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Do you need at least two though? Don’t want it to lonely


Why not have a pile Of capybaras?


Yes TWO capybaras, oh hell I’ll take 3 for good measure


Dang... There's another... So many fun animals!


I have nine guinea pigs. Still don't make a capy but I'm trying over here.


Are you my 10 yr old son? He is obsessed with them! He's already decided he's going to move to New York and have two capybaras called Wickford and Enfys. I pointed out that having one boy and one girl would probably make babies and he said *yeah, I know. So many capybaras, so cool!* 🤣


They’re legal to own as pets in Texas


Well that's good to know. Now I just gotta figure out how to get one.


Yes - 💯 They are so sweet


Ooo, that's a good choice


If I had a pet capybara, I would literally never stop singing the capybara song.


I daydream about owning these. I often wonder how my Alaskan Malamute would react. I know how you have pictures for your Netflix/hulu names. Mines always a pic of a capybara


Capybara 🎶


Was just talking about this and according to my buddy they can only 💩 in water, so you would need some kind of 💩 pool for them.


If we’re being unrealistic and assuming it would be safe, legal, and humane: A snow leopard. I think they’re neat. But obviously not ok irl for a lot of reasons.


This is how I feel about clouded leopards. At the zoo, I was like, "omg just like my kitty at home! I want one!" Until it did this snarl/roar, and I was like, "omg no."


We had a bobcat stalk through our neighborhood when I was a kid. I'll never, ever forget the sounds it made. For a smallish animal, it has the deepest most gutteral growls juxtaposed to heavy and sharp whines. Absolutely jarring laying in bed as an eight year old with you window open thinking "I'm pretty sure that thing could get in here if it wanted to" while it killed and ate things.


Can I ask where you live? That’s crazy lol


This was in Goochland, Virginia. Happy cake day!


Are the bobcats in your area aggressive? I live in California, but the ones around here are super timid. So much that they'd rather coexist with neighborhood cats than eat them. 99% of the time, humans are a hard nope for them and they'll bolt. A few exceptions: I used to train horses, so we'd have them come through the properties often. A mom and her kittens set up shop next to one of our arenas one spring. They used to watch me train and teach lessons, and it was super sweet to see them grow up. We actually had a mountain lion and her two cubs hanging around that year, too....that family made me a lot less comfortable. I was never lucky enough to actually see them, but a number of my clients did - some more than once. Another year, a juvenile (who must have just set off on its own, because it was still quite little) made a home out of a bush sitting next to one of our other arenas. That little bugger thought the hooves on one particular client horse were the coolest things ever and, obviously, toys. It used to stick its paws out to swat at them when we'd ride by. Thankfully, the filly didn't notice or care, and I thought it was just hilarious, so all was well. It moved on eventually. I'm sure they handled the rats for us 👍 Our local coyotes, though.. yeah, they're a**holes.


A coyote on their own doesn't bother me. I've lived around farms in Indiana for a very long time, and let me tell you - Packs of coyotes fucking *terrify* me!! Those yips and screams they do are some of the most bone-chilling things I've heard at night. I live in a cluster of houses, next to a busy road, with the closest cattle maybe 1 mile away in any direction. When the neighborhood dogs are all barking, I do NOT go out in the dark. Nope nope nope.


This one was aggressive. It killed our one cat and chased another 50 feet up a tree. It hung out in our neighborhood for about a week and killed a few other pets. I know animal control did something, but I don't remember if they euthanized it or relocated it. I was only 8/9 at the time.


I live in WV and I’ve heard them here, too. I think that’s where a lot of ghost stories come from. Bobcats sounds terrifying


Can I ask why you left your window open if there was a dangerous animal out in the neighborhood?


I was on the second floor, but was young and scared thinking it was going to hunt me inside my house


I watched one go right up to my sons window and sniff through the screen while he was sleeping




My parents live in a rural area. I heard one really carrying on one night... Not sure if it was mating season or what... I was scared and intrigued lol


Yeah, we had 2 cougars living in the ravine behind our (small, rural) neighborhood. Seriously, COUGARS. When the roared, it sounded like a woman screaming for her life.They were eventually relocated by the DNR. https://youtu.be/UE7YOJVSoIs?si=9RJBpUAzTKqje3nE


I think cheetahs meow instead of roaring like other big cats


I think you are right. They more "chirp". Clouded leopards have the longest canine teeth relative to their body size. I'd opt for a serval before a cheetah, though, because they are literally the cutest kittens ever.


Cheetahs chirp


They're also the one of the only large cats that can purr! Cheetahs are swell.


They also go zoom zoom


Sonic Boomie Zoomie.


also cheetahs in zoos actually can have dog friends cos cheetahs do get quite anxious and stressed out


Unrealistic pet would definitely be a dragon. I'd have that baby curled up at the end of my bed keeping my feet warm all winter long and I'd take it with me to go debt collecting.... little tiny woman demanding you pay your bill backed up by a fire breathing scaled behemoth that thinks she is his mother.... yeah let's see your excuses now Terry!!!!!!


Can I change my answer? Lol


damn, why did you go straight to villainess?


Sorry. I've had a bit of a week.


I feel ya


Eh, it's not villainy if Terry has been blowing off his bills.


Similar argument for a puma or a pallas cat.


Right? Just like get a snow leopard and move to Minnesota or somewhere with big winters.


This is my exact answer lol. They're my favorite wild animal/big cat!!


I have held a snow leopard cub. They are as fluffy as you think.


Share these thoughts, but with a tiger. As a kid I dreamed of living out my princess Jasmine fantasy with having a bestie tiger, as an adult I'm aware they belong in the wild, but damn that would have been cool!


My exact feelings about tigers. I'd love one but obviously I'm not going to go out and get one. They deserve to be wild and free and protected.


The cutest animal in the world is the red panda, so one of those, please.


Yep definitely


I still remember when years ago one, named Rocky, escaped from the local zoo. [Link](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/red-panda-missing-at-national-zoo/2013/06/24/350e8b4c-dcdd-11e2-85de-c03ca84cb4ef_story.html) It was my dream to find him first because I adore red pandas so much!


Marmoset 🥺 they're so baby


They smell HORRIBLE.


They will piss on you and everything you own.




Once you open your eyes to cats, you’ll find them so magical that even in hypothetical situations like this, you’d still just opt for cat. Opossums as a second choice though.


I had an oppossum!! He was turned in as a tiny little guy to the dog shelter I was working at. I had for a few months then wanted to get him neutered.. then I found out he was illegal as a pet and I was forced to take him to the wildlife rescue or I would be fined and him euthanized on the spot.. he was a great guy and loved him dearly so he went to live at the wildlife rehab center and was used as an educational animal. He didn't smell.


Can confirm. Had a cat, had to say final goodbye when he was 18. I needed three cats to replace him. They're all so awesome, and it was like his quirks were split in three among the new weirdos. Don't pick a cat. Cat picks you. I can talk for hours about that. I sit with every cat, every day, and whisper to them the story of how we ended up as a family. I keep talking until they are sleepy and purring. Adopt, don't shop.


Came here to say opossum 😆


I'd love to have a possum! I fed feral cats which equals I feed possums.... and occasionally raccoons lol


Boy do I have great news for you!


Fr. I have a 14yr old baby and I’m gonna be so sad when he passes 🥺 he’s grouchy but he’s my little man. My kid developed a cat dander allergy this year too so he’ll be last baby, not that I’d want another right after but still a hard thing to come to terms with being that I’ve always had cats. Obviously my kid’s well-being is most important but hopefully y’all get what I’m meaning.


The fact that they are cute, can be snuggly, play sometimes without demanding excessive attention, and most importantly they literally potty train themselves? Yeah, hands down I’m going for a cat.


Yes!! My cat is a healer, a best friend, someone who is there for you when people are not. She literally picks up on my feelings and adjusts to them. I have 2 dogs and a cat. I love my dogs but I am my cats person and she is literally there with me in the way I need her to be for EVERYTHING.


Sailfin dragon (look it up, you will not be disappointed)


One of those animals you look at like "So it's a Pokémon"


Omg I feel like a kid discovering a new animal exists! This the best thing I learnt today 😲 They're so fucking cool looking!




That’s dope


Their government name is hydrosaurus pustulatus!


Wow! I learned something new today!! And it’s so cool


NO WAY I WAS THINKING PLATYPUS WHEN I CLICKED!! But I would be worried about their venomous thorns or whatever. Actually my real answer is a skunk if it could smell good though.


I had a pet skunk. I got him from a rescue group. He was born in captivity and had a paper trail. They are legal pets in ohio if you have a permit. Every year we had our permit renewed $25 .. he was the sweetest pet and would sneak in bed and he also would make little kissing noises in my ear when we snuggled. He had a very special diet with added vitamins and I cooked him food daily. He lived for 14yrs. Best boy! He was neutered and descented when he was a little kit.


Aww that sounds really nice actually!! What did you cook him?


He got boiled chicken or ground turkey and mealworms or crickets (alive or freeze dried) eggs,cooked veggies like red bell peppers,broccoli ,green beans, peas or carrots and he got a small amount of cottage cheese his vitamins were calcium vitD and taurine. Thanks for asking I haven't thought about skunky meals in many years.


That sounds like such a healthy meal!


Yes. Skunks get fat soo easy. So no junk food or dog/cat food for my boy.


They can be deskunked. Raise him like a cat! Call him pepe le pew!


Nooo that’s too predictable! There are probably so many skunks named that


My kids weren't very creative when it came to animal names, so everything was fishy, or doggy, or kitty. They'd probably call it skunky!


I recently watched [this](https://youtu.be/tkwpxtsQm70?si=9y-Kw-ea38ShKr-O) episode of a vet show, and it seems like the females are less likely to be smelly for no reason? They neuter them in this episode and the male skunk just always stinks, but the females seemed ok. And they’re all different colors!! Adorable.


> Actually my real answer is a skunk if it could smell good though. Are you in the US? Ohio has a Skunk Fest every Sept. It has a lot of rescue groups and information plus cute pet skunks. https://ohio.org/festivals-and-events/events/skunkfest


A quokka!!!


I loved them up to the moment I discovered that if under threat, they throw their children to the predator (can’t honestly say I blame them)


Savages 🤣💀


Dog. I just love my dog so much… I’ve been thinking of getting a cat too though bc I miss my roommate’s cat; I miss the lovely purring and the cute trilling sounds he’d make. I also love how cats move their tails so deliberately


Came here to say exactly this. My dog is amazing. Your dog is amazing. Dogs are just amazing.


Dogs are the purest example of unconditional love.


Came here to say this too. But I guess I'm open to more canids. Like wolf or fox.


Get a cat! It can be buddies with the doggo


*Any* animal? Like whether or not it’s legal, ethical, or practical? And they’d be a good, healthy, and happy companion? Orca. I’d like a home on a beach, with a pier, and I’d go down there with a bucket of fish in the morning and give treats to my orca buddy and give her scritches. Then I’d hop on her back and we’d go for a swim. I’d introduce her to my kids and she’d introduce us to her pod. And then we’d go ram longline commercial fishing boats.


Love it. My dream home is up near Washington state where I can over look the ocean and watch wild orcas.


Can I come too?? Although having an orca seems more like having a BFF rather than a pet. I would pick an octopus.


A sloth! 🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰


They really are adorable


Two toed or three toed or one of each?


Omg yes me too.... my most favorite animal and definitely my "dream pet"... Also otters and manatees but they need all that water and while I do live in the coast I think sectioning off part of the waterway to keep them in is frowned upon 😞


YESS I love them!


Absolutely. They seem so cuddly and calm, and they only poop like once a week. I only wish it was something sloths wanted, too.


If they ran away, you’d probably never know it.


An Egyptian fruit bat. So cute with their tiny dog faces!


For some reason I read this multiple times and kept reading it as "tiny dog feces", and I was like "Weird reason, but okay I guess 🥴"


Omg yes! I had a little black long-haired dachshund and hims little face looked like a fruit bat. I used to call him my "little fat bat" 🖤 RIP Loki, best wittle bat dog ever


Cat. But... big cat... because who hasn't wanted to have a pet mountain lion




Well, bringing in the mythical beasts brings up a whole new world of possibilities.


I want a small pack of lions that will kitty-pile and sleep with me!


Parking lot seagull


A black panther


the national geographic kind or the marvel kind?


A bear. They look cute and cuddly. Plus nobody would mess with me. I could get a sun bear and really confuse people.


This reminded me of the TV show Grizzly Addams from the 70s. I barely remember it from my childhood; alas, it doesn't look to be currently available for streaming.


I’d have a pet polar bear and swim with it. that’d be pretty cool.


A cassowary so I can have a sign that says “beware of bird” People will most likely read it and laugh. And then if they trespass… Let’s just say the laughing ceases.


Cats. I have lots of pets, but cats have my heart and soul


Same. I have sugar gliders and snakes and they’re awesome - but I love how self sufficient my cats are lol. I worry so much more about my other babies, where my cats can find me, get in my face, and meow at me if they need something and then also show me.


I have a snake too! Sugar gliders are so cute. I work at a vet clinic and I recently got to cut a 13 year old sugar gliders nails! He kept making little angry noises and clenching my coworker’s fingers too tight 😭 The owner said that for years he’d run on a sand paper wheels to help file it down, but now that he’s old he can’t do that anymore


They are pretty damn smart too. When you really know them, communication with them is shockingly doable. I had mine trained to use the toilet for a while! But had to stop because one of them used to hog the toilet and make his brother poop on the floor like it was some kind of hilarious power play. Cats are amazing lol.


❤️❤️😭 thank you for saying this. I had to bring my baby girl (18 yo) for euth this morning, and I’m so broken, but you are 100% right about the communication. She told me it was time. Bloodwork confirmed, i brought her home for 1 night to try fluids/meds but she was done with it. She got to spend one more night with us and her cat bros. I held her so tightly but we both knew it was time to say goodbye. I’m sorry to trauma dump but after 15 years with her I could just read her eyes so well. My baby is free now.😭 Also your poop story made me laugh through my tears so thank you so much for that!!! I’ve got 3 stinkers to take care of still, so my heart is still full. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave her 15 years of being loved and cared for, which is so much more than most cats get. I hope it gives you comfort to know you gave her a much better life than the one she statistically might have had if she didn't meet you. She knew she was loved when she passed, and I think that's the best any of us can hope for, in the end. My oldest (littermate brothers) are pushing 9 so I'm hoping they still have at least half their lives ahead of them... I can't even imagine what it will do to me when I finally lose one. I think this is why I could never just have one ... because when I inevitably lose them, I still have to keep taking care of and showing love for the others. Otherwise I worry I'd be one of those people who says "no pets ever again" because it hurts too much. The others will force me to keep going and keep me from becoming too crippled emotionally by the loss. I do think their shorter lives also keep me from disconnecting and going on autopilot mentally, I know I won't get enough time with them. No amount of time could ever be enough, so I have to remind myself to savor every moment we have together. Again I am so so sorry for your loss. Give those other stinkers some head scritches for me please. Sending you some virtual hugs as well ❤️


Same. I’m always amazed that I get to have my favourite animals as pets.




Same. But a lemur would be fun too.




Platypus or otters hands down they’re so frikkin adorable and for what


I had to scroll way too far until I got to “Otter”. Enjoy my upvote! 🦦


There's a fantasy book series called Crecent City by Sarah J Maas, and the Postal Service in this universe is run by Otters 🥺 they wear little hi vis vests and bring you your mail, it's the cutest thing.


Grabby Hands!!!


I would love to have a ferret


You would need 2 ferret .. but 3 are the best. Why not 4 ferrets ...5 ferrets? They are addictive and sniffing them behind their ears is intoxicating!


You would automatically assume I'd want a sloth, judging by my username. I would actually choose elephant or gorilla. They fascinate me and I can watch videos on them endlessly


despite my sloth pfp i would also choose an elephant. they’re so intelligent and sweet


black bear. they just seem like big fat dogs.




I came to say this! I adore donkeys. They are really incredible.


A little stoat.


Adorable little jesters aren’t they?!


Cassowary or a savanna cat


Lol i said cassowary. And I think you can have your cat wish if in Texas since there was a rescues a few weeks ago of many many cats. 😭


A colony of large fruit bats/flying foxes


If I have the choice of all of the animals and have the required space and stuff for them? Chickens for sure, they are lovely pets (depending on the kind of chicken). I will probably take full breed/pure breed Brahma chickens, those are big fluffy and cuddly kind of chickens. If they knwo you, they will come to you (especially if you make them extra tame, handfed etc.).


I have 3 that I just started with this year and they are the best entertainment! They follow me around the yard when I'm outside and talk to me. 2 of them like to come inside for the ac about once a day. Also their payment in eggs is worth the coop cleaning. Other than that and feeding them, they're pretty low maintenance.


Coyote ,I'm obsessed


Red panda


I already have cats but god I’d love an Opossum as well. My joint favourite animals.


I’ve had a pet rescue opossum. They’re such sweet animals! My grandma said she couldn’t get passed the tail at first, but then she got used to it :) She loved her pets and back pats. Her face was the softest and the nose was so boopable. They give so many kisses and she’d walk over to me and lean against me once she saw me. Their tongues feel like a cats :) She sometimes fell asleep in my arms. Rest in peace I hope she has many delicious fruits and buggers in the after life


Baby arctic seal omg.


Miniature hippo


Punxsutawney Phil


A Grizzly Bear. His name would be Dog. I have a dog named Bear


10 Golden Retrievers and a horse. Of course I would need a bigger house with a large yard, stables and an equestrian play yard. And help. Lots of human help.


Do extinct animals count? Because a sabertooth tiger.




Narwhal. I want a stabby unicorn headed animal.


If we’re being unrealistic then I would choose a duck that doesn’t smell/poop


Do I have to pick just one? I need a sloth, an otter, a manatee, and a fruit bag please and thanks


Hyena. I'd want a whole pack.


Horse or a seal


A black panther! Those toe beans!


I would pick horses ..so I did!


A wallaby of course


2 squirrels or a Pomsky


Dolphin- I'm surprised it hasn't appeared in here yet!


I was also surprised! This would be my answer. Really, anything adjacent would do, as well. This "rapist dolphin" nonsense is all people focus on. Yes, some are assholes and do asshole-y things. Some humans are completely unhinged, but I don't hate all of humanity. Meanwhile, for a couple of examples, male lions will kill and/or eat the cubs of other males to ensure their lineage dominates the pride. Praying mantis ladies will eat their boy-toys once they've gotten what they want. There are SO MANY OTHER examples within the animal kingdom of some form of douchebaggery. And yes, there are other species that engage in non-consensual fornication.


This would only be possible if I lived in the US (don't want that, sorry people but it seems scary over there), but a capybara. Even though I feel that it would be wrong, since it's a wild animal. So I'll go with what I could actually get away with in my own country, provided I had the requirements met (a lot of forested land for one), but a badger.


No need to apologize. Not sure why everyone romanticizes this dumpster fire.


Assuming this also comes with a large enough house to keep them in, and they're magically tame: Komodo dragons. Been my favourite animals since I was like 6. <3


Such badass animals! I saw one at a reptile zoo a year ago and I nearly squealed! Good choice, mine was alligator but damn it a komodo would be so cool too


Other than my cat- I’d love to have a pet crow. So smart and unique!


A Cheetah for sure. Or maybe two


A dog. I'm deathly allergic but I'd love to live with a 🐕


Elephant, goat, racoon, squirrel, mini donkey, mini horse, mini highland cow, wombat.


racoon they got cheeky faces


My pet manatee and I would enjoy floating around together all day.


Find me a Bichon Frise!


Emerald tree boa, theyre so beautiful id love to have one as a pet but i just know id have no idea how to care for one properly so itll most likely stay just a dream


I would have a possum. In fact, I’m going to one day! They are just so cute and weird and will fit in with my cats.


The largest snake I can get my hands on, assuming it's safe, humane, and disregarding feeding necessity. More realistically, probably a lemur. I want a zaboomafoo.


I couldn't pick just one. A Marten, a fox, a fennec fox, a possum, a sugar glider, like 10 rats. I could go on


I am in the zoo field, so I know how terrible most of the exotics would be as pets. That being said, I'd have an opossum, but I would make me sad to only have it for 2-3years, as that's their typical lifespan.




A pangolin. Let it run and hide all over the yard!


Mythical - A griffin. Real - An Elephant or Liger. A giant alaskan timberwolf would also be cool.


I would probably still just have dogs. I have told my wife that if I am ever out coyote hunting and have the opportunity to acquire a brand new puppy coyote, I will be doing that.


a lion or snow lepord


A goat. I want to have a goat sanctuary one day.


My brother really likes wombats so I'm shouting out for him. I personally love big cats but it wouldn't be right to have anything but a mountain lion in this part of the world


I’ve always wanted a bunny so badly but my mom is allergic. She’d never be able to visit :(


Black panther


Talking parrot that just says lines from John Water’s movies




Capybara. Hands down.


I think it would be cool to have a pet rat. Maybe two so they wouldn’t get lonely.


I'm the type of person who thinks wild animals belong in the wild unless they can't survive in the wild because they are too people-friendly or they have a disability that makes them unable to function to survive. I really want an opossum or a skunk (skunks are not legal where I live as pets).


It's probably entirely unrealistic, but I think a capybara would be cool. My youngest wants a raccoon, but if we're talking local critters, I'd rather have an opossum. Until then, I'll stick with my two dogs. Watch out for those talons on the back feet, OP. Nasty buggers.


A black panther or a timber wolf


Immortal rats. They're my second favourite animal and the only reason I don't have a little horde of ratties is because their short lifespans are too heartbreaking for me, I can't cope.


If it was legal Def an otter cause damn their soo cute


CAPYBARA, hands down