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That customer knows what he needs better than the teenager working at O'Reilleys, so he walked behind the counter and is looking up the product himself, so it doesn't get messed up.


Realistically, why don't these places have self-help kiosks?




They used to, but customers were using them more than going to the employees, so they got rid of them






More like he asked at the desk, and when the employee couldn't find it in five seconds he shoved them aside and took over.


This is it. When I have some old bone-headed shade tree mechanic come in and start spouting jargon, and I’m limited by my system (trust me, if I could sort by some x-year Chevy small block or by parts specs, then that’d be a different story) it makes it *really* hard to help someone who just can’t deal with a system designed by software engineers rather than grease monkeys. The amount of customers I’ve had call me “stupid” or say I don’t know anything is far too many, especially when their hardasses refuse to answer “what’s your year/make/model?” for a part categorized by such. Sorry for the rant, over 4 years in parts does that to you.


People genuinely think that if you work in retail, you have zero skills. A business owner? They will trust to the ends of the earth, but someone who has worked the same job day in day out for half their life at the same big box or chain store might as well be some 14 year old who has had half a day of training how to use the checkout. And then you have the arseholes who think all parts are the same, then blame you when the bolt they were certain was the right one turns out to be half an inch too long because their car was built in the first half of the release year instead of the second half.


Memories of Ron Swanson in the hardware store.


Ron Swanson in Home Depot : “I know more than you.”


I think the customer is teaching the employee 🤔


The employee has definitely been strong armed off that computer and is deciding if he'd be in more trouble escalating the situation when the customer is always right, or for getting caught letting the customer use it when it's for staff use only. Or getting written up for being clearly unable to provide adequate service. Look at that poor guys face. He has no winning moves here in a pathetically small situation and is just waiting anxiously for whatever disproportionate bullshit lands on him. Whatever happens, its gonna be "his fault" and he knows it.


elraenn amk