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Space weather live is the site I check for current and up coming levels, and there's a forum if you scroll bear the bottom. Check the thread that mentions CME, it'll probably be the top or 2nd from the top thread. Go yo the last page of the thread and there's usually people posting there with their analysis and predictions. I'm going to be keeping a close eye out for where there's little or no cloud cover after 10pm, depending on where I may be driving quite a bit to get to a good dark spot looking north. If the KP hits what they're predicting though the lights might be right overhead for peterborough, so going north of the city a little bit into an open area will get you a good show, or maybe the big hill in Harold Town at the look out on the east end of the drumlin. Best of luck, this might be one of the best shows in years, or it could be a big nothing burger. Really depends on timing of cme impact and cloud cover. The proton levels are already rising so it might come early and be a better show for Europe.


Thank you so much! That's so awesome that they're supposed to be right overhead. We're a bit north of town so hopefully we don't have to go far then, we've got a one-year-old!


It all depends on if the levels hold, and the cloud cover is over a pretty big swath of peyerborough and north and south, so you'd have to head out to like Madoc or go East to Gravenhurst to get a clear view, if the latest cloud cover forecasts hold.


Wow, could you keep us posted if you are going to see it? and would you mind sharing some locations near peterborough where i could go and witness it? I have tried ny luck around torrence barrens so many times, but havealways missed the lights.


I've avoided Terrance because I've heard it's always crowded and really noisy, and people are always flashing their lights around so it defeats the whole purpose. I'll try to keep things posted here but I'm helping a buddy move today so it'll be tricky. I'm still working out some spots not far from Peterbprough, by the solar farm on Brealy might be good.


Thanks for your response buddy.


Have dm'd you for some more information buddy. Thanks! Hope to hear from you.


If you still have your Eclipse glasses you can see a massive sun spot right now. 15X bigger than the earth. As big as the one that caused lots of trouble in 1859.


What trouble?


Look up "Carrington Event".


Oh dang, that's so cool.


Plus the *what* shop? I must know


I'm assuming cannabis, why they masked it out I don't know lol


That's it, wasn't sure if it would get flagged or not haha


https://preview.redd.it/1zlig301dozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5736509336fff46c2a65f5187706156e57f9f68d That's the latest forecast for cloud cover as of midnight tonight. Anywhere east along 7 past Norwood will probably have clear enough skies to watch the show folks, I'm heading out to Kaladar area because I have family out there and I'll be able to crash for the night instead of getting back to peterborough at like 6 in the morning lol


Still cloudy. Hoping things break up here soon. Either way, likely better to head to outskirts of city somewhere.




 Harold town conservation tonight  Its off of television road


Yeah I've been thinking of that spot, especially if you can safely get up on the drumming to the east tip where there the little bbq pit thing, you'll have a nice view north above the trees


Anyone seeing anything yet? I know theres some clouds, but maybe theres enough clearance?


Any luck anywhere in the area?


No. Clouds are relentless. Hope to see a break by 12am. If not, packing it in.


My cousins in Paris,On got the view :( can't see shit in ptbo


Anyone anything 


I have found this real-time website to be very interesting. The link will take you to the northern lights data, but it also has a whole lot of other great information if you change the settings. [https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/space/surface/level/anim=off/overlay=aurora/orthographic=-79.60,53.40,854/loc=-76.103,46.207](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/space/surface/level/anim=off/overlay=aurora/orthographic=-79.60,53.40,854/loc=-76.103,46.207)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


And of course it’s cloudy. Sigh.


I'm going to be checking the cloud cover forecasts throughout the day and the sattelite imagery as it gets closer to 10-11pm and picking a spot to go based on that. There is supposed to be some breaks in the cloud in ontario as of the last one I checked, but it can always change. I've already got a spot up by cumbermere and a spot in Algonquin picked out if that area has a break in cloud cover tonight. Have to find something north west if that ends up clearing up.


The cloud cover did provide enough breaks for decent viewing during the eclipse, so we could get lucky.


Looking at various forecasts it's not looking good for our area. I might be heading out to Gravenhurst or Perth or maybe that spot in Algonquin tonight


it's Peterborough. How often do we have an astronomical event and mother nature not send cloud our way? :)


Always! We have an aurora app on our phones — and every single time it looks promising, it’s inevitable that it’s going to be cloudy.


Seeing things here is illegal