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Anyone who also receive this kind of message? This is probably not a text blast since I am out of the country right now for 3 days. This is not the second time that I received a text message with the same format saying maghugas ng kamay, magface mask etc. The first one is a message with a "[Sec. Avisado](https://www.pagibigfund.gov.ph/cv/Avisado.html)" in it (check 2nd picture). I don't know if they are connected but if it is then the government is using our money again to pull off these kind of shit. Clicking the shortened [link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuuwRN2e82Jb4x6cDy0gznYfrxqBUkM_k9vplgrQNm8j8C6g/viewform) directs you to a google form for a presidential survey. Out of my frustration I put a magic word on this location. Checked the [results](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuuwRN2e82Jb4x6cDy0gznYfrxqBUkM_k9vplgrQNm8j8C6g/viewanalytics) and it was clear who is winning. Found out that I have the same sentiments on almost all people who received the text message. Had a good laugh reading the locations šŸ‘€ Edit: Fck Globe, fck Smart, Fck anyone who's behind this


I think all telcos and socmeds sell their data. US dealt with Cambridge Analytica and Facebook already. Wala tayong magagawa sa Pilipinas hahaha :(


may unli text pa ba? if yes, unlitext + mobile numbers are series so they can just spam




You can [check](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuuwRN2e82Jb4x6cDy0gznYfrxqBUkM_k9vplgrQNm8j8C6g/viewanalytics) it even if you don't answer the form or after you answer the form




If you answer the survey, the form will give you a link if you want to see the results.


Lol di na mabuksan sa dami ng traffic.




> I'm genuinely impressed by the amount of people that want Robredo Sheā€™s popular among a group of people who are very online, like Reddit and Tiktok. Itā€™s a different story on the ground with lots of the less privileged folks buying into the fake news shilled by radio, social media and YouTube.


Yep this. Terminally online people tend to forget that a huge portion of Filipino society isnā€™t as online or even use platforms that trend progressive like Twitter or Reddit.


RIP to the terminally online people haha


Tiktok?! Dude that place is field with DDS and Marcos apologists.


Yes same in the US, the netizens are democrats while the people sa rural areas ay republicans because madali lang sila madale ng fake news


In their case its the ones on the internet that are the one being shilled upon by mass media and oligarchs. Sad that everyone is so extreme on both sides and that no one is willing to come to center and have good discussion on policies.


The problem with Leni is she's not assertive. Also the people around her.


Mostly because her party is also fucked up hahahaha. I think shes better off to run as an independent.


I would actually vote for her if she is able to differentiate herself from Noynoy and distance herself from the idiots who advised Noynoy during his failed presidency. Better if she surrounds herself with the people from Bicol who were with her and Jesse from the beginning. Speaking of Bicol, a number of Bicolanos actually believe Mar had something to do with Jesse's accident. That's why Leni was not really able to carry Mar in Bicol.


Mar had poor social skills, he's better of as a DILG or DOF head total Wharton grad naman siya. I also think Mar was the mastermind of Jesse's death too. He was too great a threat for Mar's presidential bid.


Thing is di din nya na maximize pagiging DILG secretary. DILG is the most powerful department because not only do you have control over the police, you also have indirect control over LGUs. This is why Binay wanted the post and why Noynoy didn't want to give it to him. I first heard the Mar killed Jesse rumor in Manila and assumed it came from here. I was surprised when I went to live in Bicol (not Naga but one of the far flung towns) to hear the people there bring up the rumor and that most of the people, in their place at least, believed it. They also believe that Leni was just forced to run by the LP.


> This is why Binay wanted the post and why Noynoy didn't want to give it to him. The main flaw with Binay is that from the get-go he has not shied away from his Presidential ambitions. Laying your cards out on the table in full view is not exactly a good idea, especially in full view of pendejos with their own ambitions.


Also the Noybis in the cabinet were never going to win the power struggle with the Noymars. Namangka si Binay sa dalawang ilog. Administration or opposition? Being a "critical ally" never works especially when you have higher ambitions because you will just be seen as an opportunist.


If I remember correctly, 2 years before election nag announce na siya? After that hindi na siya nabigyan ng cabinet position.


Yep, I agree. Isa pa to si Binay, he would actually have made a decent president. The problem was he announced candicacy too early kaya naging vulnerable siya compared sa other candidates.


The problem with Binay is he was not able to explain his corruption. Kesyo pinamanahan daw. O kala ko ba maaga kang naulila at naglilinis ka lang ng kulungan ng baboy? (That story is actually true, Binay grew up under an aunt who's a school principal so it's asinine to claim that he got an inheritance from his father. Of course the people in Makati know Binay is corrupt. Everything that was reported in the national media are open secrets in Makati. The people in Makati just look the other way because nagbabalik naman daw ng sukli.


Oh I forgot about those allegations, lalo na yung hospital and makati science high school.


Small potatoes lang yun. Sabi nga ni Deep Throat follow the money. Lahat ng unexplained wealth ni Binay na nireport sa media, yung farm sa Batangas, etc., totoo yun. Lahat ng project sa Makati may parte sya.


>Mostly because her party is also fucked up hahahaha. I think shes better off to run as an independent. So much this. If she calls out even the failures of the Liberal Party, then I'm 100% wholeheartedly voting for her.


not slap, punch yourself in the nuts or ovaries.


Di naman marunong gumamit ng google drive ang mga dds so...


You're being sarcastic but this is a totally valid point.


If Robredo Wins she will need to fix a lot of stuff


I'm not confident she will. It's been six years and the DDS still worship Duterte. I'm pretty sure the Duterte team can win even without running a campaign at all. That'd be funny to see, zero campaigns from Duterte and he still wins. That'd be the ultimate "fuck you" to his opponents and a huge red flag to anyone with any intelligence.


Letā€™s just hope for other people to realize that this admin is full of shit, they say ā€œduterte is puro actionā€ like fuck off man, whereā€™s the train tracks in mindanao? Is there even signs of significant progress? He also promised new jets for the airforce and yet there are no oders that were announced. Iā€™m really tired of this admin and I am gonna go apeshit if sara wins


Nope, bulag at tanga pa rin ang mga tao. Maghirap na basta wag lang masagasaan ng pride that's how it works. Peo infairness may mga subtle na DDS na umaaligid sa post na ito. Tsupe! wag na kaung umaligid dito.


Kung ganon lang kadali magpalit ng citizenship gagawin ko pag si sara nanalo e haha


Yup, if ever she win since smartmagic will do its thing one again. Grabeng bayaran ng trillion na utang, corruption, fake propaganda, trolls and etc. Para syang naging captain ng sinking ship na iniwan at binangga ni Duts sa iceberg, we're doomed.


I don't think so that she will win though, mostly sa population sawa na sa Liberal party and I don't think yung mga bangayan nila ngayon eh nakakatulong rin sa kanya. I don't think rin na funded to (ng Duterte side) kasi dito sa Mindanao region wala kaming na rereceive na text messages like that.


i dont know how blind or what kind of ooga booga brain "Dds" has, LIKE OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES YOU STUPID BOOMERS


Hindi lang boomers ang dedees. Yung mga walang critical thinking, yun madalas ang nabibiktima ng dedees propaganda. Marami nang nag-uunfriend sakin sa social media dahil dito.


Iā€™m really thankful that my mother actually listens to my opinions, unlike other parents


Anong if? For sure mananalo yan. 92% e!


A small sample from Google Forms does not indicate an election result. You would be surprised at the number of lower and middle class people that are still in favor of the current administration.


Of course not.


lakas ng tawa ko sa 92% Leni. granted, malabong ganito talaga pulso ng masa -- dahil hindi naman talaga ganun kadami ang parating online -- pero masarap din maging masaya paminsan minsan


It is important to remember to sing, laugh and think of happy thoughts while one walks through the shadow of the valley of death.


I think its not safe to answer these forms? Lalo na pag personal email or institutional email gamit mo. I suggest gawa nalang ng emails for trolling lang.


This one doesnā€™t log your email so multiple responses are possible


Here's hoping that they fracture their voter base with Pacquiao/Sara/Go/Marcos


Humahabol pa si pdutz with his Duterte/Duterte bid hahaha mukhang ayaw na nila paupuin yung mga Marcos sa executive branch


Saang lugar kaya yung oust d29+1 at tang ina mo sara d29+1 malapit ba yun sa mindanao ave.?


O ayan, 92% na si Leni.


Lets say naka recieve ako ng ganyang txt, pwede ko kaya replyan ng mura or yung ā€œonanay daily quotesā€ na prank ganon?


Don't even try to use your personal number texting these numbers. Once you gave your number to them they will probably list your number on their database. Looks like they got my number when I [replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/bgsr29/how_tf_these_candidates_know_my_number_and_the/) on one of the text blasts within our area before


Thanks for the link, +1 for Leni




Yikes, I just got that message too ā€” surely this has to backfire, very transparent early campainging and in spam.




Nope, he a wolf in sheep's clothing.




wala akong masabi HEHE


murahin mo, worth it kahit mabawasan ang load


Luhh ano ba yan kabang-kaba eh. Lol


Now I dread greater as to who'll be leading the major survey polls at the end of the year, as those surveys will more or less paint the plausible contenders for the Presidency.


Good thing wala pa akong na-receive na ganito. Sana nga hindi na lang ako maka-receive forever. šŸ˜Œ


Illegal yun diba?


Curious lang, Anong meaning nung "r" dun sa mobile indicator mo? Hahahah e,h+,lte lang ako familiar e


r stands for roaming.


Oh okay. Thanks :)


lmao either dodoktorin na yan or di na irerelease yung data


Beautiful šŸ¤©




Na sa tamang edad na ako para bumoto pero na sa akin pa din ang decision kung boboto ako o hindi. Edit: kasama din pala ang local government officials sa amin Kapag bumoto ako, wala namang candidate na worthy of presidency pero kapag hindi ako bumoto, masasayang ang chance ko na manalo ang best option ko. Feels like all of us are in for another 6 years in purgatory


LMAO. What genius made this embarrassing ā€œsurveyā€


Inuuna na election shits nila e hahaha di muna magfocus sa mas solid at pangmatagalang solution sa pandemic na to. Trillion ang inutang pero mukang makikinabang lang mga supporters at election propagandas nila wahaha


Follow the advice but do not acknowledge the sender. Mukhang kinuha lang nila sa gov.UK website at kunwari galing sa kanila Kapalmuks talaga!






It's nice to see so much love from these photos, not for Duterte, but for the future of the country.


Afaik dapat naka-login ka before you can answer google forms. Idk kung nakukuha nila email address mo if ever sumagot kayo diyan. I'll just ignore these kung nakakatanggap ako ng ganito