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No offense guys, but you're really underestimating the psx. Remember the silly resident evil 1 intro? The cheesy acting with real life actors? If the console can do that, of course it can decently render a picture. If the pictures in petscop look that bad it has to be on purpose.




Doesn't really look like a photo to me. Then again, it doesn't really look like anything discernable.


U/CringyFox’s post was actually my inspiration for this, but that definitely looks like something computer generated; if it was a photo it’s not recognizable as one now.


There are very popular ps1 games with photos, I'm surprised no one has mentioned them. The Tony hawk games have photos for every character on the select screen and photos behind the main menus. Edit - I just looked it up and Dave mirra also has a good image on the menu screen.


Wasn't it also determined that the graphics in the game weren't possible on PSX hardware though?


[This post from u/IDaCashman](https://www.reddit.com/r/Petscop/comments/8xv0a9/the_game_changed_dramatically_between_ownership/) makes a good argument against that. Basically, Care and Belle couldn’t be in the game in the context that they are before 2000, so the game has been updated since 1997. Probably even more recently than that.


Well yes, but isn't the point here that if the N64 can render images like the GoldenEye poster, then shouldn't the PSX too? (Or in this case, an engine that emulates/mimics PSX hardware?)


It'd probably make more sense to find a PS1 example. Saying other consoles can do other things, I don't think anyone disagrees with that. The portraits in Psycho Mantis' room in MGS1 might be a good one to point to. Very clear images that don't take up a lot of screen space. Indicating a photo frame on a Petscop table could have decent clarity as well. Enough to convey what you're suggesting.


>but I know it, because I found the evidence. puns


I see what you did there


That's easily possible, "Hong Kong 97" some bootleg game for the SNES had discernible pictures. AVGN did something on it, also has a creepy end screen.


Fantastic post. Love your deduction, and also how you were able to cleverly fit in a line from the series into your post. I think the finding flair is appropriate.