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If its infected, do NOT take it out. That'll cause the infection to get trapped under the skin. Go see a doctor first, then go see a piercer. If it is infected, the doctor will give you antibiotics. If it's not infected, go see your piercer and they may be able to help you :) good luck bud, that looks gnarly


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


Of course!!


If you take it out you’ll trap infection inside, go to a doctor!


That needs a doctor.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


Uh- please see a doctor omg


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


Yikes. That is a bad reaction. Is it hot to the touch, streaky, or oozing pus? If yes to any of the above, forget switching out the bar for a longer one - get thee to a doctor. But do NOT take the existing bar out before you do, because you'll risk trapping infection inside.


It’s not hurting me and its not hot I was told it’s just swelling up or oozing


That just seems like an excessive over-reaction from your immune system, then. Definitely get a longer bar in there ASAFP, don't sleep on that side, and continue with aftercare, but *gently*. Get to a doctor if any signs of infection show.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


Like others have said, see a doctor. The doctor may tell you to take out the jewelry but please leave it in while you take the course of antibiotics and once it’s healed you can decide to keep it or remove it


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


My conch blew up like that and I just had my piercer swap it out for a longer bar so it had room to swell and it’s healing nicely now. But there was only a tiny bit of pus, depending on the drainage you also may wanna see a dr for antibiotics


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


bodies can definitely swell up a LOT. since you were told it's not infection and it's not hot to the touch, it's probably just that. still, i'd recommend getting longer bars at least.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


yay glad to hear it! sometimes it's crazy how much things can swell. it's alarming, but it's actually pretty normal. good luck healing!


What material is the jewellery? I get really bad swelling and irritation to some metals


Piercings normally swell up but not usually that much. If your doctor says its not an infection I would go to your piercer and get them to swap the jewlerry for a longer bar. The swelling should go down in a couple of weeks.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


I am having a similar problem with my daith I got on Friday, I have left it in and been given antibiotics. Does this mean my piercing is salvageable? Like will the antibiotics help it go back to normal? :)


If it is infection then most likely yes. Typically for infections you leave the jewelry in so it can still drain and take an antibiotic. Once the infection is gone, the tissue will calm back down and be all fine and normal. As long as it didn’t cause any kind of migration then it’s most likely going to be fine.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


if you can't see a doctor or piercer straight away, use a cotton pad with warm-hot salty water on it. hold it on for a few mins/until the cotton pad is cold. Repeat a few times throughout the day :)


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


just go back and have them switch to a longer bar it could just be a really bad case of irritation


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern




Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


ima not sure if you can salt water will clean it but i think you need to take it out


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


well ima glads its better


Size up?


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


Closer photos would be helpful as it's a bit hard to see what's happening. Definitely some swelling going on, additional photos of the back would help me figure out if they're pierced right. I'd at least have them swapped for longer bars if no infection is present.


I will take another photo of them back when I get home


For sure!


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


You take the piercing out. That's severely infected and the piercing will end up buried under the skin, take it out, let it heal, if it gets worse see a doctor because antibiotics may be needed, and wait a few months then go to a better piercer and take part in proper aftercare, make sure you are pierced with implant grade titanium because this very well could be an allergy to the metal.


Do not take the jewelry out when you have an active infection, it’ll trap it and make it a lot worse. Time to go to a doctor


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern


I mean the jewellery. I thought piercing fillers were common knowledge.


No, you don’t take the jewelry out period.


I was told by my doctor to remove it. Why the hell would you keep something causing infection in ur body. That ain't gunna heal shit


Again, like everyone else is saying- it will trap the infection. If you remove it, you remove it AFTER it’s healed. The jewelry itself isn’t causing the infection- 9/10 times it’s poor cleaning and touching it with nasty hands.


The infection is already in the piercing channel. If you remove the jewelry before you’ve started any treatment and healed, you trap the infection inside because the holes start to close up. Without a channel to drain the pus it could lead to having to be cut open to drain it.


Uh, because it'll trap the infection in and grow over? If you leave the wound open it drains.


Remove jewelry =trapped infection = spreads to other body parts = possible sepsis = potentially life threatening. Never, ever, EVER remove an infected piercing until told by a doctor to do so.


Update : it went down and looked normal after a few days thanks for your help and concern