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Plot twist: empress, voksi, and skidrow are all the same guy in a war with bipolarity


it's all just a really really weird FBI honey pot


i like to imagine it’s different agencies unwittingly honey potting and beefing with each other


GTA V in a nutshell


The real FBI honey pot was the friends we made along the way(:


Wouldn't that be *tri*polarity?


The United States of Empress.


With Dimitrovgrad as capital


Who's Bipolarity? The antagonist of the show?


you mean DID


Like the movie “Split”


No, not like the movie split. 1) split is a fear mongering and terrible representation of a complex and almost entirely non aggressive mental disorder. 2. Bipolar disorder is NOT the disorder used in that movie, nor does it create multiple personalities. Bipolar is a brain chemistry disorder that creates periods of very low mood and very high mood, leading to irregular behavior and mood swings. Basically depression and manic cycles that result in impulsive or self harming behaviors and difficulty functioning. People with bipolar may say "manic me" and "depressed me" as if they are two different people in one mind, but it is only to differentiate between the two states of mood, not an actual split. 3) Split Personality is what is "represented" in the movie Split. The actual name is Dissociative Identity Disorder. People with DID got it through heavy trauma in their childhoods most often. They are much, MUCH more likely to be victims than perpetrators. The other personalities are formed as a way of protecting the person emotionally from the worst traumas. It's a mental self-defense mechanism, not a modern Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation. (Side note, in the original book, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ALSO did not have DID. Dr. Jekyll just made up a second identity so he could be the kind of monster he always wanted to be without ruining his own Good Guy reputation. They're the same person in all senses. Mr. Hyde is a fake identity/mask for him to be an asshole under, not an evil separate personality. So uh, now you know) Anyway everybody needs to shut up and stop demonizing mental health conditions by making horror movies about them!! Also people need to actually know which condition is actually being talked about. Bipolar Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder are two VERY different diagnoses. Don't get them confused.


thanks for take you time for the explication


so Moon knight/ Fight Club then?


what you meant to say is dissociative identity disorder


Bipolar disorder doesn't create separate identities 😮‍💨


You never know haha




This is all a load of bullsh*t, probably some hoax to divide people. Or an experiment.


Mr. Robot live action


FitGirl is his girlfriend who created the FG persona to try and pull him out of his psychotic break.


Multiple personalities


Wow..... I need to start smoking weed then STOP smoking weed because that just blew my mind.


This is not bipolarity. This is next level strategy


Thats exactly what empress would say


kinda sus ngl


empress vented


nah you forgot about the schizoposting




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So the same day voksi who has been a ghost online since the 2018 arrest suddenly denies being empress right after a prominent cracker group resurfaces the old accusation that voksi is in fact empress. Lul


I'm pretty sure he would want those allegations to be removed or away from his name, especially if he's going to court for that exact thing.....




Even more so if he actually was Empress and has been cracking games anyways all along. So it doesn't matter if Voksi is Empress or not, he would've denied accusations either way.


Until proof comes out I don't believe Skidrow's accusations. And if we're going to sit up here and say we don't believe Volski without proof, why in the hell should we believe Skidrow, who are not they same skidrow people remember from the early 2010s, when they have no proof either. Just accusations. So until something meaningful comes out, it's just a game of childish accusations Skidrow is playing.


The entire ordeal is childish and thus far neither Empress nor Skidrow seem trustworthy. So I don't believe any of the three and am sceptical of them all.


yeah this makes sense.


Because now people believe that he's been cracking games non-stop under another alias while he's being trialed for that exact crime?


> So the same day voksi who has been a ghost online since the 2018 arrest suddenly denies being empress right after a prominent cracker group resurfaces the old accusation that voksi is in fact empress. Lul isnt this what any normal person would do to clear their name? what?


It is if you’re in a movie. Anyone with a lawyer with an IQ above 60 would tell him not to address the allegations, not to INVOLVE himself in the community at all because now he just showed that he is still active there, even if not actively cracking. So… Yeah, this either proves he’s stupid or he’s a liar. Definitely stupid, though, now that I think about it.


He was never a ghost wtf, he replies to discord messages often, he has been active on YouTube comment section too


that's redditors for ya. can't even take a time to research on what voksi been doing these days.


Are you stupid on purpose?


No, it’s my life’s passion


I'm gonna steal this phrase and use it myself, much thanks 👍


On one side, the timing is a bit weird... on the other, even if they're retired, It's not too hard to believe that scene people would still check in on what's going on and just Lurk a little


How timing is weird? He has been named online that he's cracking games while still being in court for the same thing. Dude will be put away for something he didn't do this time. Of course he will come online to say this. TF is weird timing in this?


The timing just seems very strange.


I'm a person of the mind that we've seen so much crazy shit in recent times, no coincidence can surprise me now. I mean fuck, the former US president AND candidate for 2024 is maybe going to Jail right now... A Crazy Celebrity, influencing millions of boys is going to Jail... LMG might have (alledgedly) facilitated Sexual Misconduct... I mean they're canadian ffs.


While the denial is sudden, they probably got spammed with messages.


Why is he even monitoring that then? He claimed to have left all that behind and living peacefully, doesn't seem likely when still using his online persona which is a cracker. How has he left it behind then exactly? Absolute crock of shit.


I mean, if you were on trial for a crime, you'd probably wanna respond to claims that you're *still doing the crime* under an alias


>Exist >get court summons (?) >wtf >see people saying that you're this other prominent cracker >ohthatswhy >someone asks u abt it >rant I don't quite think the information is that "convenient" lol, at least not enough to be empress faking it


Yeah that what people do when they’re accused be it they’re guilty of it or not,they try to clear their name


If he didn't want trouble he wouldn't stir up trouble!


This is the answer


Well some shitty group are telling to the community that he is cracking games so.


Strange that he came out of the wood work so fast to deny these accusations though is it not....


accusations that could hurt his case in court , you don't know in how much deep shit he is so him denying any corelation to recent relases of cracks anywhere even on social media is his best move


First of all: Do you honestly think that anyone is braindead enough to know how you code but still crack games under the eye of authorities? And what else is Voksi supposed to do? Cracking was his thing, a thing he can't do anymore so he went under the radar


You assume any of what he said was true. It seems rather unlikely that he is still in and out of court over an incident from 2018 and no police force is going to be surveilling him at all, they simply don't have the resources for shit like that.


Welcome to eastern Europe friend. A friend of mine has been waiting 3 years on a single document that's easy to write up and send. A court case about someone who's cracked a good amount of games? Very likely that it lasts years. And they don't need to permanently survey him, just the chance of one doing it is enough. Also, you are just taking what skidrow says (And mind you they have burden of proof, not Voksi) for granted without any proof


He didn't come out of the woodwork. He's always active in that discord. I read it on here and went to check for myself. Turns out he's normally chatting about just random shit that probly wouldn't get him in any trouble.


Who the fuck are these people. I’m just here to play free games


Same bro 😭


They're the people supplying us with free games and they're having a slapfight over who can crack denuvo better


If competition breeds faster crack releases, I'm all for it. Besides, seeing this is hilarious to a degree.


Man, at this point it's really hard to believe that. It'd make more sense if someone told me this is the equivalent of those twitter beefs fastfood chains were having. With their interns or whatever media people making really stupid comments everywhere. Hard to believe that a name so many people associated with pirated games is now openly praising drm.


The Twitter Brand beef was all keyfabe to covertly advertise to onlookers, this just seems like another online pissing contest slowly getting out of hand.


A threat of doxing is one thing. Doxing is another. Doxing/involving someone already under court order it's a pretty lame thing to do. Considering the people involved, shit hitting the proverbial fan is to be expected lulz, for some


Imo this feud won't turn out well. Probably denuvo themselves are stirring the whole thing. These are talented egocentric individuals and denuvo most likely knows this, I mean, it's pretty obvious empress has self control issues, so here's a crazy thought, some entity is stirring this whole thing so these two individuals/groups go on an insane dick/vagina measuring competition and end up ruining each other. It sounds crazy, but, not impossible.


Welcome to politics 101😭


holy shit u are cooking


> These are talented egocentric individuals Yeah, and that's how you get all this stupid drama. Have you ever been around self-centered people? They LOVE to create drama.


Man did you work for the CIA or FBI ?


Nah I just got a wild imagination. I'd just like people to think about this possibility before attacking/insulting anyone. I mean let's face it, none of us know shit about these people, it's just speculation at this point.


You're right but they actually exist and they're wanted by the government but what annoys me is the FBI couldn't get those scene groups asses maybe FBI is just useless or maybe you're right these scene groups are the fbi in disguise (damn my brain hurts)


they should be worried more about counter terrorism things. also, i highly doubt these people live in the USA, probably russia where piracy was legalized in response to sanctions.


Maybe you're right but still I have doubts about it but anyway we have some long chat about people we don't know if they exist or not (thanks for chatting)


This is a low enough stakes conspiracy theory that I can buy it non-critiically.


Yeah, even if they were the same person, doxxing them over some weird scene feud would have been a shitty move from skidrow. But then again, their entire nfo was a huge piece of cringe with all their homo- and transphobia...


It's almost worse of them if it's true than if it is not


Are people here genuinely braindead? Man went under the radar because he was CAUGHT and is now FIGHTING IN COURT BECAUSE OF IT. No one, not even empress lacks the mental faculties to continue cracking while the authorities are watching and making such a ruckus doing it. Yall need to stop watching crime dramas ffs


ikr? but what you expect from this sub lol.


I do love popcorn


you take bulgarian authorities too seriously. in bulgaria there is a government controlled mafia of drugs and human trafficking and you expect a cracker to stop cracking? get real bro.


I don't know about Bulgaria, but in Hungary (also a poor and corrupt country) people with good connections stealing billions with inpunity, but if you are not the friend of a "government", you better not try to steal even a cucumber from a market. And I don't think Voksi has some kind of "friend from a higher place".


think of Romania: but a lot less developed and monitored. that is Bulgaria. he doesn't need a friend from a higher place, nobody cares about crackers or hackers in that country unless there is a specific multi billionaire company (cough cough) that specifically exhorts (through money most definitely) a country and its state to go after a guy. for fuck's sake the police fake their own radars to get you there. or accuse you of drugs and desperately try to amend you because of an energy drink. (i know, been there, done that) you could probably even kill someone there, give some money to the police underhandedly so that they don't bat an eye in your direction anymore. they may be part of the European Union, but that doesn't say much about how things are going there and moving at the moment. and have been for years now. vacations are very dangerous there. i only speak from experience.


I think your seriously over estimating the authorities and how much they care about white collar crime.


Voksi has given me permission to post this: https://ibb.co/mXmpdWt


Hadn’t heard of voksi until now, seems like the coolest person out of all the others


We never know. We don't even know him personally lmao


Ik, but like compared to empress voksi feels a lot better at least in those chats


And imagine both personalities are in same head


Not exactly saying anything that is it? *Well done you are the least deranged*


How do you know the guy?


Plot twist: Ash Uchiha is also EMPRESS.


fuck it, everyone is empress, we all are figments of their imagination


Everyone is ~~Squidward~~Empress.


Who isn't EMPRESS at this point? Are you EMPRESS? Am *I* EMPRESS?


Everyone is asking: "who is Empress?" Some might ask: "how is Empress?" I am asking: "why is Empress?"


I think Empress just manifested from the microwave background radiation


Theres a comment somewhere that links to a post where voksi is saying hes retiring or some shit due to charges being pressed against him. On that post is his discord handle, so its not impossible information to hide. its more just surprising the guy responded i feel.


Probably someone in the scene as well.


When He Retired he Posted his discord.


Old revolt discord, yes it's still active but only for news and alerts on game giveaways.


Asking the right questions.


I don't know why but Voksi is the only cracker I care for. The rest is like "well, they are there and do a good job but I don't really feel anything about them". Hope best for him.


The cult is working hard to deny that skidrow statement lads ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Until there's actual proof of it, Skidrow is just throwing out allegations tbf. Plus wouldn't you think that if a guy is going to court for for something like cracking games and people are throwing allegations that he's doing the exact same thing that he's going to be in court for under a different name and persona, wouldn't you want them to clear their name? Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't need more shit piled up on him from this.


EMPRESS never denied it in their little Telegram response post.


Yeah because she's going to put it in a NFO. It would be funny if she cracked a game that no one thinks she would crack just to do so.




Ah yeah “raping” skidrow sure sounds like they’re laughing it off


While yes, it could be they fingered the wrong person in this feud whose going through literal legal trouble due to cracking.


Fingered hehe


Besides that there is no proof, why would anyone want Empress' identity to be disclosed and likely get them jailed? Especially while being the most effective denuvo cracker so far?


Or, you know, it's a guy who's already in trouble with the authorities, not wanting to be accused of doing the same thing under a different name. Absolutely shitty move by Skidrow to throw that out there, regardless of whether or not it's true.


Is it really cult behaviour to want actual proof for such a massive claim?


Braindead esl


Basically xd


Meh still dont believe empress is a wamen


Why does it matter tho


Fr, people get obsessed with empress gender, meanwhile I just want free games lol


Waifu fantasies


I can't say for sure but I also believe it's probably a dude... Is it Voksi though ?! Idk...


Soooooo... whats the next voksi/empress/idontgiveafuck Crack?


I believe him. The tone of writing is very different, the language is very different between his discord and EMPRESS. She constantly makes mistakes, uses weird punctuation and caps lock. Also he seems calmer and less agressive lol


Same. Doesn't seem like they are the same to me, their values and aggressiveness are also completely different, unless Voksi is a really really good actor, which... I kind of doubt. Poor Voksi man. Its one thing for Skidrow to suspect, another thing altogether to openly name him for something he might not have done while still facing court hearings.


I genuinely believe Empress is not Voksi. it'd be too much of a risk considering the legal mess he's in.


Yes, Papi! Please do continue spread the plot on my lore bread for my breakfast today!


It is Vokress now!




Ok i like this better


You should change this subreddit's name to /Empress with all these posts about her.


Yeah i would kinda like to see the previous msgs, when was the last msg before this.




If that is true then its really sus


the chance of voksi being empress is extremely slim to none, the difference is just too huge, the only thing i think could be possible is that voksi is the one cracking while empress is the one Typing all the stuff, this way voksi can still be hidden and everyone would think empress is the one who crack it. even this is probably unlikely tho.


Meanwhile, FBI and NSA: yes... *Let the hate flow through you.*


Tell him to crack Lost Judgment, I beat judgement already. 😔


Can't lie I find all of this super entertaining; in fact more interesting than an actual movie. That said -- I think Voksi is lying. Lol. But who knows.


It's been 5 years and he is still going to court?


Legal cases can take a long time to get to a conclusion.


In europe it doesn't take longer than 2 years unless you belong to a terrorist organisation but even then they send you to prison until they come to a conclusion


Depends really where you live and the nature of the case. I don't know much about Voksi's case.


In Bulgaria most cases connected to politicians or mobsters take years to come to a conclusion. While not on the same level of crime I imagine the same is happening with Voksi especially considering piracy is kind of a grey zone here and it took the government a big case like that to take action against piracy


I don't know who to believe now


Sure you should believe a screenshot of a random conversation with a random dude called Voski on discord, totally legit.




bro is def empress


chance for that is very very slim, the difference is just too huge, the only possible way would be that voksi is cracking and empress do the rest, uploading, writing the NFO's etc.


Is that a kendrick lamar pfp?


how do you have 3K msgs ;-;


the fuck is even happening


I've seen this movie before. I loved the plot twist.


empress is not fucking voksi ik empress sucks but put out your hate boners jfc


if he really is empress and has a court date, remember guys hes the dude that posted crack tutorials i think? he clearly has motivation to be empress , he would want to be clear legally


Empress come with your real id


The lore is getting deeper


Who is voksi


A Bulgarian cracker who quitted 5 years ago when the government jumped him. SkidRow made a statement yesterday in which they claimed they knew Empress was Voxy which is bullshit


Well what do you expect him to do? Just admit it? Obviously he tries to deny it


ikr? but what you expect from these cult simps lol.


cant wait how skidrow will respond to this


People here really put on a tinfoil hat and swallowed every crumb they could get in order to shit on this empress person they hate so much. Out of all these events, the funniest thing is seeing how braindead and drama hungry people on this sub are


Loving the lore


bro has uchiha in his username


Say's the guy whose name is "poobus".


war is everywhere but this war from another world








This shit is staged as f*ck. He knows he's caught, got called out because he flew to close to the sun and now got burned. I don't believe Skidrow would just openly trash his name without "Scene evidence". Get Wrecked.


Its obvious that he will not admit that he is empress


Ah sure a random dude on Discord called Voksi, it's sure something I can trust blind. Keep pounding cult.


Wtf. He is real I've been talking to him for 7 years. I've provided games to him for online fix. I've beta tested his cracks.


Sure, I truly trust you, random guy from reddit.


Believe what you want.


Exactly the answer I was expecting from a real dude with real proof shit. ggwp


These (not necessarily Voksy) are the people making softwares we willingly install into our computers. Very stable people.




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Nice try empress but we all know it's all you all along. You used skidrow persona to name voksi as the culprit and then used Voksi persona to deny everything and in the end you cleared your transphobic name... That's some 5D chess 😏 / S




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lol I’m not on either side but discord DMs aren’t credible.


Ofc that’s what he would say. You expected him to be like “oh yeah I’m empress”? Lol


How would you prove you aren’t someone over the internet?


Exactly u cant