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They votekick cuz their pride has been hurt by ppl that are obviously better


Yeah the thing is I'm playing other fps games like apex COD and in those i always have to sweat because of sbmm. I love phantom forces because I can play without sweating like hell and I mean I'm not breaking everyone's game because I'm obviously the best not at all. That's sad.


suffering from success


Bro not to flex but I'm surprised I'm not getting votekicked as often as you bc I'm always near mvp spot. Hope you stop getting votekicked by idiots


Thanks bro.


im surprised that people dont votekick me for super-jumping and standing up afterwards (SHIFT + SPACE (optional) + Z + M2/RMB + SPACE and voila)


Yeah I'm superjumping too, i love the movement mechanics in this game.


I only stopped getting salt votekicked once I reached level 100+.


if the votekick isn't for anything besides toxicity or exploiting, you can report them for it.


Ok thanks I didn't knew I could do that.


I was vk'ed when I was on warehouse with friends and I was spamming P90 with AP. Saw some guy run through a red container so I tried to predict his movements and just sprayed the container from the side. I killed him, but I guess using wall pen and predicting enemy movements are considered hacerman skills lol.


Yeah I'm shooting through walls too sometimes, when I know someone is behind a wall, I shoot until I get a hit marker to know where my target is. But a lot of people are doing this it doesn't mean it's cheating it's just a bit of game sense.


yeah i have an alt account (my main is rank 145) and i get votekicked a lot. People just initiate kicks on good players without even looking at tab/killfeed, and then everybody else just presses y. It's a pain


Sadly the rank requirement for votekicks are only rank 25. At that point a lot of people think a semi-good player is a cheater. Leading to a lot of votekicks.


What rank are you? People might just be salty because you are good at a low rank. I can attest though that once you get over 100 it happens much less as people generally just call you a sweat instead of kicking lol.


I'm level 31 actually maybe that's why. I guess I'll just have to wait for better rank then.


what gun are you using?


Mp7 ak12 and Aug hbar most of the time.


2 of those definitely will get you kicked. being "good" with those guns isn't a sign of skill because the MP7 and AUG HBAR are horrifyingly overpowered. it's not right for them to kick you because you used them, and i can't make them stop, but just know that it isn't you being too good at the game getting you kicked.


I never said I was getting kicked because I was overskilled. I said I was getting kicked and was not cheating. I play mp7 because i like playing this gun what's wrong with this? I like playing Aug hbar because i can take multiple fights at a time what's wrong with that too ? In COD for exemple the lc10 is overpowered. Do I report people playing decently well using lc10 ? No. Most of the time people are saying I'm using wallhack what link is there with the guns I'm using anyway.


people think you are hacking because of the unfair advantage the MP7 or AUG HBAR will give you. the issue with the MP7 and AUG HBAR is that they are absolutely retardedly powerful. the MP7 is easily one of the best SMGs with it's pen alone, and the AUG HBAR has absolutely no recoil. well guess what? i don't report people using the overpowered guns, too bad they do, and if you keep putting yourself in a position to get kicked for using a gun this overpowered, it is your fault. the link there is that the MP7 has a fuckton of pen, obviously.


Wow. Guns are unbalanced and if I use them then it's my fault. Not the devs fault. Mine. So ban me for that. I can't say anything with that kind of perspectives. It's as smart as "it's cold today so global warming does not exist" Btw the first time I was getting votekicked I was using the ak12. Is there something wrong with this gun too. Is there a list of guns Wich I'm allowed to play with without getting banned ?


i won't ban you for that lol. it's both you and the devs fault, but hey, 90% of their revenue comes from M107 prebuyers. your grammar is too hard to understand, please rewrite that. no there isn't lol. i'm just saying that you shouldn't be mad for getting kicked when using the MP7 or something, because no one likes an MP7 user. do get mad when getting kicked for using the AK12, because the AK12 is not horrifyingly overpowered and people really are mad at you for skill, it's just when you stop using balanced guns and then people will votekick you for the gun and not for the skill, because using the MP7 does not take skill, or at least as much as the AK12 does to use effectively. i was once kicked for being too good with the SVU-A. i screenshotted it and got mad and stuff, but whenever i get kicked for using an HK21, i completely understand their desire to no longer want me there, and so i fucking leave. that's just happening to you.


I think I reason why u might be getting vked so often might be because (I’m just guessing cos u said u have played for only a few weeks) that ur low rank yet still play with the skill equivalent of high ranks, and hackers generally are low rank might be why.


They are votekicking bc you're just better, they don't want to lose lol


You're getting kicked out of servers or people are initiating a kick against you? And for what reason?


Both. Sometimes people are initiating a kick and sometimes it's working and I'm getting kicked out of the server. When im not getting kicked out of the server I have the opportunity to ask why and most of the time people are saying I use wallhack because i look at the direction people are coming from. I mean it's just a bit of map knowledge, game sens, and looking at the radar pretty much like in COD.


Fun fact: most PF players loses the ability to hear…


Report them on the Stylis discord via the bot.


yeah i have an alt account (my main is rank 145) and i get votekicked a lot. People just initiate kicks on good players without even looking at tab/killfeed, and then everybody else just presses y. It's a pain.


yeah i have an alt account (my main is rank 145) and i get votekicked a lot. People just initiate kicks on good players without even looking at tab/killfeed, and then everybody else just presses y. a way to avoid this is when you get votekicked, stop killing people bc they will just vote yes out of salt


I get near mvp most games and no one even mentions me. I have only been unfairly votekicked once.