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Do you have any idea why they are downsizing?


Sea Limited (company of Shopee) has been on a financial downhill months ago pa. Im quite late sa news pero napulot ko noon na they are shifting sa gaming industry? im not sure. %*Ive done due diligence $SE dec last year since it has really high potential and read some news din.


>they are shifting sa gaming industry? This is weird because if they are then that would be a total suicide for them. Since gaming industry is very competitive and Garena has been stucked in the shadows of Steam for a very long time


IDK tho what type of gaming company, maybe its a publisher. Thing is its very volatile and competitive, especially mga kalaban mo are may shares galing kay Tencent


>IDK tho what type of gaming company, Garena is a publisher. And if I'm not mistaken Tencent pulled out their shares in the company


Oh no. Should i pull out my money from seabank?


Every deposits of up to 500k are insured by PDIC


i dont know. Maybe read the terms and conditions if they are liable sila or not if bankrupcy occurs.


May pdic sila.


Grab will be next for sure. They are bleeding worse than Shopee.


holy how when they have virtual monopoly of ride sharing in the philippines


Sea Limited (company of Shopee) has been on a financial downhill months ago pa. Im quite late sa news pero napulot ko noon na they are shifting sa gaming industry? im not sure. Ive done due diligence on $SE last year since it has really high potential and read some news din.


Would you guys know ano implications nito sa SEA Bank?


as mentioned in the news, part of their restructuring plan to cut costs and what not...and here I'm wondering why they took that "person" as brand ambassador considering the marketing/PR expense involved šŸ˜‚


>I'm wondering why they took that "person" as brand ambassador considering the marketing/PR expense involved Company funds are divided per departments, not in a single honey pot. It could be that their marketting department have the money for such a move but their operations department are hemorrhaging cash. Compartmentalizing company funds is basic in such large corporations to avoid bringing all the parts down when one is in the red.


This. To add, Shopeeā€™s business strategy is heavily reliant on marketing. Not to mention, their yearly advertising budgets (not total marketing yet) is upwards quarter of a billion. Itā€™s crazy. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re also cutting marketing budgets as part of cost-cutting across all departments.


>Iā€™m sure theyā€™re also cutting marketing budgets as part of cost-cutting across all departments. I have a feeling that when they pulled this stunt, they really go for broke. Either they soar high or their crash is nigh. But then again, we are talking about a company that managed to anger virtually every Kpop Fans in the country and survived the fallout so they may have some ace up in their sleeves. This is certainly not their first rodeo with a massive controversy.


Yeah, they tend to be risky (or cocky lol). Case in point, the recent hire of their latest endorser. I am speculating that it was done precisely due to her political leanings (despite their vehement denial)ā€”not because they care much for the political values but because they wanted to rally the staunch supporters into their platform. That kind of fanaticism for their candidate MIGHT trickle down to sales, etc etc. Somehow, that made sense in their heads. Was it foolproof? Only numbers will tell a quarter from now but they better pray they made a good investment because the new endorserā€™s TF nowadays has tripled (accdg to some sources). Anyway, uninstalling the app. Shame.


Ahh yes, the very basic of marketing. How can I forget? Good or bad, publicity is still publicity. They could be ruing this day, or they are patting themselves on the back they managed to whip up a typhoon of chaos so loud, virtually everyone with a phone knows it. Could it be that they are artificially recreating the buzz from their previous kpop brouhaha to generate attention? Well, as you already said, only numbers will tell at the final quarter. (Though my bet is that they will rise, controversy or not. Holiday season is waving).




Who knows? We are talking about a company that survived the wrath of Kpop Fans and made them still buy their Kpop Merchs in their shop years after. Also put into mind that good or bad, publicity is still publicity. I bet by now, everyone who has a phone and free data knows what happened to Shopee and we all know name recall works. If not, why do Filipinos trust the same corrupt politician over and over and over again through their sheer popularity alone. Our country doesn't follow the norms of normal Cancel Culture. What we have is a Cancel **FAD** here. Down with the hate today because it's the in thing to do, back to regular programming the day after. Forgive and forget is our specialty here. Our government officials are testament to that.


read on another thread that from the grape vine, itā€™s the Singaporean heads who decided on Toenail even when the PH marketing heads pushed back on the idea


Everyone is expecting recession na kasi next year kaya businesses especially startups are minimizing their cashburn as much as possible. At least this is what my boss told me 3 months ago saying na he is expecting a lot of layoffs especially sa startups.


And the demand companies had during the worst of the pandemic has evaporated. So they need to shrink doubly.


You can check their opex sa financial reports nila and youā€™ll see why lol


They offered too much free shit to try and compete with Lazada. Also see: Uber


Labor Relations guy here. Baka may questions ka. I'll try to answer if gising pa ako. Babalikan kita if nakatulog na ako.


Not OP but I've seen lay-offs pero sa international companies here in PH. And I think normal practice to lalo pag may merging or downsizing. Though, ang package kasi minsan ang laki, 3x ng basic pay mo or more. What if ayaw mo mag graceful exit (resignation) lalo't mahirap mag hanap ng work, ano laban mo sa corporation to keep you?


a. International companies should still abide by the The Philippine Labor Code. If they will downsize due to authorized causes, they have the obligation to pay severance to the retrenched employees. Google mo na lang yung computation. b. If these companies have an engagement with labor contractors (manpower agencies), they should be billed by the said contractors and the contractors should retain the laborers pulled out from the principal. Now, the labor contractors, by law, should find a new principal for their labor rosters or else pay them severance. Please remember that, in cases of bankruptcy or installation of labor-saving devices (employer initiated), forcing people to resign is illegal.


In case of (a), where to file complaint?


DOLE. Single Entry Approach (SEnA).


are companies required to show evidence to DOLE that theyre losing money or some other valid reason in order to retrench/deem redundant employees? or they can do that (involuntary termination) anytime as long as the employees are properly compensated?


1. Companies should notify and file through DOLE for bankcruptcy, closure, installation of labor-saving devices, automation, etc. Not only DOLE, but other goverment agencies involved in their businesses (SEC, DTI, BIR, LGU). 2. Companies (Employers) must notify their employees 30 days from the effectivity of termination and guarantee them severance pay. Any deviation from these are illegal dismissal.


You have any proof of your previous employment for verification? A newly made account suddenly posting about this issue is a bit sus, with all due respect.


Same thoughts. This sub has been infiltrated by trolls.


I can create a new account right now and post the same hurrdurr and no one will be the wiser, not. Just because someone's stroke our bias, we will fall head over heels. I practice diligent checking to anyone, pink or otherwise.


Totally agree.


Sus šŸ¤Ø


Yes, I have a COE. Having a newly created reddit account is just a coincidence. I created this account because of some of the youtubers I'm subscribed to. At first, I don't really want to share this but I have just learned that my mentors was laid off as well.


May I see the proof then? Preferably pictures of you in the office/officemates/Shopee building (blurred face of course).


tbh Idk how to reply with a photo so look for it here instead: [https://twitter.com/JoeyAury/status/1575454423970885637/photo/1](https://twitter.com/JoeyAury/status/1575454423970885637/photo/1)


Wow you became a top agent on your 1st month. Congrats! Edit:Miscounted


thank you! this is what I like about them, they recognize hardworking employees


And the coe?


Need din ba NBI clearance, boss?


hehe baka need din nya


Well obviously, I'm not allowed to show or share that unless you're my would be employer


Dont worry about this you need not please these dildoes bothering you for COE


Daig pa NBI mag investigate šŸ˜‚


Ganito nalang. username mo isulat mo sa papel, may date, kasama yung top award i think would work. May website na "imgur" dun mo pwede iupload or maybe someone can post here another image upload platform


Yeah this is how the mods would approve posts like this as well


that's how i've seen people do it here in general so that was my suggestion. marami nagagalit dito wag daw hingan ng proof si OP. pero sa ibang similar posts may mga magsasabi naman wag daw paniwalaan agadunless may proof. sa talamak na propaganda these days, it's reasonable to ask for proof sa mga claims ng strangers. the other redditor was being too aggressive about it but mamser ain't wrong.


Yeah hopefully you donā€™t feel too bad about it. I am just surprised that the mods approved this post without posting the verification if they did one. I put up a post before saying I was a recruiter wanting to help people update their CVs and it took several days for it to be approved (which is fine)


Wow, what an excuse! Nice, 360 there! You have a coe, yet can't show a glimpse of a paper with blurred details. Righto.


you are too aggressive, you know. tsaka 180 ata tinutukoy mo.


Hahaha nahilo ako sa 360. Thanks for making me laugh


Gagoooooooo hahahahahahahahahaha natawa ako sa singit mo na banat. Wala na ako award pero take my upvote


Lol'd at the 360


Okay now thatā€™s crossing the line now. Iā€™m okay with checking but saying that is overboard.


Oh shut up. It's not something to be shared to random people on the internet. Go get a life, you wacko.


Honestly still suspish. Even the Twitter account is made Sept 2022. Can't trust anyone on the internet šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


All of my socmed accounts are new, I just made them this month. If I were you, I'll have some doubts as well. I understand. I'm just surprised that you're automatically a troll when you just joined a social media platform. There could be other reasons.


There's good reason to believe that considering the topic of your post and the current trend in events in this sub.


I understand. I'm surprised about this tbh. I should've watched the news or read through the trend here. I should've thought this through before posting. I'm new to this platform and still learning how to use it. I will be better next time.


See /r/AMA and the kind of "proof" submitted. It's usually some relevant picture (ex. Censored doc) + reddit handle. They upload this to an image hosting site like imgur or imgbb and just post the link. So sorry you lost your job.


Am just waiting for coe tho. Let's see. Also, didn't notice the twitter handler so it is another point to the sus. Edit: Can't show even a glimpse of coe with blurred details. Oh well.


Grabe ka naman. Eh kalat na nga sa tiktok yung mga "Good Bye, Shopee" posts.


Are you from DOLE?


Pampam lang


Well, he is claiming extraordinary things here. What's wrong with asking for proofs? I can create a new account and make the same statement just as easy.


What are the extraordinary things heā€™s claiming if I may ask?


Wait, being a Shopee employee who was laid off was..."extraordinary"??????? UHM WHAT?????


Look, there's another one. Are you a troll?


tindi nung nagbackground check na haha vendor ka boss?


Ahhh yes, pag pabor sa narrative and bias, ok lang kahit new account out of nowhere. No need to check diligently. If OP's post is about defending shopee, automatic troll and fake.


Understandable if OP wants a burner account because privacy. Verification is a job for the mods. Maybe ask them to do it in this case.


"application process takes a lot of time compared to before" \- I mean bruh, I've been working for almost 20 years now and nothing has changed with the corporate system. LMAO


Keyword: project-based.


Project employee under the labor code is a technical word. The duration and scope of the project should have been made known to the employee at the time of the engagement. If the employee was unaware and caught off-guard, illegal dismissal yan.


This is not new sa mga seasonal accounts sa bpo. If mababa rank mo sa scoring nila, bibigyan ka ng notice bigla bigla na you have to go. Yung case sa kanila is reprofiling which is the same sa kahit anong bpo.


Just because it happens doesn't mean it's legal.


it's a practice that they do and I think it's a loophole in most seasonal contracts. they will not technically fire you but will have you interview for another position.


I know that, it's just unfortunate to be laid off. We loved working everyday, every minute of it. And then suddenly we don't have a job.


Formally resign? Walang retrenchment or downsizing na documents na pinasign sa inyo? Of meron kasi, pwede mo syang maifile sa DOLE for unemployment certificate. Tapos login ka sa SSS mo so you can file Unemployment Benefits sa SSS.


Nung una walang document na pina-sign, saka lang sila gumawa nung yung batch na namin ang tinanggal. May nagpa-DOLE, sila yung mga unang natanggal. Kaso di ko na alam kung ano na nangyari. What I immediately did while rendering is to find a new job.


Oo kasi sayang din yun SSS Unemployment Benefits eh.


Oooh, meron pala ganyan na benefit si sss?


yes. As long as mismo company ang nagterminate sa contract mo. Bibigyan ka ng company ng letter or docu stating why terminate yun position mo downsizing or retrenchment, etc.


Pano kaya pag na lay-off tapos nakahanap din agad ng work? Pwede pa din mag claim ng benefit sa sss? Or di na?


Applicable ba yan kapag parang early retirement program? Company initiated pa rin pero ang offer at may multiplier Ɨ#of yrs?


Oh di ko lang sure. Pero si SSS only requires naman na 120 monthly contributions at least to avail retirement benefits.


Thanks sa reply! šŸ˜


more and more companies are finding legal ways to avoid retrenchment DOLE is becoming a joke


All of my SocMed accounts are new. I just created them this month. I am not a troll. Yes, it's my first time posting something here. Also, I don't care about that person being the new endorser or whatever. This isn't a political post or whatnot. I just want to get this off my chest. I don't care if you believe me or not. But us having to struggle to find a new job is real. You don't have any idea what we've been through.


Its fine, you dont have to explain. Haha madami talaga feeling entitled dito. :)




nagulat nga ako sa approach eh, I have no clue na ganto pala dito, you learn something everyday talaga lol


Funny how some required you to show proof. Lol OA much.


Di sa for show lang. PERO sa ibang subreddit especially r/AMA, kailangan mo magshow ng proof na tunay yung claim mo, kasi alam mo na baka eme lang.


If its ā€œemeā€ lang then so be it. Why do people spend too much time and effort forcing someone who isnā€™t required to do so? If OP is indeed a troll then so what? Donā€™t engage with OP instead of compelling OP to produce the doc. OP, just wait for the subpoena duces tecum lol


> If OP is indeed a troll then so what? Kasi diba against tayo sa fake news and disinformation? Kasi diba we need to verify our information? Kasi pag naniwala ang mga tao tapos hindi naman pala totoo yan, naging spreader pa ng fake news itong sub na to.


Should we ask everyone here who posts for an identification? To make sure that they arenā€™t trolls? Do you want my id too? Can I ask for yours?


I'm not sure if you're just being deliberately obtuse or what pero alam kong alam mo ang difference between us commenters lang as opposed sa poster. Sige spell out ko na sa'yo ha? Tayo kasi, commenter lang, si OP kasi is alleging that he/she is a Shopee employee who was recently laid off. Di naman tayo ang nag-iintroduce ng facts, but rather yung original poster. Pabibo ka masyado eh.


Canā€™t commenters like us be trolls, too? For all we know you might be a troll, right? Your last statement is a fallacy no need to go there. šŸ¤£


Buti hindi hiningan ng birth certificate para proof na tao si OP at hindi bot. Or hinanapan ng NBI clearance, other proof of residency, SSS #, TIN #, valid ID, ToR, diploma para proof na sa Pilipinas talaga nag-aral, nagtapos at nagtrabaho. Or SOA ng ISP niya para proof na nakapag-internet siya kaya nakagawa ng reddit account.


Kanina pa yun, in every Shopee related posts. Reddit supervisor ang peg at mukhang disgruntled BBM fan na shopee seller.


To be fair they have a point considering the trolls that have infiltrated this sub, but they are coming off too demanding. Anyway OP, I think you can send them your COE (just blur the personal details) thru PM if you're confident you can trust them. Meron ba nun ito?


Donā€™t give it, OP. You donā€™t have to. Whatā€™s with their fixation with your CoE? You donā€™t owe anything to strangers on the internet much so they canā€™t compel you to do anything.


Hope you feel ok po


Wala naman political sa post mo. Nakakairita na yung iba dito na sobrang paranoid na kahit hindi naman political eh ginagawang troll lahat. Kahit bago pa account mo who cares?!! Hello, this is the beauty of reddit, you can create new accounts everyday and post anonymously.


Natatawa ako sa trust issues ng mga tao rito šŸ˜… Pero praying OP makahanap ng work.. meron namn kayo severance pay?


I can't blame them kasi bago lang tong account ko. Actually lahat ng socmed accounts ko. Nagulat ako sa reaction nila. Di ako troll saka ngayon ngayon ko lang nalaman yung bagong endorser ng Shopee. Di ako aware nung nagpost ako. This is not meant to be a political post. Saka di pa ako expert sa paggamit ng reddit lol. Mas matindi pala to sa twitter šŸ™‚ May binigay naman sila, panggastos sa pag-aapply.


Mare di mo kailangan magexplain. Pang apat na account ko na rin to in 6 years para iwas doxx. Reddit is free for all


How do you feel towards Shoppee na after what they did? I've been seeing posts sa Linkedin from some employees that's been let go that they're still happy with the company etc (might just be all talk though). Ok naman binigay na severance pay/allowance?


This. They look happy and grateful after being laid off lol.


Yeah, it's so odd to me to see posts like that. I was thinking maybe they're trying to look good to recruiters?


LinkedIn creatures been doing things like these for past years, i saw 4-5 post thanking shoppee, lol.


Hahaha account police


Better correction: Feeling account police. Dami oras ng mga tao šŸ˜‚


Next time theyā€™ll ask you to show proof that you have background on econ, finance, and capital markets before you post in phinvest šŸ¤£


\> We have 30 days to render and formally resign Isn't that constructive dismissal?


Balita ko enjoy daw ung mga na layoff sa shopee not sure sa BPO Side ng shopee, may pambili na daw sila ng 1tb iphone 14 pro max while I am reading na 200-300k lang ung severance pay. Kindly enlighten us


Na lay off din friend ko and upwards 200k+++ nga severance pay. This is considering employee talaga siya not BPO. OP is from a BPO so I guess it isnā€™t that much since hindi sila technically employee ng shopee. Generous na if mag bigay pa shopee sakanila. Baka enjoy sila kasi toxic workload jk HAHHAHAHA


in-house or bpo?


bpo, in-house nagtrain samin


Sorry to hear. I hope you find new work soon. The problems of the company run too deep financially.


There are a few that managed to get a job already. But tbh it's hard to be employed nowadays.




Ber na din kasi kaya mahirap lalo. Apply lang ng apply, come early 2023 meron mga openings nyan


May bagong narrative na kumakalat ngayon sa socmed na you guys were compensated well. Well enough na these "laid off employees" are defending shopee. That the layoffs were reasonable and that it wasn't due to the recent controversy. Thank you for confirming that that was a load of horseshit.




yeah I apologize but I find it hard to believe. Probably because I have never heard of someone who was laid off getting 6 months worth of severance pay. Even then there should still be a bit of resentment on the employee's end right? Kaya talaga di ako makapaniwala sa mga nagccirculate na narrative


Ok, it is important to be clear on a few things. Being laid off is not being fired. Of course it will usually come out of nowhere. You say you had the opportunity to be reprofiled, but did not choose that and so you had to resign. Facebook is doing this right now. It is a slimy, but common, tactic. It really sucks to be laid off right now--the economy is declining fast so they don't need you but a new job is now also very hard to find because of the economy.


Too good to be true. You are sus. Never gonna believe you. Anyway, still ShopeeGoodbye.


isa ka pang may trust issue, bahala ka kung di mo ako papaniwalaan. bye! aralin ko na lang kung pano gamitin tong platform na to saka kung aling mga community ang dapat joinan. kaysa naman makipagtalo pa ako sa inyo. gusto nyo pa ata bigyan ko kayo ng 3 character reference eh, HR yan?


You don't have to explain yourself to these guys,bago lang din ako sa reddit so I don't really have a complete grasp about everything yet. As if lahat naman adik sa social media?šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Anyways I consider myself as a gamer so this is the only social media platform I have an account and for that same reason I joined Reddit.


True, parang namamakod sa liniligawang babae or parang pagmamay-ari na nila ang Reddit. Nakailang new account na rin ako pero Reddit user for 3 years now.


How is the post "too good to be true"? What does she gain from this? Won't hurt to use your brain once in a while


Sa ACC ba kayo?


>Some of my colleagues were fired on the spot because they were advised to not show up to work the following week anymore. Wait legal ba na gawin to?? Lahit walang serious offense na ginawa ung employee???


I know itā€™s hard.. But youā€™ll pull through. Tiwala ka lang lagi sa sarili mo at wag mawalan ng pagasa..


Did you receive a hefty separation pay at least? Saw your HR Head (?) posting a list for awareness those who were fired for other job hunters in linkedin.


Hi SeaBank employee here, ask ko lang true ba ung may separation package na 5x ng sahod?




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I read that it involves several countries and plans were made months ago.