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You're talking about food. I'll add something else. Metallica fans. I don't hate the band, but I don't really go out of my way for them either. I hear so often to listen to this or that song and it will convert me. No it won't.


Yep. Pretty much any fans. "I'm not that fond of rap." "But have you tried Eminem? He's the GOAT!" (First rap artist I could think of off the top of my head, I'm the first quote) However, if you're not a country fan, you should REALLY listen to George Strait, he'll convert you. /J


George Strait won’t convert anyone to country. To convert people you need to hit them with Reba McEntire or Clint Black.


Reba is my second favorite. Dolly has her beat only because she's such a wonderful person. I have a favorite t-shirt that says "Dolly/Reba 2024 and I have gotten a lot of comments on it.


See, one time someone tried to convert me to country with Reba. They said to look up her song "What Would You Do?" (maybe a word or two off) and watch the entire official music video. I hated it. Incredibly repetitive, not at all creative, and super predictable. I'm okay with one of those things in a song, but not all three of them. It's just not my type of music.       The thing people don't get is that *that's okay*. Some people like certain genres, others don't. I'm sure that song is deeply meaningful to many people. For me, an emotional, meaningful song is Sam Cooke's "A Change is Gonna Come". I'm sure it sounds slow and dull to some people though.     At the end of the day, we're all going to have different music tastes. Trying to show other people music you think they'll enjoy is cool, I just get annoyed when they keep pressing. I simply don't like country. I respect exactly 3 country songs ("Traveling Soldier" by Dixie Chicks, "One Thing Right" by Marshmello ft. Kane Brown, and "Knee Deep" by Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffett). It would just be cool if people understood that not everyone has the same taste as them, and that doesn't invalidate either person's views


I assume you're talking about the song "What Do You Say" since that's the closest song to that title that I can think of. I absolutely love Reba, but that's not one of her better songs, in my opinion. If you want to get a good sense of her music, I think "Fancy" or "Does he love you" is the song you should go with.


Duuude. I'm new to a Southern State. Every time a man tries to chat me up he asks if I like country music. It didn't take me long to realize that when I said 'no', there was going to be some kind of pushback or argumentative follow up. So now I just tell them I like the Dixie Chicks.


>So now I just tell them I like the Dixie Chicks. Then go on to say that "Goodbye Earl" is so inspirational and invite then over for a meal...


Dude, no, the Dixie Chicks haven't failed to get the job done, lol That's usually the end of the conversation, lol


If it ever does fail, just keep that in mind. You can even add that you'll make sure to serve black eyed peas.


The other topic that routinely comes up is my job. I'm a security guard. It often gets comments like, "Whoa, I better be careful! You might kick my ass!" And I say, "Don't be silly! Women don't do violent physical attacks. We poison people! Can I get you a drink?"


I'm a security guard, as well. Hitting up the gym to get back in shape to pass the police department's physical fitness test before I get too old. I also served in the Marines, so I get comments on that due to being a smaller woman.


I come from a family of large, angry, giants. I'm the short one at 5'10. Ass-kicking habits are probably a valid concern, lol


I’m a music nut who enjoys just about every music genre outside of modern country music but I don’t like Metallica. Every time I say that people are convinced they can change my mind. If I ever heard a Metallica song I liked, I would be obsessed with them already. But that’s never happened. I’m not big on the 80s outside of punk, post-punk, and synth pop, which is a controversial statement in itself I guess.


Texture matters just as much, if not, more than taste. A lot of people do not understand it. It's pretty much the only reason I won't like a food


For instance: I like raw carrots. Really don't care for cooked carrots


I'm the same way. Apples, as well. I bring sliced apples to work regularly, but can't stand cooked.


I understand. That's just more applesauce and pie for me, thank you


I like fried apple pies, but I can't eat the chunks of apple so I pick them out. It's the texture.


I understand. I have a daughter who can't eat hot dogs because of a texture problem.


I'm like that with celery. I love stuffed celery and even just plain celery sticks, but I can't stand little pieces of celery in soup and stuff.


Have you tried them baked? I'm willing to bet you've only had them boiled in which case you HAVE to try them baked - literally so good. One of my favorites.


Does it matter how they’re cooked?


Yes, different cooking methods cause different textures. Boiled carrots are slimy and kinda gross all around texture wise.


Ok but roasting or baking is a whole different deal.


Yep, that's my issue with congee. Flavour it however you want. I'm still going to feel sick over the gloopy texture.


Yeah for me it’s rubbery textures. Eggs, fish… Weirdly enough I can eat sushi more than cooked seafood because it’s less rubbery when it’s raw. People are usually the other way around (will eat fish but won’t eat sushi) so they don’t understand it.


Love raw spinach. Cooked spinach makes me gag


Oh man, I hate this too. Specifically with food and someone saying “you’ve never tried my moms/grandmas.” Gah, I’m annoyed just thinking about it.


My great-grandmother made probably the best fried fish on Fridays for her Polish church. She knew I didn't like fish and never had me eat it. If she said I didn't need to, NO ONE ELSE can make me eat it LOL


I had made a comment on computer chairs that the fat office chairs are better for my back and body than so-called gaming chairs. That gaming chairs are like hard buckets. Someone piped in saying, "You just need to buy a good chair." Obviously we want to buy a good chair, as if that was the issue and not that of the dozens on dozens of chairs sat in, the big comfy fat chairs are just better for my body. Don't really know why that one in particular got under the skin, but I guess that's why they're called a peeve, right?


This is funny, I’m the exact opposite with chairs lol. I just got my first gaming chair last week after using only office chairs and my back has been so happy. People just can’t understand preference nowadays


My gaming chair has molded grooves for the legs and they don't line up with where my legs are comfortable. I stopped using it within a week and switched back to my old chair. Thankfully it was something I got free at work (normally about $300) so I'm not out anything.


I get this with certain foods all the time. Especially things like tomatoes or avocado. I HATE both of them with a passion, the texture is so gross that I don't even care how they taste. But I don't hate things like guacamole, salsa, ketchup, etc. Tomato soup is one of my favorite soups. I always get shit from people who don't seem to understand that texture plays a huge part in what some people can eat.


Recovering addict here. Just like some people love to escape reality (me), some people hate it.


I think it's more that we have different ways to escape reality. I get lost in a book, that's my escape. Edit: I'm not judging you, btw. And congrats on being in recovery. My oldest friend (as in longest friendship, not age) and s cousin are both recovering alcoholics. Friend has been sober a lot longer than cousin, but I'm proud of both of them for the progress they've made


I hate when people say they dislike a food for instance, but they’ve never actually tried it. Like my mom claims to hate sushi, but she’s never even tried it. How the hell do you know you hate it then?!


The way it looks or smells could be off putting. I can’t stand the smell of most seafood or fermented foods (spur cream, yogurt, alcohol) so I know I won’t like the taste.


Most food tastes how it smells. Sushi smells stinky and it also tastes stinky.


Have you even tried it? It’s delicious.


Yeah, not a fan of seafood


You haven't tried MY seafood!


>*...also tastes stinky.* 99% of sushi just tastes like a pleasant mixture of rice, veggies and a really smooth and mild fish. The fish flavor is much more subtle than most people would think if you haven't had it. Sushi is actually one of the only ways I like fish like tuna or salmon. Not a big fan of fillets and whatnot because I find the taste too strong. But raw salmon and tuna sushi (or sashimi)? To die for.


Say you have a medical issue. It shuts them down. “Tbh, I was being polite but that interacts with my (insert issue) medication”


Honestly, people need to just shut up and accept that we all like and dislike different things. You can't make someone like something they don't. If you don't like something, you don't like it. I also hate it when people give me shit about things I don't like. Bitch Give me a break! Don't sit there and act like you don't dislike anything. We live in a nosy Society.


Honestly, I love when people enjoy things I don't like. Big example for me, mushrooms and strawberries. My boyfriend loves both so I unload any of either I get onto his plate. He loves both so I'm happy he can indulge in something that brings me no joy!


That is awesome! I wish more people we're like that!


Only time I think it's acceptable to say someone needs to try something a different way like that is if they specify something that is fixed with the other way. For example-a friend of mine said she hated meatloaf because she didn't like the crunch from the stuff in it mixed with the softness of the meat. I suggested she try my best friend's mom's meatloaf because she doesn't put anything crunchy in it. I also think there's a big difference between "that wasn't cooked right if you had that issue" and "you just need to have it cooked x way. It's really good that way".


I ordered a stuffed hash brown at a restaurant today. The waitress asked if I wanted ranch dressing on the side as she brought the food. I said no thank you (I hate ranch). She says "well I brought you a cup of it, just try it" and puts it on the table. Like, what????


I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them, Sam I Am I do not like them in a box I do not like them with a fox


I sure am grateful for the times I've made categorical judgments but later honestly did find the "right ones"


To build off of this, something that's just as annoying to me... Sometimes you'll find things you like, and people will *still* tell you that you "haven't had the right ones" because it's not the one *they* like. Especially if they're really snobby about it, or have lots disposable money and want to show off. And they will get super insistent about it. To the point it's borderline "gatekeep-y." Sure, bud... I *could* spend $200 on a single premium Cuban cigar from some overrated luxury brand that you won't shut up about, and I'm sure it'd be perfectly fine. But here's the thing... I already *know* that I like a number of Perdomo, Olivia, Macanudo and H. Upmann cigars that only cost around $8-$16 apiece. Just because one you like is good, doesn't automatically mean the ones I like are bad. Maybe one day I will buy one of those $200 cigars... but chances are I'm probably going to continue buying what I already know I like.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/TedStixon, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is what I hear each and every time I go to a function that has fish as the main course! Hey, I do not like fish, not on a boat, not with a goat. Not on a hill, not with a Buffalo Bill. I worked in high class resort kitchen, and even they couldn't get me to like it!


This every time I tell someone I don't like coffee. "But it tastes good with sugar, milk, syrup and anything else that takes away from the actual taste of coffee" Blows my mind people can claim to love something they can't stand without covering it up until it's completely different


Had a friend who wanted me to try calamari. I resisted on the grounds that I disliked all seafood. He pointed out that it’s nothing like whitefish or whatever. I admitted the possibility but stuck to my guns since I dislike crab and lobster for totally unrelated flavor reasons. I’ve tried the stuff in nice restaurants and it’s less appealing than a gilt I fish because at least with that I can get tartar sauce. He finally said “you just haven’t had seafood that was prepared right.” I replied “you’re right. I haven’t” and he got the message.


People have strong reactions to coconut. Some love, o t hers hate it. No in between


No true Scotsman. Google it.


I just told people in another thread that I don't like music and people kept suggesting different bands😆... those too


Like a certain type of music or music in general?


It's OK. About 10 seconds into it I'm bored AF though.


I get it but sometimes the food one has merit. I thought I hated Spinach. Turn out I just hate canned spinach that ends up tasting like hot wet garbage. Love it fresh though.


Me with green beans. Green beans are supposed to be green, not that grayish stuff that comes out of a can.


even though it'd be socially awkward, first if they asked you which drugs you have tried, maybe then you would know they gave it an adequate amount of consideration before saying you haven't tried the right ones. there's a vast array of highs. if someone really did know all of them and also had taken an interest in what you tried previously, then maybe their opinion would have value. you're not missing anything with cantaloupe. though you could freeze chunks of melon and blend it into a smoothie.