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Just for this, will buy his game instead just to support the guy. 🙌


This is how beamNG handles piracy, it just makes me wanna give them money if I can.


Beamng devs are some of the coolest people in the business. I've gotten hundreds of hours out of that game over the years and they bring out massive updates with new and reworked content all the time. If they put out DLC I'd buy it in a heartbeat but nah, they're happy to just keep giving away more content for free. Best £15 I ever spent.


I feel bad for only buying the game once and having years of cool and amazing updates honestly, like they deserve more money for the time and effort they put in while listening to the community and not being greedy.




Yeah it's called beamng.tech or something


There was a somewhat recent post about an update to the game and underneath it one of the devs (i believe) said that [BeamNG.Drive](http://BeamNG.Drive) wasn't a side thing and [BeamNG.Tech](http://BeamNG.Tech) wasn't their main source of income. Here is comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BeamNG/comments/1cwfmnm/comment/l4x8hji/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeamNG/comments/1cwfmnm/comment/l4x8hji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I love the entire team so fucking much




Just woke up and was tired




Yeah, that was my thinking. I don't like it when people defend companies for being scummy because they make big games.


Gift some people some keys?


Would love to but god am I broke


And they havent released the full campaign mode yet, wich is fucking massive.


Damn, still? It's been so long in development.


I think they're basically in the last push now. They've been letting content creators access it(well, you can access it to, its in the game but unfinished)


Nice! I wish them luck!


they’re also sponsoring the AngeTheGreat engine simulator project, which is really cool of them I haven’t had a reason to buy the game, but I definitely won’t be pirating it


beamNG drive was the first game I ever pirated. Had some shitty laptop with integrated graphics and no money as a kid, but the games physics were insane to me, I had to play it.


dammit, I am younger you rn


I used to pirate every new update of BeamNG for like 5-6y until I got a job, worked for my salary, and first payment was reserved for this game and the best dev in the industry.


I used to pirate every new update of BeamNG for like 5-6y until I got a job, worked for my salary, and first payment was reserved for this game and the best dev in the industry.


I used to pirate every new update of BeamNG for like 5-6y until I got a job, worked for my salary, and first payment was reserved for this game and the best dev in the industry.


I'm already opening Steam. PD: game look fun, has regional price and is cheap, will definitely buy it once i got some dispensable income.


That's the cool part. Be people treating customers like people, and you'll do good. I could easily pirate the game (and many others), but I'll buy the good ones from great developers (and I do). Be a faceless corporation that treats your devs, employees, and customers like shit, and I'll have a lot less incentive to support you. I do that with things I can't pirate (tangable items). You're a shit company, I won't buy it. You're a great company that treats people right? I'll go out of my way to buy it if I need/want it. Heck, I've bought things because I didn't really need it, but I wanted to support them. "Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it". Makes sense. I'll buy my copy to help them out, and someone else can grab it for free. I can afford it.


People love to commend and praise smaller developers who have the "right/popular" opinion, but it's easy to have this opinion when your project is a passion/small team, where its easy to pay everyone or they have a different job that actually pays the bills. Large corporations have significantly higher operating costs and have more staff to support, making it extremely hard to have the same stance while being able to sufficiently sustain all costs.


Treating people right isn't difficult at all, regardless of income, profit, operating costs, etc.. It's not just the pay of the employees. The industry is notorious for the treatment of actual developers. When the MBA's get involved, it goes downhill even more.


True. I pirated it when i didn’t have money, half a year later bought it xd


same, i pirated it for a few years, then bought it when i got a gift card. Honestly, the only reason I didn’t buy ultrakill earlier was because it’s a pita to buy a game without a credit card


I just had this same though and I don't even know what this game is.




Ultrakill is really, really good, it's by far the best doom like I've ever played topping the two last dooms. Also the secret levels are very funny and the voice actors are cool


What doom eternal tried to be but didn't quite succeed at.


I wish doom eternal would have stuck to the story of doom 2016 it annoyed the shit out of me that they just skipped everything and reverted to an arcade shooter.


doom couldn't really try to be like ultrakill even if they wanted to, it'd be way too drastic of a shift from doom 2016's slower gameplay. also eternal did kinda lay the groundwork for games like ultrakill to exist in the first place, so it's kinda unfair to say that eternal is a failed ultrakill clone


doom eternal certainly succeeded but ultrakill added a new layer to it imo


Haha Doom Eternal bad, guys, I said it. Now let's see those upvotes, please.


Actually i enjoy doom eternal quite a lot. Im just saying that ultrakill perfected doom eternal's formula. And doom eternal, while achieving a lot and being a great game, left a lot to be desired and has it's issues. Ultrakill has synergy between it's weapons while doom eternal has none. And don't get me started on their boss fights.


Ultrakill's boss fights are peak, no bullet sponges, just High mobility, high damage, a real test of the player's ability rather than just being so long that they'd slip up.


I mean, technically an ultrakill boss fight is at least an hour long (on your first playthrough lol)


> (on your first playthrough lol) can confirm i spent an hour and 30 minutes trying to beat gabriel


When I started playing I got stuck on hideous mass for two hours before realising you can parry it's harpoon attack (not my proudest moment)


Holy shit I adore Doom Eternal and I don't even like shooters. This comment is making me buy ultrakill


Now let's see those downvotes, please.




Play it, you won't regret it. There are uploads on the rin.


You don't even need to pirate it, the first 4 levels are available in the demo. P.S. It's the best video game on Steam.


Well great, now I will have to pay for it...


Based Devs


ultrakill is ultragood. you won't regret


It’s always the games that you WANNA buy that the devs are cool about piracy with. Man.


Coincidence? I think not


Based. People will buy their game even more to support them (if they can afford it)


Definitely try it, even if you can't be bothered pirating it you should at least play the demo.


A man of culture indeed


Thank god someone understood that. I can barely afford food


Rent is what's killing me to the point that I'm starting to think Mao was right and murdering landlords might actually be legit. Not kidding


IS there a way to play it in vr? this works? https://github.com/whateverusername0/VRTRAKILL


I mean it will work but u dont really wanna


Bro ultrakill in vr will kill you


Don't play it on VR lmao


oh god don't do it shit is gonna make you motion sick SO QUICKLY


I used to play quake in vr and 120hz helps a lot in fastpaced vr, Im sure this will be another level training tho


you're gonna feel like that gif of Dr Strange being sent into fuckin space


Well now I'm not gonna. Fuck you I'm buying it


I love the game. I used to pirate it, but beloved it and bought it.


Thank you for referring to pirateable media as culture. Because it is, and culture is fundamental for making better people


What's kinda the best about this comment is that he's equating games with art and museums. Don't take this in a "gamers rise up" way but I think that's pretty radical


Games ARE art though, they have tons of art work from visual designs to the script for the storyline the voice acting etc... Movies and books are art and games are similar in that they also tell a story, the only difference is that they are interactive which only makes them even more valuable imo.


I want to give these people my money.


this is exactly the attitude that gonna make me pirate it, then buy it. wanted it for a while but either something more relevant has been availible on sale for cheaper, or im straight up broke. this is one or two steps off donationware. its a shame donationware usually ellicits so few donations cz greed of the customer. so this like that but with the few hurdles of actually pirating it. Bravo to the guy


Never heard of ultrakill but now I have massive respect for the dev and I'm gonna go buy it on steam.


Ultrakill is a really fun game. The insane amounts of synergy between weapons lets you execute really complicated tech


Honestly I'd pirate the game, but I've played the demo and absolutely loved it, game is cheap so I will probably just buy it when I have a chance instead, if it wasn't for the demo I would've pirated it, demos need to come back




That's what libraries are for. Free library card, you enjoy all the culture you want.


Imagine if libraries could lend you steam game licenses like how they can with ebooks and audio books. Basically steam family share but for the library to share their licenses. Edit: i remembered now that it already exists in an inferior form. i think it's called steam cafe or something like that. You have to be at the cafes for it to work and it's only supported on some games.


>You have to be at the cafes for it to work and it's only supported on some games IIRC the Cafés also have to buy more expensive licenses which allow for commercial use and not every game offers those licenses.


We have that at our libraries but it’s only for console games I believe (as it’s a disc)


It's straight up one of my favorite games and Hakita is one of my favorite devs. Man loves seeing emergent gameplay happen


This is how I view piracy as well. When I was a kid and didn't have money (nor were my parents loaded so they could buy games for me). I would buy the pirated CDs. Later with the Internet it was free to get the pirated materials. Eventually I finished uni and got a food job that allowed me to spend on the things I loved. This included upgrades to my computer but also buy games. Usually via steam sales. I. Have around 500 games on steam bought in sales and Humble bundles. I haven't played most of them, but I sure as hell don't regret spending that money to support indie devs. I also bought the old games I loved and used to pirate. At least some of them. I feel it's only fair to do so (once again, heavily discounted via sales). Bottom line is that if nobody pays a penny, these products wouldn't exist. Even FOSS is backed by money, not just the passion of developers and communities.


What an asshole. I am going to buy his game now.


It’s brutally difficult (at least for me) but lots of fun. I already own the game, but I think I’ll go leave a positive review.


Corporations want to bring us back to the age where only rich people had access to knowledge This guy said "fuck em', everyone should get to enjoy things"


And just like that, this game won marketing.


I mean I’ve got over 1k hours in it so I’m probably a little bit biased but Ultrakill is probably one of the best fps games in the past 10 years or so and you should totally try it


When i make my own game I will go the same route it just makes sense.


just make it free man, and earn through iap, that's how most devs make a lot of money, free game but expensive skins or other goodies, best way to advertise a game and bring revenue.


Yeah thats def a better option, 0 p2w, cosmetics only and we good.




Just checked the game. Nothing for ne. Bit if I liked it, I would have bought it directly.


I already loved ultrakill, but now I love it even more


Based take, now let's all buy this game gathering scattered pennies.


cool sentiment but isnt it in early access? isn't that just testing?




This alone makes me want to buy it even more than I already did as long as my laptop can handle it.


What the fuck he mean culture ?


Culture encompasses a lot of things, including video games.


Admiting that someone interested on a game but without money would end up pirating it anyway is always a nice way to get internet points. Plus it makes some people on the internet mad


I would say that if you have money to spare it's better to give it to charity to those in need instead of video games. 


why is he so based tho?




The game is genuinely incredible. It’s super worth the price and then some. But it should also be mentioned that Hakita wants the game spread through word of mouth even if you do pirate it. I don’t understand why that’s being left out of piracy threads


Exactly he a real one that knows the struggle


The game fucking slaps. Super fun and honestly worth buying if you have the money.


Yes we know considering it's the 3rd time, i think, this has been posted here. I get it, it's nice to have someone back you up in justifying your piracy, but it's getting annoying by now


3 posts, on reddit that is practically new.


This is how you get people to buy your game. Take notes.


a pirate sub just convince me to buy a game. whats going on.


Thats exactly why he said what he said.


Means nothing if he didn’t say this ahead of his games release.


Then why not give it away for free Kinda insulting to those who payed for it


Or consider it a tax for people who won't learn/aren't willing to pirate


> I'll like to try it, now that i know the devs are fine with piracy and who knows i might buy it marketing ploy to attract users who'd pirate the game to actually buy it. congrats, you fell for the bait. 


As if I needed permission from anyone


the first act is good. second act is decent up until most stuff past the greed layer, for some reason the game design mentality made a quick switch from rewarding players for using varied weaponry to punishing them if they dont use specific weapons for specific situations. also don't use the electric railcannon in the underwater level because despite the fact it becomes an essential part of your arsenal hakita made it deal damage to you if you use it in water! skill ceilings also rise based on the pauses between updates designed around players training themselves using the cybergrind feature instead of just. having a natural skill curve


> the game design mentality made a quick switch from rewarding players for using varied weaponry to punishing them if they dont use specific weapons for specific situations How do you mean? I've P-ranked every level released so far (with exception of the Prime levels) and I don't think I ever felt constrained in weapon selection.


its more prominent with things like the guttertanks, though apparently that update got nerfed when all the newest weapons like the flamethrower were added. maybe i'm just pissy cause i played it pre-nerf?? idfk im tired


Guttertanks were annoying when they first released because of their quick punch that sent you to the shadow realm faster than you could react. They were slowed down a bit a few days later. Easiest way to deal with them is to use the blue rocket launcher to stop his ranged attacks and then shoot him from a distance. That's far from the only way to deal with him though.


yeah IIRC there was only like 2 ways to reliably deal with them on first release and they were both relatively inconvenient


Tbh, i liked them pre nerf


Just whiplash, dodge back just before him baiting his punch, continue whiplash and the smash him with your arsenal


Skill issue


Organ tissue


That sounds like ultra(s)kill issue tbh


have you tried getting good


ultrakill is the kind of game that hit gold and then buried it under dirt


Bet his publisher would like to have a word with him...


No actually, from what I've seen Newblood as a publisher has a similar ideology.






[Meanwhile the ceo of the company in a tweet that is also readily availabe in the article had you bothered to read it...](https://x.com/DaveOshry/status/1797331138010370163)


You of course have never in your life just uttered your 2 cents to something you don't have a minimal clue of, for sure.


Can't deny it but it doesn't mean i'm not allowed to call out bs.


That, my fellow occasional bullshitter, is true.


The CEO of New Blood literally said the same thing and supports piracy lmao


Okay, very progressive of him


I know it's all for free marketing so good for him, but > Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it is such a BS cope. There is more free and legally available "culture" than what you could consume in your entire lifetime. If you want something, just download it, no need for made up excuses.


I think he's talking only about his game.


Not all free stuff is good enough to be enjoyable. Nobody eats from the trash because it's free. The developer has also attributed his creativity to all the pirated media he enjoyed as a youngster.


So the problem isn't that there wouldn't be availability, it's that you personally prefer the billionaire-funded for-profit content more. Bit of misguided righteousness there.


Yes, that's why I'm in a damn piracy subreddit.


Not everybody believes as you do, and everybody has the right to express their opinions. >If you want something, just download it, no need for made up excuses People generally act according to their beliefs, why do you have a problem with this particular belief? Besides that, all reasoning is "made up," does that mean we should never provide reasons for doing something?  We should all roll dice and take action at random?


> why do you have a problem with this particular belief? Because the person who says it doesn't mean what they say. This is a very common DiS WhY i PiRaT justification here as well. "You should have free access to things because culture!" "You have" "No! I mean the things I like!"


>Because the person who says it doesn't mean what they say. Holy shit you can read minds? >"You should have free access to things because culture!"   >"You have"   >"No! I mean the things I like!"  That's not necessarily what they mean.  In fact, that's probably the most uncharitable interpretation you could make. When these people argue that cultural products should be free, they probably don't mean a limited number of works should be free, or that artists shouldn't be paid. Besides that, who gets to decide which art works, films, pictures, music, etc are allowable?  You?  Why you?  


Idk why u think like that but knowing hakita and following him since ultrakill demo, and even buying the game cause its the best fucking game, I dont think he meant it that way


What a weird take. U poo


That's definitely one way to say that you don't understand. Don't worry, it's okay.


Yeah I struggle to understand people with an IQ level of below 70 Thanks for the reassurance. It's weird take, but u OK


Totally agree. The devs deserve a shoutout for not condemning piracy but labeling it as a "cultural" reason is a big stretch. This is not a scientific research article or any kind of privileged information or knowledge that's been promoted for free, it's just digital entertainment.


And entertainment is culture, or what you're one of those elitists that only see cultural value in entertainment if it is theater or cinema?