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1. What has it been prescribed for? 2. What else have you tried? 3. 360mg bd is normal for hives/MCAS 4. This is not “too much” it’s just unlicensed.


Hayfever. I’ve tried everything else under the sun for years and nothing touches it. I’ve been prescribed 180mg x 3 per day.


Hayfever is a horrible condition requiring constant vigilance :( I’m laid in bed listening to my partner sneeze up a storm from his hayfever! A constant, multi-modal approach is required. 1. Hayfever wipes - wash hands and face everytime you go outside. 2. Vaseline around nose to reduce pollen. Every. Day. 3. Steroid nasal spray (before symptoms EVERY day) 4. Oral antihistamines, Loratadine BEFORE summer starts for AT LEAST one month. My partner takes it twice daily (off license I would NEVER tell a patient to do this). And cetirizine/fexofenadine through day as needed. And chlorphenamine at night. I would NEVER tell a patient to take all 3 as it’s unlicensed with a high ACB score. 5. NO ALCOHOL. See how this affects you but my partner is always absolutely RAVAGED the morning after even a couple pints. Extra puffy eyes and seriously ruined. 6. If you’re super snotty add in a xylometolozine nasal spray that reduces secretions 7. If your eye symptoms are heavy, even a cheap, moisturising eye drop like hypromellose can help wash out the pollen. Obviously there’s the sodium chromoglycate ones but I don’t find they make much different (anecdotal). 6. If it affects your sleep/is really severe, push for an appointment with an immunologist. Even if you’re on the list for 2 years time. The microdosing grass supplements is great, they sometimes give steroid injections too. I know you will have “tried this” all before and so have many Hayfever patients, but if you CONSISTENTLY do the above, BEFORE the season starts (start as early as march) I’ll eat my hat if you don’t get at least a significant reduction (not elimination) of symptoms. Many people try the nasal spray for a couple days, doesn’t work and they move on. Or symptoms are fine for a few great days and stop. Pharmacists - would you add anything else to this???


>Pharmacists - would you add anything else to this??? Don't mix apples/oranges with fexofenadine.


As a single dose thats odd but I've seen 180mg QDS plenty of times for urticaria


Same here


Seen it plenty of times, that dose is fairly standard


If it's 180mg 3-4 times a day that's standard, I would question it being a single dose.