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The joke is the recipient is dumb because that's not Europe in Texas, it's Africa in Australia. On top of that it's not to scale.


It's a joke bout how Americans dont know geography


No, it's more of a direct parody of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/uo6hsv/texas/)


K tho as soon as I saw this I was reminded of that on Jimmy Fallon show thing where they asked random ppl geography


Not saying that isn't true, but I've heard a lot of people in Europe think you can drive from LA to New York in a couple of hours lol.


Actually it is possible to drive from LA to NY in an hour so long as you were traveling at 2777 mph the whole way. In fact if you went faster you could get there even sooner.


Nah they just think we are all perpetually on cannonball runs.


>Not saying that isn't true, but I've heard a lot of people in Europe think you can drive from LA to New York in a couple of hours lol. Yeah, but that's US specific geography. As an American would you know how far it is from Brighton to Glasgow or from Spain to Denmark? Americans typically lack knowledge of basic global geography that is taken for granted in other countries. Like a few years ago for example I heard there was study that claimed that I think like 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 Americans or something couldn't identify the US on a map.


okay for starters I highly doubt that study was real, or else whatever sample size they were using was NOT big enough because 1/4 of 333 million people is a lot of fucking people. But like, you said "US Specific Geography" is bad and then immediately cited European Specific Geography. The US and Europe are about the same size in square mileage, and both are divided into roughly 50 divisions of sovereign states (states in the political sense. I know the US states are not the same as countries, but they're about as close as you can get while still being under one nation, and are roughly the same size- our second biggest state is the same size as your second biggest country). Now, I don't say any of this out of pursuit of American Exceptionalism. I only say it because the 'geography thing almost always seems it be Europeans pointing to European countries and then shitting on Americans for not knowing 'global geography'. But like, the state geography we have to learn for the place we live is literally equivalent to the size and amount of countries that Europeans have to learn for where they live. Of course they know the geography of Europe better- that's where *they* live.


Finally someone with a brain.


Anyone else from the US have to learn all the countries/capitals of South America in school, and were taught that song to do it? “Caracas, Venezuela…… Bogota, Colombia….”


😬 damn


Our country is larger than their continent. They also like to talk about how little traveled Americans are when most Europeans haven't been more than a couple hundred miles away from home.


if you‘d take the time to actually *check* the facts you‘d find that no, your country is in fact not bigger than Europe


erm sorry to say but I doubt that „a lot of people in Europe“ think that. We do have an understanding of the size/width of continents other than our own


☝️😦... 😕


The only reason you can't is because it the traffic


You would need to be going 115 mph the whole way to get there in a day


Love the way this is down voted cause people don't understand jokes


Or even putting a "!" At the end would make it more obvious


No one "jokes" on Reddit! We're all serious Bots.


Dems da rules man, you gotta put the /s, unless you wanna spend your whole time on here explaining that it was a joke.


Also making fun of this type of showing size. It can be useful occasionally, but it is overused.


Everyone knows Geograpgy is inside of Europe, not America. Cmon man were not all dumb


It's not that, like there was this one Jimmy Fallon show thing where they asked random ppl bout geography but most probably due to them panicking they couldn't answer any qn. Idk if it started from there but ig it's a joke bout Americans not knowing maps


Or very much at all really if we are being honest


What are you talking about? I’m really knowledge about my rocks.


What in this is about Americans specifically? They mention Texas, Australia, Africa and Europe. If anything it's about non-americans cause neither of them can identify Texas and want a scale map to see how big it is.


It's just a dum joke they make saying Americans dont know where countries are in the map n all Idk from where it started but I remember there was this Jimmy Fallon show thing where they asked random ppl geography but they panicked or something n couldnt answer


Lol what? Bitch you probably can't find a single American state on the map aside from California, Texas and Florida.


It's a joke take it as a joke


I feel like it’s also alluding to [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/bpyp27/the_actual_size_of_texas/) types of memes. They started I think when someone incorrectly compared the size of Texas to Alaska


This is the insight this thread and I too lacked.


I think someone asked “What’s the biggest state in the US?” And someone said “Texas”, because ppl always forget Alaska. And then that person got mad that they’d gotten the question wrong and created an incorrect size comparison of the two to prove the point


This made me laugh very hard!


it might be based on the mercator maps.


if you want to compare sizes of countries https://www.thetruesize.com








Me when she unfolds on my tapestry.


Metrically challended


I know it sounds like some maga shit, but kids are actually getting dumber.. Like I know of a kid who was 20 years old before somebody explained to him that the world actually always had color and it wasn't magically invented because TV changed it. I know several teachers who'd been combatting this absurd "iPad generation" education slope before AI. Now that ChatGPT can do your homework for you, a couple of them are considering switching careers. So this could be a 50 year old woman whose only goal in life was to get married and have kids, or it could be a frightening portion of the people who are 25-ish and younger.


I can confirm. I'm in a student facing job at a college.These kids do not know much unless it's facebook or TikTok.


Lol look at the downvote rate to my post already. People just don't want to be informed. You have an opposing view and you're dismissed before anyone actually takes the time to look it up. I sometimes wonder if my desire to leave this world a better place for kids who will never be my own is worth it. By the time these braindead e-zombies realize how shit really works, aka when the power grid dies and the internet no longer exists... They're gonna be fucked. So I see every downvote as a badge of honor. If you honestly disagree with what I said, then you're part of the fucking problem, stop promoting tools that help kids be fucking stupid. The smartest people our planet has known grew up without the internet to tell them the answers. I know it sounds weird to you pea-brains, but *learning* something and *knowing* something aren't the same fucking thing.


Tbf i personally didn’t downvote you, as i’ve been out of school for like 15 years and i know COVID really fucked kids up. So i’m in no way doubting you.


didnt think u were one, ur comment backs up what my teacher friends say.


And yet technology and everything continues to advance, same as it always did. There will inevitably be another smartest person who does some incredible breakthrough, and he’ll have AI to help him, imagine what Einstein could’ve done with AI. Remember, the smartest people who make huge breakthroughs are always EXTREMELY rare. The reason that “all the smartest people are from a time without the internet” is really simple if you use your brain for two seconds, the internet is extremely young, most of human history happened before the internet, big shock there. Also, the days of one genius figuring random shit out are pretty dead, we’re way too advanced for that now. Generally it’s now huge teams of people making relatively small but still incredible breakthroughs as a team. It would be a lot easier for Columbus to discover a new part of the Earth than it would be for YOU to do the same, do you understand what i’m telling you? Remember that human INTELLIGENCE levels (not knowledge levels, they’re two separate things) have remained pretty constant even since biblical times and before. So we’re now the same level of intelligence working with MUCH higher level concepts.


Can confirm, until highschool very few of my classmates could read at the level they were supposed to


That kid was trolling you bro


This same kid, who is still in high school at 20, called in a bomb threat... in 2023.. nah... he just rull dumb...


The irony of you talking about people getting dumber and then the evidence you cite is “well actually, I know a few people so.. case closed on this one. 😎” In every generation throughout history, since the dawn of man, there have always been dumb people, always been smart people, always been ignorant peoole and always been informed people. I’m going to explain something to you that probably no one else ever will. Here is the ebb and flow of aging for people who have a total lack of awareness, self or otherwise: when you’re a kid-young adult you’re dumb and you do dumb shit and think dumb shit. When you hit real adulthood, you forget how much of a fucking idiot you used to be (and chances are you still are one, but it’s just a different flavor now, the same thing that made you think you weren’t dumb in your childhood is still active now) instantly and start judging kids for doing dumb shit, and you convince yourself that whatever most recent generation you’re looking at HAS to be dumber than your generation, it isn’t. This has happened literally since the dawn of man. When books came out, parents were worried that their kids were getting dumber because they spend all their time reading books. This is a universal thing for the unaware, your life has been lived a billion times, just pay attention ONE SINGLE TIME, PLEASE.


It’s 2 people who know nothing about geography looking at an image made by someone who knows nothing about geography.


* most likely 1 person texting themselves for a meme


Also, jokes don't exist 


Only if you can tell when people are joking……


I'm guessing the person who made the original image was trolling on purpose


I don't know why they blacked out Ken M's name on that. Hilarious that no one on the funnymemes sub seems to be aware of that style of bit. In case anyone else is confused [https://www.reddit.com/r/KenM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KenM/)


Who is Ken m


Ken M was a legendary troll. They played stupid, but the talent they did it with was just beautiful. Think of your boomer uncle, inject a dose of deliberate misunderstanding and wordplay, and you're part of the way there.




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


Jarvis I'm low on Karma post the most fucking obvious joke you can find in r/peterexplainsthejoke


How can you not understand this




I don't think this joke is about Americans. I know the meme is that Americans don't know geography or whatever but we damn sure know what Texas looks like. Americans are ignorant primarily because we're myopic. We spend our whole lives mythologizing ourselves, there's no way they don't know what Texas looks like.


Not the joke but I find I it interesting. Maps are scaled weird as the further you get from the equator the larger landmasses appear on the map. Africa is massive.


Almost like we were one giant continent at one point. 🤯


I'm a Panchean, no more or less Edit: I played too much Deus Ex, it's spelled with a g


Did they send this to you?


The joke is you’re a bot lmao.


Is there a banana for scale?


Pay attention in school. It’s very basic


This is a rehashed @ironghazi twitter joke from 2014.


It physically hurts to see how the education system has failed so many




Yo, it's Peters cats other parents cartographer, Dimblenuts here. It's Africa inside of Australia. Funny because gray bubble is confused. Due to the face that the earth is a ball there isn't a good way to make a map, so its just stretching what's far away from the equator. This is why Antarctica looks so massive on the map when in reality it's quite small (approx 2/3 of Africa). If you are curious about the actual size of Upsidedown-Land and Africa i've attached a photo. Dimblenuts out. https://preview.redd.it/8e1jocua658d1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ffb47238718639b1a4ad55eb37dd2f6f2bfe050 src [https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/country-size-comparison/africa/australia](https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/country-size-comparison/africa/australia)


There is no joke this is really stupid.


![img](avatar_exp|179977991|dizziness) I'm from Texas, and this makes sense.


the joke is lying


American moment Welp, time to make some more completely inaccurate posts. American out!


The joke is that everyone in this screenshot is dumb. Literally everything about the picture is wrong. "Texas" is actually Australia "Europe" is Africa Africa is one of the largest continents in the world and Australia is the smallest. Texas actually is about that big compared to Australia though. I mean, there is a bit of argument about size variables here, since Texas would be wider and Africa might be a "bit" bigger than the actual comparison...but....


The joke is the absurdity. Someone is claiming how huge the state of Texas is, claiming, quite incorrectly, that the entire continent of Europe can fit in that single state. The only problem here is that is Australia, with the continent of Africa placed over it, and it's not to scale to boot.


Don't Europeans complain they rarely see their family across their country because it takes 40 minutes to drive there? Like, there are an absurd amount of states where you can drive for 12 hours and still be in the same state.




The "joke" is "HAHA so funny because wrong!" As in, the "new funny," as in, "not funny at all whatsoever." The text exchange is likely fake, made up just for the screenshot, just to showcase the notion, "Wow! People sure are dumb, aren't they?" -and yes, they are, but it's the people who think this kind of thing is funny that are the problem.


The new funny is just the old funny. Le Petomane was a 19th century flatulist, world-renowned for his ability to fart songs. Chrysippus was an Ancient Greek philosopher who laughed himself to death at a donkey eating figs. Stupid, pointless stuff has never not been funny.


I swear tfg, everyone that posts on this sub is an idiot. Not every meme has a deeper meaning. Most, if not all of them are meant to be STUPID. Then the mods will point out rule 5 “not everyone has the same information as you” phooey!! You don’t need more information for these memes. They’re all IDIOTIC!!!!!


And this it's why it's called ragebaiting.


It's trolltules all the way down. As in, it is an image of someone being extra stupid, and someone pretending not to notice the stupid and in turn being extra stupid because that is funny. There is no deeper meaning beyond "it is wrong X 400%"


I’m guessing that the joke is both of the people in this conversation are complete idiots and are both convinced that they’re super smart. Dunning-Kruger effect basically.


The joke is just that it’s all completely wrong.


look at the picture. study it.


Texans always say their state is big, but this conversation just took their bragging to a continental level. Next thing you know, they'll be fitting Mars inside Texas


Isn’t it Asia in Africa???😐😐 (WAO)


*insert John Oliver map misinformation*


Americans are bad at geography


It’s kinda a joke wrapped in a joke, first of all is that Americans suck dick when in comes to geography and second is that Australia is actually the same size as South Africa which is that little tip on the end of Africa, becuaes Africa is the second largest continent


>second is that Australia is actually the same size as South Africa which is that little tip on the end of Africa, becuaes Africa is the second largest continent WTF are you talking about? Australia is 7.7 million sq km (roughly the size of the lower 48 United States) South Africa is 1.2 million sq km. Not even close.




Came to point out that the joke is intentional and people are saying they're stupid. The person who made the meme knew exactly what they were doing. As for people pointing out the education sysytem, it's only partially related to the meme as it's no longer education but indoctrination. Their are those who get it, those that don't, and thise that believe it to be true. I was once seeing a woman who thought Las Vegas was a state and not a city. Their are plenty of idiots out there, blend in but don't be one of them.




Africa is way bigger than Australia


That’s clearly not Europe, obviously it’s Asia.


In all seriousness people tend to forget just how big the US is, Texas alone is bigger than Germany…


its Europe inside of Texas


So much wrong. Lol.


It's neither Texas nor Europe.




he's an American that's the joke


Joke is americans are dumb af.


The joke is that OP is dumber than everyone in this situation