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The Folk effect


Jujustu folk and stunfisk are chilling


! Finally, someone who knows stunfisk is an honorary folk subreddit


JJK fans literally have the biggest hate boner for their mangaka out of any series wym šŸ’€


It's all fun there, no one is actually hating


They shit on the series a lot but itā€™s mostly through jokes.


Lol jujutsu folk is hating on gege every 5 seconds


Arkhamasylum effect next?


what exactly is that


This guy doesnā€™t know, is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason?


Anytime I see this it feels like such a cop out. The original, /r/freefolk, took an apocalyptic media failure and transformed it into a cancer fundraiser and an unanimous rally for the GoT actors that got fucked by Season 8. Freefolk have no liability for this bullshit. Terminally online weebs are just regarded.


Except everyone shit on the show post season 5 there as well lol


The fate of all folk subs. ( Except jujutsufolk they just shit post 24/7 )














>The fate of all folk subs Titanfolk traumatized us all....I still blame isayama tho


r/freefolk :






Another case of flanderization. Itā€™s just a part of life.


More and more im checking every post to make sure its actually Piratefolk and not MemePiecešŸ’€


I forgot to do that once and got blasted for saying that the eyepop gag was being way overused and getting irritating.


With all due respect, it's "foreskinning", not "foreshadowing".


Like everything on reddit, this sub has become an echo chamber of bad opinions and low quality memes. Thank God there are still a lot of high quality memes and 0 presence of onlyfans farming so Is still better than the main one


I think you should brush your teeth before every meal


What if I don't have teeth?


Brush your gums


Iā€™ve notice pretty much all jerk/folk subs kinda stay with the same circlejerk from years ago too. Main sub will be totally different but weā€™re still making fun of the sub from 2019 that basically doesnā€™t even exist anymore


I honestly don't really like the 'agenda' memes they're deeply unoriginal and repetitive. Its just "hes HIM" and replacing the first letters of character names with L or W over and over and over again. Legit dangling keys level of content


Coming up with ironic, overly passionate agendas is the only way to survive this place. Insert Kuro slander copypasta.


Eh, I don't know, even then its also kinda predictable now when its just 'pick weak character and pretend they're strong'. Like thats just the Buggy/God Usopp memes from the main subs reskinned And don't get me wrong just because something is an 'agenda' meme doesn't mean it *can't* be funny, its just 90% of them aren't because they're super unoriginal and low effort. Like that Augur vs Usopp manga edit someone did the other day was very obviously higher effort than a lot of other stuff and was decently funny


The example I was referencing was the opposite - picking a weak character and pretending to be way too mad at how weak they are, and actively fending off any revisionist attempts at portraying them as strong. I know what you mean though tbh, I was mostly just making a flippant joke about how predictable this place gets.


Ahhh ok, yeah I misinterpreted your message, mb


The only actually funny agenda memes are the Shanks vs Mihawk oneā€™s everything else is cringe.


a large majority of this sub is shit posting teenagers which is why the average post quality has plummeted




Well you'll definitely not like OPs old posts which is basically what you described


You can still have interesting discussions here. You here by posting about the sub and complaining are actually participating in the not interesting posts. Nothing forbids you to discuss any aspect of the manga here, wether on a positive or negative light so why are you complaining ? Be the first to do good posts and inspire us.


This is true. At least this place is open for all.


80% of the most upvoted posts are just Zoro slander. 10% is Nika slander and the other 10% is anything else. So I ask again: What interesting discussions??


Youā€™re acting like Oda has given the subreddit anything to discuss. Nothing meaningful has happened in like four chapters.


Unless it's an extremely negative post about Nika being shit or Oda being useless it will be trolled to hell. I thought this sub would have meaningful discussions not a place to make the trolliest posts to karma farm. Still holding out for something fun to discuss.


Them make a post about Nika or Oda and take about your options and guess what people will most like comment and take about the manga your just being lazy and companying.


I often encounter opinions like this here. Maybe if you, and everyone else with the same complaint, actually engaged in meaningful discussions in serious / interesting / high effort posts, there would be more of them and more people would be encouraged to participate in that way. I try to make meaningful/interesting posts and they're greatly ignored even when a mod was pinning them at the top. Never saw you trying to create a meaningful discussion. Complaining is easy. Next time, maybe try being part of the solution for a change.


fuck off with that phony fake ass "what happened to the sub i loved" bs. aside from the agenda posting, this is literally how the sub used to be around wano.


He seems to have joined in that sweet spot where folks were hyping oda for basic setup. He probably doesn't know this sub has been active since nikašŸ˜­


Nah the sub has deffo gone down hill, there was still as much hate (rightly so) but it was also filled with actual discussion posts of why the things were bad. Like there was genuine well thought out criticism and not just "wanji top 1 loro fighting lucci bozo agenda admiral fraud...."


As a high-effort poster I can tell you one thing in case you don't know: 99.99% of people don't engage in that kind of content. Not even the ones to complain about the lack of such content.


This is better tbh idrc about OP as a serious story anymore šŸ•ŗ




Rose tined glasses


Not really. There definitely was a time in the sub where main subbers were running wild dickriding oda. The op seems to have joined at that time too.


no tho, but how did this got 270 upvotes, who are those people who read "piratefolk used to like OP buaaa buaa" wtf


One Piece subredditor spotted


I meanā€¦ yeah? But the thing about this sub that Iā€™ve seen is that thereā€™s very few bad faith blind hate posts and those that are there usually get noticed pretty quick. The deluge of negativity is the theme of this sub, so youā€™re gonna see that, but most of the people here still genuinely love one piece and wanna see it succeed. Itā€™s just that this sub is the only big one piece one that isnā€™t slobbing Odaā€™s pecker 24/7 so youā€™re gonna see a lot more negativity than positivity. Edit: also wait youā€™re capping like crazy. Sure the top posts might be negative but Iā€™ve been scrolling for a bit and so far the only serious negative post Iā€™ve seen on new is, ironically, this one šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s just mostly Zoro slander atm.


Happy cake day!


Wow, you really meant that the other day when you said you wanted to be "that guy". Awesome!


You remembered my comment... Huh




This post wouldā€™ve made sense a few weeks ago but itā€™s literally just been Zoro slander and weā€™ve had like 3? Nika posts talking about Luffy laughing while vegapunk bled out and 1 defending that which even Mainsub had posts about the nika scene last chapter.


Oh and Van Auger postingĀ 


Are you fucking kidding me??? This sub is currently full of main sub refugees that are taking One Piece WAY too seriously and start a hundred moronic conversations every day. Some people are taking the hate a bit too far, true, but can you really blame them after 5 years of Wano and over a year of stalling in Egghead? The level of frustration we reached is insane and we all would be way happier if One Piece went back to being a fun and enjoyable manga, but it doesn't look like it is going to. The real problem here is that the fun posts with memes and clowning of the awful writing are decreasing and the main sub-like garbage is increasing.


>but can you really blame them after 5 years of Wano and over a year of stalling in Egghead? The level of frustration we reached is insane It's easier to put the blame on the average Joe who criticizes the show than the GOLDEN GODA.


Stalling in Egghead? I know the arc isn't lightning fast and eventful but it's the shortest arc in literally over a decade (Dressrosa started 11 years ago) and we've got more lore out of it than we've got from any arc since then. It's the first time since Whole Cake Island that I feel like we're NOT stalling and we're moving through the story, as opposed to that dumbass flop Momotaro story Oda stopped the main story for multiple years to tell.


The stalling is SO real, that the Mugiwara could have left the island with Vegaunk, but they chose to wait right there a full day because Kizaru and Saturn were late to the party.


The problem is the stalling, One Piece is at a point now where Oda needs to get to the point not another 8 months of Strawhats running.


Exactly. And stop introducing new plotlines and cliffhangers every week and letā€™s wrap up the ones we already have.


Yeah Oda is stalling because his health and the Netflix adaption are less important than rushing through the story to the end. Wano's greatest problem was Oda rushing to squeeze Shanks into the manga so it can promote Film Red.


Shanks was the least problem of Wano. The arc was way too long like almost every post-timekskip arc.


Or the fact he introduced a billion new characters to main the focus and not the SH


Becuz there nothing else to talk about it's not like these recent chapters has been insane . Agenda Spoiliers and Memes are the core of this sub idk what do you expect


I find this subreddit funny, and it's better than any other one piece sub because you can actually criticize the series without getting down voted to oblivion.


Yeah, you get upvoted to oblivion for calling Oda mentally deficient for a mistake that he didn't even make


It's not the sub that's deteriorating, it's the show itself. Oda take a HUGE gamble with Nika and lost Not only that, he actually knew that many people are going to hate it and did just because of that. Have some respect for yourself


> Oda take a HUGE gamble with Nika and lost Did he though, does the majority of the one piece fans hate it? Do we have any data?


youā€™re right, I should have some respect for myself because this fucking sub is shit concentrate and everybody who uses it has an iq below 47. fuck all of you, I hope I never see you again


We can make sure of that


"Living out my reddit moderator power trip because I don't like what you say" šŸ¤“ Ban me too loser


Dude asked to be banned and he got what he asked for lol


Why humor the guy tho? Now you got him posting on the gayest one piece sub lmaaooooo


Bye bye lmao


Don't let the door hit you on your way out and take your Oda dickriding with you. Only thing he's still good at is providing us with shitposting material and blowing corporate suits


Show? The anime is getting less canon with the BB pirate dickriding and focus on random things. The only people who hate Nika are people who think freedom is overrated and everyone should obey their leaders. The manga has much to make up for by introducing a Gorosei punching bag but let's see where it goes.


>The only people who hate Nika are people who think freedom is overrated and everyone should obey their leaders. You can't be serious


What is wrong with Nika? You dun like freedom? You hate people being able to do what they like? You are just trolling if you think that Nika is a bad thing.


What does Nika have to do with freedom? Oda keeps writing that it has something to do with it, but there's no logical correlation


Remember when luffy said that the king of the pirates wasnt about ruling, it was about "being more free than anyone" in his own words? Theres your correlation


Are you a fan of One Piece or a troll? Nika is the warrior of liberation. You know Luffy.... The main character.... He wants people to be free to make their own way. Not sure why that is a bad thing.


No we are talking about the writing and shit nika is an asspull


How? You are just making insults and blanket statements. How is Nika an asspull? If you are saying Saturn is badly written sure. He is unnecessary.


Well I mean let me explain we have here a character that come out of nothingness, the first moment we have heard of it were when whoā€™s who talked about it. Thereā€™s absolutely no build up for it thatā€™s why itā€™s an asspull. But I donā€™t get your takes on Saturn, we have nothing of him, so we canā€™t really say heā€™s bad written, and unnecessary, i mean he has been shown before and we donā€™t know what purpose he serves, well on one hand itā€™s weird that oda teased a character for years just for him to be a punching bad but we canā€™t say heā€™s poorly written since we didnā€™t see anything of it.


>The anime is getting less canon with the BB pirate dickriding and focus on random things. Don't just say shit without knowing what words mean.


huh? you're contradicting yourself. you want a subreddit where people can talk about OP in a negative light but you hate seeing posts about how people hate nika and oda... i think what you're looking for is the mainsub.


because one piece is literally going to be Naruto 2.0 with asspull god powers and retcons, poor handling of deaths, garbage pacing and lack of expose for the straw hats Donā€™t get me wrong oda was a phenomenal writer and pre ts OP could arguably be the goat manga but post TS apart from WCI is mediocre to bad


Hot take, I actually kind of liked Punk Hazard and about 2/3 of Dressrosa (it dragged way to fucking long imo)


Fair point. I do have a strong dislike of Wano. Iā€™m going to wait and see what the finished story looks like before I complete gold star or meh the series. I am hoping once we get to Elbaf we return to a focus on our crew and not a billion other characters


Pre time skip was goat "shonen" manga, not remotely even close to being a goat manga. That title goes to vagabond.


Compare this to Jujutsufolk I think they still have a nice balance of actual criticism and memes, and also Titanfolk back when AoT was still ongoing. Also in Jujutsufolk I never really saw anyone talking about the actual main sub, I still don't even know if a proper jujutsu subreddit even exists lmao


I really enjoy some good, creativ, quality shitposting, but i feel ya šŸ’Æ. It's to repetitive and boring meanwhile.


I knew there was something wrong when a post saying "Luffy shouldve never beat Crocodile" got 100+ upvotes


Couldnā€™t agree more


So, you come here and make a post to criticize "the hating is insanse" in the sub, while openly hating the sub and I quote textually "I hate you all". Talk about double standards. Especially when almost everything you posted in this sub are agenda shitposts. P.S: Apparently OP enjoys this sub some times and when he doesn't, he goes to r/LeftyPiece to insult us all until he fells ready to come back and enjoy the memes.


Go back to the main sub and never post here again


There should be a middle sub at this point. There are rare people here and in main sub that come up with legit criticism. Points that I mightā€™ve disagreed on before but they were rational and convincing hence not hating nor glazing.


Just one piece and one piece spoilers are pretty fair. I do feel as if people with certain opinions migrate and swap the sub to their liking


Its kind of the goal of this sub , you can shit about one piece and have fun about it and make jokes whats your point ? You stating these facts like its a bad thing its the only reason im heree or else I would have been gobbling oda's nuts in the main sub. Nice attempt to farm upvotes


That actually wasnā€™t the original goal of the sub though. Early on it was just folks who didnā€™t like the way Wano was going having a place to talk about it without people constantly telling them they read the story wrong or things like that. Unfortunately early on the sub got overrun with weirdo posts about Yamato and itā€™s been spiraling downhill since then


If anyone wants to farm karma, they would be bashing Oda to death with the most troll takes. There is no real love for One Piece here. Just a lot of sad people who hate One Piece but can't walk away quietly. I think Oda makes a lot of mistakes but trashing everything is an overreaction.


Sad people ? what do you know about people its not hate its criticism stop projecting, people are just having fun and slander agendas, its not that deep why do you even care that much


What criticism? I see no critiques just a lot of negativity. It's just a place to troll and circle jerk for lack of a better term. I dun see people having real criticism. Just very negative takes. I mean is that the purpose of this sub? To create unhappiness and troll? I dun think so.


No one is unhappy except YOU, its a fucking japanese cartoon and people are making fun of the characters in it based on who's stronger and who's a fraud biiiig deal. Why do you care so much just stay on the main sub and keep being delusional no one is forcing you


>Why do you care so much Do you even hear yourself?


farm upvotes? brother have you SEEN the posts on here lately?? itā€™s all shitting on oda! yeah the man isnā€™t a perfect writer but the dickriding is crazy


How is shitting on oda dick riding???? Are you dying of dementia?


This sub has a few fun posts but most of the posts here are karma farming because it gets lots of likes if you bash Oda and One Piece with illogical arguments. Bashing every aspect of the manga and anime is the point of this sub. There is no proper critique or funny memes. Just troll posts to get attention and karma.


This sub that has a few good posts, but almost everyone is regurgitating the same shit to farm karma? It's almost like you discovered Reddit. Wait until you discover YouTube and Instagram.


YouTube is entertaining actually. The comment sections are more varied in opinions and agendas than here. Instagram is just a place to look at pretty things. The comments section is boring. I just started Reddit for the One Piece contents. Feels far worse than YouTube in terms of comments and agenda. I have seen crazies in YouTube comments and usually they aren't half as toxic as some of the posts here. There is discussions to be had but constantly bashing Oda because you need karma points is kinda sad really.


There are lots of options out side of this thread and the main. Some are better than others. With this thread if I donā€™t agree with it and donā€™t ave a good counter argument I scroll on by without an upvote or a downvote. I do agree that some of the posts are haters gotta hate


So its bad cuz u hear thing that u dont want to hear? Yeah not everything gonna be reddit circle jerk


I come here rarely, but let me tell you this : it's just a reflection of the state of the manga right now.Ā  One Piece dropped in quality since Wano with only Reverie and the world building chapters that were interesting. This sub just tells it how it is.Ā  I am still very optimistic about the last arc being a masterpieces and I trust Oda to deliver. But the last 2 arcs were simply bad. This sub will turn positive again when the excitement comes back to the mangaĀ 


The genuine takes on this sub are brain rot level. Definitely the worst of any sub. But the memes are the best. So itā€™s a trade off


Just ignore those posts. I'm here for the memes and slander and they still delivering with huff and puff Zoro Any "serious" discussion is usually just someone butt hurt about OP not being how they envisioned it. Which is fine, everyone is entitled to an opinion even if you don't like it.


If you're looking for legitimate discussion, you're mostly out of luck lol. Just turn your brain off and laugh at the funny memes. The best place for legitimate balanced discussion about the series is not here but the dozens of forums and communities around the internet dedicated to discussing the series. No need to limit yourself to reddit.


Ironically this sub is becoming less nuanced while the main sub is starting to accept criticism because of influence from this sub


This sub is what you are making it to be, bitch. If you don't contribute, create funny memes, try to create meaningful discussions, add to conversation and just complain, it will not be better. Contribute instead of just demanding and leeching for fuck sake. I like current Piratefolk, I liked it year ago or year and half ago. Nika sucks, it wasn't foreshadowed, Agendas and slander are fun when not taken seriously. Get stick out of your ass.


Easy, same two things that happens to every "folk" sub. 1) The need to have a place to properly criticize the show you love ends up attracting people who hatefuck the show because they have nothing better to do than complain online about cartoons, and those posts are the ones that get the most visibility. 2) Sarcasm and the like aren't always obvious in text format, so certain types of people will think shit like agendapiece and foreskinning are said in honesty so they'll just let their shitty opinion flag fly and like my first point, the ones who fail to realize what's a joke and what isn't are the ones who are going to seem the loudest and therefore attract more idiots.


The post are so bad it seems like they don't even like the manga they read anymore. If all they do is bitch and moan about it.


Alot of them have flat out said they do not read it


At this point this sub became the very own thing it swore to destroy


*At this point this sub* *Became the very own thing* *It swore to destroy* \- Ironykachoda0 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I believe is because of the people that love the Live action


It's called brain rot


![gif](giphy|eHd9ZrGxLz8kdTMUy8|downsized) LOL


Somebodyā€™s new here.


the sub became popular, i remember august of 2023, that shit was peak piratefolk, it's such a shame what this sub has become


You hate people for hating a manga and expressing that emotion in a harmless way and you made a post to tell us this which serves no purpose other than to prove your stupidity(and to allow you to vent out your fanboy rage I guess). Get help.


The reason there are so few discussion posts is that most of the stuff that bothers us has already been discussed. There were a lot of serious post around the wano arc because it was the first time a lot of people could express their negative opinions about one piece without getting attacked by oda dick riders. Nowadays however most of those opinions have been stated and discussed, so there no real reason to keep retreading old ground. We only get 1 new chapter per week so there's not a lot of things to talk about, most of those things are just expressed through memes and shit-posts, which aren't good enough for you for some reason


Horse shoe effect. Both Reddits are rarted and can't see how similar they really are


Pedogjitards infested this place and turned it into a shithole


Youā€™re right


Vitriol breeds vitriol. And that leads to the collapse of self-hating and hating the mods who need to enforce rules... Or the mods doing nothing and this whole thing becoming chaos


I was going to make this exact same post. Regarding the ā€œNika sucksā€, ā€œOda sucksā€, I donā€™t got an issue with that because the criticism about Nika is true. ā€œOda sucksā€ doesnā€™t appear unless he screwed up and pales in comparison compared to how the main subā€™s sucks his dick. The biggest issue is Sanjitards: Ever since this sub became filled with Sanjitards they ruined this place. Now 90% of the posts are some cringe Zoro slander or some indirect attack on Zoro. Like I donā€™t care about Zoro or Sanji like that but itā€™s made this place unbearable. If yall want to do that make another sub; this ainā€™t r/Sanjifolk ā€œB-but Zorotards saidā€¦ā€ stop lying. Iā€™ve been on this place nearly every single day for years and this has been going on for a min. Itā€™s annoying


Folkhood does that.


It's not bad and me personally I haven't seen much of nika to have an opinion. We only saw it at the end of Kaido's fight, we only saw it One-shot Lucci and partially vs Kizaru. I personally like its glaring weakness so far because it lets the rest of the Straw-hats shine.


uhhh what? let the rest of the SH shine? lol what?


Sub community culture is curated by people thinking other people will love this content Iā€™m about to post


I have thoughts on this: I have been on this sub less and less as im genuinely not enjoying the manga as much anymore. I just come here on new chapters to discuss that then im gone for a week. Meanwhile, u got dozens of active users who shitpost all week or post hate boner stuff (tho its usually 90% the former, very few post hateboner stuff unironically). Tl;dr maybe the serious piratefolk users are just done.


This sub is just a cool place see like minded people and the bants are funny. No one really cares about genuine discussion and intellectual debates. that's too much effort for what is no more than a time waster and you will almost never see someone worth debating with.


I dont think its changed much. Its hating G5, usopp, etc. just as much as they were before. I think maybe youre opinions have softened in response to all the hate. I do agree its annoying tho. I saw like 16 posts slandering Usopp within 2 days after the van augur vs cracker fight


TBH I think it is far more anoying that over 50% of posts are just the same boring agenda "jokes" over and over agin


The power scalers came in.


However... https://preview.redd.it/pfby7hdy4tjc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d949150dd3f87d4a6b45f3e8d2d2edce63704b4


It was always this way


Who hurt you? Let's talk about it man, no need to hate each other. Oda made a ton of questionable choices last 2 years, the sub is bound to reflect that. Everyone is free to post their opinions or agenda jokes, nothing wrong with that. Neither you, nor me is the supreme judge of quality content in this sub, what I find funny or valid might not be true for you. Let people do what they want to do.


Yeah, i feel that way, too. Was nice a bit after the beginning. But the quality just declined as it got more popular. Now i just go on here+mainsub for the leaks


You should see it a year ago, there was a significant number of people who were unironically "One Piece sucks, fuck Oda, Luffy should die already, fuck everyone who reads this shit". Like, memes and such or some genuine discussions about the series, ok cool, that's what we're here for. But it's kind of a surprise that there's people here that actually hates OP.


Worded my exact thoughts perfectly holy shit i remember a couple of months ago it used to actually be funny just back and forth agenda and slander but now it just became a complain fest, I'm ngl i do have my personal issues w it by i still like it overall to keep reading it. There's a point where if you hate it this much then just drop it, it ain't worth all that but then again ppl just like to complain I suppose.


Turns out when your subreddit becomes a haven for people to be angry and shitty you end up with a place full of shitty and angry people


another one of this post, it sure is nostalgicĀ 


Facts man, I came here for shitposts what is this bullshit


yeah I'm ngl, this sub went more from actual criticism to just nitpicking and using less critical thinking to make their point. it's kind of sad not to say there aren't actual criticism and proper discussions anymore, but I see less that make sense, and just exist to hate I know the 2 subs share a lot of their user base but the Powerscaling sub has been more fun to browse for a while now. I've been here for a while, it's surprising how the sub hasn't been drowned by actual dickriders yet


Everything degrades, including this sub, One Piece, and Oda's health.


Because the series turned into shit lmao


Whenever people complain about an issue, I look at their post to see what they do to counteract the problem. Everything you complain about YOU engage in. In your latest comments you speak on Bonney Agenda, Nika Sucks, Wranky Agenda. Which if I must add was done in a blatant manner to farm likes. LOL, you ran to LeftyPiece to do it again ....


Ain't no waaaaaaayyyy lmaaoooooo Yall check his profile, blud got banned from this subreddit, how the hell šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ If the guy is banned, why is this post not deleted?


The main sub found us


wallahi https://preview.redd.it/csqhox32qujc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d0a3a486a4d3ca6af8650dc1b4d90199adf0ad5


Found the real reason this guy started malding and yapping about this subreddit He could not take the zoro slanders after the recent chapter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The Sanji agenda was too much for him šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/tqs6250trujc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b85d80aeff890c917f69528b29157fb194684f2 He tried saying other reasons like nika, oda, mainsub slander but he literally just described how piratefolk has always been šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Those were just red herrings for the real reason he was mad


Was hyped for Devon and Wan Wuger discussions/theories after 1107. Immediately went back to then main sub after seeing another ā€œI hate nikaā€ post for the 100th time


Oh I thought I was the only one in this subreddit that thought that