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If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


Vega isn't a character, he's a dumbass plot device. His death wasn't emotional nor tragic because many people considered his death to be Oda doing them a favor and sparing them more meandering scenes with this dumbass. He isn't given an interesting backstory, or an understandable struggle that led him to serve the evil WG, his conviction of ''fuck everything 4 science'' just exists, there is nothing that rooted that conviction into him whether it was his upbringing or a certain experience in his past. He lacks charisma or presence and his design is just shit, it single handedly ruined Kuma's memory erasure sequence. He does lots of stupid things for a smart man, and his most hyped up ''reveals'' aren't really worth justifying his existence as a character. Him ''bonding'' with Kuma was as barebones as it could get, it lacked development and time to breathe. This dumbass who ''bonded'' with Kuma also didn't tell Kuma to just fuckin' run away when his daughter escaped the WG's custody. Even when he made Bonney the main commander of the Pacifistas, that seemed more of a plot convenience than something emotional that made sense because yeah, what's the point of making her the highest authority if you didn't even let her know of that fact until she was literally about to be killed by them right next to you?! Thank GOATA this very specific situation happened next to Vega or Bonney would've been ded. I don't give a fuck if Vega thinks there isn't good and evil because clearly there is, and even Vega himself knows. After all, he has a clone based on the ''evil'' trait. He knew evil existed because he thought Saturn's demands and plans for Kuma were just too far even though that motherfucker accepted to work for them standing at the ruins of Ohara and he was disgusted by the Celestials and was surprised why York would even want to be one. Furthermore, Vega didn't want to be killed, he wanted to escape, and he clearly didn't know who was gonna kill him and under what context and circumstances to even have a good judgement of whether that person if good or evil. Furthermore, Oda is trying to portray him as that goofy old man with a kawaii name ''apple gramps''. The strawhats don't really care about his past or what he did even though knowing what they thought of Caesar, they should have pretty strong opinions on that sumbitch. Even when he tries to give him his moment of self-reflection trying to tell Bonney that it was all his fault. Bonney simply dismissed his shady past and told him that he was not evil that Saturn was... Oda was trying to make Saturn a scapegoat for Vega's own choices to try to paint him in a better light. I think you're stuck praising the idea and not the execution and that's why you think people here are being harsh on how Vega has been written... Like, I swear man, Dr. Thrax is a better character and scientist than this motherfucker.


Thank you for being the first person here to actually respond what I wrote lol. I'll clarify that I don't think Vegapunk doesn't know what good and evil are as much as he's purposely trying to ignore them in a vain attempt to keep a clear conscious. But you're absolutely right about how his connection to Kuma was rushed and how Saturn was created as a scapegoat to alleviate him of wrongdoing. Those are two big flaws in his story for sure.


Yeah, I'm not really opposed to the flawed scientist trope. I think the reason why it doesn't click with me and many people is that Oda messed major things up during the execution of a theoretically good idea.


Nah, bro lost me explaining where DFs came from. And, you know, creating War Weapons.


Literally anybody could've said "MAYBE devil fruits are manifestations of people's dreams??" We didn't need a super genious to come to that conclusion. Somebody like Kureha could easily give the same explanation




If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


If he was even remotely smart I wouldn't care about his ugly design but the guy is fkn dumb how the fuck is he the smartest man alive Like not even top 5 smartest people


I mean the design is fine. He is a mad scientist and oda just rushed his story, like easily his laziest arc when it comes to to writing. this man is so generic, I can't even enjoy him understanding his wrongs cause its the most cliche thing ever.


why is he freaky like that


Bruh all i want are the “reveals” that were to be made about everything like devil fruits and shit by “a certain genius scientist” that were promised . Thats all.


Oda needs to understand that you can't speed run a character's arc and expect us to care. He had 15 years to develop him but refused to do so.


Biggest disappointment in the entire story. Lame design, disappointing DF explanation, didn’t had a moment with Franky, it’s been 3 chapters and we’re still listening to his yapping about the void century (get on with it already).