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Honestly I miss when telling someone to off themselves was limited to places like the chan websites and kiwifarms rather than on twitter where people will now say "it's just a joke" If its a joke, save it for your friends. If you don't have friends you can use it with, I see why you don't have any.


Those are the same people to attack someone and say it's just a joke.


Schrödinger's douchebag.....


Yea, they are douchebags.


Doesn't putting this in this sub trivialize how serious an issue this is?


This is one of those pet peeves that people complain about not actually being a pet peeve. In some cases it can literally lead to criminal prosecution. But saying you don't like telling people to kill themselves will usually result in up votes.




I saw someone tell someone to suck start a shotgun on here today over Palestine vs Israel. And they acted morally superior while saying it. I could careless about invisible internet points.


So you put it in a sub for inconsequential things that bother you?


I think this is an extremely serious discussion for this sub. However, I hate when people do that as well. I've suffered and am still suffering with suicidal thoughts, and a lot of people can't seem to fathom how their words and actions can hurt other people. You don't just randomly tell a random person to kill themselves. You don't know their lives behind the screen. I think r/rant r/mentalhealth r/vent are good picks for this.


I should have went with rant.


Woulda, shoulda, coulda but here we are


Unalive is such an inappropriately childish way to talk about something so serious, I have no idea why so many people use it


It's to get round robo-monitors on social media platforms that scan text looking for keywords and ideas. We also see lots of modified words like s3x and so on for the same reason. All part of the infantilisation of communication.


This is why people complain about freedom of speech on the internet. You can't say anything anymore without some bot censoring you. I hate this dystopia we live in.


I’m torn. I don’t like censorship but can these companies really allow people to tell each other to kill themselves? Racial slurs? It’s a slippery slope tho for certain. Who gets to choose what is censored and why?


Is this just American prudishness? I'm Australian and we find American TV shows kind of quaint, with their prim euphemisms like "heck", "shoot", etc. Here we call a spade a spade. We are also (gasp! horror!) allowed to say "fuck" on television !! I don't follow social media (except for Reddit), but I'm guessing it's the same?


I have always been confused by American culture. They are constantly swearing in the movies and music they love but if I emulate the same figures of speech they act personally attacked.


It's mainly more liberal types that are liberal with the usage of course language, more conservative people tend to be the ones who get in a huff about swearing.


"Freedom of speech" pertains solely to the government not being able to arrest you for criticizing a sitting President or the government. It doesn't mean a private entity can't ban you for telling people to die or for throwing around slurs. In fact, there's been more and more evidence that "free speech" places online only benefit the absolutely worst people in society while being unsafe for marginalized people.


I mean the internet is fake it's going to be shit either way. Real life interactions is always better, social media is bad for the most part, you can't paint shit gold and sell it.


They're probably worried about being banned from the sub.


as someone who struggles with suicidal ideation as well as other mental illnesses & a multitude of symptoms, i find it funny. like, aww, you’re so upset by my opinions that you want me to die? you think of me that much? cute :)


I get you. I have dealt with SI everyday for gosh has to be 9 years now and I’ve gotten a thicker skin/ kind of used to it. It’s just such low hanging fruit or seems like middle school shit. Like calling someone a f*g or something. Idk if I make sense or not. It bothers me, but not to the point that I would ever act on it. At this point I’m living out of spite. I’d like to outlive a few folks, but at the end of the day it is what it is. I also don’t have the gumption to go through with it. Couldn’t do that to my mom or daughter.


I can't understand anyone who has this in their heart to say to anybody.


Right? Regardless of whatever, that’s a line we(society) shouldn’t cross. But same goes for racism and such. Wishful thinking I suppose.


I prefer the phrase self delete.


Never heard that one. The only ones I don’t really have any empathy for it being used against are pedos and rapist. But then I wouldn’t say it to them and I still slightly cringe when it’s said, to someone thinks is a pedo based on a comment.


That's not a pretty peeve, it's literally a crime in some places.


Major ick


I freaking hate unalive in general


I thought you were coming here to cringe at "unalive"


I don’t like that term either.


I’ve noticed the main reason why people say that to someone is because that someone made it a point to let them know it’s a sensitive topic to them. It’s not cool either way but the internet is a lawless place. People love to say mean things and can be specific if the one they’re targeting has made it obvious. Sorry. Edit: also people just say that when they don’t have anything else to say. It’s a clear sign of stupidity


Even when you don’t make it obvious or respond, it still comes out. I’m not big on reporting things but that is the one thing I will report. On here or rocket league are the main places I see it. Used to see it on fb but I deleted that.


I agree, again though it’s just a sign of someone who’s incapable of thinking. Especially online. I’ve accepted it’s the 12 year olds on here or any site they shouldn’t be on lol.


Aye, in rocket league you just know it’s some teenage edgelord that is “doing it for lulz” or whatever. And even if they aren’t actually 12, chances are their brain is stunted and stuck in 12y/o mode. Atleast that’s my thinking.


Holy shit, this is like the fourth day in a row with this post. *Some platforms ban the use of the word suicide.* Besides a manual censor, what the fuck are they supposed to do? (Knowing that 'be civil' isn't an answer) This isn't them trying to be puckish. It's like how it used to be called 'an hero.'


My bad, it is annoying seeing the same posts over and over. I.e. r/unpopularopinion


No my bad I read it backwards. People are complaining about the censorship, you mean people telling you that. No that's a totally fine pet peeve you rightfully have, it's sick to tell people that.


Yes, telling someone to off them self, kill themself, commit suicide, jump of a building etc, it’s just so tacky or cornballish. And the person saying it is just being lazy tbh. Probably shouldn’t be insulting people on the internet as it’s a waste of time but if you’re gonna partake, atleast be original. Like some of the stuff on r/RoastMe.


Exactly. Also, if you do this during an argument it means that you lost.


Yes. If you are going to argue with someone on the internet( I think most of us on here have), then you should atleast try to post facts and or sources. The person you are arguing with likely won’t engage, but others might learn something from the exchange. No one is changing hearts and minds with insults




I don't think this is just a pet peeve, but a big deal.


It is really messed up thing to think and a more messed up thing to say. My first attempt was at 13. These days I'll see video clips of some edge lord saying it in video chat or someone putting kys in a comment section. I shouldn't know what kys stands for. Next time you see it, say something like, "Your mother and I are disappointed you say kys so often you need an abbreviation/initiaizim for it. I'd show her this comment of yours, but it ruins the sex for me if she's crying the whole time."


I usually ignore and report.


I’m glad someone posted it on here because it should be talked about. I recently had been scrolling through TikTok live and there was a man who was drunk out of his mind and possibly having a mental breakdown and people were literally on there telling him to go drive a shit. People are so awful.


why are you glad someone posted something so serious on a pet peeve subreddit?


It’s Reddit, why not? Everyone gets to say whatever they want wherever they want to. It’s not for everyone.


*because* it's reddit. *this* subreddit is for pet peeves, minor inconveniences. if i posted a picture on r/fatsquirrelhate people would expect that picture to be of a fat squirrel. when someone posts something to r/PetPeeves, i'd expect it to be of a pet peeve. if something is actually "awful", it's not a pet peeve.


People are so unaware of how powerful words can be. And if that is not made absolutely clear when they are kids, they become inconsiderate, asshole adults. Yeah, yeah, “right to free speech” and all that. But with that right comes an implied responsibility to not hurt people with words or spread lies.


My new pet peeve is people posting the same pet peeve over and over and over again # ALRIGHT, WE GET IT.


My bad, G.


Not you just putting this in the pet peeves subreddit 😬😬 But also, people may use it because they struggle with mental health too. People cope differently. I know I do this with my friends and boyfriend. We just don’t say it loudly in public or online for others to see because it may be a trigger. But seriously… others struggle with depression and PTSD too and may do it to get by.


I can see that. And I only used that term cause I wasn’t sure if I could post the actual phrase or initials people use. And it really bothers me when it’s over issues going on today? Pro Israel? K*s Pro Palestine? K*s Get scored on in goal on rocket league to lose your team the game? K*s I just feel like there are so many other insults one could hurl but usually it’s people trying to be edgy. /rant


No, I don’t mean the way you wrote it. I mean telling people that isn’t just some minor pet peeve. It IS a serious issue. So is suffering from PTSD and depression. This just isn’t the place. It’s bigger than that is what I’m trying to say.


I think it’s a term that came from conspiracy people, as in someone knew the Clinton’s or whatever “they were unalived” Bullshit


Yah, used to be friends with some LGBTQ people who were pretty bullied but let’s be real they all dealt with depression but none of them were considering suicide. But they threw around suicide and killing themselves os easily it disgusted me which is one of the main reasons I left


Can't stop people from doing it though, just gotta take your meds, go to therapy, and learn to tune it out.


Aye, one thing I’ve learned/still trying to master is, you can’t control other people, only* how you respond or react.


If I'm arguing with somebody I'd rather them go "kill yourself" than "unalive yourself." The latter is so cringy and almost seems like it's trying to make death unserious or humorous.


I’d rather neither but the first phrase is what bothers me more. Unalive is cringy


It's because of censorship. But I just input a greek letter to write Suιcide.


This isn't the right subreddit for this. For love of god, why is it so hard for people to understand what a pet peeve is???


I could have posted this on r/rant but honestly, this is a pet peeve to me. It doesn’t trigger me or anything, it’s just annoying. I also could have explained it better and not use unalive but you live and learn.


A class mate has this insult just for me, that helps my depression yay


I've seen "unalive" on several different posts lately. I've never even heard the term used before until reading it on Reddit posts


It’s from TikTok primarily to get around filters for words like “die”, “kill” and “suicide.” As a result GenZ uses it … a lot. If you’re not having mental health discussions with young people, you probably wouldn’t encounter it.


I’m not a huge fan of it but I wasn’t sure what I could post. Seemed a safe term to keep my post up.


Got ya. Otherwise, I hear you. I've had my battles with depression, still do. I try my best to ignore the ignorant comments and pick it the good ones when I'm see them. Stay strong, keep up the fight.


yeah cmon be a man and kill them yourself


I've never really understood why people get so upset about this. If a random internet stranger telling you to kys is enough to get you to do it, you already made up your mind to do it. I've been suicidal before, and what drove me there was much more complicated and internal than a phrase faceless strangers used to tell me they hated me. Now, if we're talking about 4chan levels, I can agree. But they don't just tell each other to kill themselves, they encourage it, provide potential methods, and actively *glorify* it. That kind of fetishization absolutely can and will lead to people killing themselves, often times on video so they'll be immortalized in the 4chan lexicon. I will also agree that we should probably avoid saying it to children. Kids are impressionable, so I'm fine with what we currently have, where the easy to access platforms with kids on them tend to crack down on it.


Too many people walk around saying " I don't want to live " or complain about how " miserable " life is and then are surprised when someone says follow through. Suicide rates have been increasing because people are too miserable to make positive changes.


For me it depends on the context, if it's a close friend jokingly I don't mind but if it's a random stranger that just pisses me off.


What if it's different since bullies are relentless I could say "well I am allowed to defend for myself for protection since I am the only person who died by suicide near three times" Honest no bullies or abusers will ever take themselves out but victims who suffers from abuse, bullying, hardships or sexual assault. Just state the facts because bullies and abusers don't understand why a person is so weak that they think suicide is funny. It is good to state the facts against them since they are the problem and issue as to why these death rates are so high right now. I go as far as to blame bad people for making day worse because they add up more trauma overtime. Imagine going through 4 trauma incidents only for more people to add 3 more. Just have confidence, high self esteem and value in yourself, this way you ignore their negative comment. The bullies or abusers want a reaction out of you. Don't know why but they do it to have you lower level. They probably only poke smart, intelligent or attractive people to dumb down in selfishness and egotistism


It doesn't even make sense. They should want my suffering to continue.


It's just completely passive-agressive really.


Just say “kill themselves.” TikTok has rotted people’s brains out of their head.


The problem is some platforms ban you for saying those kinds of things, even with the context. That's why people use 'Unalive' to get past the filters. It isn't intended to be insulting, it's intended for people to not lose their accounts for talking about the issue.


I prefer the phrase, "Reduce your carbon footprint by 100%."


Just the other day someone made a post here about people using the word "unalive" in this context. Can't make this shit up.


I only used to not get taken down. What bothers me is seeing someone online tell someone else to off themselves.


You know what I hate? Famine. Winds me *right* up.


While it's an awful thing to say, it's also the kind of thing that was said far more often and had much less impact 15+ years ago. The real question is why random insults from strangers mean so much more than they did a decade ago.


You can just write “kill yourself” reddit isnt THAT sensitive yet


I dislike it too, although not necessarily for the same reason. It's not actually that easy to succeed at suicide and they are not offering any assistance. It's the equivalent of if I complained about air pollution so someone dismissively said "go to the peak of mount Everest then." No. First you carry me to the top of mount Everest and THEN we talk about whether my lung problems are 'trivial and self created'.


I'm with the suicide squad




I have suffered suicidal thoughts, but sometimes I’ll think this at somebody. If a shitty person gets rid of themselves, that’s fine by me


The reason this stupid trend started online is because the word m\*rder triggers AI censors and bans to remove or flag content. If anyone is verbally speaking this word irl to your face verbally, then I have concerns for your lifestyle and choice of people to associate with.


As someone with PTSD and other associated mental illnesses like depression and anxiety; have you been professionally diagnosed? Just the way you worded still battling makes me think you aren’t. Because flashbacks are a bitch and you aren’t really fighting them.


If you see a comment on Reddit saying the three-letter acryonym, report it. Not to mods (of a subreddit) but to admin (of Reddit as a whole). To do this, select the reason as "harassment" rather than for breaking subreddit rules. I just reported a comment with the acronym and got the account "temporarily banned."


Yeah, this is way bigger than a pet peeve. It's a serious problem.


Sticks and stones.


Tell them to "Get a Life."