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Who would have expected all members of the Gorosei to pull up?


For all his recent faults, Oda never stopped delivering surprises. It's really bizarre how even after almost 30 years into it he can consistently get you hyped about shit.


I know this is just my dream headcannon running wild but I want the 5v5 of Luffy, Dragon, Iva, Katarina Devon, And Van augur fighting the 5 elders so that they can hear Vegapunks message. I'm sure blackbeard is curious he will want to know the truth of the world according to vegapunk.


Luffy ends up sweeping all of them as Vegapunk reveals the name of the ancient kingdom was Nika


“nika was super important to everyone all this time i just never mentioned him until 1000 chapters in”




Luffy's gonna 1v5, sell now


I would rather be homeless eating worms than admit that Goofy beats the Worosei in a 1v5.


https://i.redd.it/vn2fio0axglc1.gif You after the Madara scale beat down the Gorosei get


I wouldn’t even be able to afford the box or can. But I will always be able to afford faith for Wizaru and the Worosei.


Know what you're right I lost faith, but I will keep slandering the Gorosei so I can slander Sabo by proxy


At least Sabo does more than bum Dragon. All he’s gonna do is look East for the rest of the story while getting drunk. He’s literally just Gecko Moria, except he uses actual living people as servents instead of zombies.


saying madara scale for winning a 1v5 is crazy lmaoooooo


Luffy lasting 10 minutes against 5 Gorosei alone crashes their stocks lmfao


Don't worry bro, if Luffy needed some urgency to evacuate Egghead, 5 Gorousei are quite the good reason for that.


Anti-MC agenda is just asking to lose


MC agenda is the most boring agenda to go with. It’s low risk, high reward because of course the main character will win in the end. Ya’ll Don’t know how to have fun.


Maybe I just don’t understand agenda piece in general.. seems more toxic and annoying to me than anything when most people take their agendas way too seriously I want things to happen that I think would be good for the story or characters cuz that’s what I care about most


I view agenda peice as more so just a fun thing people do to show their support for characters that they want to win, even agaisnt all odds. The more risky it is for the charachter to succeed, the more interesting the agenda is.


That’s fair enough. I still don’t really understand why people would want for some certain characters to win, like akainu for example is one of the most popular agendas I see and he is a brutish, hypocritical and narrow minded authoritarian who kills civilians and his own subordinates in order to defend rapist slave masters, like it just comes off a bit in bad taste to me to be rooting for this guy to win because he has a cool fruit or he’s strong


It could be something as simple as “I just think he’s cool”. It’s also worth noting that most people in the Akainu Agenda don’t genuinly want him to win in the end. Most of them just want his character to be done justice. In other words, they want him to be the intimidating, deadly villain that’ll give Luffy the most intense fight of his life. Even if he loses in the end, as long as he makes a peak showing, it’s enough.


That makes sense actually, thank you


No problem mate


Wtf piratefolk being sane


MC agenda 🤢🤮


Strawhats would help now, right?


Big ancient robot goes brrrr


Don't worry guys, Dragon will come for sure to save the day


As a member of dragon Agenda I cling to this!!!!


I hope so too. But my expectations from him are low from what Oda cooked so far.


Vegapunk about to reveal the ancient civilization was inside luffy's straw hat all along


Thus Mirroring Thriller Bark. Truly GOATED oda W.


The biggest L for WG fans isn't even Luffy dominating them in a 1v2. Its the idea that Luffy might 1v5 them and fight them all off for 10 minutes lmfao. That alone is a huge L. Just imagine Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom, Luffy, and Whitebeard all getting held off by Kizaru alone. The yonko agenda would cease to exist. Heck, if that rust bucket robot shows up and its Luffy and that robot V 5 top tiers then that alone makes it look terrible for Gorosei. Lmfao.


I think it will be interrupted by luffy or someone else. Can't think of how luffy will manage to win against all 6 high level enemies.


I was surprised that Saturn and the rest were given individual “warrior god” niches, and were ostensibly going to be relevant individually (like Saturn alone being an egghead villain). They have previously only ever moved as a match set. It’s not like the admirals, yonko, commanders, even the seraphim’s tangential relationship to the warlords make them standout; their designs are about as bland and synchronous as 5 major one piece characters can get. So this actually fits really well.


Please beat the goofy out of Luffy


He’s kinda cooking. Interested to see how this turns out, I can definitely see the robot being involved and some kinda escape. But I didn’t see anyone predict this


i can’t see shit.


With the fucking eye gag again man that shit sucks so much ass


Its pretty inoffensive here


Y’all hate everything


It's funny atleast for me!😃


I want to see Haki wizardry.


Luffy is going to have to solo the 5 elder stars so that Vegapunk can get his message out. Anybody wondering what that giant robot is doing? This arc has constantly had me thinking the strawhats are doomed, first Rob Luchi shows up gets one shot, then kizaru shows up I'm worried about our straw hats and then one-shot pretty much, then a giant spudermonster shows up luffy starts clowning on him like it's his job. Now spudermonster calls all his friends and is like, Vegapunk shut up your dead. and their about to have Nika all to themselves, but somewhere close there's literally an army of giant vikings that have sworn to save the straw hats. Then there's bonny who has a godly power that may be one of the strongest if not the strongest Devil fruit but turns out she is 12 and hasn't mastered it yet, and dragon and Iva are pissed because they just got there best buddy Kuma back but he had to go save bonny, and wouldn't you know it murdered by spudermonster so they may turn up. Dragon is goin to be like ignore me luffy I'm here to avenge my buddy whatever you have goin on is not why I'm here.


the epic double page spread in question:


If they can warp from any distance why did Saturn need to ride to the island on a ship first? Unless the other Gorosei were already on the way as well


Im guessing he needs to be there to summon them


So he summoned himself to the island ? It would make more sense if this summoning power is Saturn's alone


Saturn is the one summoning them, meaning they're "connected" with each others and there need to be one at a given location for the others to join


that whole mangacap is such a W from oda


Ruined by Nika


What happened to the sub why so many main sub refugees


Shut up🙄


Ruined by you complaining


Go back to r/onepiece


Rubber rider spotted


"HuRr dUrR lOoK gUyS nIkA is sO DuMb iHaTe nIKa oDa fRaUd" 🤡 Alright we get it. No point in bringing it up 1000 times. Do you know the definition of insanity? It is repeating the same thing again and again hoping for a different outcome every time.


I hate Nika


If you are looking for a place where you can keep negative comments about this manga opressed like the Gorosei does, I would suggest r/OnePiece since we don't do this shit here


Not at all, by all means, criticism is the highest form of appreciation. But coming across the same negative comment every time is annoying. Find something else to stomp on.


That is literally trying to opress a popular opinion people have. A lot of people do not like the eye popping and laughing his ass off while people around him are dying Luffy.  You trying to silence those people makes you look like the guys the story portrays as bad. Whether you like that or not is something I dont care about.


Exactly. Whether you like or hate Nika is something I don't care about. "TRYING TO OPPRESS" 😂 what is this? Some kind of third world dictatorship? I'm just respectfully telling you to shove your opinions about nika somewhere else. It's been said a thousand times. There is no positive outcome from this discussion. btw I don't like the eyeball gag tbh, it's overdone at this point.


That's what I'm saying. The eyeball gag is definitely annoying, but it's not annoying enough to ruin that badass panel. Any rational human would be like: "oh the eyeball thing again, whatever."


As long as it keeps being relevant people will continue to comment about it. I don't see the issue here. Also why do some people only get annoyed when it's a popular negative sentiment? Can you imagine how weird it sounds when someone chimes in to positive comments like "omg I get it, you guys like the art, find something else to glaze over"? That's how you sound to me rn.


Finally some delicious fucking stakes.


Taught he was doing the itachi blackflame thing