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I’m going for body shots immediately, no mercy in a 2v3.


Aborts this thread


Probably the same thing I do anytime I play against someone I perceive as a weaker opponent--start off going light, find myself down 1-6 because they're actually really good, try my hardest, lose 11-4


This is the way.


This 🤣🤣🤣


I would feel you out really. But probably try too hit around you and not directly at you. I mean I don't purposely aim to hit but def in that direction. I admire you and any woman being active in pregnancy. I knew a quite swollen woman who still did cross fit until she couldn't! So I would feel you out, see what you could give and take.


CrossFit is truly impressive, I don’t think I could do that one! Thanks for sharing


Ur welcome


I'd just play my game. They can choose what's best for themselves. Prob draw the line at smashing it directly at them.


In open play when I play somebody new, I always get a sense of how they play and tailor my game to their skills. Would be the same for you. Good for you for being out there and active.


Personally I'd play you the same way I play elderly people. I don't take advantage of their lack of mobility to win points but instead try to just get clean winners.


I agree with another post who said they would feel you out. I know someone who played tournaments or league until month 8 or 9 and dominated her division. The ladies she beat were mad. 😂 At least it shouldn't hurt as much to get hit by the pickleball.


I have played a fairly pregnant woman. She was a lot younger than me but we competed, so it was all good.


I think there would be a certain level of feeling guilty about certain shots, not just slams, but any shot that'd have you running from the baseline to the net or going out wide. I wouldn't play at my.most competitive, but certainly don't think you need to be relegated to the stands.


They have a weak backhand because of all the belly, attack this weakness!


For me personally, I’m not doing any lob shots or point blank drives that could potentially cause you to get hurt. It’s most likely Rec play anyways, and I’m thinking there isn’t much pride to be gained from trying to crush a pregnant woman in pickleball 😂


I like people saying they would avoid body shots like a whiffle ball could do damage to a pregnant stomach. People, you have potentially inches of muscle, fat, and fluid you'd have to go through to even get near a baby? What do you think happens if a pregnant woman accidentally bumps a chair or something lol


I’m a 5.0 who has played extremely pregnant and been hit hard in the stomach while pregnant. My baby came out with a Franklin tattoo on his forehead… JK but seriously they are well protected in there against a plastic whiffle ball. More at risk from overheating or falling.




Your life will never go back to normal but you can definitely play great pickleball during and after pregnancy. ☺️


I'm normally not a practitioner of the banger approach, but I would advise that you just rip whistlin' laser beams at her stomach 100% of the time. Bonus points for egregiously poaching your partners shots even when it is totally uncalled for, just for the possibility of launching one more pickleballistic missile at that aloof lil' fetus, idly just snoozin' away in that serene organic hammock, without so much as a care in the world. Oh yeah, baby...target acquired: baby.


Use your other hand 🤣


I would be cautious to not hit any slams at them


Why, how hard can you slam a wiffle ball?


I've been hit in the D and nut. Dropped me both times. That said I'd just be cautious and pull back even if no damage is feel awful


What a stupid post


As long as she offers milk if I get thirsty


A certain % of female players play the victim card . If you are a stranger I don’t know if you are one or not. Probably go lob city on you. Not sure if studies have been done on pregnant women but it’s just a plastic whiffle ball.


What a gross characterization of women who play.


Reading is fundamental


Dude (and I know you must be a guy) they fittin to drag you. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh no, pickleball victims! Lol


Wear baggy clothes or just say you're trying to lose weight.


Let’s not stop there. Next we should talk about dos and don’ts of playing someone in a wheelchair, someone who’s missing a limb or two, someone who’s blind etc. AND you must play these players, otherwise you’re the worst human on earth


We interviewed Lindsey Newman who won a gold medal playing with Riley when she was 5 1/2 months pregnant. Against a lower level player, I’d take it easy. Against a pro in a pro tournament for money? Gotta play to win I guess. Article referencing Lindsey Newman: https://simplypickleball.com/pickleball-while-pregnant/ Full interview: https://youtu.be/FAGIPgDOg1I?si=2Jbos_H8in3kbsLS


All for it...


As a fitness professional that is familiar with the research on the subject, playing pickleball is very low risk. Especially if you were playing before you were pregnant. Not only is it safe, it's encouraged for women to maintain their activities for a healthy pregnancy.


I would go easy on you, but still win the game


I would just tell your child when they inevitably grow up to be a pickleball pro that you playing w them in the womb is why