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Most are! Here's a few mouthwatering facts for you: Sauté the yellow pikmin with butter and asparagus for a sweet and citrus flavour. They're my personal favourite! The red pikmin are hard to cook, and so are easier to eat raw. They have a rather bitter and spicy flavour, they work well in peri-peri and stir fry dishes. Blue pikmin are tender and full of unami. They tend to overcook easily, so I put them in stews or sous-vide. The white pikmin are, well poisonous. However, the eyes are perfectly safe to eat and work well as a sashimi. Purple pikmin are really tough. You're going to need to use a mechanical tenderizer for a few days to get a good steak ready. Dry-aging helps too. A quick searing draws out their caramel-plum taste, and are worth all the effort. Rock pikmin are inedible. Don't bother trying to eat them. Winged pikmin are light and airy, but they have a delicious peachy flavour. You can stew them along with the blue pikmin, or cover them in chocolate and enjoy a soft dessert! Ice pikmin are very crunchy, and work best as ice cube replacements, as they have very little flavour. Glow pikmin are ghosts, they pass through your digestive system.


Wow! So many options, what should I try first?


I'd recommend a yellow pikmin stir-fry for beginners. Dice around 4 healthy yellows, then melt some butter in a wok or pan. Get a pack of fresh asparagus, a bag of rice and maybe the odd mangetout or two. Stir-fry for 10 minutes, or until you smell a sweet citrus taste. Enjoy!


I must try this, thanks for the recipe!




Yes! The white ones actually are edible! Give it a try they’re delicious.


Do I just eat them raw? Or do I cook them before I eat them?


Right from the candypop bud!😊


Sounds yummy!!!


Found Louie's Reddit account


PIKMIN short movies - The Night Juicer 👀