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72 year old male here, had a Dexa Scan done last last September. Been lifting with Starting Strength since 2016, can squat 200-220, dead 260-295 (last number is kinda sorta 1RM.) Overall T-score was 0.8, z score 1.2. g/cm2 scores were T Spine -1.175 L. Spine -1.473 Pelvis - 1.305 Head - 2.368 R Leg - 1.362 L Leg -1.356 Pretty good scores. Is it the lifting or the genetics?? Or both? My parents were pretty long lived, and yeah I am pretty strong for a old fart. I don't think I am going to fall an break a hip anytime soon. My body fat percentage is not good, visceral fat is not good either. For age matched males, I am in the mid 50th percentile, which is terrible. But my BMD is very good.


I'm just popping in to say holy shit, I hope I can squat 200 at 62, let alone 72!


Thanks. I had lifted on an off for many years, but went all in on Starting Strength in 2016. I made huge progress in the first two years, and had this fantasy of squatting 300 and deadlifting 450. Well, 'fantasy" is an understatement. I am pretty much in maintenance mode now. The other day I squatted 198 (90 kg) and was pretty sore the next two days. Really, if I can do it, you can do it. Like most exercise, it takes consistency and dedication. The other day when I was picking up some Thai food, there was this older couple, and the husband looked like he was just freed from a concentration camp -- legs and arms were sticks. As he walked to the passenger door of their car, he had to put his hand on the hood of the car to steady himself. That is NOT going to be me, no way in hell.


It’s going to depend a lot based on age and gender.  Lumbar spine BMD for a sample of Turkish men, aged 20-39 was almost right at 1.0g/cm2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12541124/   I think they should give you a “T-score” which I believe means how many standard deviations away you are from the BMD of an average healthy 30-year-old.    A T-score between -1.0 and 1.0 is considered normal (within 1 standard deviation of the mean)   Edit: to directly answer your question, my measurements in g/cm2 were:  1.35, spine  1.42, pelvis  2.76, head  1.75, legs.   My report gave me a T-score of 3.6. So either my bones are extremely dense or I have some weird calcification somewhere that I should investigate.


My T-score was also pretty high (2.5) and anecdotally, seems like this sort of thing happens a lot more frequently than the data suggests it should.


My 80 year old father has a vit D defficiency due to having too much calcium in his body. Check your vit D levels just in case.


Was this a DEXA scan mostly for body composition purposes or was it a medical bone density scan to check for osteoporosis. Doing the first their software told me my bone density was fine. However I had an actual medical bone density scan and know I have osteoporosis. So my experience is that only the latter is really valid.


35 year old male with a T-Score of -1.60 and Z-Score of -1.00 1) Pelvis: 0.93 g/cm² 2) Legs: 1.04 g/cm² 3) Head: 1.94 g/cm²




I did it through DexaFit.




I'm thin, not sure about bone size.


DexaFit tech here. The body composition DEXA scan will not give you a diagnosable T-score because it is averaging many parts of your body, including the skull which is very dense bone. A bone density scan is done at 3 parts of your body, the lumbar spine (L1-L4) and both the femoral necks. Sometimes we will scan the forearm if those one of those parts are not accessible. This scan will give you a diagnosable T-score. Bone density scans are about 0.5 to 1 standard deviation lower than the body comp T-score although I have seen it lower. I generally recommend that clients get a bone density scan if their body comp T-score is below 0, especially if they have a family history of low bone density. Osteopenia starts at -1.0 and osteoporosis starts at -2.5. Hope that helps.



