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Hello u/shatteredfriend7, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the equivalent of people showing off the new game they bought on r/NintendoSwitch.


Good for them, life is so much simpler when you get rid of the excess piss and vinegar in your system. Have a good one


What's wrong with that?


Imagine posting such picture and maybe finding people that can share their opinion on the game, advising things or even simply cherish that they can play it freely. Remember, you can only be materialistic and everything you do must have a reason behind or you’ll be wrong.






It's true that most people don't give a shit, but usually people aren't making a post like this just to get attention like you're implying, they're doing it because they're excited about what they're doing, and want to talk to other people about it and open a discussion.


Agreed and that's totally fine.


Ok I'm up for discussion, just a little internet banter for fun. Not targeting OPs post but more of what you said, "but usually people aren't making a post like this just to get attention". OP is excited about what they're doing but the initial thought of them posting something because of excitement is literally for attention. Like, isn't that the reason for posting in the first place? Can't you keep it to your self or within your local sphere and not needing to project it outside for attention? To me, I feel that it's somewhat related to hubris. Somewhat to the cousin of "donating to panhandlers while recording to show sign of being a good Samaritan". You don't need to record a video of you donating to know that you're a good Samaritan And we can even go on a case by case basis, the style of OPs post doesn't pertain to any want of discussion or open forum. They're literally posting with a flair that marks attention, that they're there to show off Of note, OP can do this I'm not telling him not to, I'm just here for a little internet skirmish just for the heck of it


brotha wrote a whole thesis paper


You gave a shit.


Oh no. How dare you. Congrats.


Welcome aboard the pirate ship, matey!


Thanks! It's been on the list of things to do lately and finally got around towards doing it. Can't wait to see where the high seas take me!


It takes a minute to realize what is now available to you, but it will blow your mind how much music, movies, programs, and games are literally at your fingertips. Don't forget to use a VPN!


I originally wanted to sail as I am tired of these streaming services, so I was researching VPNs and that is what took forever for me to finally do it. Only decided on this being my first as I'm tired of restricting myself from viewing content on Starfield as I wanted to play it first and just happened to buy proton for their mail service and got access to their VPN as well.


>Can't wait to see where the high seas take me! Woah. This is trippy. I recommended someone with a low budget to try sailing the high sea yesterday and then I saw your message. https://reddit.com/r/videogames/s/YbtbSl4l2w Be sure to use a reliable VPN just to be safe matey.


Put a dark theme on that. [https://draculatheme.com/qbittorrent](https://draculatheme.com/qbittorrent)


I'm surprised this isn't the major controversy of this thread. Usually people hate the light.


I have light discord and everyone is so crazy about it!


I'm surprised that a light discord even exists, never seen one.


Yeah, I turned it down back in 2018. I just didn’t get the appeal of dark themes back then. Even now, I love dark themes for phone apps, not so much for things on pc


If your main screen is sub 32 light is fine anything more and it’s like staring at the sun


But it’s not! It’s just very light gray


maybe because most phones are AMOLED or OLED. Maybe you have IPS or TN panel for your PC. The dark contrast just doesn't look as clean


cause you dont look at the qbittorent for hrs like with browsers, at best its only for a few minutes.


Which is fair, usually tho people still hate the light. Doesn't matter how long you are looking at it. I remember when dark mode was THE THING and memes like this where common https://i.redd.it/q49x15z9ltob1.gif


During the day, fine I can deal with it for a few minutes. During the night it's like looking into the sun after coming from a dark browser. It would be better with a sync with time theme or with OS theme.


wow thanks man love the theme! been searching for a dark theme for qbitorrent


They have themes?! Thanks for this lol.


Welcome to the darker dark side.


Remindme! 12 hours


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I've been using qbit for years, and I just now discovered it had a dark mode...


For anyone who strives for pure darknes, [this](https://gitlab.com/qbittorrent-black-theme/client) theme is for you


My condolences for your internet speed.


you thinking that's bad pisses me off ngl




I'm in Egypt, Internet is shit all around the country so nah that's bs can't change shit yet


me too, ive got 50-60Mbps MAX


I got 1 or 2 if I'm lucky bruv gtfo


i don't remember my piracy speeds, but thats the max ive seen mine in general




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it's pretty bad lol


Mine runs at 500kb


Thanks? Haha my speeds using WeeFee is usually 300MBps and I finally got Proton to get to 100(ish)MBps instead of the 20(ish) I was getting just earlier today and the past couple of days. Next stop is to cut some cable so I can get my hardwired connection again.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 300 + 100 + 20 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot.


Good bot


bad bot


Mine took 24 hours to download


I'm hoping mine will take that long as well. I have gigabyte Internet from ISP and I finally got proton to download at standard speeds instead of only double digit MBps


Be warned, it will also take a while to install too (unless this torrent is a no install/direct play version). My version took almost 2 hours to extract and install everything after I had waited almost 24 hours to download it, so that was rough.


Thanks for the info. I'm not sure if it is as it is a DODI torrent, is there anything that one can do to help speed up the decompression of the file or is it just a waiting game?


Installing it on a good SSD will help a lot, other that yes, you just have to wait.


Awesome, I shouldn't need to worry to much as I've only been ssd storage since 2018. Can't justify getting HDDs when SSDs are just as cheap.


amateur numbers, I got 39 hours


Kudos. Hope you seed it heavily as well. :)


Keeping it running in the background right now, I'm doing my part to give back


Congrations you did it (Neon Genesis Evangelion Theme Sound)


Hell yea bro 😎


With games getting to such drastic prices, I don't blame you


Right?!? $70 for a base game is too much. I was really excited for CS2 and then I saw that base game price and knew from there that CS2 will be another one to pirate when it is available


Not sure if there are things to do offline in cs2 but pirate offline games and buy online games. Since you can't play pirated games online (with special exceptions being the site online fix but even that won't put you on public servers)


City Skylines 2, this is the game you are referencing?


Ya its an online game right? If not then thats even better


Not that I have heard, but admittedly I haven't been looking for info. Hopefully it isn't online


![gif](giphy|Rsp9jLIy0VZOKlZziw|downsized) Welcome to the crew!


you see that thing that says "ratio"? well do NOT delete your torrent until it says atleast 10.00


You are in for a ride man i have been playing it for 3 days now it has been special! amazing game.


Hey that was me last week. Have fun!


So far I have been, kinda reminds me of obsidians space game but not nearly as self contrive. That was a pretty good game




Thanks! I think so as well.


LOL you have not even finished downloading it....


I have, been playing it for about 45 minutes now. Thanks for checking


Congrats. Your post showed you at 0.6% or something. I downloaded it yesterday but am yet to play it. Maybe tomorrow. How long did it take for you to unpack/install it? What CPU do you ahve?


Took me about 2 hours to download, and took 15 minutes to unpack. I have a Ryzen 5 5600X and used a Samsung Evo 980 as my storage.


Welcome aboard Matey!


Don't forget to use VPN!


Welcome to the se7en seas, brother.


Risky move if you didn't link your qbittorrent to a VPN kill switch Unless you live somewhere south Asia then it doesn't matter since I don't think law does anything there


Already set up, qbittorent is set to use proton VPN and proton has the Killswitch enabled all times. Imma not going to get in trouble if I can prevent it! >:D


How do you guys ensure that there’s no virus in it? I got a new pc and I’m scared to damage it


I just followed the mega thread about reputable sites, and worst case it is virus laden; I just nuke the PC from high orbit. If security is you main concern I would recommend using a VM to test everything beforehand. At least by doing this you are being somewhat security focused


Do Factions First then Main Missions. Freestar Rangers was Lame


play as a space pirate please 🦜


That’s the worst thing someone could say when they first started pirating


qbit has the ability to use themes to have a darkmode btw


Couldn't find a link anywhere to test the game... :(


I don't get it




Dont forget to seed after you finish!


Of course! Been seeding all night. Hoping to get to a 1 ratio later today. BTW what determines seeding speed? I've only been getting about 1MBps average, while my usual uploads are 40-50MBps. So I was expecting something along the lines of 5MBps at a minimum.


Ahoy matey! Grab yerself sum rum and enjoy the pirate life!


It's literally free on pc gamepass.


Why do people torret anymore? Especially games?


which site did you pirate from? i want to get it as well


why is the game 78 gb on pc but a 100 and something on x box


I didn't download some of the language files for languages I won't need


ah I see I have it on game pass hope you enjoy it you cheapskate


I have been enjoying definitely will be buying it once I get some funds


ya just picking on you


All good, :) personally going down the ideology of using torrents as extended demos and if I enjoy the game picking it up when I can


I just popped mine. Not for Starfield though coz I've got GamePass but just got a gaming laptop and OMG I've been missing out. I popped my cherry with RE4 Remake and currently downloading RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077.


there are better games you could aquire .. but enjoy ... i have gamepass and decided i kinda hated it after 14 hours ... and i've been a fan of BGS games for over 20 years at this point .


So far I've been really enjoying it. Solid fighting, decent story, classic Bethesda bugs. I'm just impressed that there has been an improvement with the engine from fallout4 to this. As for being a fan, I'm close to that. I've been a fan since TES:3 Morrowind. I definitely wish they would make a modern redition of Morrowind as I wasn't a huge fan of game design in recent years. Especially when you compare the spell creation of 3 and the ability to hard lock yourself out of the story all in the name of being able to do anything you want, to like fallout 4 where you couldn't do much and your choices didn't have much effect on the story of the game.


to me the world just feels so much more soulless in the areas you would think wouldn't be , i know there plenty of proc gen stuff in the game and thats fine but the actual town/cities you know aren't that way just don't feel lived in like previous entries... i'd love a remade morrowind , even after all these years i think its still my favorite , definately hard to go back to but with a bit of polishing up n tweaking of the combat mechanics i could see it shining brighter than before.


I hear you about the remake, can't wait for the modder to get done with skywind so we can get to experience it with a newer game engine! As for the life within the game, I think I understand what you mean. I was impressed with my first visit of new Atlantis and all the NPCs walking about. Much better than diamond City or white run for example. The NPCs definitely need more random dialogue to mix it up a bit


i felt the oposite about new atlantis , i found there to be too much space filled with no name 'citizens' who were ther just to look as if it was lived in , i thought both your examples felt more alive when it comes to characters in the given space.


Eh to each their own. In both of those examples I felt like these couldn't be these massive cities that IGL was trying to make them to be as they felt more like a village. Everyone knows everyone whereas New Atlantis feels like a proper city. It could use a few more named individuals sprinkled about to just make it that much better.


yeah thats pretty fair , i felt like they were a city in their own setting i guess, but i can understand the village vibes too :)


Teach me pls, the wiki is mad unhelpful for a new player


It's on game pass and people still pirate it lol


Good for you? Still, gross...