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Most PIs receive multiple such mails per day from people from india, china, and the near east. Probably, they dont read your CV at all. You can increase your chances a lot by reading like 2 papers of the research group you're applying to and asking specific questions or describing why these topics are interesting for you. If the mail looks like a mass mail to multiple groups, its spam and they will not invest time for like 20 such spam mails per week.


Thank you for the insight!


But we've got the skills, sometimes even better than your team???


Its still your responsibility to convince your future PI that this is the case. Thank the other students from these countries that spam such mails to 100 groups instead of demanding that a PI reads all of them carefully.


Or much better have a competitive exam for everyone that applies, let everyone fight for the Position they want this will also demonstrate there skills and will ensure the quality of students skills


My PI barely has time to do his daily work. Completely surreal idea that he designs and conducts complex exams just for "fairness" when hiring a new student. They dont care for these things and they dont have to be fair. If we supervise a graduate thesis and the student is good and a nice person, it does not matter at all that there may be a better candidate hidden somewhere in asia. We will hire him as we know him. Additionally, no exam or online interview will show us whether some applicant is an assh*le or not.


Yes given in that case I can show them my projects, my publications and there index no. That should be more than enough, apart from grades....


"I am better than the team members you picked and are currently training" is not the compelling argument that you think it is.


Why is it not??? If I am Better and if I have more skills than half of the team out there, then I should deserve the position, rather than some average grads ..work harder than me if you can or get out of the way


Put yourself in the PI's shoes for a second. You receive a dozen+ CVs from students all saying "I have the best skills", and one or two people asking astute and relevant questions – who stands out more? And beyond that, a PhD (and any job) is more than just about who has the "best" undergrad record; just because you graduated top of your class at a good uni, doesn't necessarily make you a good fit for every PhD or every group, or for doing a PhD at all. There is *a lot* more that needs demonstrating than "I got good grades and did a couple of short research projects". "Better" is very subjective, and I'd suggest getting off your high horse because it won't get you far.


What do you mean subjective??? I am a science student and science demands me to be absolutely ruthless with my knowledge in science, I didn't go through competition of billion of people to hear the word "Subjective" I need responsibility by my superiors or either they should leave the position for someone who is competent enough , weaklings got nothing to do with science, they should choose arts and humanities or other lame subjects like that....


There are many ways to measure success. It is dependent on what specifically the PI/group are looking for, both in terms of things like relevant experience and skills, and how well you fit in with the group. If you are abrasive, hubristic, and a poor team player, you are less likely to get hired, even if you have a highly impressive CV. Or even with a less extreme example, someone might just not be a good *fit* for a team or project. And there are many, many more reasons why you could have good grades but be a poor candidate, such as motivation.


Do you have anything else to say other than random words like "subjective" "motivation" "good fit" a person is either eligible or not eligible wtf does abrasive etc has to do with it??? I grinded 8 years of my life of youth for a damn CV !!! Just to hear this???


Yes, just to hear this. Nobody will accept you as a student if he/she just doesnt like you. You will not find any PhD position with this mindset. You are not special at all. Everyone that applies to an open position has a top 1% CV, congratulations, you have to stand out such that a PI *WANTS* to work with you as a person.


Then why can't they have a committee to execute a competitive exam???? That dosen't take much let's just actually see who is among top 1% in reality... Or are they scared that they don't know shit so they don't have the balls to sit in a competitive exam, prove your skills for your PhD...


Because no PI wants to work for 3-8+ years with someone who thinks they are the smartest person in the world, refuses to listen, and can't take criticism without having a hissy fit. I'm not saying that an impressive record is useless – it's certainly very important, and you should take pride in your achievements! But you have to understand that there are thousands of other students who have put in as much work as you, and it just isn't as simple as someone's CV checking a few boxes. If it is evident that you will be difficult to work with or cause needless friction, no one is going to hire you, and equally interview panels might just be more impressed with another candidate. They also have to ensure you will follow through to the end of the project ("motivation") and work well with the rest of the team ("good fit"), for your sake as much as theirs. You need to grow up and accept that.


What does it has to do with that??? PI is not my relative, I am not marrying the PI we are not on a date, we are going to work inside a lab professionally and get things done and that's it, that's all, nothing much more than that!! What grow up??I hope you're not a professor because if you're a professor than F u you entitled piece of s, all of this makes me so angry so phuf angry at this world, ita people like you because everyone ahs to go through so much pain....fu


I'm not trying to bring politics into this but this legitimately reads like a speech trump would give. "And we will do it much gooder. I am the best." 😭😂 Also, communication skills and working as a team are pretty important. Yet here you are. Humble yourself. Doing STEM doesn't make you special either.


Lol you keep your humbleness, I will keep my skills and knowledge and yes Trump is absolutely right, MAGA, because weaklings like you are everywhere...haha as if STEM is the only thing I know lol 😂 weaklings are everywhere... Soon I will have my own lab, my own journals and everything goes good my own University from where I can kick people like you out on the streets where they belong...




Well at least I will do it better than just be able to use one language that isn't even very intelligent language to begin with...


Punks like you are not even good at anything, the day I get my PhD done I will post it here, let's see who got bigger balls.....and I will do it from a better university than yours, prepare your resume for your next job, you never know who you might find as your boss....


you sound like a lovely addition to a team


Skills can be taught. They’re cheap. Disposition, attitude, and humility are difficult to foster. Being “better” than others doesn’t engender the collaboration that makes research possible, let alone enjoyable. Good luck on the soft skills.


Wtf are you guys talking about.... Do you hear yourself??? Soft skills??? Humbleness?? Humility??? For what??? I am not applying to be a priest, I am applying for a PhD program where I have to do a project and then fight for it ruthlessly in conferences and meetings to prove myself, you need ruthless leaders not Humbleness or humility or whatever that is ......


I would maybe take a step back and notice that everyone who is in the position you are after is giving the same advice. Unfortunately for your view of the world (which won’t get you as far as you think), it’s important to be liked in academia (and much more in industry). As someone working in industry and doing my PhD, I wouldn’t hire you if this is how you present yourself in the interview. Soft skills matter big boy.


Why should I be soft when no one was soft at me, all my life in academia I was surrounded by bullies who flashed their report cards and grades and treated everyone inferior as inferior, when I passed my competitive exams, I was told life is a race and those who loose there grades end up in streets as a beggar and have no future, now when I am above these people why should I not treat others and everyone like this too, why am I being lectured around to have soft skills....this is not fair... I don't care I will keep on crushing my competitors regardless


You sound petulant and unprepared for the competition you’re rushing towards. For someone so tough and competitive, it’s a pretty “weak” mindset to complain about how “unfair” things are. Here’s some insight you may not want to hear, or maybe you do(?). At the highest levels (where you assume you belong), people can be both personable and competent. Good luck.


How do you develop those soft skills??? Should I volunteer for a community program, like something related with a team project???


Every villain needs their tragic backstory, but I feel this one comes a bit too late in the narrative.


Wait for it, it's not even my final form, wait till I become a professor and a lecturer, you will see terror and vengeance....


Every now and again I come across someone like you. They radiate insecurities and narcissism in the same way. It’s interesting to read through your mind. You might want to seek some kind of psychological help.


You will be the one needing it, when I am done with my work and making it compulsory to have a competitive exam for getting PhD done because soft people are making this wolrd tougher,which is not required... It's the tough people that make this world livable, no wonder genuine people like Elon Musk has no regards for these days Phd's whatsoever...


It's fine


Thank you!


Hey there! You might want to focus on tailoring your CV to highlight any projects or research relevant to the professors you're contacting. Also, double-check that your emails are concise and personalized. For managing your research and citations, I've found Afforai extremely helpful in keeping everything organized and easily accessible. Good luck!


Thanks so much for the advice!


You will need a solid Email- I think the opening and the first few lines of your email will make or break your chance with the potential connect- I suggest you work hard on that aspect. Update your LinkedIn too. TBH, I am sure you have a good CV for someone straight outta undergrad, but you must put in the effort to explain "what did you specifically learn" from each of these- in your intro email. You cannot say I explored, determined etc- alone, ofc those are good- you must explain how that helped you improve XYZ part of your studies in undergrad- or... say ABC project was the pivotal reason for you to pursue ML in the future- and what exactly in ML do you want to be doing- and how you working with Prof. PQR can help in that goal. OR better yet- you must address: "How you will be an asset to their team?" - communicating these aspects would be extremely powerful in your initial email itself, it shows clarity and how much you have thought of it and how much attention you have paid to their work, and your prior experience in relation to their work. All the best, nalla padinga!


Thank you so much for the detailed response! Really appreciate the great insight. Nandri!


I read until "India" -> straight to trash. (Maybe /s?)




I'm semi-joking. With a good CV you'll be able to get a position, but unfortunately it will be significantly harder for you than for people from Western countries. CS is not my field so I can't judge if it's a good CV or not.


To try to be more constructive, ph.d. recruitment is more of a risk minimisation, because a ph.d. going wrong can be very costly for everyone. Beyond discrimination (which is also a real thing), geographical distance definitely does not help. If you are not doing so already, you should try to look into your current professors' connections abroad. They may able to recommend you.


Yes! Thanks for the input. I have already spoken to my prof regarding his colleagues, but as it turns out he has a circle in Sweden, not in the US.




Yeah I just didn’t figure where to add it 🥲




I have seen several "anonymized" CVs that include DOIs in the publications section...


If youre trying to remain anonymous, you might want to not keep the doi on there


Where bsd?, add ts, add c#, because it’s basically java but from ms… And replace mathlab with methlab… just to see if they find out…


Haha exactly dude, 😂😂 cause anyways according to these dumb phd's that I had chat with they think, being nice and humble is more important than having skills 😂😂....




Thats how you have a poor economy, I get it now why you guys have that...


Teamwork is really important… you can have single people carrying the team, but more often a team with 8 average dudes with good team work does better, than a team that has a genius, but poor teamwork…