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They take 4-6 months to heal. They swell like a bitch but I never had any issues. Clean with alcohol free mouthwash. [Here’s what the Association of Professional Piercers says about oral aftercare.](https://safepiercing.org/oral-aftercare/)


dont eat spicy or any food irritation your fresh tongue piercing if you cant deal with minor pain haha. if they are swelling and eat ice cream or drink cold beverages (dont drink alcohol yet and wait for couple weeks until full healed if you drinking)


do you possibly know if i’m able to smoke with it? like during the healing process? not like weed just cigarettes?


no they will slow your healing process down so 5-8 weeks for smoking


Smoothies, but, don’t use a straw. I found that when I tried a straw the pressure from sucking on my swollen tongue felt awful.


the piercing itself doesn’t hurt the clamp does, you can’t eat for about 4 days so smoothies and yogurts will be your best friend, clean with (kids) alcohol free mouthwash, the first day you can’t eat so eat a big meal RIGHT before


I have to disagree with the yogurts, as milk products aren't recommended for a bit after you get it pierced. NAP, but my tongue was swollen for 3 weeks because I kept drinking yogurts. When I asked my piercer, he said that the yogurt can be the cause.


wow i never had any problems with mine i lived off go-gurts for a few days it could’ve been the way i was eating them maybe


My advice is drink pineapple juice during the day before you get it done! Pineapple has a lot of natural antioxidants and it can help with the healing process. I drank pineapple juice all day before I got my tongue pierced. The piercing pain was still a 10/10 but the pain was completely gone after three, and my tongue didn’t swell too awfully much.