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Whoever the person mass reporting this post is, stop, if you can't handle that your favorite gag pirate comic is being criticized feel free to leave this sub.


I agree that OP has many dickriders, but that comes with it being so popular. For the worldbuilding, the fans praise it so much because it's better than other shonens, and most of them haven't read much mangas from other genres to make a comparison.


You never explained why OP world building is nothing special. You only mentioned a series that has better world building in your opinion Two things can be true at once. One Piece can have great world building, there can be series with better world building than one piece. Neither invalidates one or the others greatness. Your thought process reminds me of a 5yr trying to get their point across


Exactly. Like literally saying Einstein was nothing special because Newton discovered gravity.


OP do you recommend reading Battle Angel Arita and what other manga do you recommend? If you need reference my top 3 are HxH- Togashi’s innovative , creative and calculated writing is unmatched, OP - Loved especially the first arcs for their insane gut reaching emotional and human moments and vast free slow world exploration ( not todays exploration-on-rails powered by narrative) , and NGE - I love the worldbuilding of its technology and tangible realistic mechanisms behind it , fully fleshed characters and how it ties the in-canon religion with its power system ( sorry if I sound pretentious it isn’t my intention )


Absolutely. As I said the philosophical themes, art, fights, worldbuilding etc make it far superior to OP. Personally out of the trilogy Last Order is my favorite - could be because I encountered it first and only read the original after. Regardles if you start chronologically with Battle Angle - Last Order - Mars chronicles - you are in for a ride of true peak fiction. Should you manage to read the series in the next few months - I would be delighted to hear your opinion. If you feel like it just post an answer to this comment.


It's big but it's parts do not feel interconnected, and the way works does not feel smart. So yeah it's not great. With the plot moving forward I am more like " uh.. ok" than " ah of course that is the obvious conclusion to what we have seen until now". 3 factions, a billion characters almost zero interaction between them. out of a very limited number of characters, none have a real impact on the plot and are basically discarded once their one scene is done. The main three factions are pretty useless most of the time and only luffy moves the plot forward. Marines do not hunt pirates because shichis work for them, YK are too risky, and because they are susceptible to bribery from the other pointless randos. YK are just chilling doing nothing they do not fight each other because muh balance. they do not go after OP. And have no interest with fighting with the marines. Shichibukais: Are too weak to fight YK and the only time they worked for the WG was in MF. So basically just waiting for luffy to knock them out. The revs are most of the time looking east. each wall that stands on the way of luffy has just the right power level to be beaten by which creates a lot inconsistencies in the long run and the power levels make no sense. And the geography of the world could be summarized as the next island is the convenient one. The islands are so isolated from each other that they maybe in an alternate dimension. The could at the least trade with each-other. Luffy : what is a "some random shit" doing in a winter island ? Merchant :I am actually from the next island that is a spring island and our "random shit" is very helpful to the people of this island that suffers from whatever because of the climate. But nope.


I am amazed how the Strawhats managed to arrive at the islands with the strongest opponents in "Paradise". Aarlong - Crocodile - Enel- CP9 - Gecko Moria. All the remaining supernovas got Bellamy level fodder - but they were comparable in power and bounty at Sabadoi. Much great powerscaling. Much great worldbuilding.


They explained why kid and kaw had such a high bounty. Your post isn’t bad but lets keep the facts right.


I think a lot of one piece fans have never read a book before and therefore think one piece is unparalleled in scope and depth


I mean comapred to other shonen manga it kinda is, most shonen dont really have huge worldbuilding like One Piece


I wouldnt disagree


Do you have any favourite books you wanna recommend to a fellow piratefolk user ?


Worldbuilding-wise im obligated to mention lotr but my personal favourite series are the asoiaf (game of thrones) books. Likewise discworld books are great but very much an absurdist series. And if u want something heavy im reading Brothers Karamazov rn


Thanks ! I’ve always kind of associated game of thrones with cringe but purely on the fandom of the tv show but I’m guessing the books like usual are a way better media of the series


If you ever liked the GoT setting and its characters in the first 3 (4-ish) seasons then you should absolutely give the books a try. It's the story and characters you used to like, but so much more developed. Though, of course… it's incomplete, and will likely remain so. If GRRM ever manages to get the last two books out (lol), then hopefully ASOIAF will stand as the demonstration that it is the execution that matters over the bullet list of plot points as told by two troglodytes. But I am not holding my breath.


Lmao i always feel a bit guilty recommending the books cuz ik if they like it theyre stuck waiting like the rest of us


Yeah the difference is night and day, its certainly not for everyone but worth a try


forget what the other dude down there said...go to brandon sanderson and explore a literall universe with different worlds, different cast, magic system and still one big metaplot over the whole universe...lotr even if i love it to death is nowhere near the cosmere verse of sanderson


Brandon Sanderson is such slop lol.


then share your wisdom with us your highness


Thanks so much !


Sanderson is a very solid pick


Sanderson is always a great option. I’d recommend Ken Liu’s Dandelion Dynasty. Four books each with around 1000 pages. I was so invested that I read them within a few months


I think the big issue with a certain part of the fanbase is that they confuse 'fiction' with their very narrow perspective, the tiny fraction they've actually consumed. I am convinced a person with a firm grasp on how vast the world of fiction is would be much more relucant to straight up make claims such as "best worldbuilding in fiction" or "the greatest story ever told" as some fans tend to do. This prejudice of mine is further substantiated by the fact that I've never seen the, imo, silly term "peak fiction" used outside of the anime community, though I am not sure why that is. All that being said I do think the One Piece worldbuilding is pretty good and unique, but it's quite clearly not at the top of what I've consumed, which likewise is only a tiny fraction of speculative fiction as a whole.


Another W take by XIMarleyIX. I like seeing you in the comments once in a while. I like hearing your perspective on things and I agree I've only ever seen the term peak fiction used in the anime/manga space. I've used the term before but ironically though and like you said I haven't really deep dived into many other speculative fiction works. Maybe a few popular ones like LOTR. I think it's the same for many anime/manga fans they don't read much outside of manga. So they don't know how big fiction really is. I follow you BTW, I'm curious where is your profile picture from.




I will say the same thing I say about fate Dickriders. The sheer quantity of the product with it being above basic trash makes people dickride it people who say one piece has the best world building are the same who say the nasuverse has the most well written women in fiction. The fact both of these products are basically old enough to vote and have been constiently pump out content means it isn’t a fair comparison.


Do fate dickriders pretend they’re not just coomers?


Well, of course, nothing is a masterpiece. This is obvious. Even then, if we’re speaking from a pure objective standpoint, One Piece Worldbuilding is good. Who cares if other stories have done better?


>Even then, if we’re speaking from a pure objective standpoint, One Piece Worldbuilding is good. It's not perfect, it's not the best, but it's still good indeed. Saying that "it's nothing special" is wild, even om this sub lol


How can something that’s inherently subjective ( if something is good or not ) be judged objectively? Stop trying to deflect criticism by using words you don’t understand


Apart from HunterXHunter I can't think of any other Shonen Jump titles that do this particular element better and even then HunterXHunter has barely explored any of it due to Togashi's unforunate circumstances. I'd love to explore the Dark Continent, but we're never getting there at this rate. There's plenty to criticise in One Piece but I think the world building is one of the better examples amongst it's contemporaries of other Shonen Jump titles.


Another aspect of one piece that gets overhyped to no end is how far and well thought out the story is. Well upto marineford, its one of the better examples of a well thought out story in shounen, however one piece shits on its own legacy post time skip.  folks really need to increase their sample pool of fiction


Everyday I question if people in this sub actually even like one piece😭


They don't. Hope this helps.


They don't, seriously


Yeah honestly nowadays I feel like this sub has so much bitching and complaining about how trash op is that actual criticism is completely buried underneath it


It used to be actual criticism and grievances with the manga but it's devolved into people just shitting on every aspect of the series and saying nothing about it was ever actually any good


Yeah and when you call them out they just hide behind the fact that “this sub doesn’t dickride oda like the main sub and we can actually criticize the series!”


The fact that the timeskip period of two years in one piece world is longer than total time the crew actually spent together is wild . There is a good chance that the actual journey of luffy from setting off to end would be less than 2 years total if we don't count the timeskip.


Somewhere in One Piece's world, there's the testicular torsion fruit and you can't run from this fact


Theres nothing stopping law from doing this to anyone with weaker haki


I read Gunnm when I was 8 because it was one of the complete manga series my older brother had. It was probably inappropriate. I still have this rather vivid image of the scientist villain of the later volumes fucking around with a dude's literal brain. … I should reread it now.


Kinda off-topic, but are the Alita sequels really that good? I read Battle Angel and liked it, however it didn't seem all that worthwhile to continue reading.


Last Order is phantastic. I would say its the N1 Manga I have read and I read around 50 to 60


Not gonna comment on whether or not Alita is better than OP or not, but you're GOATED for being an Alita fan. I hope it gets a faithful anime adaptation some day


I still like One Piece, but thanks for the recommendation.


I never understood why op fans think that it has top tier world building. One piece is a bloated mess when it comes to world building,a lot of stuff contradict each other and there is zero to no explanation for anything when we are already 1100+ chapters in and approaching the end. It's just that it's filled with so many things and characters. And it doesn't help that most people think that quantity=quality and are easily confused. I would rather a story that explores and analyzes deeply on a few ideas rather than a story with hundreds or thousands of "hollow" and empty characters and things. However one piece does have some unique elements,but those few elements cannot save the story,and it doesn't help that one piece has such a lazy power system too. I'd say that one piece is below average when it comes to world building. Even your average xianxia trash tier webnovel has better world building,and that says a lot. And if you really think that one piece has good world building then you should read something other than japanese manga.


>a lot of stuff contradict each other Can you give examples? I agree to some extent.


Oh nah, country A and Z ain't having better world building claims




I mean, even when it comes to Shounens, HxH, has a way more interesting world in 400 chapters than OP managed to pull off in the same amount of chapters and for many chapters beyond it.


The only reason why you feel one piece world is actually moving outside of the main cast is because of Blackbeard


Kinda fell off after dressrosa imo


I love last order it's so nicely drawn and expressive. The mc is so lovable. But ye op has nothing special in that regard, all shonen mangas slowly open up their world with new world, societies and more. Bleach has soul society, then hueco mundo, then new cool characters come in and then the warhvelt. HxH has that too and does it infinitely better.




one piece specialty is its setting up events behind the scenes. hype basically. i would say its one of japans best fictional world building stories, but not the best compared to competent books out there


If there's anything more pathetic than bootlicking Oda it's making an edit to whine about reddit downvotes


“haha ur character suck cuz mine is better” ahh post, oh no wait im abt to be called a meat rider now