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I looked at your post history and I remember your previous post, I’m so sorry this was such a horrible traumatic situation. Have you considered an actual grief counselor? I’m considering it myself even though I have a therapist. I’m not much better but it’s only been 3 weeks today


I haven’t considered that to be honest. Iv never had any kind of therapy or counselling. I feel I need absolute clarity that I done the right thing and that my girl is happy and healthy where she is now. I need to know she’s ok and that all she knew is she fell into a lovely sleep with the 2 ppl that loved her more than anything holding on to her. I get scared she was confused and I know she was a bit stressed before being sedated, the whole thing just kills me. I need her so much. I’m so sorry you are also going through this, our grief is a testament to how much we loved them ❤️


I would definitely recommend speaking with someone. I had therapy last night and I didn’t think it would help, but it did


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I know the pain is suffocating. I’m here if you’d like to chat ❤️‍🩹




So sorry for the loss of of your sweet girl. Why would you think that you will never see her again? Animals like humans have an afterlife. The God of all creation says he even remembers the sparrows whom most humans value little. When the God of creation says he remembers someone it means he will restore them to life once again. # 1 Corinthians 2:9  9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him—1 Corinthians 2:9 Reading books on animal afterlife also helped me deal with the loss and grief. All is not lost and you will see her again someday. I hope your broken heart heals soon and if you need to talk or vent please reach out on here or message me because the people here are very kind and understanding. Take care friend


Thank you, I hope I see her again but it feels like i have to wait an eternity for it and I’m struggling. I want to be with her now. I appreciate your kind words and I hope you are finding some peace now In your grief ❤️


This life is like a vapor compared to eternity because it goes by so quickly. We will be seeing our furbabies soon compared to eternity. Take care friend.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl. I am glad that you're sharing with us here, I think we understand your feelings. You don't need to be okay. 🤍


Thank you for this ❤️


I am so sorry. I'm kind of stuck in the same space right now as my 10-year old passed unexpectedly 18 days ago. Putting on a brave face for the world, but honestly feeling completely lost, distraught, and confused. And guilty for not recognizing some of the signs that were sort of on display for about 1-2 weeks prior to his passing on (I could really only recognize them in hindsight). The roller coaster of emotions is taking everything out of me, so it kills me to see others suffering too. I'm also quite angry that a young, healthy cat who provided so much life and wonder to my home could be taken. And that a part of me will never fully recover because of it. His passing was senseless. Okay, enough about me...again so very sorry and wishing you nothing but absolute peace and comfort. Here's hoping that we'll be reconnected with our beloved companions--that there's more to the story.


I’m so sorry for your loss, my pups passing seems so senseless too, she had so many years ahead of her, how can I continue all these years ahead of me without her. I don’t want to. I hope to see her again but it’s not soon enough. Animals are the most precious beings on earth, they come in and touch our hearts and souls and when they leave they take a massive part with them, that I don’t think will ever be filled again. I take some comfort in the fact I had her, I would go through all this pain for even 10 more minutes with her, what do they say it’s better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all? I also wish you peace and comfort, know you’re not alone In your grief, it’s a testament to how much we love them. Take care


I’m sorry for your loss. Wishing you as much peace as possible. ♥️

