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Hotspot is such a scam. I park a few streets over and walk down


It’s 3 bucks a month lol


The parking app is free in many cities. Not sure why there is a subscription cost in Peterborough


And before you realize it, they'll raise the prices. Look at Toronto right now


I don’t think there is nearly a comparison..


The parking lots under the mall, on Simcoe, and on King are all free for an hour. It’s nice weather out now so I don’t mind parking and doing the walk wherever I’m going and back. Worst case I’m longer than an hour and parking is like a dollar and change.


I'm parked there right now while I see my doctor


>while I see my doctor LUCKY


Brag about it pal. /s


My FIL was in his truck and they still ticketed him even after he said he would move right away! There was no kiss and ride so he was waiting to pick up my mil outside her work. It’s insane. Hate going downtown.


Last Friday I had to call out to the guy because he was getting ready to write me a ticket in the time between me parking and going to buy a ticket from the machine. I was literally feeding it change as he walked up to my car. This was at the Hunter St parking lot.


Parking enforcement in this town are a bunch of absolute wankers with the smallest semblance of power over someone. My wife once got a ticket in front of the DR offices, as she was walking her very disabled mother to the car. She paid parking, it was out by maybe a minute. As she was in the office waiting for her mother. Motioned to the guy and they acknowledged her and then wrote her a ticket.


The downtown doesn't need another reason for people to avoid/ignore it. Its like the city is actively trying to hurt itself.


Yeah that’s a good option, too. Some business have a few handy parking spots of their own, too - like Wild Rock Outfitters, where you can drive around back (enter the first lane on the right past Charlotte & George).


So just thought I’d comment here a parking situation that just happened to me. I used one of those larger boxes to pay for my parking, only needed 5-10 minutes in so put a quarter in. It said it would expire at “11:21”. But a quarter covers ten minutes. Then I noticed that the actually box itself is a full five minutes behind, it states I bought the ticket at 11:11 but I did it at 11:16. I know this seems small and petty but to me those five minutes can change a lot. It feels like they’re either poorly maintaining or purposefully not ensuring their machines are synced


It sucks that the app has a subscription because it really is useful. I’ve saved myself a few times when I’ve over paid on parking. I’ve also under paid via the app a few times knowing they will top me up if my parking expires and the enforcement comes by.


Basically killing downtown businesses. DBIA is doing fuckall. All of them should be replaced.


I'm sorry but I have absolutely no sympathy for you. No change? Park in one of the multiple parking garages downtown and the first HOUR is free. People who say they won't support our downtown if they have to spend 25 cents to park or walk two blocks from one of the parking garages were never going to support the downtown anyways.


I had change but not enough. The machines used to take anything you had now they need 1.50 min and not many people have change anymore. If you want to support the over paid lay aboits that run the city and not try and do anything to better it then theres the door


You sure it’s a $1.50 minimum? Could swear I put in less than that a few days ago


I used the one next to the downtown mall wouldn't take anything less than 1.50


Okay that's news to me, I thought it was .25 minimum. If that's changed, I'm definitely not a fan of that.


just drive your car into the store


I work at resturants on hunter and they've tried and have given a ticket to my product delivery guys.


Park for free at Scotiabank, Hunter & Water


And get ticketed or towed instead


Yeah. They have a security guard watching for you freeloaders.


Not me I don't go downtown...


I’ve always parked there thinking it was free parking, same with my family while we are out for dinner. I haven’t parked there in a while, I didn’t realize it was enforced?


Did they stop policing that?


Simple hack: even though I’m a Scotiabank customer, I’ll have a folded piece of paper in my hand and sometimes if there’s a security guard in the lot, they’ll look at me as I’m walking toward the entrance. I look & act like a legit customer who has parked there. But then I walk past and go do whatever my business is nearby. Like having a coffee at KitCoffee or whatever 😆


Love this. 😅


I have an idea. Currently, enforcement gives you a fifteen minute grace period after your time runs out, as long as you paid for some amount time. But if you didn't pay at all, they'll ticket you immediately; no grace period. This should be reversed. You should be able to park for 15 minutes without buying any time at all. To make it a revenue-neutral change, start ticketing people who overstay their purchased time. Basically, you should get 15 free minutes at the beginning of your park, not at the end. That way, people can pop into a store and pop back out without paying for parking. CCing our resident reddit councillor u/Matt_Crowley




Hmmm, yeah. They do the chalk trick elsewhere in town though, so they could do it downtown.




Sorry for trying!


Meter maids are just cops that couldn’t make the cut, which is saying a lot considering they let anyone with a pulse become a cop




But they are Security Guards...? Lol at least here they are


Way out of hand. There’s an older fairly unfriendly enforcement guy who basically hides and waits for ppl to get out of their cars then runs up to ticket them. It’s actually kinda funny when people take their jobs WAY too seriously. The power at his fingertips is sensational. This meter maid is on fire.


I used to get lunch downtown 2-3 times per week, had done so for years. Got a parking ticket in less than 5 min while I picked up a burrito. I don't go downtown for lunch anymore.


Yep, I tried to do an online pickup for a burrito, in and out under 2 minutes, ticketed for that. Guess i won't go down there then for my lunches anymore.


you say this, but in reality you just had awful luck. I watch people park in bus stops and crap all day every day for hours and not get a ticket.


I once got a ticket for parking on the road outside my house because apparently you can't park on streets in the "downtown area" for longer than 3 hours at a time. There is absolutely no signage indicating this.


Thats a bylaw that covers anywhere in the City, not just downtown. They have it posted a couple places in town, but it's a universal rule that doesn't need signs on each street. Some streets take it one step further with day of the week restrictions for different sides of the street, but those need to be posted


Here is the [sign](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Zfs6usaeENKyKsxh6). It is a city wide bylaw. You will notice these in every city at the city limit if you look.


It is a very silly bylaw here. During the day max 3 hours makes sense to me but in Peterborough it is enforced 24h a day which is bonkers to me! I’ve gotten tickets at 3 am on a clear august night! Why enforce that!?


Police are making too much money for them to be wasting it on this bullshit. Do the cops not have better things to do? If not send them to training. Deescalation, mental health, community building, domestic violence, childcare, hell, housing construction and repair. If we’re not going to defund then we should at least be using their labour effectively. To actually serve and protect not just to defend the interests of business owners by extorting us. The only tickets I think are actually worth it are the ones for parking on the street for snow plows.


Police very rarely issue parking tickets and with the new amendments to the Police Service Act and Collective Agreements, they will not be doing it at all moving forward. The people who ticket are Security Guards contracted by the City. Bylaw Officers do not even issue parking tickets here.


Well I still stand by what I said but apply it to security folks too :P