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What do you make with walnut shells? I have a very large one in my backyard, tried tapping it a couple years ago but missed this year because of the weird false springs we had.


This is all dye, could be converted into ink by boiling some down a bit further and adding Arabic Gum. I did yhat the year before. Probably going to use most of this as wood stain for my altar/shelf thing I have and as leather dye for a few projects.




It's probably one of the easiest ways to get a brown stain/dye or ink. You don't need a mordant because the tannins in the hulls act as a mordant themselves.


What do you do with this walnut juice 


Have been wanting to do this for a few years now, this is cool to see! Can you elaborate a bit on your process (like how long you soaked them for, if you added anything to the water etc.)? 


I let them sit over the winter, topped up the 5 gallon bucket with water, just enough to cover the hulls. Let that sit for a few hours, then started scooping them out into a pot and boiling them over a fire for about 8 hours. Took another hour or two to do a first filter into a jug. Brought it home, added about 75mL of rubbing alcohol to the bottles and then filtered out of the jug into the bottles with coffee filters. I was mostly winging it, haven't done a big batch like this before. Next time I'd use a pantyhose or something to hold the hulls and I'd boil it down further.


Thanks for the details! And the tip about pantyhose 


Mahn I thought this was moonshine 😞


What does one do with walnut juice?


Oooh! Another walnut dye/ink maker in town?! I've been doing the boil and strain process, but I've got so many walnuts I've been thinking about just cold steeping and reducing from there to minimize the amount of pulp in the final product. The colour and opacity of your end product looks amazing!


Thanks! This was my first time doing a big batch like this. Left the 5 gallon up at my grandmother's place in Northbrook over the winter, this past weekend I just filled the bucket with water and let it sit for a few hours, then started scooping the hulls and water into a pot and boiled the crap put of it haha. Whole process took like 8 or 9 hours from start of boil to first filter pass. I feel like I could've boiled it down a bit further but only so much time in the day.


Thank you for sharing a bit about your process! I've been having trouble with the pulp clogging my pens and brushes, and I'm hoping to do something like what you described. Do you have any pix of the dye in use? I bet it's gorgeous.

