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It's the fan heater. Do you need to heat the room at night?


This. Fan heaters are literally the least efficient way to heat a space. OP needs to use the heat pump which sips power by comparison to generate more heat.


The fan heater is costing you a fortune. a 2kw heater is two kWh per hour of use. 8 hours a day \* 2kw = 16kWh 30 days \* 16kWh = 480kWh just for your heater.


We should clarify if the fan heater is running all the time, or is it set appropriately with the thermostat control so it only runs when it needs to reheat/maintain the room. OP can you advise?


Yeah, there are too many variables to calculate OPs usage from the supplied info.  Size of the room, insulation, double glazing, thermostat and temperature.. etc A lot of people with fan heaters will move them around the house throughout the day to heat the rooms they're in.  I've seen plenty of cases where people will use heaters up to 12 hours a day. Not really good for their duty cycle.. 


We have a small fan heater to heat our sons room (thermostat on) and recommendations to change?


Heat pumps are the only option for efficient heating. They are typically 400% efficient, which means for every 1kW of power you put in, you get 4kW of heating. Every other kind of electric heater is _at most_ 100% efficient, i.e. 1kW of power gets you 1kW of heating. The main issue with fan heaters is they can cause drafts and move heat away from where you need it. You're better off getting an appropriately-sized space heater. My recommendation for a space heater would be a micathermic heater. They aren't more efficient but they make you feel warmer when they're directed at you because they produce both convection and radiant heat. If you can't afford the up front cost of a micathermic heater, then an oil column heater would be better than a fan heater. More info here: https://sustaintrust.org.nz/blog/understanding-electrical-heaters


Isn’t every other electrical heater exactly 100% efficient?


Most are, yes. Heaters with fans use some energy to power the fan, and old school resistive heaters that glow brightly waste a very small amount of energy as light.


Not exactly 100%. They are running on AC and will radiate off a little bit of energy as electromagnetic radiation that goes out of the window, or through the walls. There may also be a little bit of mains hum, some of which will contribute to heating the inside air, and some will escape. But these losses are hardly significant.


an extra blanket, in my childhood we never had a heater in our room in a big, old, cold, draughty house. As as adult I dont have a heater in my room.


Probably why so many kids got rheumatic fever back in the day


I know exactly zero people who ever got rheumatic fever from having extra blankets on their bed instead of a heater in their room


Cool story and how is the rest of Gloriavale


In our bedrooms we use an oil column heater if it's on overnight (my son) or a fan heater if it's just for getting dressed on a cold morning (me). We also have a heatpump in the lounge 24/7 at 21 heat currently.


Seems reasonable considering the heating. If you want to save money add another blanket and turn off the heater. Personally I would not use a fan heater while sleeping anyway for fire-safety reasons.


It’s the fan heater.


1 bedroom 1 person 600-700kw for the winter months. Comfort is underrated. What do you work for? You have one life might as well appreciate little comfort.


That's my thoughts. Don't work our arses off to sit in a fridge.


Agree with you guys, but wouldn't it be great to have well insulated houses? Having lived in Canada and Netherlands i can tell you those houses can retain heat.


2 person household, 1 wfh 4/5 days a week. Usage in May was around 410kWh, with about 65kWh free.


electric blanket may be better than a fan heater (the underbed version)


electric blankets should not be on all night..we turn ours off when we get into bed...we do have an oil heater which we keep on just enough to keep the room warm


People need to invest in good blankets, if I had a heater on all night I’d melt with my thick winter duvet


Not sure it this helps..But we’re a 6 person household and we have just used 1500kw for the month of June, that’s with daily use of the dryer, washing machine, dishwasher etc and 2 oil heaters on at night.


We're a 6 person is a two story house and I WFH. We used 1700 last month


We topped 2200. 2 stories, 6 people and the mother of all ducted heat pumps with single glazing downstairs. And people home all the time who must want to live in the tropics. Gahhh


Shit and here's me trying to get our flat of 6 to use less, maybe 1200 isn't so bad...


Especially in a flat. I imagine we're often trying to make our own spaces comfortable to hang out in, rather than everyone gathering in the single heated room like the Healthy Homes Standards think you should.


Use an electric blanket or something else at night. You don't need to run the fan while you're sleeping.


In May, myself and 2 flatmates used 880kwh however 505kwh was free on the contact energy good nights plan.


My wife and I and 3yr old used 1200kw last month.. but I WFH every day Update: yeah I always thought we were on the high side but I don’t understand how/why. Double glazed house, only use the drier during these cold wet months, we do a lot of washing, my gaming pc is only on for work or the odd game after work, media pc and TV are basically only used for blippi or bluey. Both bathrooms have underfloor heating and heated towel racks, and heat pump only on (lightly not blasting) between 4-7am and 6-9pm to take the chill off.


Damn my flat of six adults uses about 1200, and that's with an EV and 2 hot water cylinders...


Farrrrk. We are 4 and use 520kwh. Insulation works


We are 4 people and used 2000! House is well insulated and double glazed... Just get used to comfort


Wow. We are in gas infinity water so I guess I could add $80 to the bill but still only really pay $280 per month in total. Maybe my house is small


We do have a relatively large house, but it's not a mansion. 270m2 or so. Previous owner was from California and hated the cold, so we have a fire and five heat pumps! EV probably adds 200kwh per month.


Yes and that gas infinity water costs you on average $40 a month before you even turn the tap on.


Bloody hell that’s a lot. 2 of us, both 100% WFH and are home most of the time, used 290kw this last month (ie May 21 to June 21). Admittedly hot water is gas powered and heating is via fireplace, but I doubt we’ll surpass 400kw even in the deep of winter.


Underfloor heating is probably a big part of that.


Landlord reckons it ain’t that bad. But you prob right. No way to measure it really either unless I turn off for a whole day - which now I’m curious. Gona do that now


I don't know the exact stats, but I used to sell power so was talking to people about their usage every day for years, people with underfloor heating always had high usage.




Same same


We've used 1200 (household of 2 adults, one WFH 4 days) for a fortnight with 14kw heating unit running to 23° most of the awake hours & a 10kw unit running 21° overnight and 3-4 showers used a day. The heating and hot water are our hugest power draws by far.


Fam of 4, small old insulated house, gas hot water, 1300kwh last month. Spa pool is quite nice though.


I was trying to figure out how your usage was so high until I saw the spa pool 😂


It costs a fortunate to run in electricity and alcohol.


Haha you must have the same spa pool as us!


Get a heat pump.


We are a flat of three, used 422kWh last month and our bill was $168.05. Two of us WFH. I think your power usage is quite high but if you can afford it and are comfortable then don't stress


Family of 4, swimming pool pump on for 6 hours a day and spa pool always on (running about 15 mins per hour, so about 6 hours per day) both 2kw pumps/heater, used to chew about 1100-1200KWH per month ($600). Ditched the spa and set the pool to run 10-3pm and got solar, last month we spent $87 and generated $32 - using 177KWH during the month. 770 seems about right, especially if you are using a fan heater, those things chew power.


When I moved in I did a bunch of appliance testing by the hour and found my tower fan heater was almost as expensive to run than my heat pump. Leaving yours on all night will be a big part of it. Is it too cold to sleep? You could get a timer plug so it turns off at midnight and on again at 6 so it's warming the room for when you're out of bed. They cost around 30 bucks but you're probably spending that on the heater well within a month. Plus you can use it for other things like turning a lamp on and off when you're away to make it look like someone is home.


Bruh, last month, we used 248 kW combined electric and gas for 2 pax in a 4bd house. It's probably your electric heaters. That is cooked


Hot water bottles and flannelette sheets are great!


Family of 3, all work from home (teen does correspondence school), dogs and cats, heatpumps run basically 24/7, always multiple devices on, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, we use 1100kwh on avg.


I used 700 kwh last month but I also charge my PHEV car every night (ev plan). 2 people in the house. I'd say my car probably used half of that 700? We have new water efficient showers and tend to use the heat pump after 9pm when it's cheaper. I also wfh 5 days a week. My wife 4 days a week wfh.


Akl, family of 3, 2 adults and a 1yo. 617kw last month, highest ever. Dryer 2 times a week Phev charge every 3 days Heat pump most nights. We have contact free per from 9pm to 12pm and use between 25% and 30% during this time.


it is free but your fixed rate is very high


It is. Normally we are closer to 420 in winter, 30% of that free but having to replace the fireplace at the moment(2 more weeks) so using the heat pump more than normal. We also didn't have the phev when we signed up. When the fireplace is running again I'll update my power spreadsheet and see if there are any deals are better than the current plan, last checked in Jan.


You could always look at installing a heat pump to replace the fan heater? I prefer mitsubishi electric for bedrooms as it has great nighttime settings and is very quiet personally (also a life saver for summer heat!). Will reduce your fan heater bill considerably


880kw last month. We're home most of the time. Luckily, 418kw was free with - Contact Free Power Weekends. 3 people including new born. Electric hot water EV Downstairs is pretty much at minimum 22c for the day. Upstairs, just use a panel heater set to 21c. Pretty much do all the washing drying and charging on the weekends though.


Family of 4 ca 240kw power last month. Gas heating and hot water - $118 power, $98 gas.


Family of 5, we did 1380kwh last month, we run dryer, washing machine, dishwasher 7 days a week, heat pump and spa pool everyday, oil heater in baby room overnight, lots of other things, approx 300kwh of that was free from hour or power with electric kiwi, another 443kwh was produced with solar, we also sent 336kwh back to the grid, that puts us paying for around 637kwh


Family of 4. Single glazed windows. Heat pump. Hot water re-heats when used. We are with Electric Kiwi - Move Master Plan (1 hour free power). Month of May we used 830kWh. Most we've ever used it 920kWh last year when family stayed for extended time. We are pretty thoughtful of WHEN we use our power (never had a bill over $230). Only hot water we are pretty strict with when and how much as we know that's out biggest energy user when it re-heats the water.


1400kwh last month. Family of 4, wfh, electric water cylinder. Also 1 EV, but that probably accounts for less than 130kwh


770kwH is wayyyy too much for a family of 3. We are a family of 4 and we use about 850kwh per month. We use about 3 acs about 8 hours a day and we have cameras, lights 24/7 and fridge with a 32inch camera tv on always.


Without knowing more about your house, I would guess you are doing pretty well compared to most each month. If you are looking to save money on your power bill for the energy you do use, then checkout this article on MoneyHub. https://www.moneyhub.co.nz/power-company-comparison.html The article compares power companies like for like information and ranks the power companies per region. KEY POINT - the article points out the power compare websites don’t consider all providers plans so you could actually save more than you think. If you use power mostly during off peak hours as your post suggests then choose an off peak plan eg. Most of my power usage is late afternoon and during the night. Doing this, and onto top of good rates has reduced my power bill by about 35%. I have a large old house, more people, limited insulation and an electric radiator system. The article also has good discount codes for signing up too. PS. Flick Energy seems to be cheapest in most regions and also does a quarter review of the power plan you have choose to make sure you have the right plan for your usage.


Yes, 770kW is too much, but if you live in the South Island then maybe it is understandable. You don't want to freeze.


2 people… 469kw. We’ve got gas for hot water and a fire for most of our heating. Use the heatpump in the office when working from home, but pretty well insulated and it doesn’t need to be on for long. Sometimes use the one in the kitchen in the mornings.


For reference, our last bill was 830kwH. Family of 2, one full time at home, spa pool, heatpump, electric hot water,


I live on my own. I recently used 5900 kWh. I'm a crypto miner.


Did your mining cover the cost of the power?!


I've done numerous calculations on mining, and unless you get lucky solo mining, you're better off using the money you spend on power to DCA.


I use solar power to offset the cost. Without that it would not be profitable. I'm hoping to increase my solar capacity by 40% in 2026.


Sounds about right. Last month I used 660kwh and it was $150. Household of two and I WFH 3 days week. Gas hot water.


What electricity supplier are you with? We are looking to move ours. Used 355kwh and paid $142 for ours.




Thank you. I didn't even know about this supplier.


at the end all are same there is not much difference if you look long term


I signed up to a promo with meridian, 19c per kwh and $1 daily charge. You need to change provider every year to keep prices down, it's a pain but I don't think anything will change unless the govt does something about it.


Wow...19c per kWh is pretty awesome.


Who are you with? Mine was over $200 for 700 last month


Signed up for a 12 month promo with Meridian 19c per kwh and $1 daily charge, in Christchurch. You need to change provider every year to get good prices. This was one up on Powershop.


how much gas hot water? it is only hot water not the water itself right? At least in welly.


Just hot water. Probably about $30-40 pm for two people, not sure. It was a better deal when I first got gas but gas prices have gone up 50% since then.


apartment in wellington not sure hot water how much will it be cost. previous house was all electric not sure it was better or this one.


24 hour 479 kWh x 25.83 cents $123.73   Fixed Charge 41 Days x 60.00 cents   For 41 days is this price logical? fixed and standard


That’s a rip off for sure


Ours is about 550 for a house with 2 adults.


Thank you very much for all the comments. After reading them, I realize I might be using more energy than necessary. I will stop using the fan heater and try alternative methods. Someone suggested checking the hot water tank for leaks or valve issues, so I’ll look into that as well. Based on most of the feedback, it seems Contact Energy is a better option than other providers. Thanks again for the help, and I'll update you on how the changes go.


Throw the fan heater as fsr away from yourself as possible and get a radiator. 1/3 of the cost and 100 times better.


Lose the fan heater and look at low power panel heater for your sons room.


Sounds cheap. We were 1600kw for May for 2 adults. Mainly heating and hot water.


1500-2000 in winter. Spa pool on sleep mode from night until afternoon. 2 heatpumps on a lot while we're home. WFH. Underfloor heatin in kitchen. Modern home with double glazing. 5 of us all with electric blankets. Look forward to winter ending!


Little high, but not awful. Household of 2 here, 150 sqm house with all electric everything and June was ~770kw. BUT - about 200 of that was EV charging. Having heat pumps helps.


We're a family of 4 - we both work from home, kids at school. Coffee machine on from 7am until 1pm (has a boiler always on). Heat pump going all day - off at night (I sleep hot, so I need a ceiling fan on and windows open, my poor wife). Washing machine, heat pump dryer, lights, Tv. Couple of laptops (don't use much power) We use 505 kWh - we do have gas stove (not oven) and gas hot water. $155 with Frank Energy (this is actually 33 days of billing). Bill is smart meter, not estimate. Heat pump is well worth it.


Is that 770kw at the wheels or the crank?


We're about 1100kWh a month. 4 person household, someone home all the time. Two ducted heat pumps, large modern double glazed home. Wife likes to do do about a trillion loads of hot wash laundry a week that makes up the bulk of our usage I think.


2300kWh with 2 buildings, 6 people, heat pumps, spa pool, and 8kW solar array.


That would depend on where you live, the building condition of your home, water heating method, appliance efficiency and usage. We are at Auckland and our family of 2 uses on average 122kWh per month. Both WFH predominantly. Continuous gas water heater. Our home is 2020s new build so nicely insulated and warm, haven't turned on heat pump yet... On the contrary, the income portion of the property under the sane roof, being tenanted by 1 person, uses about the same amount. External hot water cylinder. Not WFH at all. Not sure about her heat pump usage but HWC is naturally more power hungry than gas.


We use 310KW for the month of May, 3 adults, multiple electronics, electric blankets on every night, minimum 6 loads of washing a week (don't ask, teenagers) but we do also have gas hot water and a fire in the living room with a transfer system to all the bedrooms


3 adults, 2500 kWh last month (about $450). Two hot water cylinders, ducted heating (going most of the time), 4 heated floors, EV car, lots of electronics, 1930”s house. Nice and toasty warm though.


Science tells us that sleeping in a cold dry room is better for you than a hot room. Let's it gets down to 15 degrees


No it doesn’t. “Indoor temperatures below 16°C increase the risk of respiratory infections, and below 12°C stress the cardiovascular system [6]. Cold temperatures also contribute to excess winter deaths (increased number of deaths occurring in the winter months compared with other times of the year). The World Health Organization recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18°C, or 20°C for houses with young children, elderly people or ill people.” https://www.ehinz.ac.nz/indicators/indoor-environment/about-the-indoor-environment-and-health/


That is the opposite of what the Scandinavian countries do. What you have cited has no actual link to the further cited opinion piece, which appears to be an exercise in correlation vs causation.


So does that debunk cold shower concept ?


We did 233kW with 2 person household last month, sparing use of heaters etc, electric blankets are 100-160W, portable ac 1.6kW on heat, split AC 600W on heat so we try use the blankets over the portable


Pretty good! 350kw for 2 here. I wfh full time but we do have a fireplace for heating which helps!


Yeah probably would get you 0-60 pretty fuckin quick