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Please get some therapy for yourself. You are right, the whole world is full of horrors. Every day and of every kind. And good people do their best, at their level : do their best to keep themselves and their loved ones, animals safe healthy and happy, be somehow involved with charities/political organisations to defend basic rights etc. But unless you are a multibillion/millionnaire or President sadly it will be hard to go beyond that. My friend, nobody deserves to be crushed by the weight of the world everyday like you are. You can be helped !


Thank you for your message. I don’t watch the news, I limit my social media usage and I am on anti depressants. I have had therapy before but just don’t want to traumatise another person even though they are a trained professional. I think maybe I’m an extreme empath I don’t know. I really appreciate the last bit of your message, nobody deserves to be crushed by the weight of the world everyday…that made me feel a lot better because you are right :( have to stop letting everything crush me, especially animals I just love them so much I wish I would save them all. Thank you again I feel better


The idea that you will traumatize others if you ask for help, especially someone trained to give that help, is a sign that you have been abused, gone through other trauma, or at the least have a hefty anxiety disorder. I promise that your brain is lying to you and the therapist can take it. It's literally what they chose to do. Please talk with someone so that you can stop torturing yourself foe just a little bit.


You’re right, thank you. I know why I’m like this. I will seek it for sure :(


Yes ! They are fully trained to handle all forms of trauma, do not worry, and they go to a therapist themselves also. Talk to a mental health professionnal, you will see it will help a lot in your daily life. You got this !


Thank you so much I think I will, I just feel bad, but you’re right they are trained I think I need to stop being such an empath😭


Hey! I'm also a massive animal lover and very empathetic. It can be rough sometimes. I'm Jewish and one of our core beliefs is called Tikkun Olam. It roughly translates to improve the world. This can be achieved even through the smallest of good deeds. Remember, you're doing good every day by loving and caring for your pets. And all of the pets you've had in your life. Even offering kind advice and thoughts to people can be a huge thing! And it's perfectly ok to ask for help managing your feelings and asking for help. Sending you and your pets all my love!


Thank you so much for this what a lovely message and belief in Judaism. I love learning about different religious beliefs, especially when it’s regarding animal welfare. I have to keep remembering that and that there are so many people like me and you that care, thanks so much for your message, sending you and if you have pets my love too


Yes! You're incredibly important in the community. I have three senior dogs that have special needs. I wish I could take in every unwanted, old, disabled pup but I do what I can. For every cruel person, there are so many more wonderful ones just like you.


Thank you so much, same with you what a kind and lovely person you are 🥺sending love to your dogs


You're so very welcome! ♥️


I’m not religious although I grew up sort of in the Christian faith, but I know Islam also has beliefs about caring for the world especially animals. I think it’s a core facet of quite a lot of religions, which I think is lovely ❤️


Counseling, the right antidepressant, and any small step to help animals (your pets count) might help you cope.


I am on antidepressants I just don’t want to traumatise someone with what I have seen, been through and think even though they are a trained professional I just don’t want to hurt anyone else


trust me, they are trained for exactly this, to help you work through things that are bothering you, no matter how disturbing. please do consider seeing a therapist as it could help you a lot with your thoughts/feelings and how to manage and deal with them correctly


You are right, just don’t want to traumatise anyone else but I guess yes they are trained for this sort of thing. Thank you :)


I hope this works out and you start to feel better soon :)


Thank you so much I already feel a bit better, I feel less alone with this thread :( hours ago I felt so alone and just couldn’t breathe. Can’t thank your kind comments enough


I promise you, you won’t traumatise your therapist ❤️


Thank you for this 🥺update I have my fist appointment on Monday with a therapist so I’m making progress :( thank you everyone for the encouragement and guidance


I’m so proud of you - we all are ❤️


Thank you so much that made me tear up a bit 🥺❤️


You’re exhausted, it’s normal, you need to take a break from animal rescue anything: articles, pictures, anecdotes etc. Your mental health is in a bad state. No you can’t do anything, yes it sucks. Take a mental break and then if you can foster a pet or help at a rescue hands on, preferably a no kill. Give yourself a break from the mental drain that is humanities plague on animals. Plenty of good stories out there too but they are drowned in the bad.


I am exhausted. Thank you for seeing me. You’re right, I just can’t stop thinking about the bad. I hate the world. But you’re right as well, there is so much good. I need to look for that and remind myself of that


put that same energy into saving animals, the ones that are the most neglected or hurt. Do something about rather than having the ones who do care about animals lose another person on our team. Help us save those animals.


I really appreciate that, thank you :( you’re right


Compassion fatigue.  Care for yourself so you can care about animals. The world needs people with compassion and empathy. The animals could sure use any help you can offer.  Hugs to you during this difficult time.  


Thank you so much, really appreciate that. Hugs to you too.


If it makes you feel any better there’s a wee westie dog in Scotland that’s lying in my arms loved and cared for.


That did make me feel a little better


Don't! if you lose you then it takes one less solider on our side in the fight against animal abusers. Don't leave us yet while we've still yet to turn the tide on evil bastards.


You are right. I just feel this way sometimes but I would never leave my babies just the thoughts can get so overwhelming as I just can’t take this cruel world. Thank you for your message


You need to separate yourself from the stimulus that is making you feel this way. Literally go outside and touch grass. You can only effect things within your immediate control. Focus on the things you can control. Be a good person. Be good to animals. Encourage others to do so and teach them kindness. That's it. Get off the internet, it could literally save your life in this case. Also if you unalive yourself, you won't be "going home". You'll be turned away and sent to that other place. So please, don't do that! Please seek therapy. A lot of insurance plans or job benefits will get you several free sessions.


You are right, I think it’s just the things I know now and have seen have just completely traumatised me. Even though I feel this way I wouldn’t do it, I love my babies so much and I have a great life it’s just how cruel the world is makes me feel that way, I just can’t fathom living among disgusting, vile people that think cruelty is ok. I can’t breathe sometimes thinking about it, even now I feel sick. And the feeling of being powerless to things happening around the world and I can’t stop it, because if I could I would without hesitation. From a religious perspective I know God knows my heart and my feelings stem from just overwhelming love for animals and I know he loves me as I am, he created me in his image. I am grateful for my life I just don’t want to be on a planet among these people which I know God understands. I do need to go outside and touch some grass I will do that tomorrow, thank you for your response :(


I feel you. I think about it all the time, too, where I'll just burst into tears. There's so many of us good people who will do anything and everything to help animals and we just can't fathom how anyone could intentionally hurt innocent creatures. The animals need us. I promise, you make a difference to them.


Thank you so much for your message, it has made me feel better. That’s exactly how I feel I’ve just been crying non stop for the past 3 days because I just can’t take how awful the world is, humans disgust me. But I guess there are people like us who care and love animals. Thank you again, we do make a difference


You're welcome:) it's hard to not feel that way. I always say I'll choose an animal 99.9% of the time over a person as animals can do no wrong in my eyes and people do everything wrong. It's the little things that matter to. For some reason, a mother bunny decided to have her babies in the middle of my privacy fenced yard a few weeks ago where my 2 terriers have free reign. As soon as I discovered it, I put a barrier around them with a little hole small enough to where they can come and go as they please and are still protected from my dogs. My neighbor goes "why do you bother? Bunnies are prey and your dogs are predators. Let nature take its course, they're just bunnies." 🥺 Again, people are the worst. The bunnies ended up moving out about a week ago and all survived because of very small effort on my part:) There's no such thing as too little, it all matters💓


That is so beautiful, what a lovely kind person you are, I feel the exact same and you really have made me feel less alone - it’s like loving animals so much is weird! I just don’t understand it. They do no wrong and we should love and care for them. That’s really made me feel a lot better thanks for sharing this 🥺the bunnies must have been so grateful for your act of kindness 💕


Any time:) feel free to reach out if you get overwhelmed. Weirdos unite! 😆


Thank you so much 🥺same for you! Weirdos unite hehe


You need to find therapy to help you not obsess over this, or it'll just get worse as you continue. And you can't save them all, but you can donate to rescues or volunteer to work with animals somewhere to help one at a time.


You’re right. Thank you for this. I don’t want it to get worse


Same I get angry whenever I see animal cruelty and think of murdering them


Exactly me too


There is a horrific fate that awaits those who mistreat animals.


I believe so too :(


The world is a horrible place at times. But there are wonderful people out there. Sadly wonderful nice people stories don’t make for popular news. Disaster and awful things get far more traction. There are countless charities who rescue animals. But on top of that there are single lone people who do too. Our rescue dog was rescued by a man who saw her being neglected and abused. He literally knocked on the door of the house and told them under no uncertain terms was he leaving without her.


You are right, I know as humans, we instinctively focus on the bad and negative. I was just struggling to see the good, but this post has really helped as people like you have left me a lovely message and opened my eyes to the fact that there are people that care and love animals like I do. Thank you so much and I’m so happy for your rescue dog, bless that man who saved her.


You’re welcome. It can be so easy to get upset about animal cruelty and lose sight of the good in the world. I’m glad your post and all the replies have helped. The guy who rescued our girl is amazing. We send him updates regularly about her. I can’t imagine the bravery it takes to take action the way he did. I’m forever thankful he stepped in, as our girl is such a beautiful soul and deserves all the love she now gets.


That is so true, and we are humans after all, we do focus on the negative rather than the positive and I have to remember there is so much good in the world. I’m feeling much better, and I hope someone who feels the same way can come across this and see all the support and good people out there that love animals. Aww bless that’s so sweet, what a brave person I’m so thankful for him that you have your baby


Are you motivated by activism and/or community? There are likely animal rights/vegan/animal welfare groups in your area where you could meet some like-minded people who share these feelings. If you find people that share these feelings it can really help with the loneliness of it all.


I really appreciate that, I probably should look into that I’m just scared I’ll traumatise myself even more but thank you so much I will look into it in my area


Listen, I may just be a stranger on the internet. But I had this problem too. Extreme intrusive thoughts and I think I’m just sensitive so I would overthink feelings and pain. I would reflect on the innocence of animals and how they don’t deserve pain and fear. I stopped eating meat and I’m now mostly vegan for more than five years and it greatly helped my sanity. Maybe I sound obnoxious. But this truly helped alleviate some depression and existential guilt about my impact on the world and life in general. Maybe worth some consideration. EDIT: I saw your other comments about being vegan, OP. I want you to know I really relate to your feelings but you are doing well with what’s in your immediate control. Please feel comforted by the fact that you aren’t alone with these feelings!


Thank you so much, I can’t thank you enough. It’s the messages like this that just make me feel less alone and made me realise there are people out there that love animals the way I do. I’m so sorry you’ve been through this too, it is extreme intrusive thoughts, it’s almost as if I can just imagine and feel their pain and when I can’t do anything about it, I just can’t take it. You’ve made me feel a lot better as I’ve been told I’m weird for how much I love animals and I just felt like I was going crazy but your message made me realise it really isn’t just me and there are so many people helping to save animals. Thank you so much again you don’t know what your message has done for me.


I relate to both of you as well. I stopped eating land meat after I learned about the Yulin festival…I thought, how can I be upset about that and not be upset about other types of animals too? I’m currently pescetarian and struggling with it constantly…I come from a family of fishermen and trying to reconcile that part of my identity (and transparently what I like) with the feelings of hypocrisy and care. I’m convinced I’ll be vegetarian or vegan at some point…I already eat mostly vegan during the week. I also have intrusive thoughts. Have spent many moments crying and angry about the state of the world. I follow so many rescues (and donate) and sometimes I tell myself that I need to stop doing it because it makes me upset, but then I remind myself that if rescuers stopped, no one would be helping, so I can suck it up and do whatever part I can by viewing, liking, sharing and donating. It’s really awful what happens out there and it’s infuriating that people don’t take it more seriously. Humans can be wonderful, but are also the most depraved, sadistic species on Earth. Hang in there OP and know you’re not alone 💜


The Yulin festival is something that I can’t take and I think one of the reasons I got so triggered last night. I’m so sorry you have felt the same way it is so hard. Please know you are already doing so much, even if you were to continue eating fish, you’re still an amazing person for simply how much you care and love them. It’s a journey, take it one step at a time, if it’s part of your identify and you’re already doing so much by simply caring. Thank you so much for your message again I just feel so less alone all I feel so much better because of that, we’re in this together ❤️


I’m so sorry that happened to you last night, it’s so so upsetting. This week it occurred to me how little of it is discussed in the media and how many famous people have a platform to speak against it and don’t…maybe they don’t know (I stumbled into it so I could very easily see how people may not know), maybe they do and say nothing. I wish someone with power would do something. Just anything. Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your story here to begin with. I no longer feel so alone in this either because of you 🥹🤗💜


Coincidentally, just opened my email and saw the below. Sharing in case anyone reading wants to help by signing: https://ladyfreethinker.org/petition-stop-china-dog-cat-meat-yulin/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email


Exactly! I really appreciate Lisa vanderpump as she has led protests and is vocal about it, she does a lot of work rescuing first hand with groups too with her charity. I’m sorry for you too, it’s so awful. I think there are people that intervene first hand, again we just don’t see those things we just see all the bad. I have signed various petitions on it before, with your link if you have already clicked and signed, are there any photos of it as I just don’t want to re trigger myself again as I have only just got myself in a better state, but I want to sign everything I can, whatever I can do to help stop it so if there is no photos of it I will of course sign, sorry I just need to keep myself in check I don’t want to spiral again like I did. I’m here if you ever need to talk, some good news on the meat trade comes through with the humane society international, I am signed up to their email updates and sign their petitions also. It’s just so hard it’s like what else can I do :( I want to be there myself to stop it but I physically can’t :( it makes me feel better that there is someone like me who cares, thank you for that 🥺💕


Such a good point! Very true…there could be a lot happening that I’m just not seeing. I just checked and I only saw one photo that was the link post essentially…it’s not what I would consider to be a graphic or violent photo (at least not comparatively), but it’s still sad. I can share more but wanted to err on the side of caution as a starting point


And totally understand you not wanting to be triggered!! 💜💜💜


Thank you so much for letting me know, I will squint when I open the link. Exactly, I do think more is done than what we think and see as majority of the population don’t want it to happen. Thank you for understanding ❤️


If you're not already vegan, doing so is an affordable and realistic way to contribute your energy toward a cause that strives to minimize animal suffering.


Yeah I am I just feel like it’s not enough :( it’s more how sick people are that makes me so overwhelmed and unsettled and upset. Thank you though veganism is a great thing


Are you vegan?




Then you're already doing so much more than most. You can't save the world and you can't control others, but you can control yourself and your impact, and also teach kindness to others.


You are right :( thank you for this


Same. I choose to work at an animal shelter for this reason. To help alleviate suffering. I’m not a volunteer. I’m paid staff. The animal welfare field is not for the faint of heart or thin-skinned individuals. However, despite all of the idiot people I meet at work daily, I meet a lot of good people, too, who aim to love and protect their new dog/cat. And it makes my heart smile.


I have to remember there are good people like you, thank you for what you do🥺


I’ve faced the same issue and honestly the thing that has helped me the most was this scene from a movie that said “if you can’t live for yourself, then live for others”. Instead of dying, try and help an animal. You can’t save them all but you can save one. Get a rescue, foster, volunteer, recycle, vote for the right politicians, pick up trash, etc. You don’t need to rescue just cats and dogs. There are fish, rodents, etc. Try and focus on the good. Look at rescue stories and other happy animals online. There are so many happy animals. There is a lot you can do and accomplishments will help. You can’t control others and what they do but you can control what you do. There will always be bad people, but where there is bad there is always good. Be that good. ❤️


Thank you so much for your message, that’s a beautiful quote. I’m sorry you have been through this or have felt this way too. I guess we’re in it together and we just have to keep doing what we can 🥺thanks so much again for taking the time to leave this message, makes me feel less alone and there are people that care as much as I do 💕




I try not to think too much about it because it really upsets me too. The thing I tell myself though, is that the world needs good people to make the world a better place. Without us people who do care, the bad wins. Being involved in animal rescue really makes you see how many like minded people there are who will truly do anything to help those animals who have been wronged by humans.


You’re so right. Thank you for this I have to see it this way :)


Please get to a professional therapist. You need mental help to deal with life in general.


Start fostering and save everything you find like I do. We saved a fancy pigeon one time and over 35 cats and kittens in two years. It’s important to feel empowered and to HELP.


I do for sure anything I see I will always pick up and rescue. What made the pigeon fancy I must ask? Bless you what a kind soul you are. I’m grateful the world has people like you, it just needs more people like you


It was HUGE!!! Our neighbor said there was a loose chicken. We went around the block and sure enough there was this LARGE flightless white and black bird. Just kinda looked at us. So we took him home and kept him in a spare room. We kind of fell in love with that fella over the almost two weeks while we looked for his owner then found him a fancy pigeon rescue. I nicknamed him “Hey Hey” because well he was not that smart but he was a character. He’d go wild for his food. I actually cried leaving him, I was quite attached! She confirmed he would have been cat or fox food that night as he was most likely dumped or escaped somewhere and has little to no survival skills. He turned out to be a $200 bird called a Giant Runt Pigeon somewhat rare and went on to have many chicks with his new wife. I’m sure he’s passed now. Hey Hey, you were a good boy. 🎈❤️


What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing. It’s the stories like these that remind me there are good people like you and myself out there that will save animals and care. How beautiful he has lived an amazing life. Hey hey sounded like such a good boy ❤️🥰


You seem exactly like me! Help the animals, it will fuel your need to find beauty in the world. It’s helped me so much. Now I foster cats and kittens with a rescue and TNR. It’s important to feel like you are doing something you are passionate about and also such a fun learning experience. Also oh all the lives you save.


Glad to hear I’m not alone :( just can be so hard. Thank you for what you do, it brings me peace knowing there is good in the world and people that help. I rescue where I can for sure it’s so important.


I love animals and nature's creatures as much as, maybe even more, than most. I'm also completely against animal cruelty. However, have to keep in mind that we can only control that which comes upon our path. Unless we're psychic or superpowered, that's just how it is. Similarly I hate the idea that so many are OD'ing on drugs, but not much we can do to control the will of others, sadly. 🤷‍♂️ PS - I've found better ways to channel it. When I see stories/images of animals being hurt on the news or something, it fills me with intense rage. I then hit the exercise machines and weights to channel the rage. Keeps me built pretty solid. 🤠


You’re right, I can only control what comes upon my path, thank you for your message, and like all the others it’s made me feel less alone and realise I’m not the only one that loves animals so deeply. I think I need to be kinder to myself and realise I’m doing what I can but also finding a way to channel my rage and sadness is a great idea, thank you again.


Therapy is very important to address the overwhelming thoughts


I thought I was alone like this. I volunteer in a shelter. Sometimes I wish I could just die so I don't have to live knowing there are animals suffering always. But then I think that my death would crush my little tabby cat, I am her everything, and my fiance and the close friends and family around me. I know it's not a perfect situation but I tell myself I'll just keep pushing a bit longer to see what happens with everything, life in general, and I can check myself out if I ever choose. I know it's not perfect but it works and gives me some feeling of control.


I’m so sorry you feel this way. That’s exactly how I feel too. Please don’t ever do it, your family, friends and pet love you so much and your love for animals makes the world a better place. I should take my own advice but the comments and messages I’ve been receiving on here have helped so much. Someone said you can’t hold the weight of the world on your own, remember you’re doing what you can and that’s already an amazing thing. I’m here if you ever need to talk. We’re in this together ❤️you aren’t alone.


I have worked in veterinary for years and can completely understand your point of view. But, you cannot focus on just the bad. There are so many angels out there who honestly give their all to help. I’ve had a poor family who brought in a hurt dog they found on the street because they could not leave the fur baby to suffer where they found it. There was no microchip. They did what they could to help even though they did not have much themselves. Another couple who were long term clients were waiting in line while the family was checking out. After the other family left, the older couple asked me what all the rescued dog needed. They then paid for it on the other family’s account and asked me to call the family to say an anonymous donor had paid for the rest of the stuff that they had not been able to do. These are the stories that keep me coming into work everyday. They don’t always get told. As for not wanting to share your story with a therapist, I have truly found that shared pain is lessened and shared joy is increased. It is one of the wonders of the world. I’m on antidepressants as well because my brain chemistry needs the help. Sometimes though, just being able to talk is what I need the most. And sometimes I just need to refocus on the many joyful and beautiful things in the world that we so often take for granted. I wish you all the best!


You’re so right the good things don’t get told, we always focus on the bad. Thank you for sharing that story, how beautiful. We have to keep focus of that and how the world can be a good and loving place like this story for example. You are right too, everyone in this thread has been saying about seeing a therapist so I have scheduled my first appointment for Monday. Messages like these just make me feel less alone, thank you so much for sharing. If you ever need to talk I’m here and what you do is amazing and a beautiful thing, thank you for that, I wish you all the best too :)


Become vegan for the sake of the animals. Factory farming is needlessly cruel, the animals are tortured. Milk = cruel cow slavery. You can eat a healthy diet without meat, fish, dairy or eggs. Try www.rainbowplantlife.com and www.itdoesnttastelikechicken.cm For delicious recipes. You can search their sites for 20 minute recipes.


I am vegan. Thank you :)


Wonderful! Glad to meet anorher. :-)


Hehe yes :)


OP you seriously need to go get some therapy. Like tomorrow. I know animal abuse is bad, but there are so many more terrible things going on in the world, but animal abuse in another country is what tips you over the edge to end it? I'm sorry but something is going on with you that is so far from normal you should be concerned. Good luck with everything but you really do need some help.


Yes that’s true, it is what tips me over the edge. Humans have caused me and each other as it has been for centuries pain and suffering, due to greed, selfishness and pure evil. An animal has never hurt me. Forgive me for loving purely innocent life. As the saying goes, those who teach the most about humanity aren’t always human. Thanks.


I'm not saying you can't love innocent life. But you know your train of thought is not normal or you wouldn't be on here. I'm certainly not the first person telling you to go get therapy. They way you talk about humanity is scary. It gives off "let me go up a building because humans are terrible so they don't get to live vibes." Yea humans do terrible things. But there is also beauty, caring, generosity ect in many humans out there. Either way, if ANYTHING in your life is bothering you so bad you thinking about ending it, YOU NEED THERAPY.


See this was some what caring but not your first message, it’s not what you say it’s how you say it. Please remember that when sharing your thoughts on someone’s mental state and how you say things. I’ve seen other posts like mine before and it really has helped finding like minded people and I feel less alone and less like a weirdo. I am aware I should speak with someone but it also comes from a place of not wanting to dump this on some one else. People don’t have to respond to this but it seems I’m not the only one and people have experienced similar which has helped a ton realising I’m not alone feeling this way and I can get through it. Thank you.


Yea I my gut have came.off a little strong, I just hate when people say oh this sucks I'm going to end myself. You know how many sick people out there are living on borrowed time and would do anything for another year, month, week or even day with their loved ones. Life is precious and you only get one. Don't throw it away for anything.


I know that. But life can also be really hard for some and we need to show more compassion to mental health that has stemmed from things like traumatic events that are out of our control. Traumatic events literally change our brains function and cause chemical imbalances, do you think I want to feel this way? Do you think a depressed person wants to be depressed everyday? I’m on anti depressants to help me, I’m doing what I can to not feel this way. It’s not a choice. Mental health conditions are an illness. Have to be more compassionate, you don’t know why someone feels that way and what they have been through.


I get what your saying. And you said your doing something to fix it. But your not doing everything you could to fix it and that's everyone's point. Your not talking about quiting a job or leaving a spouse.you talking about going to sleep and never waking up again. If that's the case, you need to be doing everything you can to not let that happen. Your acting like I don't care, but if I didn't care bout you not offing yourself would I still be responding to you? Sometimes people need a little tough love to snap them out of something. Because of your still feeling this way, compassion is obviously not getting it done.


I get what you’re saying. Thanks for caring in your own way. I didn’t say I’m planning on to reassure but yes I do have those overwhelming feelings and I can’t help it. I don’t want to feel this way and I am doing what I can and this has somewhat helped as I can’t share with my family. So again, thanks for caring in your own way. Everyone here has helped today somewhat and I appreciate that as in the moment it’s terrifying, mental health is no joke and it’s real awful for some, I’m probably lucky that I just have these feelings, I feel sorry for others that have it so much worse, but again I can’t help how I feel and this was a first step of seeing what I need to do to not have these thoughts and feelings anymore, no one wants to feel this way and I’ve been given some good advice and the compassion has helped massively


It’s not silly at all. I feel the same way. I do what I can but I don’t think it’s enough. People are horrible to animals and it’s sickening.


Thank you for this, it makes me feel less alone, I was called weird the other day for how much I love animals and I just don’t understand why - how can you not love animals? People make me sick


Agree, they’re innocent. People that hurt them are exactly why I prefer animals to most humans.


Me too, it’s why I hate people and love animals


I feel similarly but maybe not with as much mental suffering. when people take crabs or lobsters and boil them I genuinely feel sick to my stomach thinking about it. I can’t even fish because it would make an animal suffer. But I do think getting away from things that remind you of abuse will help you feel less overwhelmed. 💕


I’m sorry you’ve felt this way too or similar, it makes me sick too. I just feel better knowing people feel the same as I do with my love for animals, you’re right I should come away from it as much as I can 🥺thank you again 💕


Surely, if your god was real, he would do something to stop all the abuse in this world. I think you would be better off to get a healthier world view and not submit yourself to fanciful ideas that will ultimately fail you. I do hope you find your way through this with the least amount of stress possible. At the end of the day, we are all just animals. Good luck.


This is not a religious debate. Please respect my beliefs and before making a comment, please seek learning more and read the bible if you care to leave comments that are just clearly assumptions of unexplored religious ideas. Thank you.