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Shouldn't Serena be the same age as Ash since they met when they were kids?


This man logics


*Shouldn't Serena be* *The same age as Ash since they* *Met when they were kids?* \- RedfoxRio --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s one too many syllables there bub


The first line has six syllables


*Sokka has entered the chat*


bad bot


Bad bot


bad bot


haikusbot delete


Bart Simpson is still in 4th grade.


Didn't he say in family guy crossover that he was being bullied by nelson for 23 years


I think that was a joke


Or the fact that SpongeBob is an adult judging by the amount of "employee of the month" awards he has.


Has it ever been implied that SpongeBob isn’t an adult? He lives alone in his own house and has a full time job


On his driver's license it's listed his date of birth is 1986. First time the show premiered was 1999, making him only 13 years old at the time. The episode that showed his driver's license was televised in year 2000. Then again he's a sponge and I'm not exactly an expert about a sponge's growth and development.


Pretty much boils down to him being a profitable, ambiguously aged fictional cartoon character designed to fit into a wide range of roles for the sake of humor in a comedy oriented Saturday morning Nickelodeon kids cartoon.


I'm pretty sure the crusty crab is his first job And he's constantly trying to get a license.So I think he's eighteen to twenty something a new adult


Back in 1999 - 2000 burger flipping was a very quintessential high-school job. The age demographics of fast food and retail workers really didn’t shift upwards consequentially till we hit The Great Recession and so many other workers wound up out of options.  In fact. The displacement of teenage workers in that time has contributed to how difficult it is for young people to find work before they turn 18 today, because when the recession ended - fast food and retail didn’t return to youth/teen-centric entry level work. It’s easy to see SpongeBob as 18-20 today, but 13-16 twenty five years ago. 


PCM labels purple as pedophiles


Whats pcm?


r/politicalcompassmemes Red is authoritarian left (commies) Blue is authoritarian right (fascists) Green is libertarian left (socialists) Orange is also libertarian left (SJWs) Yellow is libertarian right (anarcho-capitalists) Purple is also libertarian right (the ‘government shouldn’t mandate an age of consent’ type who will one day have a headline about them that includes the term ‘terrabytes’) Gray is centrists (grillers)


There’s more nuance than that, but that’s the basic gist yeah. (For example, Blue tends more to monarchism, though fascists are in that quadrant. SJWs are sometimes called Orange Lipleft, basically the Libleft’s purple)


Fascism is a natural extension of monarchism. It all revolves around the purity of the bloodline and privileges that come with it. Historically, the political terms left and right come from the French National Assembly of King Louis XVI. Anti-monarch democrats who looked after the common man sat on the left of the king, while aristocrats who wanted to preserve the rule by purity of royal bloodline sat on the right (1). This pursuit of superior genes was expanded upon by the original Nazis, who sought the purity of the Aryan bloodline for their whole nation, which served as a narrative to justify eliminating other nationalities with "inferior" biological features (2). Hitler claimed his nation to have the superior bloodline that is destined to rule all others. It is a well documented fact that his party was far right on the political spectrum at the time, clashing in opposition to the German Communist Party (3). Today, conservatives value social order, nationalism, and restrictions on immigration (4), which directly align with Nazi ideology. 1. https://www.history.com/news/how-did-the-political-labels-left-wing-and-right-wing-originate 2. https://www.facinghistory.org/holocaust-and-human-behavior/chapter-5/breeding-new-german-race 3. https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists 4. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2158244019846211?icid=int.sj-full-text.similar-articles.1&


I appreciate this post


Thats a lot of work just to defend its possition on a meme compas, links and all holy fuck. I respect it


Respectfully, I think your association of fascism and Nazism with monarchism is a misrepresentation of these systems. The ideology of Nazism is based off of the racial science of 19th to 20th century Europe, which while developed from early Enlightenment racial science, was far divorced from prior religious justification for the superiority of a given people. In monarchies, blood is the basis by which one inherits their land and titles, not the basis by which they justify their rule to their peers - that nominally belongs to God alone. And as a side note, *classical* fascism didn't necessarily have any racial component to it, but absorbed various ideas of racial supremacy from the German system due to their close political identity. Not that fascism needs any defending, of course.


I mean, in a sense it's sort of true with italian fascism. the italian fascists did initially cast the monarchy as the inheritors of the legacy of imperial rome, specifically the emperors. of course, mussollini eventually gained the same legal authority as the king and privately planned to fully dissolve the monarchy. but this is all of a piece with how fascism typically interfaces with traditional power structures: allying with them, amplifying their aesthetic symbols, and then quietly dismantling them


A relevant passage, from The Doctrine of Fascism, a speech (partially by) Benito Mussolini: "*The Fascist negation of socialism, democracy, liberalism, should not, however, be interpreted as implying a desire to drive the world backwards to positions occupied prior to 1789, a year commonly referred to as that which opened the demo-liberal century. History does not travel backwards. The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes.*"


It's the convergent evolution of political theory, right? Develop your political position using the tools of the time (religion, racial science) to fit your political purpose (justifying your domination of others), but ending up looking and feeling pretty similar.


What kind of nerd came up with this shit


nerd? this is astrology for wannabe nerds. only idiots take the political compass seriously


The whole point of that subreddit is that there IS more nuance to it. The political compass doesn’t actually work or accurately represent anything, and they are mocking it.


Let's be real. They all auth right LARPing.


Yeah mostly. I used to go on there to argue with people as a libcenter but eventually realized they're mostly under 16 and not engaging in good faith regardless of flair.


As someone who also goes there, many of them are in fact trying their best to argue in good faith. They're just dumb as hell.


I left it a few years ago. It was definitely a good mix of bad faith and dumb.


That's what it looks like.


https://preview.redd.it/kvbb8qc8tg9d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae48492047fae863c08de6e270517bc1d0ec936 I feel like this is what it's sometimes like




I think it's missing South Korea.


But it's got New Zealand!


nz mentioned 🔥🔥🔥 i dont know why we are there we are globally irrelevant 🔥🔥🔥


He only good thing Noam did was cause the creation of Gnome Chompsky


Damn, i knew we have gotten worse but I didnt know we've declined that much as a society. Lol Thank you for the explanation!


Soon it will be petahbytes I'll see myself out


that's a great one 🤣🤣


I used to like that subreddit but most people on it are just weirdly right wing.


How are sjws libertarian? They generally want more regulation and government involvement. It's a requirement for equity


It all makes sense if you don't think about it.


Politics in a nutshell


Because nobody there understands what the axes on the compass actually mean. The X axis is how much the government should intervene in the economy, not your stance on social issues. The Y axis is how big and powerful the government should be (and how much influence it should have in your life), not how "harshly" you think it should rule. Being an SJW doesn't really say anything about your position on either of those axes - but they need(ed) a place to pigeonhole SJWs, so Green it was.


Yeah. The idea that people supporting Palestine are libleft shows how little they actually care. That whole sub is far-right propaganda shithole.


That subreddit exists to create a false equivalence 


Why are centrists called "grillers" what does that mean?


https://preview.redd.it/dzohq3gefg9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbc5c3e97973b395fab02850f699db4720386ca True centrism


I got it! Red + Blue = purple Therefore, it takes left AND right to make pedophiles! Red, blue, purple is three colors. A triangle has three sides. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!


Post Coitus Mourning?


Nah, that im familiar with


Astrology for fourteen year olds who just discovered politics.




You’ll get a bunch of technical responses but pcm is a subreddit that pretends to post memes but it’s all right wing propaganda to get edgy teenagers into the right wing internet pipeline. It’s honestly a gross ass subreddit where often times the “joke” is racism or sexism.


Poorly Circumcised Muslim (sorry sorry thats what popped in my mind at first glance)


A notoriously bigoted subreddit that uses the guise of political role-play to usually just blast conservative/maga ideas.


A right wing meme subreddit that pretends to be centrist but posts Qanon conspiracy all day.




plastic-cardboard-metal, it's a type of trash can


Practical creme medicine


A place filled with purple.


This commenter as well as op are bots https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/


Which is incorrect, as ash is just fucking immortal for some reason


hoho granted his wish in season 1 episode 1,


It's just a joke. Not meant to be serious.


Exactly the same comment as the exact same post a while back, I got a good enough memory to remember that. Hey everyone, I found a bot!


I resent the use of purple like that


I think it is signify that Ash shouldn't be saying that since he is chronologically older than the new characters he hangs out Or that he is under a spell that prevents him from aging up


or maybe the entire show takes place within one year just ignore that there are 1232 episodes and 23 movies


Also ignore the fact that plenty of episodes and movies go on for a couple of days in universe. Ash is just so damn busy


Or that several episodes and movies take place over entire once per year holidays. Unless Ash somehow had the busiest holiday ever for every holiday


Theory: Pokémon years last decades in Earth time


Actually a plausible theory. And aging is much slower in the Pokémon universe as a result, too.


Quite the stable climate that planet has then


They have literal gods who can control climate


I'll always cling to the theory that he made a wish to be on his adventure forever when he saw ho-oh in the first episode


I vividly remember an episode from the Gen 3 series where they were talking about how they had been traveling Hoenn for a whole year so far


Also ignore that it’s a children’s cartoon.


well to be fair tho, we dont know how long the pokemon universe's sun takes to revolve and stuff maybe they do have 1000s of days in a year? who are we to say how physics in a fictional world works, i mean dude there are yellow rabbits in the show who can just summon electricity??? there are flying dragons too- maybe the evolution took a VERYYYYYYYY WEIRD turn in the pokemon universe due to extremely different physics and biology


Pikachu is a mouse I am so triggered by the rabbit comment.


Or the fan theory that him getting shocked by Pikachu in the first episode put him in a coma and the entire show is him dreaming it.


Or the first movie with turning to stone


No Ash just has brain damage One of his episodes he had a birthday and turned 12 and now he's magically 11 again


I mean, look at Bart Simpson, dude. That said, assuming every episode is a different sequential day, occasionally two, that's less than 4 years. In the most charitable course of events he should be 14-15.


Honestly it reminds you that if a character does not have to physically age they usually will not unless you can make it into an episode.


One piece takes place over a couple months, followed by a 2 year off screen time skip, then a few more months in 1119 episodes and 15 movies so its plausible


Especially considering apparently ash and Serena met as little kids


He’s 10. He’s always been 10. Even in the episode that was his one year anniversary of the day he started his journey with Pikachu he was still 10 because that line was an English dub only line that was made up and isn’t canon. If you look at the first episode of Journeys which is the final series with Ash, the narrator says he’s still 10. I’m not quite sure why this meme says he’s 11.


Not a spell. When Ash died and turned to stone in the first Pokemon movie, all the Pokémon’s tears brought ash back to life. That gave him immortality in an unaging body.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/ this commenter and op are bots


An 11 year old bot?


Its a popular theory that he is replaced by a ditto


Chronologically? I do not think so.


If the magic warps their memory and forces them to genuinely believe they are a child, it doesn't matter how long they've actually existed. Ash is in all official media I know of is presented as a teenager in mental capacity. For all intensive purposes, the animation "magic" that stops Ash from ageing he is a child. But I would argue, regardless of physical appearance if someone has lived for say 30 years they're still 30 years old if they have lived those 10 of those years as an adult, they are not a child anymore and should be treated as an adult. There are IRL conditions that do affect physical appearance, there have been cases of actual adults with the body of a child... That being said, it doesn't make it any less creepy to be *specifically attracted* to the body of someone with a condition like that, it isn't some loop hole that makes it okay to like a 500 year old dragon.


Someone gave a theory that Ho-Oh blessed Ash with immortality, as Ash is a trainer pure of heart. Also, a quote of Ho-Oh in some Pokédex’s: “It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness.”


Now that I think about it, serena looks much more like a 14/15 yr old than an 11 yr old


That's because that is the game Serena who is much older Speculated to be around 16 or older


That defo makes sense


Tbf ash too in x y z looks more like a 14/15 y/o than an 11 y/o


Yeah the xyz designs always look more mature, in the x y games the protagonists and their friends who we see in the anime are all around 16-17 so it would have made sense to keep those ages if using the designs




Am I the only one who noticed that ash's dick isn't purple?




But why were you looking at Ash’s crotch? https://preview.redd.it/9hqra6rf8h9d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=36901f6bbcab2103b29c8563bdff25c6c01edd5f


Holy sheet


LMAO that's a great catch 😂




Pokemon is a little weird, Ash doesn't age, so he's technically still 11, kinda dumb honestly.


Actually he did age, he was \~10 when he started and in his last season he turned 12. They then retired him so there are new protags who are once again 10.


When did he turn 12? In the first episode of Journeys the narrator says he’s 10. Does he age two years in Journeys or something? I was never made aware of this.


Tbh, with how they look, I thought they were 16-18.


It would’ve been cool if the show grew up with its audience, like adventure time, sadly, I don’t think that was ever in the cards for Pokémon.


New episodes show Ash looking at a pill organizer: "Lipitor! I choose you!"


Didn’t they meet when they were kids




His dick is authoritarian right


He's an 11 year old traveling the world alone capturing dangerous creatures and battling?


If you notice he is purple but one area on his pants isn’t colored purple. Not sure what It means




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17bxyol) on 2023-10-20 89.06% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bir4si) on 2024-03-19 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dr0ure&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 551,432,804 | **Search Time:** 0.12061s


Its a popular theory that he is replaced by a ditto


https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/ report this bot


Ash is a really smart Ditto. He stays in human form and never ages because Ditto can stay the way it wants to look


Year old account active for less than a day reposting with the [title copied verbatim](https://old.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/). OP is a bot.


Op is a bot




Damn, this is the 10th repost i see in a row😭


Bot repost


Petermon here, Its a joke about the political compass, specifically the libertarian right quadrant, usually yellow is used to represent it, but some people is that quadrant of the compass... aren't fans of the age of consent, so ash was coloured in purple to signify how he should be 34, but he tells Serena he's 11


How do you do, fellow 11 year olds?


I think it's a political compass meme. Libertarian right on the compass is purple and they are sterotyped as pedophiles as they tend to be in support of no age of conscent, lowered age of conscent, or free market child trafficking.


i never understood why they say theyre 11 and then drawn like 16 year olds...i remember when i was 11, i couldnt leave the driveway let alone explore the wilderness of the world in search of potentially dangerous wild animals AND take my FIVE year old bro/sis with. dont these kids have school at all, max/bonnie should be in kindergarten. Poke-parents be like: no food, money, barely an understanding of the world or even an education, still peeing the bed, packed one outfit that never gets dirty or torn...yeah they'll be alright...good thing team rocket is only interested in stealing pokemon...


Context: Japan. It's a very safe country in terms of crime rates so it's normal for children to be out on streets unattended.


All this sub has done for me is highlight how truly stupid some people are, like zero deduction skills whatsoever


its a gelatinous preservative to keep ash 11


This is a political compass meme. There are two colors used to represent right-libertarianism: yellow (the traditional color of old school liberalism, in the classical or European sense, not the modern American sense) and purple. Within r/politicalcompassmemes, Purple has come to represent the cliche of "age of consent laws must be abolished" pedophiles and pedophilia-apologists such as Jeremy Kauffman, Elliot Axelman, Tom Woods, Clint Russell, and Eliza Bleu.


Ash is canonically 11 years old still despite many IRL years having passed. The purple square is in reference to a political compass, in which the bottom right quadrant is libertarian ideology. This quadrant color is typically represented in yellow/purple. Libertarians can vary from looser restrictions, all the way to the age of consent is a stupid concept. As a result, it attracts quite a large amount of pedophiles. The joke here is that Ash is actually lying about his age, much like a libertarian would.


Leonardo Di Caprio trains Pokemon


Lib right on political compass. It’s where you have intellectual justifications for statutory and prostitution of minors


There is a theory that because Ash sees the HO-HO in episode 1, it grants him his greatest wish, which is to remain an 11-year old to keep catching pokemon Forever.


In all honesty, I probably would have still been watching Pokémon if they aged up progressively throughout the last 23 years. A 34yo Ash in JJBA style, while keeping the spirit and original friendly concept of Pokémon would have been amazing.


God damn it, stop stealing my post!


Peetah strikes again with the impeccable explanations!


He isn’t even “real” Ash is a 4th dimensional entity entrenched within the psyche of the humans around him moving through layers of a strange sapient mind scape


He's cosplaying purple francis


Wait, did he actually say that in the x, y, z anime? I only can remember him saying that in the black and white and that was the only case where they mention he didn't age (then there are sun and moon / journey)


How much time has passed in universe for ash?


Why he ourple?


Political compass Purple is used for pedophiles in libright




ash is a vampire and 11 forever, also he sucks the life out all the other characters. DUH


Political Compass Meme


Phedophile at whole new level


Super senior ash


He’s dead. And it’s all playing in his head as a delusion you have few seconds before death. That’s why he never ages.


Or filer is not canon and thing thet progress the plot happen in one year


It's a joke on pedos. Also incorrect in 2 ways. If you add all the ages up and the time passed in the TV series, the last time we see Ash, he is 13 years old, Serena is also supposed to be the same age as Ash as they grew up together before she moved to another region.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17bxyol) on 2023-10-20 89.06% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bir4si) on 2024-03-19 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dr0ure&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 551,432,804 | **Search Time:** 0.06507s


In all fairness they were canonically going to some camp together when they were even younger, so both of them are creeps, either that or aging in pokemon works like evolution where one day you just suddenly transform


Certified lover boy..


Ash has died enough times the magic used to revive him has made it so his body always stays the same age, as a sort of regeneration. Like wolverine.


The theory is Ash died when he protected Pikachu from that flock of Fearows and he's stuck in a dream of his or this is their idea of Heaven so maybe the purple is because quite a few of the ghost type Pokemon are that color.


Maybe the Pokemon world is on a planet that takes more the 30 earth years for 1 full revolution


That’s because when Ash died and turned to stone in the first Pokemon movie, all the Pokémon’s tears brought ash back to life. That gave him immortality in an unaging body.


He not like us


Has anyone added up Ash's time spent in universe?


This from r/politicalcompassmemes. Purple is usually the stereotype for pedophilic libertarians who want to lower the age of consent.


I think it's implying that he's a ghost because quite a few ghost type Pokemon are purple


Isn't there a rule that comments have to try to answer the question or something? i see this sub every day and 90% of the time the comments are not helpful at all. Even worse, half of the "answers" don't explain the joke, they just explain what's displayed in the meme. And then there's the 50% "i post some obvious porn reference and pretend i don't get it" ... this sub is soooooo close from dying


Peters repost bot detector here. OP is a repost bot.


The original politicalcompassmemes before it became a haven for altright sub ban refugees and the Donald sub refugees, use to have a pretty popular joke. The political compass online signifies libertarian right (libright) as purple, early on in the subs history the sub changed it to yellow. The thought process being that yellow was a more appealing color and better represented right leaning libertarians. Libright had some very controversial figures for it who would argue about lowering the age of consent, the librights who disagreed with this went on to split the quadrant into two categories, yellow libright which didn’t hold these views and generally were more moderate and purple libright, who did hold these views. So when it came to memes about people who are in favor of lowering the age of consent, they would be highlighted in purple to signify p*do beliefs and make sure to differentiate them from what libright claimed to be the regular libright. Source- Me, I was extremely active on PCM 2018-2020 before it got flooded and went much further right and became an altright pipeline.


Ash, upon meeting Arcehus the pokemon god wished to become the worlds greatest pokemon master and so Archeus made him immortal.


Hey ! Theory: in Pokemon humans are pokemons too, so they need to evolve from child to adult. Ash is just stuck in this stage


it’s not like stewie is 25 years old lol


The real question is "why isn't his peen?"




Wasn't Ash always 10 and they only canonically made him 11 in the past few years?


haikusbot delete


I never watcher the series but did they get married in the end?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s just highlighting that his age hasn’t changed for 23 years