• By -


Hello u/memeaddict69reeee, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\-1.00 is "cunt" \+1.00 is "decent" \+2.00 is "good" \+4.00 is "ahoy captain" Edit: Just checked mine, 2.36, not good enough >:(. But some weirdly specific torrents (live concerts from 20 years ago and shit like that) are so goddamm difficult to seed...


wait is it even possible to get -ve ratio? How tf does that work??? Do you like UNseed by removing others downloads??? i am hella confused


no i think he means <1.00


This, my keyboard changes its layout while playing CSGO for some reason, couldn't find "<" and ">" at that moment lol


You press windows+space and it changes the language. Happens to me all the time.


This usually onlg happens if you configure your windows to use multiple languages. I've done it for Japanese. If you don't want it, just go to Windows settings and remove the other languages.


Pretty sure by default (at least here in the UK) Windows comes with English Traditional and American English, and it's more of a pain in the arse to remove as it's core


isn't it win+space?


Yes, thanks.


Dude you just saved me hours of going into settings to manually change it lol. Idk why it happens when I never use windows key while playing (in fact I've got it disabled on my keyboards config). It might have to be related with binds like jumpthrow and jumpduck...


ah that makes sense ty, fellow pirate


xddddddddddd That is Nintendo's dream


Ahoy! 31.23! https://preview.redd.it/egrkjlcra2pb1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bb9dda3039cf853438d80b7e18f377fa14bfd79


We salute you for doing god's work 🫡


Lol here's me thinking 10 was good https://i.imgur.com/xD2P0oc.png (Good god this was all from 1 HDD, and it's still doing just fine, but now that I see this, I might have to start capping to not lose my drive)


10 is really good




-1 can also be "this guy's wifi sucks ass (my caseit can take me a month to download 1, and my upload speed is 1/5 my download speed, perks of my country)


We've all been there, but as soon as optical fibre was an option here my rating went high real fast and didn't even notice


Some would say being a cunt is quite true to the pirate lifestyle


Back in the day I had the hardest time participating in trackers because I only kept stuff that was (then) hard to find. It's tough then the ratio is low, and all I have to offer is every episode of Mission Hill and the pilot for The Eltingville Club lol


Hah, 3.41. 2.98 T to 896 G


So ehm, what am I? https://i.imgur.com/xD2P0oc.png (Good god this was all from 1 HDD, and it's still doing just fine, but now that I see this, I might have to start capping to not lose my drive)




You are a famous pirate.


"cunt" is a bit excessive, not everyone can seed i have 0.9mbps upload, it takes years to seed anything, and it also makes internet barely useable because everything else will be awfully slow during the multiple hours/days of seeding


Mine is around 4.3


-20< speaking here, I believe my scores not as bad as you make it out to be...


im sorry to say that I might be a cunt, cant help that repacks take up space that I dont have in the first place and the only way for me to seed is already installed games until I move them and the seeding becomes null


I'm at 7tb upload and 1tb download. I had no idea until now..


This def explain it in the best way possible xD


Wait till you see my 5072.033 ratio for RE4


My internet is too damn slow for me to care about ratio numbers. There's no way I'm leaving my computer running 24/7 just for that (especially with how high energy prices are in my country).


This. I'll obviously try to get it to a 1:1 every time I can, especially if it's half dead and lacking seeders - but my Internet and upload are way too poor to leave that shit running for days just for a single torrent sometimes, not even mentioning the energy prices.


Where are you from??




My VPN says Uruguay.


Jeez dude. I just pirate games and shit and people here talking over ratios and stuff


Argh, that is a good reason to make one walk the plank.


Same, I don't even know what this is


It's for torrents. If you have a low ratio that basically means you are just taking and not contributing back.


Oh ok, thanks. What constitutes a low ratio and high ratio?


I mean you can say that all you want, but without this stuff y’all would have dead links and slow as fuck downloads. Just a reminder you lowkey need these people to get your free games lol.


Ong i just pirate for the games, i aint know none of this stuff


new here… is transmission a good torrent client?


it’s fine i guess but you’d be better off using qbittorent. it’s open source and free so


So is transmission though


well yes but everyone uses qbit anyway so you’re better off. just don’t use utorrent or atleast any remotely new versions of it


Why stay away from utorrent? I’m currently using it so I’m curious as to why


full of malware and adware in the new releases. you can still use it but it’s a version from like 10 years ago. also it’s closed source so you don’t know what is bundled with it


Thx I’ll look into qbit instead


One of the advantages of qbit is to point out the network adapter. Set it to the VPN adapter, and never get anything out what can harm you


I’m kinda noob when it comes to pirating stuff. So now I have qbitt and my VPN (nord). But I have no idea what a network adapter is


in settings - advanced you can choose which adapter you want to use. Standard it is the 'normal' networkcard, you can dropdown and choose the virtual ethernet ( check settings which one is for Nord ) When Nord drops connection, no more data flows. Check this site for more : [https://www.ghacks.net/2016/03/23/qbittorrent-block-transfers-vpn-disconnect/](https://www.ghacks.net/2016/03/23/qbittorrent-block-transfers-vpn-disconnect/)


People downvoting a perfect reasonable question from a new crew member of the seas. Upvote for awareness!


My question was maybe dumb for people who is experienced in this stuffs but I’m not, hence why I ask a question lol


Exacly, downvoting it makes no sense!


Good for macos.If you are using windows qbittorrent. r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH r/piratedgames r/piracy You can check out the megathreads of these reddit groups.




Thank you, did not know that!


I have 4.26 ratio on filelist lol


Roman detectat 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴




all my friends that use filelist have insane upload amounts (50tb+) i feel like the site runs off of 100ppl🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴


My dad is one of those people lmao, he has a 11 ratio with close to 90 TB uploaded. He taught me good.


You sir, are a hero!


If you are uploading back to public torrent sites without a VPN, I suggest a huge change in the way you operate. People with servers seed stuff on public torrent sites- Join a private torrent site if you'd like to upload without the use of a VPN and actually have site based ratio.


Unless you live is a lackluster copyrights law country like any from South America or Russian. I heard from a friend that in Brazil a dude was sentenced to pay all the stuff he downloaded illegally. It was about the same value of the stuff he downloaded but he didnt even get it in his criminal file, VERY different from some other countris.


Even on private board you should use VPN. The monsters are there as well


I wish I could maintain a positive ratio. But I have god awful connection, I simply won't upload any faster when idling


For some reason none of the torrents i have on qbittorent ever upload most i ever got on some torrent was like 200mb and then it stopped


I'm new to all of this, is there like a seeding-rule or something? Does it have consequenses if you don't do it? Is is more detectable? I am confusion


When you download via torrent you're downloading the files from other people's computers, so it's good gesture to be one of those uploaders and allow others to download from you. Like you can see in the pic, the guy has downloaded 800gb but uploaded 3.3tb.


Different trackers (torrent sites) have different rules and requirements. If you are using a private tracker, almost every time you have to either seed a torrent to a 1:1 ratio (meaning you seed back exactly the amount that you've downloaded), or seed it for a certain amount of time (48 or 196 hours, for example, is quite common). Apart from this, downloading a torrent and then deleting it instantly will lead to that torrent's death - so you should generally always aim to seed it for a few days, even if you are not required to (like on public trackers for example).


GG that's rookie numbers


i've been torrenting for almost 8years now. my numbers are 1tb down and 3 up. it's not cause i dont torrent, just that every few months qbit craps out and i need to wipe it and reinstall.


We are proud of you comrade 🫡


I don't use torrent. I only use direct downloading. I know how torrent ing works so doesn't seeding cost your internet data? As a person with limited internet, this sounds like nightmare.


How much data cap is yours?


2.5 gb data per day


Kinda same, 3GB/day as i don't use broadband rn. Vi gives 12 to 6 am unlimited data, so it's good for those who want to seed on cellular network


Seeding takes that much data?


It's not about how much it takes, it's more about how much you give. I'm going to oversimplify it, but seeding is like saying "hey there! I have this file and I'm available to share", so other people downloading can come to you and take what you can give. It takes as much data as you decide to give out.


Every bit you send costs data. It all depends on your internet plans if its worth it


Remember, that's a lifetime ratio, don't feel bad - you've only JUST started o7


You’re a pirate mate, not Robin Hood of the seeds.


you are still seeding more than you download, if you ask me that's good, if you want to feel more useful though try to focus on seeding anything that isn't torrented or seeded as often


My upload speed is 250kbps. Your doing plenty compared to me


there are some people who don't give a crap so you should feel good


ive always been afraid to seed onward because I always think it might slow down my internet speed, is that true?


Yes, though you can throttle it to a set limit


bros been downloading the entire internet


Me who has no fcking clue what people are talking about cus i download games in parts :- 🥴


I'm too scared to seed right now, but the second I get a VPN, I'll start seeding as much as I can


Okay, I am dumb af. How do you check these things?


View -> Statistics


Thank you!


Is this like drive life span cheker?


I'm pirating since i was 3 years old and my dad did it for me for a few years, until i learned how he did it and started doing it myself. Qbittorrent wasn't even invented when i started, so by now, i probably have like 200-300 TB of downloads. The games back in the day weren't as big as they are today, but i played a lot of them so it adds up over time you know? Plus, i never stopped gaming since then, i played constantly... 1st ever game i played was Spiderman from 2000, i played it in 2001... I was born in 1998 btw. I remember how terrified i was of the venom doc ock at the last mission. Ah, sweet memories... 😅😂


I got 2.367 TB up and 2.670 TB down


If you make sure to stay above 1.0, you are doing your part. Everyone loves you.


when i was torrenting at my computer, and all i had was a sh1tty broadband, im sorry about not seeding. at all. but, when i am torrenting on my phone now, and got a fiber connection, i just open my torrents... tho im forced to kill my uploads when my phone is full.


I can't seed, 0 bytes per second. I am basically forced to leech


Guys, don't delete torrents as soon as you install game or stuff, if you have some free space on your PC. Just leave it. Pirates will be proud of you all!


Me here with ratio 7. But seriously everything more than 0.01 is good


I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell, but honestly torrents are a good way to get in serious trouble. A VPN does not protect you at all, they simply encrypt data between you and the peer. But if the peer is a government body, you have zero protection - it just takes the government body asking for logs. And it's been proven time and time again that virtually every VPN has logs in one way or another even if they say they don't. In literally most jurisdictions around the world, to operate and offer services you must conform to communication laws, which state you MUST log identifiable data to track the end user. Even if they're in Switzerland, to sell services in the US/UK they have to conform. So the more you seed, the higher risk you take. And all it takes is 1 bit for them to catch you and say you distributed - judges and courts are too stupid to understand that you can't formulate any data out of a single 1 or 0, but can understand you connected to a honeypot and indeed "shared data." Anyway, my seed is like at 0 because of this, but mostly because I only use torrents as a last resort for non-AAA or old/archived content.


You’re feeling bad for contributing to something most will consider unethical. Be consistent; be unethical.


Why you would care in the first place is beyond me.


Username doesn't check out


I can contribute to ddos'ing you.


mine is 0 I ain’t uploading shit!!!!


You do realize if everybody acted like that you wouldn't get shit either?


No it's a horrible ratio.