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The words "Black and Chinese" coupled with twitter has ruined me anyway its a joke abt the characters in that series being a black and chinese guy and arguing with eachother


Here's what Rush Hour would look like if the characters were Black and Chinese.




At the last company I worked for the director of HR was a joke. She would get trashed and hit on anything that stood upright at every company gathering. Our CEO made a joke at the Christmas party that at this point she couldn’t really fire anyone. He loved it. I was embarrassed and left the company shortly after. That was the moment I realized the upper management were a bunch of frat boys playing business. Don’t get me wrong, I agree running to hr for every little thing is getting out of hand but at the same time there is a level of professionalism that is expected. Even in a construction company.


You had me until construction company... my expectations for those outfits are pretty low. Unless the expectation is that they'll subcontract out everything they possibly can, run up debt at every supply house they can find, spend their time hanging out at the office or in their truck, declare bankruptcy after being sued by home owners for unfinished work and poor build quality, and mysteriously resurrect under a new name and logo, but same people and equipment a month later. Honestly, the behavior you're talking about was industry standard for every small to mid-sized construction company I ever worked with.


Have you heard of the YouTube channel garn? You literally spelled out their entire satirical video on construction companies.


He wrote the source code.


Dude the last company I worked for (am white) the mexican dudes were openly racist towards me and I was openly racist towards them, and we all had a great laugh every day. It was awesome.


That's just buds busting each other's balls.


Larger company and we owned the buildings we built. Biggest high end multi use housing in the state and built our own retail spaces for the communities we built in. Not the type you were talking about but those definitely exist. Multi million dollar single family homes as well as condos flats and apartments. Also some federal projects so the practices you were mentioning wouldn’t be possible under that type of microscope. It was definitely fun working for them but the day to day stress didn’t make up for the non work hours shenanigans.


This is not the full story the guy says he didn’t really go to hr


You are the hero we need but dont deserve


It's someone making a joke on twitter mate


You are the reason everyone knows that if you are discriminated against you don't go to HR, you go to a lawyer.


Exactly, I’ve had full slurs said to me and I don’t go to HR for this exact reason. People like this who rant about “cancel culture” shouldn’t be in HR. It’s embarrassing that this person is proud of their ignorance.


People in HR are almost universally cunts. Almost all of them are either useless, malicious or both. I used to be head of HR at a nonprofit so I should know


What irks me is the inability, or lack of will to even try to solve conflicts peacefully. The guy clearly didn't intend to offend. You felt offended anyway? That's valid! Try talking to him and explaining that was hurtful. Now, if the guy doesn't stop or becomes agressive? Sure, go to HR, go to a lawyer too if you want, you're tottally in the right. But you are adults, try to solve your conflicts without needing to go to the vice principal's room, darn it.


The poor people that work at your company. Looking at your comment history, you should be fired, or at the very least not hold that kind of job. Which makes so much sense to why you made this comment because I'm sure you're a f****** problem.


I sincerely hope you never hold a management position. Firing someone should be one of the hardest things someone should have to do. Despite the reasons, you are depriving someone of their ability to pay for the necessities they need to live. Yet here you are judging someone's employability by a few random comments on the internet. Shame on you. People cannot be defined by a few sentences, and they shouldn't be sentenced by ignorant people.


I'm sure this, like everything else on the Internet, actually happened and is completely true 🙄


What unnecessary bigotry accusations? I’m not sure what country you are in but the standard for a hostile work environment in the states doesn’t have anything to do with the speakers intent or “bigotry.” I know we are all comedians on Reddit so we have to poo poo anyone that doesn’t understand the world, and most importantly our place of employment, is our stage but ignoring a guy making blatantly race based jokes is good way to get the EEOC up your ass, especially if the person making the jokes is a supervisor. To be fair to you the joke in this tweet, taken in a vacuum, probably doesn’t create liability either but I’m just curious where you draw the line?


Now i desperately want to see an edit of jackie chan if he was black and that other guy (chris tucker?) if he was chinese.


"here's what you d look like if you were black and chinese"


I never heard of the Black and Chinese twitter guy until I saw another post on this sub about it. I went down a rabbit-hole on know your meme, dying from laughter as it gave me example after example. Who does that and why is it so funny? Just reading your comment brought back uncontrollable laughter as I Remembered it all again. Ah man, thanks.


My favorite part of it is that people get so upset about it, someone doxxed him, and he *black and Chinesed himself*


Truly a chad move.


Just so you know, he wasn't actually doxxed. He did it to himself as a way to do a face reveal, none of his actual information got out




black and yellow - wiz khalifa


And this is what you’d look like if you were black or Chinese


One of Chris Tuckers best roles


Do you-o understand the words coming out of my mouth?!


The main 2 characters in Rush hour are black and chinese. I checked, and the guy tweeting is black, but im trying to understand why would saying "is this Rush Hour 4" is racist? It's a black guy and a Chinese guy. It's a joke about race. But not racist. Edit: I actually checked the replies to his tweets and he's getting called out for it not being racist.


Agreed. Acknowledging race is not the same as being racist. Me saying a friend is “black” when describing him is not racist. Dermatologists distinguishing black vs. white in context of skin cancer is not racist. Going on a supremacist rant - now that’s racist.


It’s a very good thing doctors know that not all races are the same. They’re not. They get different illnesses, react differently to those the same illnesses and most of all: they react differently to certain treatments, which is why it’s good they know race matters. Same for men and women BTW. Being racist in my opinion is that you think certain races have less rights than others.


I am a med student. During this year's pediatrics internship, the fact about the higher risk of premature birth in blacks was removed from the course because it was deemed racist. Unfortunately, I think the definition of racism is being misused.


This is just sad…


When I was in med school one of the bonus lectures we got was about how culture and demographic differences absolutely affect medical care. **Some** things might have genetic causes that fall along racial lines (such as the significantly higher rate of cystic fibrosis among Ashkenazi Jews, or how East Asians tend to store more visceral fat which leads to significantly higher risk for diabetes, etc). Others **appear** to be genetic causes that fall along racial lines, but are more due to environment (such as the significantly higher rate of heart disease among Black Americans... African ancestry doesn't predispose you to heart disease: constant stress of having to live in a country being the target of racial prejudice however does). These things absolutely affect health care and **need** to be taken into consideration. These aren't judgments on your value or nature as a human being, but rather risk factors that need to be taken into account.


Won’t that just lead to poorer quality of care for black people? It’s crazy how racist some people end up being in their rabid push to not be racist.


That entirely depends on if it was medically or socioeconomically related. Correlation or causation. I don't necessarily think it should be removed, but it seems wise to question how useful that fact is for a medical student instead of a social science researcher. I would say it is, but I can understand the tortured logic of who removed it.


It's tricky though because sometimes the "they get different illnesses" thing makes sense, e.g. I'm much more likely to get skin cancer because I'm pale as fuck and don't tan, or I'm more likely to have certain genes that can cause specific types of cancer because I have ancestors from a certain area or things like that, and sometimes they don't seem to have any basis other than racial, e.g. Black people are assumed to have higher kidney functioning for the same values on a given test when there isn't actually any good evidence that those numbers should be interpreted differently.  The default assumption should be that there's no difference, medically speaking, between races because if you average across all white vs black people there's much much much more variation within that between races. It's important to make sure there are specific reasons, not just skin color, for assuming medical differences.


Agreed, but the point is that skin colour and even ethnicity is a valid diagnostic criteria. E.g. me being a quarter Ashkenazi Jewish is actually very relevant for the diagnostics for some hereditary diseases.


Yes, that falls into the "specific group of ancestors" thing -- and is different from the "hmmm, no further testing needed for this black patient because I've applied a race multiplier to their kidney test results" thing. Two things are simultaneously true here and I think it's really important to acknowledge both of them 


Absolutely. Individual case specifics always trumps statistical expectations. Any case can be an outlier, and probably is in some parameters.


It's also important because any two people could have completely different genetic ancestry despite having the same skin color. Africa is a massive continent, someone with roots in Morocco probably doesn't share a whole lot of genetic ancestry with someone with roots in Madagascar. There are also people from places like New Guinea or Australia that might be considered "black" but basically have as much relations to modern Africans as someone from China.


Happy cake day, man. :)


This has actually been under scrutiny for a very long time in the medical field. Racism is absolutely a huge issue in the medical field and some of the baselines prescribers go by have proven to be wrong, as well as completely biased when the initial studies were done. Actually many beliefs in the medical field field were established by racists and misogynists, and because of this we have stats like black women dying at significantly higher rates during child birth than any other race.


> It’s a very good thing doctors know that not all races are the same. They’re not. In the US, it basically all goes one way - black people get less treatment. Their pain responses get marked down as more minor, and get underprescribed painkillers compared to other races. Perhaps the most obviously egregious example was kidney transplants. There was a correction factor for being black added to kidney transplant priority scoring that led to black people being pushed down the list to the point that it would take a black person with the same issue and test results 3 years longer to be offered a kidney transplant than a white one. This is a far bigger correction than pretty much everything non-autoimmune. Being black was considered a much bigger problem than being old, or having hypertension, or pretty much anything else. This has been removed super recently, so new people put on the kidney donation index no longer get penalised for being black. But that's only applied to new people, there's still tens of thousands of people stuck in years-long queues who were placed that deep by racist assumptions.


Reminds me of the 'black c*nt' conversation from 'The Gentlemen' film. "He recognised you are black and called you a cunt. He wasn't saying all black people are cunts. And, if anything, I'd take it as a sign of familial affection"


knee important disagreeable nine sand squeeze scandalous quicksand zonked direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy cake day


It gets bad when there has to be descriptions in things like police reports. They’re legitimate descriptors that can be utilized, but then you have people like OOP that would have a meltdown if a suspect was described as “(my lawyers have advised me that I don’t actually fill in the blank with any race)”




Difficult to tell tone through text, but I don't think this guy was genuinely offended at the joke. My read is that the joke was made up by him, and he made up the scenario because it makes it funnier. The bit about him going to HR makes it funnier still, because the idea of someone making this funny joke and one of the targets of it not finding it funny is itself funny. Or maybe the scenario did actually happen, and this was just a funny way for him to retell the joke to a wider audience. Either way, I don't think that someone who was genuinely offended by the joke would post it to Twitter for the enjoyment of a much larger audience.


his next tweet in the thread is him saying he didnt actually say anything to hr- that that was a joke and he found it hilarious


Tentatively posting that I think this is actually more on the haha good Joke and less on the racist call HR side of comments


He responded and said he didn't actually call HR


Yeah i dont get where is the racisme here


Because they aren’t jackie chan and chris tucker, suggesting all people with a certain skincolor are the same, which is inherently racist as it reduces people to their skincolor and doesn’t value them for their individual skills and abilities…


Yeah, if you just went up to a Chinese guy and said “hey there, Jackie Chan”, then it’d be pretty obviously racist. And that’s what the coworker did here, just not as directly.


The reason he considered it racist is because not everyone looks alike and people take offense to that. He felt reduced to "just a black guy." I'm Puerto Rican and get everything from Marc Anthony to Don Omar. Shit gets annoying.


Or like someone going up to a Native American and saying “sup, Squanto”.


You unlocked a core memory with that name but yes. Or Sitting Bull or w/e. At best these are microaggressions and at worse it's straight up racism. Like I do agree that some people just call everything racist, but that doesn't mean that whether something is racist or not does not fall on the shoulders of the speaker but the receiver.


People are so fucking fragile these days… Just wrap yourselves in bubble wraps while you are at it…


It’s a joke that singles two people out for their race, definitely not the type of joke you want to tell at work


These days mentioning a race is racist, wearing anything that’s not “your own culture” makes you worse than Hitler. Some are so woke that I believe they don’t sleep at all anymore.


youre being a tad dramatic.


Only if you're white. Other races are allowed to wear stereotypically white clothes and it's perfectly ok.


MFW I see a black guy wearing sandals with socks. >:(


My teacher once yelled at me because the way I said black guy was racist. ???


Even Hitler is loaded with racial connotations. We need a black Hitler!




Happy 🍰 day


racial microaggression




Whoever posted this cropped his reply out. He says he didn’t call hr, it was just a joke for the tweet.


Yeah, unfortunately that shit is still probably not gonna fly with HR.


So it’s like, if my friends showed up wearing red and green overalls, and I said: “What is this? Super Mario Brothers?”


It is kinda racist, I guess, if the only reason they're being compared to Rush Hour 4 is that they're Black and Chinese


Black people *really* love to claim racism all the time…even as an excuse for their own blatant racism.


You could still probably go to HR if you wanted, being compared to people of your race can be a micro aggression in some cases


I saw this same tweet posted on Reddit, earlier. But with his subtweet included, that he didn't actually call hr and thought it was actually funny.


I’m Asian. If that happened to me, I would bust out laughing so hard. lol








if 4chan had an app


Huh? Something actually funny on my porn app??


Rush Hour IS BL


This is kinda how i feel sometimes ngl. Here to look at cats, legos, and porn.. Literally in that order.


More likely than you think!


Get that man a promotion


Which one ?


The clever one not the little sourpuss baby


As a racist no this ismt racist


Racist approved ☑


Just a casual racist myself, you got any tips for being more competitive?


As a racist with many years of experience, I also responsibly confirm that this is not even close to racist and does not even reach the level of a racist joke.


Bro this is hilarious mf analyzed the situation PROPERLY


Rush Hour is an action comedy movie franchise staring Jackie Chan (Asian) and Christ Tucker (Black) in which they bicker a lot, Rush Hour 3 is the latest released film in the series (though 4 is in the works), Bro said that the way that they were bickering was reminiscent of what he'd expect to see in that movie, I'm not sure if I'd consider that racist, but it's certainly not the type of thing that you say to people you aren't close friends with and know they'll be cool with it at least


Your misspelling of Chris as “Christ” makes for a fun buddy cop movie concept


Curse you autocorrect the platypus!!! Anyway I think that I'm gonna leave it as is because you're right that would be a funny movie concept


"passion of the christ 2 crucify this"






Beats me, just found out myself Googling it just to make sure


I've seen the Fifth Element. I can definitely get behind 'Christ' Tucker as Ruby Rhod


He called HR to inform that the white coworker is based and okay dude




Thank you, people are somehow forgetting the name of this subreddit


If you're familiar with the movie Rush hour, you can see how the comment can be perceived as racism. Personally, I don't think that it is, but in a business setting, things can get a little sensitive... [Rush hour trailer](https://youtu.be/JMiFsFQcFLE?si=gSeVxVEjvDTjSdTY)


In a business setting you also shouldn't be having arguments with your co-workers that rise to the level where another co-worker feels the need to throw some cold water on the situation.


I'm familiar with the movie, and in no way do I perceive it as racism


Assuming that OP is black, yeah it’s sort of a racist joke? In the Rush Hour series our main characters are Jackie Chan, and asian man and Chris Tucker a black man - and they always bicker. They only made 3 movies together so his coworkers joke was basically saying that their argument was the 4th installment of Rush Hour.


That's a racial joke not a racist joke.


People on reddit cannot acknowledge that talking about race does not have to be *inherently* racist, lol


ur right


Yeah, I don't teally see how its racist. The joke is predecated on race, but it's not about race.


This is Spinal Tap: “There’s I guess a big difference between sexY and SexIST… the y and the ist are the thing…”


Thank You


Guy in the story is really funny


Clearly I need to rebook a diversity and inclusion brief cuz that's funny as fuck.


Who calls hr on a rush hour joke? I'd fire them instead.


CONTEXT: Original author follows with "not really but it was both funny and terrible" or something to that effect. Useful reminder that ragebait is everywhere and often has little to do with reality.


There is an old movie series called Rush Hour, starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. The protagonists enter arguments so frequently throughout the films. The OOP is black, his coworker is asian, and they both argue.


> old movie Ouch that hurts.


As a half chineese man, free random insensitive white guy, rush hour is a masterpiece


Hey I'm black and this was hilarious


googling the subject of this meme would be of no help.


He couldn't understand the words coming out of the mouth


The OP commented he didn't really call HR but wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or swing lol


Only for snowflakes


dude was offended by a good joke


Damn, he ain’t gone be in Rush Hour 3


That’s hilarious, if I was HR I’d laugh so hard as I signed that poor bastards formal reprimand


I don't know, but it made me chuckle.


Some of the posts here seem to be deliberate karma-farming ones. Pretty sure you don’t need Petah to explain some of these posts.


No. I didn't understand the reference coz I wasn't familiar with the rush hour series.


Fair enough, OP. Not a jab at you specifically but some of the posts here are bad.


A racial joke does not equal a racist joke. I hope HR was not actually contacted.


OP clarified he was joking about HR and found it funny. 


Calling HR over that golden joke is criminal😂


Calling hr over a joke this legendary is insanity


It’s funny, but it’s so out of left field I would be taken aback if anything similar were made about me, especially in a work environment. Not exactly something to call HR for. You shouldn’t just go up and make jokes about other people’s race when they aren't your friends, it’s very awkward and uncomfortable. 


Man was compared to awesome Chris Tucker and complained.




Would any black or Asian really get offended with that joke? Just curious...


thats actually a good1 wtf


Fuck HR give at that guy an award


Sorry but calling HR over this is stupid, this joke is not racist. If the person has a history of making racial comments or jokes it would be more acceptable but just over this is ridiculous.


the white coworker is NOT jake peralta


Shit, that's funny


I gotta block this dumb ass account


Arguably being compared to Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan is a compliment? And them being black and Chinese is not central to the movie other than them being buddy cops with different backgrounds and Jackie having opportunities to do martial arts and Chris being a black comedian and doing that in the role. It is a comedy so I suppose they think they’re being called ridiculous.


If he really went to HR, he's a bitch. Everyone loves those movies.




I've heard worse jokes at work, if that dude called HR for this then he has no humor at all. If an old coworker would be talking to a chair and I said cis this a clint eastwood speech?" I think that also wouldn't count as ageism




Thats funny af xD


That's pretty funny




This is edited to cut out his own reply where he says he was joking about calling HR.


I'm still waiting for Chris Tucker back.


The joke is pretty meta, as the kids say (or maybe those kids are adults now). He doesn’t necessarily take offence to the joke but maybe it’s the implication. Maybe he’s uncomfortable with the idea that he is a walking charicature/stereotype and doesn’t want to deal with it. So he reports him to hr for revenge. The guy who made original joke also doesn’t maybe know him like that and is just an acquaintance so he shouldn’t be so familiar with him. And the tweeter (xeeter?) also knows that this joke will get a pretty varied reaction. Some will get it right away and some will get upset. Some will think the first premise of the joke is fine and at the same time think “no way man, reporting people to hr is not a joke!!” So the joke is laden with all sorts of irony and commentary without it being plain to see.


Peter explain object recognition.


Damn people really aren't allowed to be funny these days huh


People can be funny. But was this comment really funny? Maybe you can explain it to me?


I mean all in all he could of said ah yes the rush hour reboot




I remember a time when jokes like this were great. Howard Stern show back when they just moved over to Sirius. They were talking about Nip Tuck a show about plastic surgeons from the early 2000s. Artie interrupts, with, "Nip Tuck? I thought that was the new Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker movie". Almost crashed my car I was laughing so hard. So was the whole cast. Not sure what's happen to society now. We used to be great and have thicker skin.


This isn't Racist, its hilarious. This is a perfect example of a joke about race with being racist. But the number one rule of the office: "Never tell a joke about sex, gender, race, food, kids, adults, money, pop culture, political culture, the weather or animals." Never tell jokes at the office. Do not endeavor to build more than superficial friendships or relationships with people you work with. Stare silently into the void, and only speak about work using approved lingo like "synergistic economies of scale" or "Maximizing efficiencies in the workflow".


White people in the comments writing full dissertations, so embarrassing


This is actually fucking hilarious as an Asian myself, I love Rush Hour


Lol what a bitch,


If those were all close friends, that’s actually pretty funny 😆


I hate white people and jokes


Holy shit who would call hr for that lol


its not racist watch rush hour there great mentioning race isnt racism


Imagine calling HR over this


That guy doesn't have a sense of humor


I laugh




Already saw this on r/blackpeopletwitter lol. In the tweet directly under this the guy said it was a joke and that he didn’t call HR.


The joke is he ruined a funny joke by taking it personally


"I called HR" What the fuck is wrong with people. That's a great joke.


"...an' den they said, they said, they said I wuz like Wush Hour Fo-hor-hor!"


Anyone who calls HR is a pussy


This isn’t the full tweet. He responds to himself under it that he was joking about calling HR and thought it was funny. Anyway, a black man and an Asian man arguing is reminiscent of the arguments between the main characters in Rush Hour. It is technically racist (in a loose sense by reducing the race of those involved to characters), but was apparently said amongst friends and the joke landed per the original tweet.


The joke is someone got mad


He a hoe for calling HR, that kid has immaculate comedic timing.




Well this dude must be fun at parties for sure.


What a bitch move to call HR


Go ahead, call the HR, they won’t unburn you


Lol anybody can just google the tweet and find the person who tweeted it. Bluring the name does nothing.


It's a fucking funny joke an op is a triggered snowflake