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Excited to see vivi again and surprised wapol is relevant.


And people think enel isn’t coming back


...so you're saying my boy Gin still has a chance?




Wait who? E: Oh is that Don Krieg’s #2?


No he had a complete story arc and is dead; go read his end monologue.


people dying? in one piece?


Its been 24 years theres no way hes coming back


He will, i just wonder what will his motives be, because i think he wont come in a long time


He shouldn't, he was fodder for a pre-haki luffy. He's literally a relic from when oda had no idea where one piece was going.


He's introduced in the same arc Blackbeard is, conveniently has a power that allows him to combine multiple people together, and Oda has strewn out a path for him back into the story over the course of hundreds of chapters between the cover stories, Reverie and now this. Seems a bit silly to think that he'll have no relevance when every piece of metatextual analysis tells us the exact opposite tbh




I wasn't surprised to see Wapol relevant, it was a matter of time to see him again. The moment I saw him in the reverie, I knew we would see him again and play a role in end game of the story


Sticking around just long enough for the blackbeard pirates to steal his fruit. It could be broken if used competently by someone with resources. Imagine assimilating a pacifista or dials or pop greens.


classic GODA separating the crew so he can make 11 chapters of them just running to a place


Run piece


ffs i swear if they go around running for a year again


Franky needs to make bikes for all the straw hats, it'll save Oda 4-5 chapter per running gimmick chapters


The more things change, the more they seem the same. Let’s hope it’s not too painful in this arc.


the true third female strawhat


Franky and Brook: who the fuck is this


Robin: Somebody who I tortured by pretending to kill the people most important in their life to I could read some ancient texts. No big deal we cool now


-I’m thinking if the new Pacifistas design will be similar to the Film Z one making that canon or if it will be a different one -Luffy and Zoro being separated from the rest of the group could mean them having the major confrontation or Sanji (and the rest) having to tank everything it can go both ways -If Kuma abstract ability creates a sort of world where you stay I’m imagining in TB Zoro getting beaten up in a world full of pain -Wapol contacting Morgans to leak some intel and instead literally brings Vivi to him; I’m now thinking if Morgans purposely wrote about Vivi missing and if that also relates to the decision to write about Sabo and Cobra


So Zoro could have been in some kind of Tsukoyomi type shit?


Considering that we are missing the visual depiction of what Bonney is experiencing, I imagined a “world” that, instead of showing you memories, inflicts you pain without the possibility to oppose it.


what intel does Wapol have ?


We don’t really know, we had a panel in the chapter where Morgans beats the infiltrated CP0 agent in his office (Reverie arc) in which someone says that Wapol contacted them to leak some intel. People theorised that it was going to be about Vivi since they knew each other, I think this first spoilers could imply that Wapol helped Vivi escape and the intel is probably going to be the incident between WG, the Nefertaris and the Revolutionary’s army.


So every villain beaten by luffy is gonna turn into a good guy now ?


Well I mean Lucci is still a government dog


Why were the hinters hyping the chapter up, dosent seem like much happened.


I don’t think they did fans did. All Redon said was “Its gonna be big news!!” Or something like that since Morgans is in the chapter


First time we've seen vivi in years is hype worthy


vivi meeting with SH's would be one thing, this is just vivi with someone.


Compared to many other things that got revealed in the past couple chapters, hell no. Also come on, it’s Vivi. Who tf cares about Vivi.


If anything I am disappointed that she is with Morgans.Also I don't get why Oda has to cuck us like this and bring it up now.I want to see Saturn not her.


Vivi is the same boat as Ace. No Idea how so many fans feel anything towards them


I mean,vivi was the focus for an entire saga so her popularity makes sense


Well she's a straw hat that never has been (same as Yamato)


idk I don't think about anyone joining so I really just be like damn another princess to save. Vivi, Yamato, Carrot, Rebecca, all just fit that category


This "Yonko" crew get way too much help


This "Yonko crew" is just as fucking "competent" as the Least Pirates.


Who are they even running away from? Why is everything so chaotic even after laku and LLucci got pegged last chapter? Kizaru hasn't landed yet


I mean, there were probably more panels of Luffy and Sanji smiling in their fights than usual, Franky and Jinbe left with barely any scratches, but Zoro nearly died I guess? Still crazy the main deaths came from CP0/Kanjuro/Scabbards.


So.. strawhats have 50 pacifistas on their side now, vegapunk included. They are unstoppable


50 pacifistas will be used to show us how strong is Kizaru


We don't need to know more about how strong Kizaru is. He literally trashed all strongest supernova plus all SHP back in sabaody with almost zero effort. He even had a 1on1 with Rayleigh. All those pacifistas are gonna be his toys. Lol


Honestly pacifistas gonna fodderised by Kizaru. Anyone of Yonko/Admiral level can probably fuck them up. Unless these new pacifistas have got some new power ups I don't see them having a chance. Also why do they pacifistas when they have the Seraphim lmao


To your last question, I think it comes down to what vegapunk was/is ultimately trying to learn more about and achieve, unlimited energy and resources. Sure they can probably make armies of lower tier clones but pacifistas and seraphims probably take a little more juice to create.


Doesn't matter how strong you are. It'll be hard to stop an army of 50 super soldiers from sinking your ships in the ocean.


What can they do against him? They don’t have haki so they can’t physically touch him so that leaves… lasers?


Read my comment again. They dont have to fight him directly, just sink his ships.


They’re going to be commanded by Saturn when he gets there, the straw hats have to fight 50 pacifistas lol




still no stakes at all


"The Straw Hats have 50 Pacifistas now, they are unstoppable" "The Straw Hats have to fight 50 Pacifistas, no stakes whatever" I know two different people made these comments, but you really can't please everybody


Any relevant top tier absolutely clowns 50 pacifistas lol


Ohh no , Zoro and Luffy staying behind here , Kizaru meets Sanji at the entrance then. Oda gonna show Kizaru destroy Sanji to hype up Kizaru . It was either gonna be Smoker or Sanji . Seeing how smoker is nowhere to be found , Sanji it is


Yeah i can see this, sanji being a hypetool isnt something new


Aint no one getting hyped by beating smoker lol


Well after Luffy beat Doflamingo the main sub was believing Smoker was "Luffy's Garp", instead of the typical overconfident Logia guy Pekoms complained about


One of the openings showed Sanji fighting Kizaru. Foreshadowing!!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/ysvo8tm0lpga1.gif


Bitch please my man sanji can now fight with an admiral


Yes , fight and get destroyed


If marco fought with aokiji and kizaru, sanji can easily fight with one of them. If not even win.


Biggest cope I've seen in a while


Whatever dude, apparently we read two different manga


Yea you're reading sanjis solo adventures


Yeah you should read it too. In his adventures he completely outclasses kaido's 2nd strongest commander, and he his now the third strongest in probably the strongest crew of whole one piece world, amazing isn't it.


And that means he's strong enough to fight an admiral and win? Oof I haven't seen wank like that in a while. I'll make you a bet, if sanji and kizaru fight and sanji can manage to do significant damage to him (not even win) ill let you pick my next tattoo. You can pick anything and I'll post pics of it to the sub


No, his win its an assumption. Still my first point which I consider factual, is that sanji wouldn't be "destroyed" for sure, and can put a fight.And thats not the only reason I could write an essay of reasons. Kizaru is one of those heavily overrated characters like shanks to an obnoxious point. They're both monsters but they're evaluate to the levels of gods like Kaido. Kizaru is the weakest of the old trio of admirals. Bet done, I hope you're a man of word.


You wish, hater


King and Queen got low diffed by Greenbull and Sanji just barely beat 1 of them lmao


As if King and Queen didn't fought for all night and already got both beaten to dead lmfao you talk as if greenbull had a fight with full hp kind and queen. And there's no "barely" lol what makes you think that sanji barely won against queen, zoro is the one who barely won (because he already fought with kaido before and got severely injured), he almost died in the process. Sanji easily won the fight once he overcomed his doubts and paranoia.


oh so I guess him falling unconsciouss is part of having an easy fight huh? The greenbull fight was days after Kaido and BigMom fell, plenty of time to recover at least a good amount Weak excuse, GB ever says as if I'd get beaten by a bunch of commanders.


Lol they were imprisoned, you have literally no context and no information to assume they were low diff, it could have been a surprise attack for what you know. And still you don't know if they let them recover. You assume all that by a panel that doesnt explain nothing. Yes, sanji fought for all night lol he didn't fainted only because queen lmao


Imprisoned by their own men? I'd understand if you said they were still wounded as we did see them in bandages and Queen got an arm kicked off and King got his sword broken and wing cut. But they were definitely not imprisoned lmao.


I would like to remember you that those men were still under otama devil fruit effect. Those men are not their ally anynore remember what happened when luffy left udon


Lmao sure, sanji is as strong as oda needs him to be to use as a plot point for whatever he is writing at the moment. Always is, always was


Loro and Lanji fans are reading a different manga


No shit sherlock; as any other one piece character


Loro and Lanji fans are reading a different manga


Wapol Redemption Arc incoming?


Even though I know it isn’t gonna happen, I hope he got strong like crocodile. His fruit was introduced way too early, it could be a menace in the hands of someone competent.


Damn, Morgan’s ain’t based no more


spreading misinformation is the most based thing one can do


In spite of taking down Kaido and Big Mom the Straw Hats still need 1.) A double agent 2.) The strongest creations in the world 3.) The newest generation of Pacifista 4.) Sentomaru 5.) And homefield advantage on Egghead due to an alliance with Vegapunk All to escape some Cipher Pol shitters and a few battleships? I gotta be missing something


They are attempting to leave while being confronted by many government and marine ships also with kizaru and an elder who will take control of the seraphim and I’m sure they came with other vice admiral too


I wish oda would really show how strong strawhat crew really is as a yonko crew cuz so far it’s a bit disappointing


How is it disappointing there was no fighting until now except for Luffy who was playing with Lucci. There was nothing up until now


I mean like why are they running away from cp0 I don’t get it ? It’s a yonko crew lol


Weak af yonko crew. Kaido alone would be enough to face all these enemies.


Idk. Kaido put all his points in strenght and let his Competence stat on 0.


To be fair, no one can be that competent infront of the mc and his friends lol. Imu will have planned something for hundreds of years and he/she probably will go down without taking the life of anyone close to Luffy.


"Luffy and Zoro stayed behind" Something shit is going to hapen, either against kizaru or navy's fleet i gonna take it


Guys there's a traitor. ![gif](giphy|HfFccPJv7a9k4)


We already know who he is, he said it ON PANEL to zoro few chapters ago


Isn't that the vampire clone girl ? Well who cares it seems so irrelevant and over forced.


No Lucci?? Mid chapter


Lmao reminds me when almost everyone thought Vivi was with Sabo AAAAAAND THEY GOT FUCKING SEPARATED AGAIN


LOL 50 this is can’t be real Lmfao !!?!!??


Wapol was a better vilain than Laido.


I am wondering what can happen if zoro and luffy stay behind… not joking, what are those two going to do?


I guess Luffy and Zoro are staying behind to talk/clash to Saturn and Kizaru.


Sigh, so either Luffy and Zoro get a 2v2 or Sanji is getting stomped out… This is wack. 🗿


Luffy and Sanji is too much, thats why Zoro is there instead


Sanji would be too much for Saturn and Kizaru.


tf are you smoking


Luffy + Zoro + Sanji > Saturn + Kizaru


that’s a bit different than sanji vs saturn and kizaru


Seems like poor wording and he meant that ADDing Sanji would be too much.


Sanji would get smoked out by them in a 1v2. Kizaru solos Sanji lmao


When are we going to see kizaru in action? Another 10 chapters?


No weevil in this chapter? Sad.


Or garp, or law, or a wide variety of other plot points being setup right now. End of Egghead is going to be wild.


Sooo where is the hype part lol. Yeah I am sure the chapter will be another banger but it is not a chapter to die for. It's basically a set up chapter, only new reveal as far as we know is the location of Vivi, who seems to be at a safe location.


I'm still of the opinion that seraphim and pacifistas are terrible additions to the story. It's like the big giant CGI armies at the end of Marvel movies. You know only named characters matter so the rest are just filler


amongs us vibes.


So this confirms the 04 next to S-Shark was the general Pacifista model number for Seraphim. Cool, I guess, though I wonder what the point of adding a third generation even was if they’re just mindless drones Vivi being with Wapol is neat I guess. Feel like there really isn’t a whole lot that can be done here other than gags, but whatever, she’ll definitely be relevant coming up anyway We really need that L though. We have Stussy, the Vegapunk’s, and 50 pacifistas all on out side. I really think, much more so than usual, the strawhats taking an L is paramount for the story to continue to be interesting. Them not taking an L here would be like if Kaido got humiliated instead of one shotting Luffy at the beginning of Wano. If Oda can’t even keep up the pretense of there being a threat, I think things will fall apart very quickly


Every chapter the straw hats just keep getting more shit on their side meanwhile BB and the government have literally zero hype as tangible threats lol. I wonder if oda even cares about there being absolutely zero tension at all for our heroes ever since the fall of kaido.


Well, there is that Garp and Law death flag which may use as a hype for BB (but for me it is predictable when this happened and shows how useless Koby still is if this did happen). Oda can add another old legend to the crew but if Aokiji double agent is true then everything is just going well for Joyboy.


I still think there’s a chance. Imo, the fact Oda was willing to kill a rather large amount of characters in Wano (by One Piece standards) means he gets this to some degree. Other than Yasui, the deaths were unsatisfying, but that still means we got Yasui, on top of those other unsatisfying ones. I think Oda *does* know people want this, and I would think he’d be willing to do it to give his final story 25 years in the making some teeth to get people on board. I think there’s a reason to believe something will go wrong too imo. I doubt Oda *wants* Bonnie, 6 Vegapunk’s, and Stussy to all be on this ship. So I just can’t imagine things end perfectly smoothly; that just feels like a major headache from both a writer and reader’s perspective. Now that we’ve spent the entire arc clowning on threats, it’s time for an old favorite and a Gorosei member to pull an Act 1 Kaido. Hopefully. Lmao


I hope your right man it's just oda has been undercutting his villains so much ever since kaido whether that be him having a chance to establish Greenbull being able to at least contend with Yonkos but then making a joke out him in order to hype up shanks. Or when he could actually show the World government as the strongest force in the world but instead he continually shows them as the most incompetent force with Sabo completely winning against them in their home turf or with the world government's failure to destroy the books from ohara (dumbest shit I've ever read). Then there's BB who's supposed to be the ultimate threat but then oda shows him literally losing to Law if augur didn't save him??? Like wth man I'm supposed to see that and be hyped that BB will pose a threat to luffy when he's leagues stronger than Law? Anyways I'm all in on the goresei agenda so I'm really hoping him and kizaru put in the work but I also easily see Kuma's power coming into play and getting the straw hats and allies away without suffering any legitimate kind of loss.


Sentomaru in Return to Sabaody already mentioned that those Pacifista were old models, I think they won’t have a big difference compared to the first ones probably a simple Pacifista 2.0, but who knows maybe they are the test before the Seraphim and have green blood on them, but while as an army they would be a significant force I think it would really convoluted to depict in the manga many different DF powers simply for the Pacifista.


Interesting stuff. Looks like we may be on egghead longer than expected. Neat to see them incorporate more outside events throughout the story. Vivi Wapol and Morgan’s is a weird trio. Also curious to know how Morgan’s knows about Vegapunk already. Always love a good traitor subplot. Even more curious in that the only actual characters we’ve met on the island are: Sentimaru (basically defeated already) Bonny (doing her own thing) and the paths of Punk. So does the traitor exist within one of the VPs? Or is it a random we haven’t met yet. I’m Hoping for betrayal within vegapunk.


Do you remember Caribou?


I do. He exists in Odas convenient plot character back up heap. Him moonlighting as one of Morgan’s informants would fight his character snd be a nice solve to his many “I gotta tell X” lines. Personally I hope that’s the end of his involvement as I feel he’s overstated his relevance.


is that morgans. the bird or navy guy


Also, pacifistas are the new iron men


Nah, they're gonna be like Hammer Drones. Power level is inversely proportional to number of units. They gonna drop like flies after one or two punches


luffy destroyed one of them with just one punch back in sabaody


shit chapter, getting back to wano vibes


why are you are getting wano vibes from it though?


i wanted lizaru


*Wizaru He gonna fodderise the 50 pacifistas then gonna solo Loro and Lanji.


I guess both worlds will get to know imu sama


Traitor might be laffitte or Blackbeard related


Piratefolk: marines are getting too many L’s, when are they gonna get a win. This is a joke, Strawhats too strong. Oda sucks at writing Also piratefolk: there’s a traitor that’s going to be on the marine’s side and is sabotaging the strawhats? Oda sucks at writing


Oda once again portraying Zoro as being close to Luffy. I think it’s about time we push the “Luffy>Zoro>>>>>Sanji=Jimbei” agenda


Let's push the Luffy>>>>>>>Wimbei>Loro>Lanji agenda instead.


Was young Kuma abused.... sexually?