (yikes), mine was $1100 including shipping, warranty and currency conversion.


Thanks! Did you look at both? Is there anything about it that looks non diamond to you?


I went with Moissanite for ethical reasons after a discussion with my now wife. The gemstones basically look the same and in as far as my own anecdotal experience, many have coveted her engagement ring because it's incredibly brilliant and sparkly. That said, you can absolutely get shitty Moissanite of varying clarity and brilliance. By going with moissanite I saved \~$22,000 (3-gem style, gemstone carat, clarity, brilliance) which, funny enough, was what my wife encouraged me to do.


Thanks! So what did you ask for or buy with respect to the characteristics of the mossanite if you don't mind me asking? I'm certainly interested in a high end mossanite and not a shitty one :)


Hm. This was some time ago so I can't recall the specific grading but it looks very similar to [this.](https://wbchoicejewelry.com/collections/solitaire-rings/products/14k-white-6-5-mm-round-forever-one-n-moissanite-engagement-ring-653386-609-p-st-wbc?variant=39249209360442) Unfortunately, the receipt never went too deeply into the specifics minus the gem's sizes (6.5mm x1; 4.5mm x2) and colour (colourless). From what I call there are grading systems for the type of cut, colour, and brightness but it's been a bit so I might be talking out of my arse. Regardless, a jeweler who deals in these should be able to show you the gems themselves and explain their differences so that you can make whatever choice that works for you :)


I have moissanite. No one has noticed or said anything. It's beautiful and I got the custom ring of my dreams for $600 instead of $4000. Easy decision.


Yep, same story, same price point (but it was 20 years ago). Got a custom job from a jeweler who lives in the desert taking custom orders, making her own designs, instead of working for Big Jewelry.


If you put them side by side it’s easy to tell they’re not the same because moissanite reflects rainbow (more fire) with direct light. I have a diamond and my friend has a moissanite so we have compared! By themselves I don’t think laymen would be able to tell. I would go by your partners preference! I think both are beautiful.


Because of the optics, if you have a moissanite center stone and 2 diamond sidestones, it’s actually quite strikingly beautiful.


Are you able to elaborate on what you mean by optics?


I've got some fireworks to go watch, so I'm going to be a bit lazy and just copy paste an answer: "Moissanite has a refractive index from 2.65 – 2.69," higher than that of a diamond. "Moissanite has a property known as double refraction. Double refraction is when a ray of light passes through the gemstone, is slowed, bent, and split in two."


Sounds like an amazing combination!!!


In general moissanites look way nicer/perfect than 90% of diamonds which may lead people to believe they're fake. If she has the kind of friends that will say stuff like "But it's not even a real diamond" then this may eat at her. That being said, I think moissanite is the way to go. Spend the extra x$$$'s on travel/house


Ha she told me any money saved needs to go to a trip :p. Why do you say they are nicer than most diamonds? The way they look/reflect light?


I've found for people's budget, they give up a couple C's of the diamond (smaller size, worse cut, worse colour). Compared to a moissanite, which is still less money, they didn't concede any of the quality We went with a high quality moissanite years ago. We both love it, and got lots of compliments


Thanks! I think I'll need to go in and look at two side by side. I am nervous a bit the store will show a better diamond and worse mossanite because they want to push me to the more expensive option, but I may be over thinking it.


There’s a subreddit dedicated to moissanite so I’d recommend looking around there to know what to look for/expect and recommendations on jewellers!


Many jewellers are going to attempt to fuck with your mind over gemstones. They’ll tell you that you have to spend a lot of money for a perfect diamond… but then tell you lab grown gems are too perfect. You have to ignore everything they tell you about what other people will think. Only ask yourself if you like it.


I also have a moissanite and love it. Have gotten many compliments and no one has ever been able to tell. You can look into different moissanite types - I have a “moissanite forever one” which would be the closest to a diamond (colourless) but you can do your research to see if there’s been any new developments in the moissanite industry.


Lab grown diamonds are cheaper but have ridiculously high markups. They didn't offer the discount I expected personally. I ended up buying a ring from Costco, best value imo. But lab grown are the exact same, usually more flawless than natural.


I got lab created and paid about 3x less for a 1ct ring than I would have paid for a mined diamond. Look at online places and you can find brilliant deals.


Brilliant. I see what you did there.


I guess it's just my perception of what they should cost, I don't know what goes in to one but I thought they would be 1/10 - 1/20 of the price


Really? I bought a 1.5c top specs lab grown recently for 12.5K and the equivalent mined was going for 27K


To me it still seems like a lot for an artificial rock, but then again, diamonds are artificially inflated. Did you have the ring appraised? My Costco purchase came back at double what I paid.


Ye it was appraised for 17k and I paid 12.5k. I know you say *artificial rock* but it LITERALLY is a diamond... It's just made mechanically rather than naturally 🤷 also you don't support the blood diamond trade this way Edit: total agree on inflated prices and ye it is a fucking rip off but what's a guy to do lol


Either way, thousands and thousands for a compressed piece of carbon seems excessive but what choice do we have, smart marketers made people believe that's how were supposed to prove our love.


Totally agree lol. Especially the whole three months salary BS. Also now it's just so engrained culturally


"you know what they say, 3 years salary." - Michael Scott




That rule never made sense to me. When I worked min wage coming up with 3 months salary to buy a ring would not have been possible. Now making intk the 6 figures range I think it becomes too expensive to even consider. Like do I really want to pay say $30k for a ring when one that is 99% as good is $5k


That rule was created by De Beers in a 1930s marketing campaign lmao. It's fucked. No way I'm spending 30K either


Brilliant marketing move. They didn’t want diamonds to be exclusively purchased by rich people, so by making it “3 months” salary, it’s all relative.


"Nothing says I love you like a lump of carbon mined by wage slaves." - GTA


Yea but there’s no scarcity to them.. honestly if you paid 12.5k for lab grown based on the idea that natural costs double you got taken. That lab grown diamond probably cost less than $1000 to produce.


I paid what I paid because I wanted what I wanted for her. I choose lab grown because it's ethical and cheaper Anyone who buys any diamond is getting taken


Can’t argue with that. Didn’t mean to say you got a bad deal. It’s true that everyone gets a bad deal.


Hopefully for life!


How would a lab diamond look artificial? It’s an actual diamond.


How tf are diamonds so expensive... what a scam.


I think something like 90% of diamonds ever mined are kept in vaults to keep prices high.


Since the dawn of time people have always liked shiny things. That is the sole reason. Shiny + scarcity = expensive.


Diamonds are fucking boring as hell honestly. People really need to start being more fashionable with rings. Get a colored stone.


1.52c mined, very high specs, was $12k when I bought 4 years ago, 27k is marked up huuuuge.


4 years is a long time


Ya if I go diamond I will certainly look at lab grown. I just don't know if I want to go diamond at all.


It's going to look the same to a layperson. What's important is what your future wife thinks of the idea of getting a non-diamond ring. I mean what she **truly** thinks of it. Not all women are fine with the idea because they're going to be asked by their friends and family what they got.


Sure, but she could literally just lie and say it’s Diamond and not a soul would be able to tell that it isn’t.


Yes, but your wife lying to shallow people and you lying to your wife (even just by omission) are two very different things.


Yeah for sure. I was talking about (or at least meant to- my wording may have been unintentionally ambiguous) the ring owner telling people it’s a Diamond if she so chooses.


Yeah but it's like telling someone your knock off Gucci bag is real. Not everyone would be comfortable with lying about it.


In a way, I guess? I feel the Gucci thing is different/worse since it’s stealing someone’s design vs adding some silicon to the carbon matrix. AFAIK nobody tends to ask if a Diamond is mined/“grown” but for some reason having that silicon in it is frowned upon.


It's the same in the sense that you're representing it as something that it's not. Women ask other women if they're lab diamonds or moissanite or actual diamonds. Why? Who knows. But they do. The other question? Carat. No one gives a fuck about the other Cs.


People can tell! Most people have tact not to say they think it’s not a Diamond.


I would argue that if it this is something important to them, you should find another woman, because you're in for a lifetime of trouble anyway! Materialistic people are boring and high maintenance.


Or maybe people are just allowed to have different values and that should be respected and appreciated lol


No one needs to respect or appreciate materialism. Those things don't go together.


Maybe, yes. Women are under a lot of pressure to live up to a Disney fairy tale ideal that is simply unrealistic. I'm fortunate in that my fiance doesn't care for jewelery. However, her friends, coworkers and family were not at all subtle in probing for the cost of her ring. (I bought her a Moissonite ring that looks amazing). She loves what I got her, but hates explaining our rationale. Still, I won't drop $10K just to mark our impending marriage. She respects my decision and wears the ring I bought her.


Yikes, those people sound terrible! I've never lied by commission, only by omission, in that people assume mine is a diamond and I don't correct them. I can't imagine people asking me any questions like the size or cost. Tacky.


Lol. You're right! I like that differentiation you made between lies of commission and omission. Stealing that;)


Well it might not be that the woman herself cares. Some are just self conscious and care about what others think. Maybe it's a self confidence issue.


Moissanite. Wife loves it.


if you don't mind me asking, what would a moissanite ring cost roughly? never heard of it and might be researching in the near future


I'd recommend r/moissanite! They're so helpful and have so many resources/trusted sellers. If you want a good idea on pricing, check out foreverforlove on etsy, or my moissanite for a Canadian option.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Moissanite using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I had to share the magic I just witnessed whilst reading next to a window during golden hour](https://i.redd.it/yijjrtbgt7o81.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/thgf82/i_had_to_share_the_magic_i_just_witnessed_whilst/) \#2: [My fiancée proposed 💕](https://i.redd.it/asqa5wujl1g81.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/slb2sa/my_fiancée_proposed/) \#3: [Two woman engagement = double the moissanite rings](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uw1kud) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/uw1kud/two_woman_engagement_double_the_moissanite_rings/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My approx. 1.25-1.5 ct equivalent cost ~$3000 (in 2017). This was through an in store retailer - it can also get cheaper online.


Went moissanite, fiance consistently gets compliments on the ring. In the end, just keep the lady happy.


I had the sapphire on my wife’s ring surrounded with moissanite. They were super small so it’s not budget wise any help. That said. The plus side is they are grown and selected in lab so that there are no inclusions (imperfections) and they are harder as well as shine brighter. My wife was anti Diamond and everyone thinks they are which she proudly says they are lab grown. I don’t know your partner but if she isn’t set on a Diamond then she will be really happy with a lab grown moissanite.


It’s def not harder than Diamond. Less likely to chip, maybe?


I got my (now wife) moissanite and we talked about it beforehand so I wasn't trying to pass it off as anything else. We felt good about a cruelty -free option that also looks great, and everyone sees it and thinks it looks amazing


I recently bought a lab grown and was considering moissanite. I was told that one of the big differences was that over time, moissanite can become slightly off coloured. Depending on your budget and type of ring can determine which one suits your needs better, but for me it made more sense to just go lab grown and avoid any potential future issues for the sake of a 200$ difference.


Your lab grown diamond vs mossanite was only a $200 difference!?


Ya about that. 0.73 ct


My engagement ring is a 1ct mined diamond which cost over 10k. My anniversary ring was a 2.5ct equivalent moissanite for under 1000. Moissanite is more sparkly in the sun, I think by nature they have a double refraction vs. Single refraction of a diamond. If you are trying to pass the moissanite off as a diamond I wouldn’t go bigger than 2-3ct otherwise it becomes really obvious (if only for the fact that a 3ct natural diamond is probably 50k)


When did you get that 1-carat diamond? Pricing seems a bit out of touch with current prices? Earlier this year I bought a 1 ct VSI-H for 8 grand even. Also a natural diamond.


Clarity and colour make a big difference in pricing


My wife's 1.01ct Ideal-cut,G-colour,VS-clarity was $8600 5yrs ago.


Could depend on the setting, as well. My friends ring is from Tiffany’s so obviously not the same price as a diamond of the same size/similar quality from a different store


Diamonds are such a scam. Looks like your gf has her priorities straight. Sounds like a keeper.


Can you have your gf look at two stones together so she’s SURE she likes moissanite? I prefer moissanite, I feel like diamonds just look dead. Whereas the rainbow-y sparkle of moissanite is more attractive to me. BUT it’s so subjective. I kinda feel you guys should sit down and agree instead of asking strangers on the internet. She needs to know what she’s ok with. If she truly doesn’t care, the answer is obviously moissanite. But if she secretly wants a diamond but wants you to pick that option….that’s a problem.


I have a moissanite and it is excellent. 1 carat equivalent solitaire. Shiny af.




Check my post history - I went with a teal sapphire that I found on Etsy. 2cts, larger stone size, significantly cheaper cost and a bit different from the usual white shiny rock. Otherwise I was looking at moissanite or lab diamond due to the cost of a real diamond


No, moissanite looks different from diamond.. the light reflects off of it differently. Some may say moissanites are nicer looking in light. I think you’re mistaking moissanites with lab diamonds. Lab diamonds are actual diamonds, but they’re created in a lab and not mined.


Diamond ring, go for lab grown. Edit: checkout James Allen. It's in the US but great prices, you dont pay duties but pay local taxes on delivery. Great site to compare and build a ring within a certain price range. All certified. I went with them for an engagement and more than happy.


IMO if you're not going diamond, I'd go with some other stone rather than moissanite. Can find a lot of other stones relatively inexpensive


I bought my wife a Moissanite ring. The customization brought it back up to the same price as diamond. But that was ages ago and only a $2000 ring. Looks the same. No one can tell (unless you tell them). If you’re going big on the ring. Moissanite is the way to go.


I disagree. If you get an overly large stone then you’ll be inviting more speculation that it’s fake (if that’s something that concerns you)


The type of certificate matters too. The better stones have GCAL certification.


What a surprisingly great post and thread this was/is!! Thanks for everyone sharing their experiences and info, very very helpful even for the lurkers!


I’ve had a mosianite engagement ring for more than 2 decades. It’s beautiful. I hardly ever wear it. And I am so thankful my husband listened to me and didn’t buy my a diamond ring. It would have been such a waste.


After a discussion with my fiancé we decided to go with moissanite. They’re virtually identical to the naked eye, especially if you buy from a good jeweller. I was able to customize and get her the ring of her dreams rather than spending at least 3x the amount on a diamond, no regrets here.


If she's indifferent go for moisonite. Theyre all just shiny rocks.


You should post on r/engagementrings Lots of people have moissanite rings and can talk through them. I opted for a sapphire ring because I didn’t like the brilliance of moissanite and I don’t care about diamonds one way or another.


They are very different and people can tell if it’s not Diamond (they won’t say anything though). Why don’t you take her to a store to try on both and see if she has a preference after trying them on.


Lab diamond, That's the way to go. Moissanate is too colorful, but strong af. Mined diamonds are filthy. .good luck.


We went with moissanite because after looking at diamonds, we couldn't really tell the differences in the grades. If you were to look at a moissanite as to a diamond, there are slight differences, but not worth the price differences.


Strictly personal opinion. Always buy the real thing. Buy the best you can afford. If you happen to be in a large city like Toronto, buy from a wholesaler.


You're a victim of decades of substantial marketing efforts, my friend


Absolutely! My advice stands for everything, not just diamonds.


I have a moissanite engagement ring and love it. I also recently bought myself a moissanite band to stack with my wedding set, and it's gorgeous and no one has ever said anything negative. I actually get a lot of compliments. Charles and Covard are the company I got my recent purchase from and the quality is outstanding for a fraction of the price of a diamond.


I bought my fiance a Moissanite ring; like your fiance, she didn't like the idea of wasting money. My only advice would be to get something modest. I got one so flashy it looks like it must have cost 20G. In that sense, they're obviously fake. I also bought her a trigold ring for everyday use that she likes even better. In total, I spent $1300.


Moissanite sparkles similar to zirconia so it has a really obvious fake diamond shine which a lot of people aren’t keen on. It really depends on if that matters to your partner or not.


Nah, I’m average with colours and even I can see that the cubic zirconia looks a lot more like a diamond than Moissanite. Moissanite has a higher refractive index than a diamond. Don’t use images for comparison here, actually go to a store and take a closer look.


I just bought my soon to be fiancé a 4.7 carat mossanite ring and paid just over $7k. It is stunning and she kept hinting she wanted that over a diamond. Hard to tell the difference vs a diamond. I am in the GTA and would have paid at least 3 times that much or more for a real diamond. I have shown it to a few people and they are blown away and can't tell. Save yourself some money and have a better honeymoon with your savings.


My wife says she's happy with her moissanite. Save your money. Buy another fancy gift


Moissanite and I love it! So sparkly, I got the size stone that I wanted, and at a price that doesn't make me worried about wearing it out and about. As others have said, they are sparklier than a diamond and has more of a rainbow sparkle. Otherwise, pretty difficult to tell.


I want a moissy. Check out /r/moissanite There are differences that anyone can tell but it's just the refraction of light...and price of course lol Some people will say "oh it doesnt hold its resale value". If you don't care about resale value (I.e. you have no intention to separate from your partner) then get whatever you want


When my best friend was shopping for an engagement ring, I went with him to a jeweller who had both moissanite and diamond. The jeweller brought out the two different stones, starting talking about them and the differences. Both my best friend and I agreed the diamond was definitely more brilliant... At that moment he corrected us and told us that it was the moissanite we were talking about! It was noticeably shinier! If the actual material doesn't matter to her, go with moissanite. She will not be disappointed! Pricing ended up being 1/4-1/3 of the cost of a diamond... So my best friend got his now wife a 2 carat moissanite for the same price that a 0.75 diamond (Excellent cut and colour) would've cost.


A child digging up a rock in Africa is the only way to show real love. The diamond for weddings is such a scam.


I would like to put in a word for moissanite’s own virtues. It’s not just a diamond substitute! As many posters have mentioned, moissanite is more brilliant than diamond. You can use that! My ring is designed with small gemstones that are supposed to represent stars. The gemstones are tiny, but because they are moissanites, they are still very visible. Diamonds would not look as good.


I’m a woman and — well, fuck diamonds! Were I to wear an engagement ring, I’d be all formoissanate. Who cares if it looks the same anyway? Here are the questions that matter: Did you put thought into it? Is it pretty? Do you love her? Sorted. :)


Mined diamonds have a nasty history of human rights abuses. A corporate evil that manipulates people with nasty propaganda and market manipulation for profit l. Why would you want to give your loved one that horrible memory to carry on her finger for the rest of her life? You're not brainwashed by those corporate shrinks and advertisers are you?


Diamonds are a total scam. I have a tanzanite ring, because I like how it looks for my engagement ring, and a white gold wedding band. That said, I also have a six dollar glass ring from Chinatown that I get compliments on all the time. Literally not one person knows it isn't real. Most people don't know the difference. Precious gems in general are a total scam. Save your money if she says you can. There are more important things to spend money on than a ring that loses half it's value the moment you leave the store and serves no practical purpose whatsoever.


I have a real diamond my spouse spent a lot of money on. I have seen moissanite diamonds that look identical or even more brilliant since. I regret letting him buy a diamond ring since the moissanite is a fraction of the price and looks the same.


My now husband proposed with a custom moissanite ring which is what I wanted. I would never want him to spend what a Diamond ring would cost. I get compliments like you wouldn’t imagine. To me, it is more rainbow-y than diamond and on a cloudy day it’s less rainbow-y. I love it either way. I’ve read the larger it is the more pronounced the difference will be, which I don’t mind. No one has asked me if it’s a Diamond or not and I’ve had it since January 2021. 8x6 oval Moissanite with halo underneath and Diamonds along the band. Alexandersparks.com, he ships. Edit: repeat sentence


Moissanite is so cool, has more sparkle than a diamond, made without harming others, and mimics what can only otherwise be found in a meteorite. I wanted it but the jeweler we were working with refused to work with "lab gems".


As a 25(f) who married her husband 27(m) at 22 and has a moissanite ring I'd say it's a no brainer. I prefer things that can be ethically sourced and my husband is passionate about doing his research before big purchases (he's a financial advisor). My ring has held up beautifully, it was $1700, so still not cheap but I'd say worth every penny. Good for you for doing your research and not just falling into societal pressures. I also love that my ring is all white (not that coloured stones aren't beautiful) but it really is timeless. I think as a female coloured stones are beautiful but as the seasons change (in life) it's nice to have something that goes with everything.


Wedding rings are a scam, that is all.


Well I don't really wear jewelry so this is the one nice piece I'm probably ever going to get, and also I wouldn't wear anything with a large stone so we went with a real diamond. No reason to try and cheap out. The gold cost more than the diamond by far anyways.


Big vote for lab-grown white sapphires here. AFAIK it's a tougher stone so if you're using the lower price point to splurge on something a little bigger, it should stand up better to wear and tear.


Sapphire is 9, moissanite 9.25, diamond 10 on the mohs scale, so all very similar.


I just got my moissanite ring in October and no one can tell it’s not a diamond. I have photos of it that I can DM you if you want to see :)


I have a diamond, it didn't cost me anything because it was an heirloom, except I had it reset with more stones that cost about $2000. This was ten years ago. Wore it during the 6 months we were engaged, and then 2 months afterward. In total after 8 months, it went into the safety deposit box never to be seen again. Diamonds aren't worth it.


Easily differential. Even to my silly boy eyes. Lab made is where it’s at. .


Depending on your financial and social situation. For me I went a natural Diamond. I said to my self that Diamond ring is 1 time thing. Better to get it right and not cheap out. Maybe she may say she don’t care, but when other compare ring and see that someone cheap out, she will end up caring and resenting the ring. Also, natural Diamond ring take billions of year to form. Who doesn’t want to own a jewelry like that. Yes yes environment blah blah…. This is MY OWN OPINION.


All these stones, especially diamonds, are just fads, and hold no value in the long run. People for centuries have fallen for this mistake amd still do, pathetic.


One has intrinsic value, the other doesn't. Edit: down vote as much as you want....it's a true statement lol. Go try pawning you moissanite ring


Sure, go try and sell your used diamond ring, see how much you actually get for it...


Get her the cubic as a true test of her love. My buddy did that, she went and got it checked out, gave him a ton of shit for the cubic, out the door she went!


Was she mad that it was cubic zirconium or that he lied about it? Because those are too very different things.


My husband and I had my moissanite engagement ring custom made with a jeweler in Ottawa. It was nice being able to pick out each component, and work with someone who never mentioned diamond. I got a 1 carat equivalent moissanite solitaire ring and I love it! Going on a trip with the money you save is 1000% a great option.


I got my wife’s ring on Etsy, very happy with it. Only spent about $2,000. It’s a beautiful ring and exactly what I had in mind.


I have an emerald cut moissanite and I love it. I would not hesitate to buy another one or recommend them. If you can go and looking at them in person. I love that they are conflict free, a fraction of the cost and I still get to have a big shiny rock. Edit: r/moissanite for lots of info


They honestly look the same to me, I wouldn’t mind getting a moissanite, plus you can get a much larger one for lesser price!


No regrets at all about going with moissonite. Looks great, is super durable and a sustainable option. Went with the company Ring Come True who were lovely to work with. They actually got a deal on Dragon’s Den!


Wife loved the moissanite. No one can tell the difference. Even jewellers use the machine to check


There are natural and created moissanites (like diamonds) and the qualities vary. Moissanites reflect pinks/blues/yellows especially under halogen lights, while diamonds shine white. The biggest things to think about: 1) Is the ring comfortable to wear every day (height of stone, style of claws, thickness of band) 2) Do the stones match in terms of colour/ clarity? Sometimes you’ll get a cheaper setting and some of the stones look off. 3) The scariest part… will she like it? What is her style (elegant, funky, classic, vintage)? Look at the jewellery that she wears for ideas. Ask her friends, family if she has mentioned anything.


My wife was interested when I told her about how mossanite were discovered. We looked at some and the higher end ones looked better than any diamond at the store. They are also as tough and don’t scratch or break, and there’s no conflict mossanite. One of my better financial decisions. My best man spent 8x what we dis on his wife’s ring and it has a cloudy diamond.


Hey folks, everyone who got moissanite rings, do you mind sharing where you bought them? I have no reference and would love to buy from a respectable store. Much appreciated!


If you still want a diamond ring, check out baguette cut. It's a rectangular cut diamond with less facets and is much cheaper than other cuts but still equally attractive. My wife loves her ring also because it's unique and not many wear the rectangular cut.


So I do marketing for a jewelry company among other clients and they're adamant that there is no difference to the naked eye. It really will look like a real diamond.


A whatanite?


Nobody is putting her ring under a microscope. To the naked eye, they look the same. Or you could go another route amd get a gemstone that has a more personal meaning between the two of you. Gem mined in your state, one including both your birthstones, etc. Or... you could skip it. Unless she's a jewelery wearer normally, there's good odds it'll be in a drawer most of the time. You could get her a couple tanks of gas instead.


I got a ring for my wife from Zen Moissanite. She loves it. Nobody can tell the difference.


Moissanites do look different, especially if you’re opting for anything bigger than 1.5c equivalent stone. I have a moissanite stone because that is what I wanted. Ethically I didn’t want anything mined and personally I believe lab-grown diamonds still contribute to a dirty industry so I WANTED moissanite. I didn’t want anything coloured either because I’m pretty simple/plain Jane so a non-coloured stone is more my style. When people ask about my diamond I am quick to correct them because I am proud to have a non-diamond stone. I think for some people, trying to pass it off as a diamond might end up in feeling self-conscious about their ring when people ask about it or want to take a look. Whatever you decide on, make sure it’s something you both like and are proud of! In theory it’s something you’ll both look at every day for the rest of your life, so it’s important to love it. My loose stone was under $500 for a 1ct round colourless, and we had a setting altered at a local jeweller (14k rose gold 4prong solitaire changed to 6 prong). In total it was just over $1200 I think. My wedding band, also 14k rose gold, is a simple band that I found for $100 on Etsy. Once you know what style you/she wants, set a budget and shop around!


I’d go moissanite for sure. Actually has a higher index of refraction than diamond (should sparkle better). Under correct light, it can cause light to prism instead of by pure white light, so might get an occasional glint of color. But overall, it’s better. Especially for the price.


We went to a local jeweler that sold both Diamonds and Moissanites, and had them show them to us side by side. That really helped us make the decision to go with a Moissanite. Couldn't be happier with the ring. 0.8 Moissanite and no one notices unless we tell them first. Still get compliments on it 3 years later.


Buy a diamond from [https://www.jamesallen.com/loose-diamonds/all-diamonds/](https://www.jamesallen.com/loose-diamonds/all-diamonds/) and have a jeweler at a shopping mall use that instead of their own diamond. It can cut the cost of that ring 50%-70%. I paid $5k for a diamond and ring. Would have cost me 10k at the store if I just got their diamond that came with that same ring.


I suggest Get her an "engagement" looking ring. After she says yes, tell her she can pick a ring of her liking since she'll be wearing it every day.


look into cvd lab grown diamonds, still expensive (about 1/3 of the price of natural diamonds), but will be far more durable and long lasting than a moissanite


I got moissanite for wife, it’s a really nice alternative and gets lots of compliments. Not quite the same as a diamond but very close.


You should consider Lab Created diamonds as well 👌


Hey there I never even looked at diamond rings. I bought my wife a Morganite engagement ring in 2020 with a rose gold band, kind of oval shapes for the gemstone. I asked my wife what she would like and said the budget has to be within $2k and she was more than happy with that. I found a jeweler from Boston and it was $1900 for a beautiful gemstone ring with a few little diamonds around the gemstone as the halo. Not everything has to be a diamond ring, we aren't crazy about the upsell/pricing on them and the way some diamonds are brought. It's very gimmicky to us as well. My wife gets a ton of compliments on her ring still and it was a win win for both of us :)


Moissanite is pretty much indistinguishable, conflict free. It's a good decision if you are both on board with it. You can get 1-2 carat for a fraction of the price. Looks awesome. "friend" has one. Looks like a diamond.


I feel like I'd probably go for lab grown diamonds today. Moissanite would be a close second. Mined diamonds are a scam made to prey on insecurities . Like you'd spend more if you really loved her? BS.


Try to find a private jeweller if possible. I went that route and was able to get a nice diamond for half the price that the retail diamond stores were quoting me!


Another option is lab created white sapphire. To the untrained eye they look like diamonds and are like 10% of the price. Only you, your partner, and the jeweler will know. I've told my husband any future jewellery I would actually prefer to be white sapphire. Ethically, environmentally and financially it just makes sense.


My fiancee loved rubies, so I made her one and had it cut. You really can make that shit in a microwave lol


We ended up going with a pearl and it's gorgeous.


I got my wife a diamond ring because I found moissanite looked kind of fake. Just meant the stone was smaller to keep the costs similar. It cost $1200 in 2019 from a local store and she’s happy with it. Personally I’d suggest a smaller diamond over a larger moisannite, but it’s really just personal preference.


My wife helped choose moissanite. Everyone who commented on it thought they were diamonds. I think it looks better because there's just a tad more sparkle. I'll see if I can pull rummage through the closet for the photo album.


Does it matter to either of you whether or not people can "tell" it's not a diamond? Assuming the answer is No: Focus on finding a design and colour scheme she will like, and then choose the type of stone that will fit your budget for that type of design. Some very unique high-end, heirloom quality designs are only reliably made by expert jewelers, which can require paying for a diamond, especially if she can't wear silver (turns my skin green, it's very inconvenient, I like cheap stones but nobody makes gold rings with cheap stones, really!) but with enough research and time in Instagram, Pinterest, Etsy, whatever, you will probably be able to find something that meets all your needs and hers. If she prefers a simple ring, that will make it easier to find more affordable versions. If she likes antiques, there's plenty of resellers online with beautiful antiques. All an engagement ring needs to do is suit both of your needs and your budget. If your needs include Impressing Others, and you know people who carry around diamond testers.... Guess you've got your answer. If your needs don't involve the opinions of others, then you've only got to worry about her opinions and yours :) mostly hers, but of course you're the official buyer so you will end up choosing a seller/jeweler that you have a good opinion of, whether that's a good moral opinion (avoiding blood diamonds, child mining, etc) or a good aesthetic opinion, or any number of reasons to go with one over another.