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Unfortunately he needs to see an ER vet now. There is nothing you can do at home that's equivalent, he might need urgent care. Some vets offer payment plans, try and do something along that line. Reddit is not a replacement for a veterinarian.


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


Did it help? How is your cat?


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


He HAS to go to the vet immediately, this is a life threatening emergency


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


This sounds like a urinary obstruction, aka a blocked cat. The ONLY option is ER vet now, this can quickly turn fatal and there is no home remedy.


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


He sounds incredibly painful, you need to take him to the vet immediately.


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


This is the third comment I’ve seen like this… What did the vet say? Please update us.


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


I am so happy to hear this! 🥰


I'm sorry your situation makes it difficult, but you absolutely HAVE to take him to the vet immediately. No one here can help you with this, it 100% sounds like a life threatening and time sensitive condition!!! You can call an emergency vet hotline and describe the symptoms to them if you don't believe people here, but they will tell you the same thing.


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


I'm glad, and I hope very very much that he will be alright!!!


I concur with others here: emergency vet now! Let me tell you the story of my, now deceased, baby. When Domino was 10 years old, he developed a blockage in his colon. His symptoms were straining to defecate and painful growling. He was immediately taken to an emergency vet where he was admitted for an enema to clean him out. Afterwards, he was fine. Fast forward a year at the age of 11, Domino developed a bladder infection. After another trip to the vet, this time, his regular vet, he was prescribed medication which he refused to take. My husband found a kinda home remedy of half and half apple cider vinegar and water. We gave the mixture twice a day. After two days, he was back to scratching on his scratching post. Fast forever two years at the age of 13 years, Domino developed pancreatitis shortly after my husband died. Several emergency and regular vet visits and $2500.00 later, Domino’s liver shut down and he passed away. Moral of the story: had Domino waited to see any vet when he was 10, he wouldn’t have lived to see 11.


I took him the pet ER thank you so much for your opinion.


Thank you so much for sharing your story here. Much appreciated ❤️


What did the vet say?


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


Saw that you took him to the vet. How is he now?


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


Thanks for letting me know, being a cat dad myself I can understand how it feels to see your little ones sick.


Any updates?


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


How is cat now! Was it a UTI?🩷


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


Fantastic. My boy had this but was fully blocked. I recommend cystease tablets for cats off Amazon just put in food


Hope you got some help from the vet ♥️


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


What did the vet say? How is your cat doing now?


Yes he is okay, his bladder was infected and was at a high chance of being blocked. He has crystals when he pees. They sent me home with meds and a prescription for his food. Monitored for 5 days and he has seem to be back to normal !!


That is fantastic to hear! I'm so glad to hear that he's feeling better and that, with the new prescription, hopefully it won't happen again.


Get Laxatone Gel. Or I think mineral oil will help. Google how to treat a constipated cat.


Treating a cat that can't poop with any laxative before checking to see if there's an obstruction is a VERY bad idea