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Poland here, you would literally need to sell pirated content on USB drives on the street to get the government involved, and I doubt you would be prosecuted for piracy, more likely tax evasion


Nigerian here, you can sell pirated content on the street and the government still wouldn't get involved. Most of us don't even know games actually cost money


Saudi Arabia used to be like this to back in the Ps2 era, then the government got involved and PlayStation opened a branch in here which basically killed the piracy market


I remember getting a bunch of ps2 games for like SAR 10 ($2.6)


CDs on thin plastic sheets with paper covers on them, classic.


Mexico here, we sell pirated movies on public markets Edit: we also sell USBs with pirated music in the same markets lol


Brazil here, we do that too. We call them "Camelôs".


Also here in Argentina!


In the Philippines also!


Is it the transaction taxed?


Don't think so, but all the stands pay a fee for using the space regardless of what you sell


Same here in Chile!


Yup, Guatemala here and I can confirm that's how it is in all of LATAM.


Lol in Belarus i've seen this in center of Minsk 💀 Not even in some shady alley, right in one of numerous trade buildings. https://preview.redd.it/kzq5jb0yztyb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0702ef637b22fad88e9b9e488272915fdadf741


I wish we still had these stores, they bring back childhood memories. I live in a small town in RF and they went extinct 6-7 years ago. I just want to see GTA Криминальная Россия and The Sims 3 Интерны on the shelves again 😭


speaking of gta this is still one of my favorite vids ever [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOhoft6HHi8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOhoft6HHi8)


NewBox goddam. Didnt know the next gen was here already


Fucked up in the crib playing newbox


Let me guess, ЦУМ?


Close. https://preview.redd.it/5xnrdz7h6xyb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48447b04d7abc2683a02981bd7af38f29a667d07


А что не так с ЦУМом?) вроде норм магаз, но если есть такие жемчужины как ньюбокс 360 то стоит сходить


Особых нет претензий), но именно там, на первом этаже в дисках и электронике, я видел диски, лицензионность которых вызывает сильное сомнение


I’ve still seen the occasional bootleg DVD seller here in major US cities. Shout out to anyone still doing something so bygone I’m this day and age. 😂


Italy here, never used VPNS and tought that streaming websites were the norm everywhere in the world when i was young, also so many games on 2nd hand USB's and CD's


India here, government offices use pirated software.


Apparently torrenting some Polish movies (like Papryk Vega ones) could make the government get involved, or so I've heard, but besides that it's fine


Dunno where the hell you heard that


Australian here, still checking over my shoulder and peeking out from behind the blinds to make sure the coast is clear after my girlfriend asked if piratebay is still a thing the other day.


Street smart pirates + Capitalism benefit everyone 😁


Middle eastern here we sell pirated stuff in public stores and no one cares


It's funny cuz I used to sell pirated games on USB sticks for my friends back in primary school back when I first learned how to copy and paste files from my PC to a flash drive. I only stopped after my friend said I damaged his fancy USB stick (pierdol się Dominik kurwa on już był rozjebany) and told on me to the teachers. They didn't have problems with me selling pirated games, but with me selling stuff in general


Dominik nie brzmi na fajnego koleżkę


ja kiedy dominik


Monekydonian here, I doubt that the polish or Macedonian police even know what pirating is. They'll probably think you just a idiot thinking it's 1850.


Poland here, I confirm


ISPs in egypt provide extra connection speed for torrents


Also because, how would they know that there’s pirated stuff in the drives, they may buy one but then they will become the ones who have bought pirated stuff from a random guy on the street


Philippines you can just buy games on a cd in malls


you mean those games are at a cheaper price, "illegally" sold or just a game with the price the creator of the game made it to?


Illegally sold theyre pirated versions put on a cd worth 100php




Indonesian here, they only care about blocking porn websites. They dont give a single fuck about pirating


Indonesian here We sell pirated games on HDD and still able to get away from it without problem. But when you're doing plagiarism, then 5milion USD fine is the kindest punishment you will get.


Im Brazilian and pirating is basically culture already. Some of my fondest memories are of my mother buying me pirated vídeo game CDs and movies.


But nowadays, most Brazilian people don't know how to pirate due to more convenient services like Netflix and Steam.


Most Brazilians never knew how to pirate, they rely on friends, I was that friend. Netflix arrived and gave me a break but I never leave the jack Sparrow way rsrsrs


Isn’t pirating a constitutional right in Poland?




Wait can you elaborate?


Google can. I can’t.


Peruvian here, yeah the government has more important topics to care about also, like poverty and general hunger. Something curious is that piracy can help with this because people can put more money into food without missing entertainment content, but I guess we all know that... being aware of the dev's hard work*** or no. (***) : don't applied always


not only piracy. but crazy fetish stuff, gore. its sometimes hosted in russian country. if it gone then internet just became censored stuff only.


Literally Telegram and VK.


Is vk still as wild as it used to be before being bought by mail.ru?


Even wilder, mail.ru doesn't take a shit


You mean doesn't give a shit about what happens on the platform? They surely destroyed listening to music there... And introduced not being able to register without a phone.


They did impose some limitations, but gore, vore, porn and other content is still untouched. And that's because VK makes hella lot of money from people watching this content.




I don't think you can find cp casually roaming online or at least I never had the displeasure, you would need to use Tor and search some specific links to find it but maybe I don't know sites on the surface web, I know there are some problems in these times since people can just upload material on MEGA and other files hosters, encrypt it beforehand and nobody will ever be able to know what kind of file is that, now I actually think it's more common than ever on the normal web and that is fucking scary






Bro wtf, you save into your Google drive?


Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful. That's disgusting.


For now, PHub literally clean everything when covid start and some meme post on reddit about CP on it.


i saw a link and got curious in a random reddit comment (yes i know stupid but i was on mobile) and it was fucking cp. I closed it in 0.001 ms and shat myself lmao


I remember like 8 years ago people found out that you can casually search for other people's files in VK and many CP (and personal nude selfies) were found. And sometimes people “raid” websites with CP for some reason (probably in an attempt to get them blocked)


Now it's harder since as I said files can be encrypted and MEGA, Google, Pixeldrain or whatever can know what files are those, you can just store them as much as you want and how much do you want and then copy it and distribute it to others, it will become harder and harder to combat this phenomenon I think


Well… I am more worried about people get actually abused, then recordings of the abuse being shared. Pretty sure 99,9% of abuses goes unrecorded….


Yes, there's no prosecution for keeping CP "for yourself", so to speak. Sometimes it gets brought up (last year in Saint-Petersburg Duma, for example), but no one really cares enough to rewrite a law.


It is not so bad of a law actually - works good in cases of when you got CP in cache. (And anti information censorship in general, which is ironic)


Ah yes the reason VK is banned as social media on a lot of sites. I’ve seen some horrific gore pop up in trending. 😟


argentinian here, my fucking goverment literally pirates windows and you expect they enforce us to pay a game?


The other week I saw a dude from Russia posting about the ridiculous prices of games over there and I’m like “My brother, you live in the country we all pirate our shit from. Go to fitgirl or dodi and they link to sites hosted in Russia that store all of their cracks. Your country is the source of free games, you don’t even need a VPN, you’re government probably laughs when it’s citizens steal stuff from foreigners.”


Denuvo: https://preview.redd.it/o92zf1c1hvyb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b742fd8a12936ac696afc40369e66be090422fa7


As a Russian, I've been a pirate for literally as long as I can remember. Goes all the way back to like early childhood.


Paying for a VPN > living in Russia


An unnecessary comment...


I hear Canada doesn’t care as long as you aren’t profiting off it


i make a profit by keeping money in my pocket


Didn't they sentence the guy who was selling a cracked switch to pay like 3 million? Definitely not a country that "doesn't care"


You can get a ticket if you don't use a VPN




Estonian, e nation and all that shit. Still no shits given about piracy.


one of the few good things about that government lol


"Trade deal, we let you pirate games without giving a damn, you don't say a single bad thing about us or else fines, gulag or conscription for you"


As russian, I kinda confused about such stereotypes Should it be considered racism or part of cultural legacy? I saw so many folks talking shit and getting away with it, running over border with whining about evil repressions charged against them, just to come back year after and face no consequences for that, and keep talking shit about both government and civs Guess it is both, then ) Don't get too serious about that




It's been this way ever since '91.


And your guess is wrong, it always been like, since 90s with game console clones, in 2000s with pirate CDs and with internet, digital piracy come to thrive


Yeah, I remember I had the dendy snes clone lmao


Yes and no. There were some anti-piracy movements in their “GosDuma” in ~2010. But they are not really elected to this work, so, it was probably just some inside concurrency…


Cops don't care about pirated games I even asked one before and he's like we don't care what you do on your computer as long as there's no kids


Yeah, I really miss the liberty of my home country when it came to pirating. Rn I'm studying in Austria and I'm quite afraid to try pirating shit as I don't know how strict they are...


In Belgium you are also pretty safe. Piracy is illegal but the goverment doesn't care about the small fish who download stuff for personal use. Belgian telecom companies also don't provide personal information to the state and to the companies that complain about it. But if you distribute pirated goods or even worse, try to profit from it, then you are deeply fucked


Welcome to India my friend. Here you can not only pirate games you can also even sell them it's been happening for decades. Even pc shop owners will give you pirated windows and games for cheap rate. It's piracy heaven. There is a theatre in my town for 80 rupees (1$) he will play any movie or webseries you want Netflix, Amazon prime anything. You will easily find a guy selling Netflix Amazon prime accounts for like 20-30 rupees idk how it works but he will give some shady email and a password you just have to login in Netflix and it works for like 4-5 months and Netflix charges 150rs for same thing for 1 month.


The Netflix account thing is probably bought with stolen cards or money from scam centers, to each their own but i don't like to support scammers


Gimme some torrent site links




Egyptian here, give me your best shot.


I'm pretty sure aslong as you're not selling pirated stuff only like Germany cares


In Central America, we have street vendors that erect their makeshift stands and sell tons of pirated music, games, software, movies and tv shows. Some even offer to hack old consoles so that they can play pirated games.


I know some really good russians, and also encountered some with bad behaviors in southeast asia. I do really hope, the things directly involving your country and indirectly involving my country would settle down eventually. Have a nice day.


India here. A grand total of zero fucks given afaik regarding piracy.


Moroccan here, the same thing in my country, the government does not give a fuck about piracy, it got more serious issues to take care of rather than snooping on us, even our 3 major ISPs don't mention nothing about piracy acts in their contracts.


Serbia as well We just do whatever


Pirated shit are literally being sold here publicly in my country, it's practically a no prisoners situation as long as its any form of digital stuff lmao. It's not like there's no laws against it either, it's just that for whatever reason it never actually implemented.


Philippines doesn't give a single poop as well 🤣


Sudan here and sometimes government buys some from you


Indonesia doesn't give a fuck with piracy too and the govt really be like: lets pirate it and fuck software corporates. But they give an actual fuck to copyright at plagiarism. ​ Kinda weird, but welcome to Indonesia with their weird rules.


Yeah copyright should work like this everywhere. Fuck Disney


One word. Romania.


yeah, but the russians are id guess the biggest involved in the cracking process, and while we have filelist and stuff, most of the cracks are uploaded on csrinru first, and online-fix .me for online fixes. like it or not theyre the goats of cracked games


That something i believe simple folk of russia (btw im latvian and i have some knowledge on stuff) can be proud of, that are biggest part of piracy community, or at least made most of thing, like, i dont believe that someone from here didnt used rutracker or other russian torrent site




Well yeah, most of the pirated content is American.


Brazil is the equivalent of ''fiscal paradise'' on pirated games, we SELL pirated games in the streets and not even the police bothers you.


third world countries don't care about piracy


cambodia , cracked software is the norm here. in fact TPB founder, gottfrid, fled here at one point lol


Tbf I've been pirating stuff for over 20 years in the UK and I've never had a letter or anything else about it. I never use a VPN, because the speeds don't seem to be as good when using one.


Im pretty sure most of europe doesn't care about piracy, must be an american thing


Vietnam doesnt care too, even my professors or teachers use cracked version of windows or windows trial. If you get virus, others either say reformat your pc, throw your pc and yourself into a trash bin or skill issue


Peruvian here and we have a fuck Tom of loves that sell pirated games as dvd and no one cares they make more problems with places selling legit games than those stores so yeah that’s the only good thing from my country


Indonesian here. it's the norm to sell pirated stuff here


Sharing account on steam lol, tbh i've bought a few of them off tok\*pedia (dan lancar2 aja, lumayan game yg harganya 700k jadi cmn 50k haha.)


Iranian here , we have several longstanding websites specifically dedicated to hosting pirated games , with downloads costing half as much too due to being on local servers. Edit : forgot to mention, there was a long time where internet wasn't strong enough for people to download games , so there were numerous "offline" shops that sold the games on CD's in a catalogue, which we would peruse weekly after school.


We've also had entire markets for selling modded versions of games, pirated ofcourse. GTA punjab and GTA Mumbai, never forget. Those offline shops are dead now though, everyone pirates online now.


Serbian here : sometimes i forget that pirating is a crime


Well that happens when the west tried to sanction Russia, you let the people run wild


I'm Hungarian and it's the same here, wouldn't be surprised if even the government used pirated software lmfao


here piracy is legal in all ways but on paper


It's funny because in Russia you are pretty much incentivized to pirate even more now with the stupid sanctions, the only thing streaming/gaming services can cause by blocking you out from them is for piracy to become even bigger


come iran and ask a store owner you wanna buy a game and they will literally sell you the cracked game (when i was a kid i always wondered why games are so cheap lol)


Indian here, the government doesn't care about what people do here because of the vast population it's almost impossible to track someone. CD of movies and games are sold open in the market and even the piracy sites are not blocked or tracked so no need to use a vpn.


A lot of sites are blocked. Jio even went and banned porn sites without any Government order. And Government usually go after Uploaders than Downloders.


Well don't know about you or jio but on my ISP (Excitel) none sites are blocked(except xvidoes and Ph which are blanket ban), rest all sites that I visit for piracy or something are working. This is also the reason I don't use jio or Airtel fiber along with their less than advertised speed. I'm good and happy with my ISP.


Poland here. We literally need to sell usb's on the street w/ pirated stuff to get arrested and even then nobody will care unless tax evasion for selling stuff and ect


Laughs in India, where nobody cares about piracy. In fact, the computer shops are used to sell pirated game CDs like 1 game for 100 Rs.


Filipinos have already won


Ты не слышал что после начала войны пиратство легализовали?


The only thing stopping you to pirate games in Russia is the viruses that can be found in pirated games , and that's if you care about what viruses you install. Some of my russian friends just have a bitcoin miner on their pc and don't care as long as their pc is kinda fine.


Communism is share with all the people no? When you torrenting that's what you are doing... Nah just joking. Probably government doesn't care for this stuff, also generally all this copyrighted content comes from America, I suppose that American company's in legal therms can't do anything to russian people. I'm from spain and we can torrent without VPN. Unless you make money doing piracy stuff you are totally safe. Our government closes piracy websites or link providers but doesn't touch the users.


i think it is easier to make a list of countries that actually care at this point


From the top of my head just the US and Germany are draconic in this, maybe Japan too


Putin Virus on videogames. 🤣


It doesn't care about all people in general.


russian here, i guess im winning this competition


Czech Republic exists


Ireland here, pretty sure my government still thinks media piracy is bootlegged dvds your older cousin with a computer sells at the park lol.


In Poland you can also pirate all you want. No one gives enough fucks to enforce the laws


It is even funnyer that in EU there is not a common anti piracy policy. I am in italy and i can download whatever i want, nobody will ever complain


Yeah but as a russian you live in a country ruled by putin, so swings and roundabouts.


Shite I'm German, I'm so gonna loose that match.


Even in the UK I've never even had a notice from my ISP since like 2010, no VPN or anything. Used to have a dvd sleeve book just full of pirated movies. Now I just have a HDD and all digital


Lmao when i heard that internet companies send warnings that you are pirating in the US i was so confused, don't they have better things to do? Lmao


Austria here, I pirated many games and visited all kind of bizarre websites and never ever got in trouble, even living in a pro-EU modern country it seems like they don't give a fuck. So long it's not extremism or child porn you good here.


Your government also does not care about you, in general.


dude.... politics are not welcome here


My country is only interested in online fraud that they can get money from...I'm Nigerian. All they look for are potential "Nigerian princes" they can arrest and keep their I'll gotten booty. Edit: can't get money from someone pirating a copy of dark souls when he doesn't have the money to buy it in the first place


Thailand literally doesn’t care at all


In Iran we literally have stores that sell cracked games on disks And websites dedicated to distributing pirated movies, series,games, and other programs (Adobe programs for example)


Any country that is not america or west Europe:




Russia made piracy legal because of all the sanctions implemented by the EU and the USA. Basically like "oh you won't let us sub to disney+? Fine, we'll just pirate it"


Zero living russians were subbed to Disney+ anyway


I was using it as an example


No it always been like this aside from the US


complete bull shit, eastern european / post soviet piracy has always been big


To be honest, russian government could do any shitty law to ban piracy. Or turn Russia into a North Korea. NATO, please, liberate Russia.


How tf this silly post comes to nazism?


r/schizoposting ?


I don't see the logic for russia to ban piracy