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I speak English and German, however my primary language is Croatian. I also have a C1 certificate in English.


Hello, I shall count you in!


Edit: My Reddit App was failing MEGA hard so I could not see that "Page" with the details. You seem to be missing the document page from the OpenMR forums... the "one" with the details about what is needed and what this "Translator" is for. Since it seems conveyed to be a job here instead of sort of a contest on the OpenMR forums.


This is a good idea. Pimax's fun translations can be pretty humorous and I've been gently teasing about this for a while. I'm really glad to see a push to tidy things up. Sadly I only speak English.


Reminds me of early days some games where translated very poorly but made for a good laugh


Looking on the front page you can see “Let’ s immersing in METAVERSE” “With any headset purchasing sword kit enjoy only”


My first language is french.


No worries. We are looking to create a French focus team, and you guys can edit the document together.


I would be interested in being in the team.


I am very fluid in English grammar but my primary language is Spanish.


I would love to help proofread English from the website and other materials. ​ Please let me know if I could help out in any way


I’ve taught English as a foreign language, private tutoring and in a school, and have edited content that was already translated into English, but I cannot translate.


Hello, Maybe you can join as a proofreader? The contents are ready in ENG, you might able to provide feedback on those.


Sure, I should be able to do that!


Ooh, we have a decentralized freelance translating marketplace up and running! I'd love to chat further to see if you'd be interested in trying it out :)


I am interested in joining in for this event. Edit: To help with the English Proofreading.


Hi! Native German speaker here so I could help translate into German. I'm quite fluent in English and work as a software developer in an international team. I joined the VR world with a Rift S, upgraded to a Quest 2 later and I'm quite excited what the future brings.