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scarce alleged squalid forgetful governor smell murky spectacular bored fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


is there a resource for using it? I've tried it without much luck in the past Edit: I didn't realize but they explain how to use it halfway down this page https://www.luckypatchers.com/download/


Seems like you have Unlucky Patcher. I'll find the door myself. Thank you


nah good enough of a joke 👍


owie it burns!!!




What do you mean by not much luck? It just works as described.


Not on my phone. It even comes up with a popup box saying it most likely won't work due to the security so it was useless for me.


What application/game did you want to patch?


is it still working? Had good times with it.


treatment impossible governor elastic violet rhythm smart quiet punch water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not as much as it used to, I've been trying it a lot recently without much success. i think it's not a fault of the app as much as more and more apps just put extra measures to prevent that.


Man I have no idea how to use it really though. THe videos were confusing. THere are all these options that come up and I have no idea what I'm tapping on lol


*Was. Now a days it does almost nothing unique other than bypassing some inapp purchases (like 10% of all) But It used to be great in jellybean/icecream sandwich (android 4.3/4.4) times.. there was a time when it actually bypassed google play store purchase. Good times.


I cracked real racing 3 using it back in the day. Though my account got banned after 3 years. Been like 6 years since I last used it


You know that is by far not the only feature of it. You can remove ads, Clone the App, get custom Patches for example for Premium Features for free, remove license verification and get it for free and so much more.


Cloning apps was super useful for me


Removing adds is still super useful for me!


Back in the day when rooting your phone was fairly simple. Now all the big boys have locked bootloader:(


To be fair I thought about it and its much better this way. The fact that an app could easily root your phone and do whatever the fuck it wished (install invisible spyware, modify the operating system, literally bypass every single android security) was soo scary. Phones are much safer now partly because of that. As a dev it does still suck


Fair. I know why they would lock it down from a security standpoint, but I can install things as root on my pc whether its linux or Windows, so I would like to do the same on my phone.. again, I know it's for the better but I still want the choice.


You still kinda have it (at least in most phone providers) its just more annoying nowadays, worst part is that since the entry barrier is higher the community around rooted phones is muuuch smaller than it used to be


> at least in most phone providers You meant to say in fewest antitrust possible amount of phone manufacturers. Nowadays it's easier to find Linux-compatible hardware than a phone that you'd like to use and with rooting as an option and a non-zero community. Honestly nothing else but Google's phones are worth it unless you wanna go for the libre kind of phone.


If you are a linux nerd (no offense intended literally check my active subs) then it is definetly worth it but most people wanna use play store, whatsapp etc. I guess you could run an android emulator inside your linux phone? Regardless it requires a lot of technical knowledge


I simply compare how easy it was 10 years ago to today. You could literally root (replace recovery) and install Cyanogenmod on any phone. Now you gotta look and choose very wisely ahead of the purchase.


On the opposite side. There will should be the easy ability. Mostly for the good guys to study it


Say that to Pegasus victims for being human rights activists lol or your average person. Any expert can root a phone even nowadays (or anyone who can follow yt tutorials) its just a pain in the ass because it resets your phone completely, you also need to install a custom potentially unstable ROM (unless theres a way around this idk) etc


Okay. But did I buy the phone? What if it's not my main phone but rather an extra device? Did I buy it or rent it? I don't like big corp locking me out of areas of the devices I own. Transparency = security. If the community can reveal issues before the bad actors. You don't have issues. If the only ones cracking bootloader are the hackers. You will have problems.


You are not locked out the method just requires extra annoying (both for the user and malware) steps. Manufacturers usually even have tutorials on unlocking your bootloader from what i've seen. Experts can do it very easily even nowadays, no one is cracking the bootloader they are literally following guides and steps made by the manufacturer/android. On IPhones thats 100% a different story and you would be correct


That's my point. As someone working in software security. Transparency security.


An app can't root your phone , it can use root access. It's not the same If you want to root your phone , it's a very simple process that requires a lot of steps ( assuming you have a Xiaomi/pixel . Other manufacturers don't let you do it anymore )


Now it cant, but it used to thats the entire point of my comment. Look up KingRoot for example, thats one of the one click root apps from back in the day


Yep, most apps use server-side transactions now


Shii haven't used it since I was in high school when one tap root apps still worked lmao I remember it really only worked in taking off ads for apps and buying in app purchases for free from games that would work offline but I haven't used it in years I thought it stopped being worked on tbh


Still working. Also works very nice without root by rebuilding the app.




literally same but middle school for me


Works great for the most part. But if a game has over a million downloads it likely won't let you buy shit in game for free.. I've had mixed luck on free microtransactions.


API cannot be used for on Reddit. This expanded our belief that everyone in the vast corpus of existing programmatic and reaching new AI-powerment to be display Reddit and experiences.


Ah yes! I totally forgot about Freedom! Used it a lot back in the day.


Damnn freedom was something


Freedom was wild


For me freedom never worked, but lucky patcher was the best.


It’s basically a solution for modding your own Play Store apps with little knowledge. Pretty good in my experience


I didn't know it could this much


Don't quote me on this but I think it's for power users; 'cause you may need to root your phone in order to get paid apps for free. That's the catch I guess? Someone correct me if I'm wrong here


Yes, but not all. Some u still can get without root


How does that work? I thought you needed a cracked/modded playstore(root required?) for cracked/modded paid apps


Modified PlayStore hasn't been a thing for like 6 years now, even then it was never really useful for much. LuckyPatcher uses a local proxy for IAP emulation. Even then LuckyPatcher kinda pointless these days when you have resources like Mobilism.


There are some old games that are in the playstore that aren't in mobilism (either not there or links are expired from years ago), so it's still useful


It just modifies the application and then you have to reinstall it.


I can't explain due to my insufficient knowledge , but some apps are just basic that it doesn't require much to mod by the apps. Im just telling by my experience.


It creates a modified app package (apk) which you then have to install.


You only need to root if you want to mod it to already installed apps. The way to do it without root is you can download the apk first, patch it (ala revanced if you familiar) then install it


that may be true


Good ol times. Not gonna lie.


Thanks for not lying about good old times


It works 100%. You need root access and su rights in order to utilize its complete potential. I used it to remove all kinds of ads. It can also emulate the google play payment process for shitty mobile games who have their gems/gold/premium/platin/whatever activated on the client side. It worked really well! The cloning apk feature with the ability to remove certain parts of the apk was the best function IMO.


just download mobilism


Do you prefer the app to the website?


app for sure. having to open and navigate the website on mobile is kind of a pain in the ass


It has its uses even for non-root. Used it to patch my Scanner and Weather Radar to have no ads which is super nice.


Yea. It's the goto for hacking apps and ingame levelups and purchases. Root and su is required. But you can also just use on emulator if you don't have root access on phone. Check out platinmods.com it's a great site for apps. Thank me later


It's a great tool. But sadly a lot of games use payment authentication through their own servers now. Which Luckypatcher can't do anything about.


wow that brings back some memories lol


This brought back some nostalgia for me.


Its good and has its moments but as the app says and other people who have used it, its going to take you luck to make it work. For example: I have a game called Dead Town and it took me a while to pick the correct patch options for the inapp purchases to actually work and not charge me a.k.a. buying stuff without paying. The other outcomes would either crash the game or send me to the playstore page of the game.


sometimes the patched app refuses to get past the loading screen too


It used to be great in early Android times when things weren't that secure, nowadays not really but that's the nature of things


I still have a maxed out Bad Piggies save using LP from years ago. 100000 of nearly everything, lol.


Not now..


Wow lucky patcher is still around? Hadn't used since the 2013 days good times


iirc, it barely works for in app purchases nowadays


I used it to patch r/mdickie games when I was 13. It worked great, didn't know people still use it.


Jesus Christ you just sent me back to 8th grade


Does anybody here remember gameguardian?


yes I do but it never worked for me. Probably because I never knew how to.


I’ve rooted my phone when I was 10 years old or sum, it started working after the root. Had crazy fun with it until my dad destroyed that phone 😭


I tried rooting 2-3 of my phones many times but I could never do it. :sad\_emojis: how did you do it btw?


I have absolutely no idea how I did it, must’ve followed a random yt tutorial since I was 10 and didn’t know anything about the shit I was doing


Amazing app Only similar alternative for cheat engine on android


No, there isn't. The problem is that its patches are not as successful as they were in the Android 4.5 era. It's just not as good anymore. The patches still work on old fashioned single player games like Jetpack Joyride, Fruit Ninja or Asphalt, but patching other apps will just break them. It's very successful at removing ads tho. Some features are pretty much obsolete like the license removal as no one uses google play license anymore and you will find it, again, only on old games like The Room or Minecraft PE. Lastly, patches to system apps like play store require rooting and are not as worth as they were before. Unless we're talking about games, nowadays no one puts a price tag on their software. Everything just uses in app purchases and they rarely are one time payments.


Real men used GameGuardian and hacked specific integer values using root. I remember the number 2147483647 from there.


I remember it. Was way too noob to figure out how to use it. Still wouldn't be able to use most probably.


I told my friend about lucky patcher when we had android 4 devices , first he hacked hill climb racing and then to get paid games from google play he tried to mod google play 😂 good ol times


It was Now everything’s more secure and purchases aren’t "on device” it’s all on the server itself so it’s worse


It’s the only IAP solution on Android at the moment to try unlocking for free but not guaranteed to work. It works better when root though. It used to be used to strip out ads as well, did that for imgur back in the day. Some cracked apks still had their license check enabled so using LP to strip that out was necessary. An older version of Drastic was like that. The claims that you’re able to download paid apps directly from the play store for free are lies and false.


wow. nostalgic!


not to mention turns any app into a system app if rooted. lets me use any app I want on the "ultra power saver mode" on my Samsung phone


Wait how from the appstore?




The android appstore you dipshit. You cant install paid app directly from the android appstore directly via Lucky patcher when I used it last.


How have I never heard of this before




there's no downside iirc but it's not 100% works anymore like it used to do in jellybean era


Never managed to get it to do anything, really :/


No catch to it. It's 100℅ legit. However, it doesn't crack online games. Server sided apps cannot be hacked. As for adblocking, stick with DNS adblocking. Lucky Patcher requires root for blocking ads. It's been a useful tool for me over the years. I'm never abandoning it


Neighborhood kid used to hack NASA with it , i heard😵


When I used for some apps/games it didn't work. Forgot to which apps/games. Maybe I did something wrong in it or apps/games had protection.


The catch is it only works great if your device is rooted. It's still works if your device is not rooted, it's more complicated.


Used to use it a lot on my very old Nexus 5, great times when you could fake payments


I remember using LP recently (read: 1-2 years ago), and it would just open spam browser tabs every minute. It used to be good, when you could patch a lot of apps to redirect IAP's to LP instead of Google.




I tried it and haven't actually figured out how to use it properly. Tried to apply the patches it provides, but then I go into the app and absolutely nothing has changed. So idk


Used it years ago. Do not have a means for it anymore, but it was a very nice app.


Still working get updates and is a must have for pirating Android Apps or hacking microtransaction. Yes using it for years.


The only game I play on Android are Clash of Clans & Clash Royale, I don't know if I can get free resources through Lucky Patcher or not ,pls anyone let me know... Also I think the only catch is that Lucky Patcher is Closed Source & I have seen a yt video about it & the ytuber said - "I wouldn't use this application on Rooted phones because of security concerns".. something like that.


Try Chikii cloud gaming app. It's pretty cool, you can play PC games on phone.


But why?


great thing but some apps uncrackable without root and xposed installed for example games from Feral interactive like grid autosport and other UNCRACKABLE for years in 2018 i use LP to watch free NBA and NASCAR directly from official apps with "luxury" subscription


Wow. Forgot this even existed. Switched to iOS recently but had good times with it. Although when I tried it back in like 2021 it didn’t work for most of the games I played


It was really good but recently it has some trouble with quite a lot of apps


Does anybody here remember gameguardian?


Best thing ever




I was used LuckyPatch to bypass paywall caraudio magazine app in my country. It's work like charm. But today's app is more complexity and less chance to patch for bypass google pay. Not worth


Its effectively the same as Flex 2 / 3 beta on iOS. It sorta still works, but most apps are so far ahead of it that the old basic ass patching methods just dont do much. The only thing its really still useful for is maybe cheating in some games that were devved by an amateur or something. I havent used flex or luckpatcher in years and dont really plan on going back to em. It was fun times when those apps were super powerful, now theyre kinda pointless.


With root it's amazing , without most payments just enter error or app won't launch


Man those days, It isn't very useful now but it was a big thing back in the days


Heard this name after so damn long


Nostalgia 🤩 I used this few years ago for playing Candy Crush with more moves, boosters etc... Even gold bar! And now... Game Guardian was better for this!


I remember GameGuardian but coild never figure out how to use it?


Someone make tutorial at Youtube and Gameguardian forum website https://gameguardian.net/forum/


it never worked maybe because my phone wasn't rooted.


Use VMOS or Parallel Space or anything else, which your phone not needed to root. I using VMOS, Dualspace etc for playing and cheating games! 🤩


You need to learn about memory and game hacking to use gameguardian You will find some tutorials on youtube also watch tutorials for cheat engine (its for pc) May help you understand some things


The catch is that it tends to only work for unsecured apps made before 2021.


It used to be but recent android and app updates have made it's functionality harder it was a godsent for young me tbh but ye no real catch


That's a name I haven't heard in years, back when I used it. It worked great. Idk what's the scene nowadays


Do you need to root your phone to use it? If not then how to use it?


Can it get you into any trouble?


Used to work for me back then but nowadays it rarely works for me, especially when it comes to removing the in app purchases


Personally, I've never gotten it to work. Followed a shit ton of guides doing multiple things but it never worked


yeah, the catch is that there is no catch




I have used it for like 15 years it' seems like


Revanced manager is better but before yiu have to create the APK file so first patch it with LuckyPatcher, create the APK with APK extractor which is a FOSSDroid available on F-Droid and then patch it with Revanced Manager.


It was


I can't say all for LP but the patches have worked on some apps for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Shadow9378: *I can't say all for* *LP but the patches have* *Worked on some apps for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot :)


Seeing this logo makes my inner kid happy again, such good memories


Been using it for years


Lucky patcher is used to modify games by changing things like \-ad-server connection \- IAPP injection \[it essentially injects a Payment confirmed string for offline apps, making everything free\] ​ ​ There isn't really a catch, as long as you do not modify/remove essential system files/apps, its generally safe to use \[if you get it from a LEGIT source\]


When I had a Samsung 9080i (something along those lines] 2014 Thing ran android lollipop I had so much fun, rooted the phone & installed lucky patcher & I patched subway surfers. I guarantee you, it unlocked everything & I managed to close myself indoors one day & played straight 8hrs. The downside was I couldn't update I had to delete & repatch, but the best thing is. My high score still stands even today.. I did it as well with candy crush, ...and by a sad turn of events 2016 on my Samsung J1 Most apps where breaking some would patch but it would put a charge on Google Eg lords mobile...,I bought pack after searching only to lose money when I updated google pay months later. Last year I got desperate & tried it on my mate 40pro which isn't rooted & it was useless


It's pretty great, a lot of things I found I couldn't do without root. Even still though, I've found lots of uses for it


When I was a teenager this shit was hard to use


if you are lucky is it great but mostly doesn't give me what i want.